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Tales Of Woe From True-on-line


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A few weeks ago I ordered a new TV system which needed a stable internet connection. I was with 3bb and to be honest I was quite pleased with them. I was in Central by the True Shop there and I thought for the new tv system lets upgrade my internet to make sure I had a good stable internet for the system. It only needs 3-5 meg internet speed so the 30 meg True are offering is bound to do the trick. So I inquired and the fees sounded reasonable 680 baht for installation and 1290 baht a month on a 1 year contract. I was on a monthly deal with 3BB so could cancel their internet anytime. So I went ahead..... BIG MISTAKE.

First the installers arrived and set up the modem and cables. They had difficulty getting any resonable speed. About 12 meg and as soon as they arrived at that speed they were gone quicker than the internet speed! They told me to call the engineers as they were only installers!! Anyway I used it for 24 hours and it was appalling. Speed less than 1 mps a lot of the time. Of course my new TV system would freeze and stop. This happened about 20 times and each time i took a speed test to see what speed I was getting. Of course it was less than the 3mps that the TV system need to work. I called True and 2 days later they sent their so called engineers. 2 young lads hardly out of their nappies. They played around with various settings and then told me the problem was my Wifi and If i wanted good WIfi around the house i needed a good access point. Off I went to Banaba IT and paid over 1000 baht for a access point. Did it make any difference?? Not a jot. I put up with it a few more days and it was just the same. Speeds between less than 1mps and sometimes 15 mps. Never the 30 mps I was paying true for. The TV system was dropping out all the time.. wife complaining she could not upload her pics to instagram or whatever. and her facebook! I was starting to get really p*****d off with true.

Called again next day. 2 different babes arrived. They changed the modem and messed around with it for a few mins. Got 20 mps and disappeared faster than Bolt! Of course 5 mins after they had gone it was back to normal with awful speeds. TV system freezing constantly. Put up with it a few more days and called True again. After 2 more days 2 different young guys arrived. Told me that the wifi was the problem in the house and I should Lan the system with cables and that would solve the problems. Off I went to PC shop and bought a long Lan cable and connected it to the modem thinking this is bound to solve my problems. WRONG AGAIN. It was as bad as ever. Starting to lose all confidence with True and their engineer boys. Called True again on a Tuesday evening and they promised to send engineers to the house again on Thursday. I told the girl on the phone I dont think the problem is in my house it must be outside. She insisted to send the engineers to my house. On thursday morning got a call from Ture saying the engineers will come in the afternoon. I waited in all day.. Nobody arrived. No one called to aplogise By this time now I was done with true but decided to give it a few more days to see if it improved. Of couse it did not. By this time I had really had enough. I called True and told them I was returning the modem to Central Office. Would pay for the installation and 1 months internet fee. The girl kept calling me saying please let the engineers come again. I had already lost all confidence in the engineers and them failing to keep their appointment was the last straw.

Off i went to True in Central with the modem and handed it over. Then came the shock. The girl on the PC said you have to pay. I said ok...,. I will pay for installation and 1 months fees.. how much I inquired. 6800 baht she said!!!!!! You can imagine my horror. 6800 baht for 1 months crappy internet. "What planet do you think I'm from"???? The worst internet I have experienced in 10 years of living in Thailand and you want me to pay 6800 baht? Of course I was out of the shop faster than their engineers. So I'm awaiting developments.

Stay away from True cable.. worst internet in Thailand.. or anywhere else for that matter!!! Back with 3BB now... should have never had left them... I'm happy, wife happy!!!!

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Waiting for the bill to arrive from True... You can imagine the letter I will be writing to their head office. They can sue me if they want but all I'm going to pay is the 680 baht installation cost and 1 month internet fee. They should thank their lucky stars to be getting that...So please to be back with 3BB so stable and constant speeds. Learned my lesson and stay with a winning formula. Having True for less than 1 month cased so much stress I should be suing them!!!!

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I'm in pattaya and sign-up with True. I'm almost at the one of my one year contract with True. I can tell you that my start with True was a horror story. I couldn't kept on connection going for more then a few hours before it quit. Now, I called and called and the tech came out maybe 12 times. What help was I started emailing with True in bangkok. Then my problem got fixed. I still lose a connection maybe every 2 months for about 4 to 6 hours,but it comes back after that. I get 50/3 all the time on a speed test. I use PureVPN to access all things back in the US and it works pretty good. I pay around 3,200th a month for TV,internet,and cellphone.

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