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Aspirin now a prescription drug ?


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I have written many scribts for aspirin.In the U.S. Just because you can buy it otc does not mean in wont be presribed. Also paid for on insurance and hmo plans.

You've written a scribt or a script, a script is short for prescription, what's a scribt short for?

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I have written many scribts for aspirin.In the U.S. Just because you can buy it otc does not mean in wont be presribed. Also paid for on insurance and hmo plans.

You've written a scribt or a script, a script is short for prescription, what's a scribt short for?

He was probably trying to catch the pedantic grammar police on another crusade. biggrin.png I do it all the dime.

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I have written many scribts for aspirin.In the U.S. Just because you can buy it otc does not mean in wont be presribed. Also paid for on insurance and hmo plans.

You've written a scribt or a script, a script is short for prescription, what's a scribt short for?

He was probably trying to catch the pedantic grammar police on another crusade. biggrin.png I do it all the dime.

Of course, except that such a slip is not exactly pedantic when made by a Pharma./MD!

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Just happened to be buying the big "V" (Thai version) and my pharmacist told me that I would need a prescription soon. He said it was not mandatory yet but it was coming.


I hope you told him with a big smile that you hope he'll continue selling to you, because else you'll go somewhere else...

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I think almost all the reports are about LOW DOSE aspirin which is used daily for heart disease / stroke prevention therapy.

I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

yes it is....just dose is different

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I think almost all the reports are about LOW DOSE aspirin which is used daily for heart disease / stroke prevention therapy.

I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

yes it is....just dose is different

That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

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You can go to any outside local pharmacy and you will get a coated aspirin it may not be the Bayer brand but the same, can buy it at any local pharmacy here. 100mg.

I think the most widely sold local brand is Aspent 81 mg. It is ENTERIC COATED which is very important to those of us who take it DAILY.

Edited by Jingthing
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You can go to any outside local pharmacy and you will get a coated aspirin it may not be the Bayer brand but the same, can buy it at any local pharmacy here. 100mg.

I think the most widely sold local brand is Aspent 81 mg. It is ENTERIC COATED which is very important to those of use who take it DAILY.

Isn't it available both enteric coated and not? I looked at my bottle and I can't find the word enteric on the bottle. But there is Thai writing on the side that is small and I can't read.

Edited by lostoday
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Taking daily aspirin isn't for everyone. It's generally for people who decide with their doctor that they are high risk enough to justify the risk of taking it (internal bleeding). I think there is a trend to be more cautious about it's use, but it is still recommended by doctors very often. The risk of internal bleeding exists even with enteric coated daily aspirin therapy.

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I think almost all the reports are about LOW DOSE aspirin which is used daily for heart disease / stroke prevention therapy.

I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

yes it is....just dose is different

That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

Except if you cut the pill it's no longer fully enteric coated and creates problems for people with gastric complaints.!

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I think aspirin is aspirin. Cut the big tablets up into quarters.

yes it is....just dose is different

That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

Except if you cut the pill it's no longer fully enteric coated and creates problems for people with gastric complaints.!

Ya I guess it would but I don't know if mine are enteric coated as the bottle does not say.

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That's why I said cut it up. 5 baht for the 81 and .0001 baht for the cut up pill.

Except if you cut the pill it's no longer fully enteric coated and creates problems for people with gastric complaints.!

Ya I guess it would but I don't know if mine are enteric coated as the bottle does not say.

If it's a white compressed powder looking asprin it's not enteric coated, if it's covered in a smooth shiny red enamel type coating it almost certainly is - Aspent is.

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I take the low-dose aspirin daily. A few years ago I tried to get it at a few small pharmacies and it was "unavailable." The next time I saw the cardiologist at BPH I asked him to include a supply of aspirin on the tab, although the hypertension and cholesterol meds I still got at pharmacies since they're cheaper than at the hospital. The availability problem sorted itself out in time.

Maybe if something is not in stock Boots tells the counter staff to say you need a prescription for it.

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It is a possibility that something might be happening. I would suggest stocking up on the Aspent and see what happens.

This is what I'm thinking. When they do this the first companies to comply are the large ones, then it trickles down from there as the distributors, wholesalers and small privately owned pharmacies eventually run out of stock.

The same thing happened with pseudoephedrine in cold medicines a couple of years back. It was the one thing which would make a big difference when you have a cold. It started at the large companies and worked its way down the supply chain over six months or so. Apparently you can't get it now.

They're removing pseudoephedrine from stores in US as well. It's an ingredient for making methamphetamine (SP?).

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Please see post 35.

Aspirin does not require a prescription except for one single, imported brand (don't ask me the logic of that).

Sounds like the people having problems have been going to a Boots or Watsons. (Never the best choice for pharm supplies in terms of either price or range). They tend not to stock much variety and it is possible that the only brand of 81mg ASA they have is that one imported brand that for unknown reasons is category "S" and requires a script. They do tend towards imports rather than local brands.

Go to a "real" pharmcy (i.e. a place that does not primarily sell cosmetics. And preferrably a large, air conditioned one) and ask for Aspent-M or other local brand. Should be no problem. These are still OTC.

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I was just told that Boots don't stock it. Plenty of other pharmacies do; no prescription required.

My doctor tole me to take a low dose aspirin for my high blood pressure 20 years ago.

I've been all over Bangkok and all I get is "no have".?!

Something is definately going on.

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I was just told that Boots don't stock it. Plenty of other pharmacies do; no prescription required.

My doctor tole me to take a low dose aspirin for my high blood pressure 20 years ago.

I've been all over Bangkok and all I get is "no have".?!

Something is definately going on.

Every pharmacy at Tesco Lotus carries it. Have you tried there?

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I was just told that Boots don't stock it. Plenty of other pharmacies do; no prescription required.

My doctor tole me to take a low dose aspirin for my high blood pressure 20 years ago.

I've been all over Bangkok and all I get is "no have".?!

Something is definately going on.

Low dose aspirin is not a recognised treatment for high blood pressure .................

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