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Does my wife (Thai) have to sign anything when selling my condo

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I bought a condo 5 years ago, I got married 2 years ago.

I have found a buyer for my condo but he is saying my wife needs to sign various documents and produce her ta bein ban.

Can anyone tell me if this is actually required or perhaps the buyer is being uber safe?

It's not a big deal getting the ta bein ban sent to her by her parents, but it will delay things , as I am going away on the day of the planned transfer (Monday) for a week, and I would of course like the sale finalised ASAP.

Any thoughts and especially links to were I can find any information on this would be appreciated

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I can't think of any reason why your wife would need to sign anything. A website called Thai-laws.com has the Thailand Condominium Act. I think Chapter 2, section 19 might help. Does the buyer know that you bought the condo before you married? If not, that could be the source of the confusion. I hired a lawyer when I bought my condo, it's cheap and will give you peace of mind.

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Anything you bring into a marriage is yours. I am assuming that when you bought this property you it put it in your name only so on the land title it will be that way also. If there was any issue with this property the Land Titles would not let you sell it.

So the real issue is not that your wife needs to sign anything but rather your potential buyer thinks you do. Until you can convince him this is not so he won't buy. So you might try taking him to a lawyer of his choice and agree to pay for it. Having your marriage documents and when you purchased the Condo, and Land Title Certificate should help your cause.

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seem the buyer want be safe that she doesn't complain that the condo was under her name.

she should sign a document stating that the condo is not her and she will not look for financial compensation and understand she not own it and file that with a notary.

Edited by VIPinthailand
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Thanks VIP.

I have assured the buyer that my wife doesn't have to sign anything. The buyer is Thai and speaks excellent English and has agreed to go to the land office with me tomorrow and see what they say. As has been suggested it makes no sense for her to have to sign or supply anything, but we will find out for sure tomorrow.

I will report back

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As promised an update

We went along today and they did ask for our marriage certificate, a copy of her ID card and they needed both respective wives to sign a form not objecting to the sale/purchase. The also wanted to see my work permit and took a copy of it and of course my passport. If was very quick and easy, they also wanted to see and made a copy of the cashiers cheque (I presume to try to stop people declaring a lower than actual value to evade tax.

I am not sure if all the paperwork we provided was 100% essential but that's what they asked for and the sale went through.

Happy days

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hijack the thread, rather than starting another, my question so related and op seems to have an answer.

Three years married, together six years:

If I purchase a condo in my name, under fireign quota with money from abroad. If a divorce were to occur, if wife entitled to half?

What if the money was ckearly not income, but inheritance? Im in no rush and could wait on thus chunk of money whenever, then buy.

I love my wife dearly, wish to care for her when I'm gone. She's been gold, her family are decent folk but you never know her thinking when parents are ill or in pain.

Prenup pretty standard in US these days.


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