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Thai Education Ministry to increase vocational students numbers


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Education Ministry to increase vocational students numbers

BANGKOK, 18 September 2015, (NNT) - The Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) is to propose strategies to increase the number of vocational students. The new strategies will be put before the Cabinet next month.

The plan came during a meeting between the OVEC and the Ministry of Education and members of the private sector.

The Minister of Education, General Dapong Ratanasuwan said the strategies include recruiting more students based on the demand for labor, increasing cooperation between business operators and vocational schools in providing learning materials.

General Dapong said related agencies would adjust curricula and improve public relations plans to assist vocational schools to attract more students.

General Dapong indicated that the lack of a reliable database on labor demand is in part the reason for labor shortages. He urged business operators to put in more effort when participating in such surveys.

He said the government can then move to supply the number of laborers demanded by business, based on the obtained information.

The Education Minister said the OVEC would present the complete labor demand survey to the Education Ministry before proposing the vocational student development measures to the Cabinet in October.

-- NNT 2015-09-18 footer_n.gif

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There is no labor shortages at all, its the culture that man don't want to work.

They bring the wife to work and go hang around all day.

Second matter is , education needs to start at the top and not from the bottom , meaning you need first capable teachers to teach, otherwise increasing students doesn't make any sense .....

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I always feel sad when I see undergraduate freshmen entering vocational colleges or Rajabhat Universities. They are generally full of hope for the future, not realizing that for 90% of them their diploma/degree will count for naught and they will be lucky to get a job as a shop assistant or working at 7-11.

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so, what are they going to major in using i-phone!!

great just more idiots to be put in the work force.

you see it every day in every store the work force playing i-phone. same as on the bts and mrt and busses. they major in one finger scrolling up and down, never read(i forgot they do not know how).

i get a kick out of seeing school kids on the skytrain reading comic books and they think they are getting educated.

they need to improve the education system instead of sending more people to take up space and be as illiterate at the end of school as the begining.

oh, i forgot you are not allowed to fail an idiot!!

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don't increase the number of students but the QUALITY please

Also improve the English language skills of young people who have been let down by succesive governments on this front. Once these students graduate many will go into the building, car servicing ,carpenty, hotel services and numerous other fiedls where they will have to interact with foreigners and communicate with them. Thailand is desperate to attract foreign investments as the economy continues to falter. English language skills must be central to any technical and vocational training.

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don't increase the number of students but the QUALITY please

Also improve the English language skills of young people who have been let down by succesive governments on this front. Once these students graduate many will go into the building, car servicing ,carpenty, hotel services and numerous other fiedls where they will have to interact with foreigners and communicate with them. Thailand is desperate to attract foreign investments as the economy continues to falter. English language skills must be central to any technical and vocational training.

well, you are right. But what I meant with increasing the quality is to increase the quality of English teachers. (not only this subject). There are sooo many farangs around as potential teachers, but the government is not taking the chance. The other teachers might lose their face??? And that is the reason that students would not learn to speak English. It's a shame comparing to Burma or Vietnam (and Malaysia and Singapore....). In this way Thailand will not move forward....

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