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US Republican Carson: Muslim shouldn't be elected president

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I fear the Christian/right wing loonies far more than Muslims. They're dangerous, they're bizarrely fanatical, they have guns, they're everywhere and they want to take over the country.


That's pretty funny.

ISIS are beheading people, raping women and children, destroying historical monuments.

But you fear Christians more?

Have ISIS got a candidate in the presidential race?

Which side is Obama; ISIS or Assad?

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This is exactly why separation of church & state is so important. Believe in whatever ridiculous fairy tale you like, just don't use it as a platform for legislation to be imposed upon the rest of us.

I find it rich that the Kim Davises and Mike Huckabees of the world cry out for religious freedom, but when something like this happens, we find out that what they really meant was freedom of THEIR religion and not that funny superstition of those brown people.

To underscore the silliness of the issue, a satanic temple has filed suit against the state of Missouri for violating their religious freedom. Can: opened. Worms: everywhere.

Please point out to me the phrase in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill or Rights that says "Separation of Church and State"

First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...


This is exactly why separation of church & state is so important.

Please point out to me the phrase in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill or Rights that says "Separation of Church and State"

Please point out to me where I said those exact words were in either of those documents. What I said was such a separation is important.

And I'm not sure where you're going with this point - surely you've heard of the establishment clause? This effectively creates a "wall of separation" (Jefferson's own words) between church and state.

Post 81 ....you posted "This is exactly why separation of church & state" is important.... I just asked you where that phrase appeared in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights. ... So often assumed by many that this phrase exist ... I was trying to point to others that it does not ....


This is exactly why separation of church & state is so important. Believe in whatever ridiculous fairy tale you like, just don't use it as a platform for legislation to be imposed upon the rest of us.

I find it rich that the Kim Davises and Mike Huckabees of the world cry out for religious freedom, but when something like this happens, we find out that what they really meant was freedom of THEIR religion and not that funny superstition of those brown people.

To underscore the silliness of the issue, a satanic temple has filed suit against the state of Missouri for violating their religious freedom. Can: opened. Worms: everywhere.

Please point out to me the phrase in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill or Rights that says "Separation of Church and State"

First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

I asked specifically about the phrase - 'separation of church and state' ...

And you help point out that what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they put int the phrase 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion'. Is that the Church of England was the focal point ... an official Church of the Country ... at the time. But what we have in America today is the prohibition of things like prayers before Friday night American football games ... The local school board is not Congress making laws. Also the 'no laws prohibiting the free exercise thereof' is exactly what we have in America today -- Government prohibiting the practice of religion in the public square...


Where do we get all of the puzzies who can't see the danger of Muslims encroaching into a country? Are we just going to roll over for the atrocities they commit against their women, and their desire to force everyone into their religion or kill them?

Are there no real men left anywhere, any more? Are so many so brainwashed by the apologists? Is no one concerned about the terrorists who are surely slipping into our countries as we speak? Does no one care about sovereign borders and cultures that have been died for by ancestors?

Are we just going to let them walk in and take over? Can no one see what is happening in Europe today?

The hopeless, helpless European citizens are being overwhelmed and no one cares?? Would no one stand up?


Since the GOP has no issues or ideas. They want to change things, yes. Take away women's rights. Take away social security and health insurance. Start wars with the other countries, military action is always good. Eliminate the EPA and the Department of Education and all regulatory bodies. Eject all foreigners and erect walls around the country And most importantly, give the rich every tax break it can and screw the poor every way it can.

They way they want to govern is unpopular with the electorate. With these kinds of unpopular policies, there must be a hook for voting for the Republican candidate:

Vote for me because if you don't you're going to die.

All the Republicans have in this election is fear. Fear of murderous Mexicans and Muslims who are coming to your house to kill you. First they're going to rape everyone and they're going to dismember you. Unless you vote for me, you're going to die a horrible death. Fear. It's the party of fear.

The Republicans don't have a prayer. With these pathetic candidates, you're going to be hearing FEAR 24/7. No ideas, no problems addressed, just new ones created. They want more wars and an opportunity to run the economy into the ground...again.coffee1.gif


Oh how awful...what a bigot...doesn't Dr. Carson know that Iran and Saudi Arabia have elected Christians to run their Muslim countries?

sorry.gif I could not resist!

Hassan Rouhani and King of Saudi Arabia are Christian? Who would have thought it?

I can find no evidence to support your claim on Hassan Rouhani...however...I did find this video which was quite revealing...as a Muslim terrorist...


And no evidence to support your claim about the King of Saudi Arabia...

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud King of Saudi Arabia

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

So you my friend...are full of water and other unmentionable things...

Have you lost it? You wrote, " Doesn't Dr. Carson know that Iran and Saudi Arabia have elected Christians to run their Muslim countries?" And that's a lie. I made no claims you said that Saudi and Iran were run by Christians. That is your claim not mine.

My bad...clap2.gif

My original post was an attempt to make a joke...still laughing here at all the misunderstanding...

The joke it seems is on me...lol wub.png


Where do we get all of the puzzies who can't see the danger of Muslims encroaching into a country? Are we just going to roll over for the atrocities they commit against their women, and their desire to force everyone into their religion or kill them?

Are there no real men left anywhere, any more? Are so many so brainwashed by the apologists? Is no one concerned about the terrorists who are surely slipping into our countries as we speak? Does no one care about sovereign borders and cultures that have been died for by ancestors?

Are we just going to let them walk in and take over? Can no one see what is happening in Europe today?

The hopeless, helpless European citizens are being overwhelmed and no one cares?? Would no one stand up?


Since the GOP has no issues or ideas. They want to change things, yes. Take away women's rights. Take away social security and health insurance. Start wars with the other countries, military action is always good. Eliminate the EPA and the Department of Education and all regulatory bodies. Eject all foreigners and erect walls around the country And most importantly, give the rich every tax break it can and screw the poor every way it can.

They way they want to govern is unpopular with the electorate. With these kinds of unpopular policies, there must be a hook for voting for the Republican candidate:

Vote for me because if you don't you're going to die.

All the Republicans have in this election is fear. Fear of murderous Mexicans and Muslims who are coming to your house to kill you. First they're going to rape everyone and they're going to dismember you. Unless you vote for me, you're going to die a horrible death. Fear. It's the party of fear.

The Republicans don't have a prayer. With these pathetic candidates, you're going to be hearing FEAR 24/7. No ideas, no problems addressed, just new ones created. They want more wars and an opportunity to run the economy into the ground...again.coffee1.gif

The Republicans have a secret weapon. People like you.thumbsup.gif

PS Let me know if you need me to explain. I think it's obvious but one never knows.coffee1.gif


I'm sure he knows the Islamic faith well, so he can rebuke it so firmly. Not. Just another blinded-by-religion Bible thumper. Thought he has more common sense, given being a respected scientist. But this are Republicans, who field some weird candidates!


This is exactly why separation of church & state is so important. Believe in whatever ridiculous fairy tale you like, just don't use it as a platform for legislation to be imposed upon the rest of us.

I find it rich that the Kim Davises and Mike Huckabees of the world cry out for religious freedom, but when something like this happens, we find out that what they really meant was freedom of THEIR religion and not that funny superstition of those brown people.

To underscore the silliness of the issue, a satanic temple has filed suit against the state of Missouri for violating their religious freedom. Can: opened. Worms: everywhere.

The problem with your logic or lack there of is that Islam is not a religion. Islam is an ideology. Some muslims practice Islam as a religion but that does not make it one. Islam has its own banking system and court system and its own laws. All of which they try and shoe horn into secular societies around the world.

noun: ideology; plural noun: ideologies
a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
Do Buddhists have their own court and banking system ? What about Hindus or Christians ? Nope. Because they are religions.

Where do we get all of the puzzies who can't see the danger of Muslims encroaching into a country? Are we just going to roll over for the atrocities they commit against their women, and their desire to force everyone into their religion or kill them?

Are there no real men left anywhere, any more? Are so many so brainwashed by the apologists? Is no one concerned about the terrorists who are surely slipping into our countries as we speak? Does no one care about sovereign borders and cultures that have been died for by ancestors?

Are we just going to let them walk in and take over? Can no one see what is happening in Europe today?

The hopeless, helpless European citizens are being overwhelmed and no one cares?? Would no one stand up?


Since the GOP has no issues or ideas. They want to change things, yes. Take away women's rights. Take away social security and health insurance. Start wars with the other countries, military action is always good. Eliminate the EPA and the Department of Education and all regulatory bodies. Eject all foreigners and erect walls around the country And most importantly, give the rich every tax break it can and screw the poor every way it can.

They way they want to govern is unpopular with the electorate. With these kinds of unpopular policies, there must be a hook for voting for the Republican candidate:

Vote for me because if you don't you're going to die.

All the Republicans have in this election is fear. Fear of murderous Mexicans and Muslims who are coming to your house to kill you. First they're going to rape everyone and they're going to dismember you. Unless you vote for me, you're going to die a horrible death. Fear. It's the party of fear.

The Republicans don't have a prayer. With these pathetic candidates, you're going to be hearing FEAR 24/7. No ideas, no problems addressed, just new ones created. They want more wars and an opportunity to run the economy into the ground...again.coffee1.gif

So you still believe in this Repub vs Dem thing ? heh


CAIR is weighing in on the Presidential race. They want Dr. Carson to resign.

Fat chance.


Muslim group calls for Carson to leave race
By ROBERT KING • 9/20/15 12:40 PM
01:59 / 02:55
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson should withdraw from the presidential race for his comments that a Muslim shouldn't be president a prominent Muslim-American group said Sunday.
"I think his remarks should be repudiated by everyone on the political spectrum and that he should withdraw," Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation's largest Islamic advocacy group, told the Washington Examiner on Sunday.
Carson, who is third in the Washington Examiner's presidential power rankings, spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday and said that he wouldn't "advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation."
Hooper said that Carson's comments were unconstitutional according to Article Six of the Constitution, which forbids a religious test as a requirement for qualification to any public office.
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Jun 3, 2015 - CAIR Official ARRESTED in HUGE CHILD SEX RING bust in Florida; Also ... Here's the CAIR official arrested: .... Malik Obama / IRS scandal.

FBI Cuts Ties With CAIR Following Terror Financing Trial ...

Jan 30, 2009 - All local chapters of CAIR have been shunned in the wake of a 15-year FBI investigation that culminated with the conviction in December of ...

CAIR Oklahoma Calls Muslim Terrorist "Gentleman," Jihad ...

Sep 28, 2014 - Mohammed used the technique of beheading to recruit tribes and to terrify enemies. ... Fact: CAIR calls Oklahoma Muslim terrorist, "Gentleman.


I have said this before and can repeat it again:

To prove to themselves and to the World that they are a Politically Correct Nation against any discrimination

Americans have to elect as a POTUS a black, physically disabled, intellectually challenged lesbian .

After this one only thing is left for them - prove to the rest of the World that they are not idiots.


If a Muslim God

forbid ever ran for president, he would be dead meat in short order, USA is the land of the free not of murdering scum uneducated nomads who wish to return the world into the bronze age

Of course it's all fantasy, the very thought is a joke . I could go on but fear the moderators.

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