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Thai man busted with more than 2.3 million yaba pills

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Thai man busted with more than 2.3 million yaba pills

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK:-- A 47 year old Thai man has been arrested after police found him to be in possession of more than 2.3 million methamphetamine tablets.

The huge haul, which is believed to be one of the biggest seized by Thai police, was unveiled by Pol Gen Somyot at a press conference on Wednesday (Sept 16), reports Daily News.

Pol Gen Somyot told reporters how police had been tipped off that Mr Sopha Withaya, 47, would be transporting the drugs through Chumpon province. Upon receiving the tip off, police setup a series of roadblocks in the area.

Mr Sopha, from Nakon Phanom, was apprehended in a white Toyota Vigo pick up trick.

Reports say Mr Sopha told officers that had been paid 10,000 Baht to transport the drugs across Chumpon.

It is estimated the drugs have a street value in excess of 400 million Baht.

Source: Daily News & Khaosod

-- 2015-09-17


And who are the backers?
Where should he deliver this cargo?
By whom he got it?
Somehow the police never tried to determine the backers.
Why do not they let him deliver the goods under observation and try to follow the delivery path?


So do they give it back to the people of influence or do they dispose of it themselves, and I don't mean destroy it.

Edit: the big man in the middle, what interest does he have in this besides the photo op?


So do they give it back to the people of influence or do they dispose of it themselves, and I don't mean destroy it.

Edit: the big man in the middle, what interest does he have in this besides the photo op?

Not expensive to produce them again. Important is that it keeps the market price up so the influential people continue to make their profit.


he was the give away while the real shipment went through?

Yes, 23 million tablets went thru straight after the fall guy was occupying the cops.

So only cost 10%, cheaper than paying off RTP


This is the tip of a very big iceberg! Follow the money. Somebody is the banker for this trade. And as there no transparency in any sector. The money is being laundered somewhere. Myself i would look at Monastries!


This is the tip of a very big iceberg! Follow the money. Somebody is the banker for this trade. And as there no transparency in any sector. The money is being laundered somewhere. Myself i would look at Monastries!

......................."Myself i would look at Monastries!".........................

Yes, you would, wouldn't you ?


Amazing how many of these little pills get found.

Makes you wonder exactly how many people in Thailand are on this stuff.


So do they give it back to the people of influence or do they dispose of it themselves, and I don't mean destroy it.

Edit: the big man in the middle, what interest does he have in this besides the photo op?

Well laid table with 400 Million Baht.

In terms of value, there is more on the table, as any normal bank has in the vault.

Would like to know what happens with the stuff after the photo PR.violin.gif



And who are the backers?

Where should he deliver this cargo?

By whom he got it?

Somehow the police never tried to determine the backers.

Why do not they let him deliver the goods under observation and try to follow the delivery path?

Only reward for that is lead poisoning.....

Which is probably why they don't do it.



And who are the backers?

Where should he deliver this cargo?

By whom he got it?

Somehow the police never tried to determine the backers.

Why do not they let him deliver the goods under observation and try to follow the delivery path?

Skimming the surface - RTP at their very best! As always...


So do they give it back to the people of influence or do they dispose of it themselves, and I don't mean destroy it.

Edit: the big man in the middle, what interest does he have in this besides the photo op?

He probably think there is a reward he can get his hands on ... blink.png


Amazing how many of these little pills get found.

Makes you wonder exactly how many people in Thailand are on this stuff.

a good % of anyone who drives anything for a living

watch out for nasal sticks and red bull

(both keep the amphetamine high lasting a bit longer )


I think we all know that he was stretching the truth a bit regarding his share of the loot

or maybe not ,he might have been given keys to the vehicle and told where to drive it to ........

with no idea how much was on board ............

the police were tipped off in advance so it appears he was sacrificed like a lamb so some lads

can get promotions this year ............

the much hugher shipments probably came down the same rd after they got the call on the walkie talkie

that hes been busted .......so rollin rollin rollin


10,000 for driving a pickup from A to B maybe

to a dirt poor out of work farm labourer thats 3 months salary......

i bet he didnt get to count the tablets in advance or maybe hes just not too smart.....

either way hes taking the rapp now ,whoever owned that gear will never see a prison except maybe

on his 70" samsung tv

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