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I can.

Her whole voice changes...when she is tallking to locals on the phone up here her whole monoulouge is completely different to when she is speaking to her Brothers or Sisters -in Laws in Surat Thani, its so much more gutteral.

Whenever whe is on the phone to the folks down south I know.

Can you "Spot the difference " too? :o

Edited due to smelling pisstakes

Edited by ThaiPauly
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Linguistics. a variety of a language that is distinguished from other varieties of the same language by features of phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and by its use by a group of speakers who are set off from others geographically or socially.

I speak central/'proper'/BKK Thai fairly well... My neighbors understand me easily as this is the Thai they see on TV. However after 3 months living down in the South I am just beginning to understand BASIC southern Thai dialect. They often have to stop what they are saying and switch to "Television Thai" as they call it to make themselves understood by me.

Edited by jdinasia
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isn`t more to do with background.

I mean, I speak diff to my mum and dad my bro and sister, than I do with you or any of my mates.

Not less or more honest, just different style of speech.

Plus, when I`m surrounded by ozzies, i lean more to a sheepshaggin accent,

when with british, more limey accent,

when with yanks more yankee accent....

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isn`t more to do with background.

I mean, I speak diff to my mum and dad my bro and sister, than I do with you or any of my mates.

Not less or more honest, just different style of speech.

Plus, when I`m surrounded by ozzies, i lean more to a sheepshaggin accent,

when with british, more limey accent,

when with yanks more yankee accent....

Kayo .... there are 4 distinctive dialects here. Not to mention all the other fun quirks with the language -- like seperate vocabularies for different groups.

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Better than that, I can tell if my wife is speakng to her father, her mother or her sister.

She's also got another way of talking when she's speaking to Thais officials.

I rib her about it, but she says I do exactly the same.

Im getting good at that too.

When she is speaking to Thai officials there is a whole lot more Ka's going on . When she is talking to her family there is none.

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isn`t more to do with background.

I mean, I speak diff to my mum and dad my bro and sister, than I do with you or any of my mates.

Not less or more honest, just different style of speech.

Plus, when I`m surrounded by ozzies, i lean more to a sheepshaggin accent,

when with british, more limey accent,

when with yanks more yankee accent....

And which accent do you use when talking to Chris??????????????????????? :D:o

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Mine talks so loud i make her go in a different room.

I asked her why you talk so loud, she said "Because Thailand very far away" :o:D:D:D

when calling to her southern friends my wife is speaking so loud, that I think she want to speak direct from BKK to Nakhon without phone.....

After 5 years married I stoped complaining....

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Mine talks so loud i make her go in a different room.

I asked her why you talk so loud, she said "Because Thailand very far away" :o:D:D:D

when calling to her southern friends my wife is speaking so loud, that I think she want to speak direct from BKK to Nakhon without phone.....

After 5 years married I stoped complaining....

16 years of marriage , and it still amuses me. When my wife talks to her family back in Nakhon Si Thammarat it is not only the volume but also the speed in which she talks that blows me away.Words just seem to blend together with no breath in between.


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isn`t more to do with background.

I mean, I speak diff to my mum and dad my bro and sister, than I do with you or any of my mates.

Not less or more honest, just different style of speech.

Plus, when I`m surrounded by ozzies, i lean more to a sheepshaggin accent,

when with british, more limey accent,

when with yanks more yankee accent....

Kayo .... there are 4 distinctive dialects here. Not to mention all the other fun quirks with the language -- like seperate vocabularies for different groups.

Both observations are correct here ..... As Kayo points out its common to speak differently with mates than you would speak with parents etc and Thais are no different in this respect ... if you listen carefully to close Thai friends chatting you will hear a lot of meung's, goo's, waa's ... this language is reserved only for close friends and to anyone else would be disrespectful.

As JD also correctly points out Southern Thai dialect is a different kettle of fish and is a totally separate dialect with many unique words and expressions in its own right.

Just when you think you are getting there someone raises the level ........ :o

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There's a saying in Thai (central) that 2 southerners can pass each other on trains going in opposite directions and have a whole conversation as they pass!

The southern dialect is much faster <less 'polite' forms> and the further south you get the more Yawi and other language's borrowed words appear .... plus the grammar and syntax changes some.

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There's a saying in Thai (central) that 2 southerners can pass each other on trains going in opposite directions and have a whole conversation as they pass!

The southern dialect is much faster <less 'polite' forms> and the further south you get the more Yawi and other language's borrowed words appear .... plus the grammar and syntax changes some.

i know a pair of southrners that can have a conversation from 20 meters apart without raising their voices that is almost inaudible to me above any background noise.

quite fascinating really. I definitely prefer the sound of southern to the northern dialects, but perhaps that is because i underestand it better.

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