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Fake Degree Reporting


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Not again. There's a serious virus affecting members of this forum. Switch off and relax.

Op, please do all of us a big favor and delete yourself immediately. Thanks a lot for your kindest consideration.- wai2.gif

P.S. Is the enemy English, or only an American? Snitches get stitches. +1 If you're Irish, then please do not reply. Just press the right one.

The E-mail is [email protected]


Edited by lostinisaan
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To the OP.

You should be aware that people who have been caught using fake degrees have in some cases received a 6 month jail sentence.

Is this what you really want and would you be happy to report somebody knowing that they could go to prison.

If the answers to the above questions is yes then I feel sorry for you.sad.png

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To the OP.

You should be aware that people who have been caught using fake degrees have in some cases received a 6 month jail sentence.

Is this what you really want and would you be happy to report somebody knowing that they could go to prison.

If the answers to the above questions is yes then I feel sorry for you.sad.png

There lives a foreigner with his wife around the corner of our place and his wife has huge, but fake tits. Where can I report her?

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To the OP.

You should be aware that people who have been caught using fake degrees have in some cases received a 6 month jail sentence.

Good, they are putting the education of Thai kids at risk for their own selfish reasons and deserve al they get

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i have 11 degrees from Yale, 3 from Oxford, an honorary Knighthood by the Queen, and 102 Olympic gold medals.

Once I said 103, and they threatened to go to google....i knew that was too many

in your own country, do whatever you want....fraud is bad and i wouldn't want to work with a fraudster.

but here, leave it alone.

my 2 cents

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Sure, it's www.mindyourownbusiness.com or you could call the general direct I'm sure he would be happy to take your call.

Snitches get stitches.

I think you mean; snitches are bitches who end up in ditches.


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They can just move to the school where I am currently enployed. Perhaps only 25% of us have degrees snd that includes diplomas from third world institutions which are worthless as is generally he work ethic by those who possess such toilet paper.

I'm no longer amazed by the low standards, the sloth and the indifference. Teaching is merely a vehicle to remain in this country. The position provides a visa and 30k without both these 'teachers' would be at home and on the dole or working at Megalomart.

In the end, the schools have options. They can petition the govt for reasonable terms to attract quality graduates and provide reasonable compensation. Or...the can hire drunks, flakes, miscreants, creepers, uneducated, incompetent and worst of all - lazy, indifferent warm bodies. They sat in a class for a month, learned three games and basics of classroom management. Never in their dreams prior, any notion of teaching or training. Usually, its restaurant work and a patchwork of totally odd jobs.

This lot had a holiday in Thailand or clicked on a banner while cruising porn on the Internet. Jobs abroad, live in Thailand, new career!! Instant PROFESSIONAL reborn. Ahh...living the dream.

I see a time in not to distant future that quality teachers will be able to command far more money. Those that can manage to stay in the system (visas, waivers); a sober person with a solid work ethic and a BA from a real uni with a real major will be able to command 40-45k or more.

To the op...the fraudsters, yeah I feel your pain. It's dishonest. Not so ironically, its easy to pick out those with no university degree here in Thailand.

After getting the student feedback for our group, I'm more convinced than ever that a fraudulent degree is the least of the students problems. Most don't even want to be there. I find it most bizarre to move all the way around the world, to piss and moan abiut the wages (more than they deserve anyway) and in a passive rebellion, do a really horrible job; not that they are capable of actively doing a better one - its just the excuse.

Please just leave Thailand, Id say leave education, but you have no money or visa so you'd be gone anyway. You have no connection to this nation. It might as well be Uranus.

You have been here <5 years, you have no quality relationship with a Thai national, you've traveled nowhere and seen nothing, you speak none of the language, you cant eat the food, you don't understand the religion nor care and you know nothing of and adjectly fail to participate in the culture. Finally, you've brought all your gay issues snd baggage for which you could not sort out at home - to Thailand. All the people that work with you have to contend with this. There is a serious contingent of crazy and often creepy homosexuals here that make serious problems for good teachers. What they cant accomplish by hard work they try to accomplish thru calculations, gossip, lies, subterfuge - and yes, many, many do not have degrees (four in three schools I have worked). Thailand is a magnet, even more so the schools. Fraudulent diploma? Fraudulent people.

If you don't have a degree and insist on working here. Show some respect for those that have accomplished what you never bothered to. It wasn't important right? Ooops. Endeavor to do the best job you possibly can each day. Do DELTA course. Follow education issues in Thailand. In short, make the effort, remake yourself into something useful. Take pride in yourself and your job or go to F home.

If the person is a real ass, Id send an anon email to tct or snail mail. Indicate they might want to check the credentials of your John Doe. Seems to be active rebellion of shitty teachers against the system. IF this person is truly a fraud as his diploma, turn him in. WFT.

Edited by Mencken
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What is wrong with TV members who spend all their time wanting to report others?????

Fake degrees, no qualifications, etc etc .

Sad buggers should GET A LIFE.

Look to your own failings before worrying about others.

To the above and all other defenders of liars and cheats. Apple does not fall far from the tree here...

In your home country, I guarantee that any person engaged in this fraud would be terminated, immediately. Here, its punishable by jail.

Your indifference to the school, education, standards and honesty lays bare the type of person who you are. Not only of low character but in acceptance of such low brow standards, you must be a pretty poor teacher as well.

Thailand has a standard, the person has presented himself fraudulently in gaining employment. Why does Thailand not deserve the damd standard as your home country?

ALL THE FARANG BEMOAN HOW SCREWED UP THE SYSTEM IS BUT TRUTH TELL THEY ARE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST the schools, students and educated persons attempting to each day bring the best effort to the institution. Herebwe have a huge lie being placed on a teacher in a school and the attitude is at best - so what and at worst, good on 'em.

The effort dies not start with a 99 quid tefl class, it started with a desire and thirst fir education 20-40 years ago.

Sorry, this attitude is such a huge fail.

As stated, there is a requirement and they lied. They can try and get a job under contract and not lie. THAT IS THE WAY TO GO ABOUT IT!

You are clearly part of the problem all of you.

Edited by Mencken
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Not again. There's a serious virus affecting members of this forum. Switch off and relax.

Op, please do all of us a big favor and delete yourself immediately. Thanks a lot for your kindest consideration.- wai2.gif

P.S. Is the enemy English, or only an American? Snitches get stitches. +1 If you're Irish, then please do not reply. Just press the right one.

The E-mail is [email protected]

Was your attachment an example of poor punctuation due to lack of a degree? tongue.png

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What is wrong with TV members who spend all their time wanting to report others?????

Fake degrees, no qualifications, etc etc .

Sad buggers should GET A LIFE.

Look to your own failings before worrying about others.

It's time that we all report each other, regardless what the offense is. Maybe drinking alcohol and driving on a Moped on daily basis?

Beating the shit out of the wife?

Drinking Alcohol on Buddhist holidays, where Thais are not allowed to drink?

BTW, I know a guy who's "helping" his wife in his..aehh her restaurant out. No work permit. What a jackass. Where can I report him? ( Then I don't have to pay pack 200 K, he gave me, when I was in trouble.

C'Mon, let's all report each other, for whatever reason. Oh, and I know a farang who smokes pot every day. His wife told me that, when we had some fun.

Where can I report him? I really like his wife and his house. Any information would be great.

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Ahhhh the problem is the vast majority of Thai visa posters haven't broke a law in their lifes so are able to take the moral high ground at every opportunity.

When one considers the history of this website the irony is a thing of beauty.

Where's bigt? Okay, here we go.

It's not haven't broke, dude !!! When a life's pluralizing itself, it becomes lives. I have a special promotion, ten hours tutoring, my "starter pack" for only 2,000 baht. ( Exclusive for TVF members, only)

Please be aware that I have reported you for your poor English to the Mods of this honorable website.

Will give you a 25 % discount. thumbsup.gif

P.S. I'm only joking, sitting at Mitsubishi and the crooks don't find the problem. Just kidding, please don't report me. Please. wai2.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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A couple of points before the OP jumps to any conclusions.

1. Have you ever thought this guy is playing you for a fool? Just creating some fiction to make you upset?

2. Did you ever think that perhaps the Thais are not that stupid like you assume they are, and that the employer is aware of the phony employee? They have a business to run. Their customers paid money and the least they deserve is someone who speaks english. For all you know they just want someone native speaker to speak to the children. Is he teaching brain surgery? Most of the these jobs are just conversation practice.

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What is wrong with TV members who spend all their time wanting to report others?????

Fake degrees, no qualifications, etc etc .

Sad buggers should GET A LIFE.

Look to your own failings before worrying about others.

It's time that we all report each other, regardless what the offense is. Maybe drinking alcohol and driving on a Moped on daily basis?

Beating the shit out of the wife?

Drinking Alcohol on Buddhist holidays, where Thais are not allowed to drink?

BTW, I know a guy who's "helping" his wife in his..aehh her restaurant out. No work permit. What a jackass. Where can I report him? ( Then I don't have to pay pack 200 K, he gave me, when I was in trouble.

C'Mon, let's all report each other, for whatever reason. Oh, and I know a farang who smokes pot every day. His wife told me that, when we had some fun.

Where can I report him? I really like his wife and his house. Any information would be great.

Your statement rang true, but I feel that anybody who beats his wife wants a good beating too, not just reporting!

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For all the peudo gangland hardmen out there with their "nobody likes grasses" and "snitches get stitches' remarks, consider this. Morons such as you should contemplate what your reaction to reporting illegal activities would be if, just for the sake of an example, a member of your family was assaulted and someone who knew who had committed the assault told you he would mind his own business and keep it to himself so as not to get the attacker into trouble. You would all be happy with this, yes? Unless you're all two-faced hypocrites you'd have to be.

And before some clown jumps in with "there's a difference between assault and falsifying qualifications" there is no difference in the principal, you are either happy to let people get on with their illegal activities or you are not, which one is it?

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They can just move to the school where I am currently enployed. Perhaps only 25% of us have degrees snd that includes diplomas from third world institutions which are worthless as is generally he work ethic by those who possess such toilet paper.

I'm no longer amazed by the low standards, the sloth and the indifference. Teaching is merely a vehicle to remain in this country. The position provides a visa and 30k without both these 'teachers' would be at home and on the dole or working at Megalomart.

In the end, the schools have options. They can petition the govt for reasonable terms to attract quality graduates and provide reasonable compensation. Or...the can hire drunks, flakes, miscreants, creepers, uneducated, incompetent and worst of all - lazy, indifferent warm bodies. They sat in a class for a month, learned three games and basics of classroom management. Never in their dreams prior, any notion of teaching or training. Usually, its restaurant work and a patchwork of totally odd jobs.

This lot had a holiday in Thailand or clicked on a banner while cruising porn on the Internet. Jobs abroad, live in Thailand, new career!! Instant PROFESSIONAL reborn. Ahh...living the dream.

I see a time in not to distant future that quality teachers will be able to command far more money. Those that can manage to stay in the system (visas, waivers); a sober person with a solid work ethic and a BA from a real uni with a real major will be able to command 40-45k or more.

To the op...the fraudsters, yeah I feel your pain. It's dishonest. Not so ironically, its easy to pick out those with no university degree here in Thailand.

After getting the student feedback for our group, I'm more convinced than ever that a fraudulent degree is the least of the students problems. Most don't even want to be there. I find it most bizarre to move all the way around the world, to piss and moan abiut the wages (more than they deserve anyway) and in a passive rebellion, do a really horrible job; not that they are capable of actively doing a better one - its just the excuse.

Please just leave Thailand, Id say leave education, but you have no money or visa so you'd be gone anyway. You have no connection to this nation. It might as well be Uranus.

You have been here <5 years, you have no quality relationship with a Thai national, you've traveled nowhere and seen nothing, you speak none of the language, you cant eat the food, you don't understand the religion nor care and you know nothing of and adjectly fail to participate in the culture. Finally, you've brought all your gay issues snd baggage for which you could not sort out at home - to Thailand. All the people that work with you have to contend with this. There is a serious contingent of crazy and often creepy homosexuals here that make serious problems for good teachers. What they cant accomplish by hard work they try to accomplish thru calculations, gossip, lies, subterfuge - and yes, many, many do not have degrees (four in three schools I have worked). Thailand is a magnet, even more so the schools. Fraudulent diploma? Fraudulent people.

If you don't have a degree and insist on working here. Show some respect for those that have accomplished what you never bothered to. It wasn't important right? Ooops. Endeavor to do the best job you possibly can each day. Do DELTA course. Follow education issues in Thailand. In short, make the effort, remake yourself into something useful. Take pride in yourself and your job or go to F home.

If the person is a real ass, Id send an anon email to tct or snail mail. Indicate they might want to check the credentials of your John Doe. Seems to be active rebellion of shitty teachers against the system. IF this person is truly a fraud as his diploma, turn him in. WFT.

I'm actually amazed at your post because YOU yourself must be a fully qualified teacher holding a degree in education and a Thai teaching licence BUT yet you work in a school that allows " only 25% of us have degrees snd that includes diplomas from third world institutions"

How is that possible?

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Does anyone have the contact information to report someone for using a fake degree in Thailand?

Before anyone questions this, the fake degree is confirmed.

I checked the KSP website but it seems to be down.


First question.

HOW do you know it's a fake degree?


Is the teacher a bad teacher or abusing the students,?

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The school either already knows and does not care or, more likely, they are not competent enough to figure it out themselves. Either way, a fraudulent teacher and an incompetent school are a perfect match.

If the school's Admin don't know or care that he is a fraud, you should just leave them to each other and start looking for a better school.

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Well thanks for all the 'informative' replies! Hilarious.

I am massively against 'touts' (being an Irishman myself), I have despised them for as long as I can remember.

However, lets just say there is a lengthy backstory to this post of mine I am quite sure if any of you had been affected by this person in the way I have - you would be following down the same path. I am also quite sure if you had met him, within 5 minutes you would be on this forum encouraging me to follow through with it.

I see no need or desire to please any of you, or your instant conclusions which are based on zero information on the situation. I shall call you all "The Contradictory Brigade'. Its awesome seeing some of you have so little to do but contradict and denigrate someone you know nothing about and about a situation which you are only seeing the consequences of - not the whole story. So, I applaud you're rational attempts to convince me against the decision. It's been wonderful reading them.

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