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Indonesian fisherman who 'pursued girls at karaoke bars' found dead with head gash in Phuket

Lite Beer

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This is the 2 nd report of a man been found dead with a gash to his head,

has Phuket got a serial killer, or will the Police put it down to suicide?

regards Worgeordie

There used to be one in that area as there were many killings over the years by someone using sharpened rebar. Maybe he has resurfaced using a different modus operandi. The headline for this case though seems to make it look like jealousy was the motive.

Did that first killer attack women or men or both? Most serial killers get off on taking the lives of women and girls. They normally leave "signatures" as well, always the same type of signature, which is different from the M.O. However, there do exist "mission" serial killers who are essentially paranoid schizophrenics who hear voices to off certain types of people. But again, it's mostly women who are the victims.

If I remember correctly it was always Burmese fishermen.

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This is the 2 nd report of a man been found dead with a gash to his head,

has Phuket got a serial killer, or will the Police put it down to suicide?

regards Worgeordie

There used to be one in that area as there were many killings over the years by someone using sharpened rebar. Maybe he has resurfaced using a different modus operandi. The headline for this case though seems to make it look like jealousy was the motive.

LadyBoys High Heel Shoe ??

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Headline more then suggests that they believe it to be a jealous motive. You would be forgiven for thinking that this headline has been written to serve its purpose for the inevitable dead end investigation.

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Looks like a clear case of suicide by being in Thailand.

If you think that way, and it's obvious by your paranoid comment that your state of mind is not the best, then why don't you get out now? Would be healthier for everyone if you could take your like minded friends with you. Bon voyage.

I think you will find that the post by Quandow was actually posted in humour, that's how it reads to me anyhow.

I think your post says more about your bitter attitude towards people who "dare" to criticise Thailand. It is so boring to read the same old comment,, "if you dont like it get out".

Can you please have a really good think and try to come up with something more imaginative.

Oh and by the way, hope you live by your own advice and never voice a critical opinion about anywhere, instead just keep it to yourself and leave. (pack light though, you will be moving a lot).

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Looks like a clear case of suicide by being in Thailand.

If you think that way, and it's obvious by your paranoid comment that your state of mind is not the best, then why don't you get out now? Would be healthier for everyone if you could take your like minded friends with you. Bon voyage.

Your statement is inane, sophomoric, lacking in understanding, intolerant, childish, and just plain inappropriate for this forum.

Many adults engage in healthy debate on this forum. I do find a lot of intelligence here, and some refreshing and diverse points of view. Many of us love our lives here, and are very fond of most Thais. Of course we have issues. That would be the case anywhere. That is a sign of intelligence, healthy awareness, open mindedness, and the desire for things to be better. Most adults understand that. A few do not.

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