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Systemic antibiotics are rarely indicated for otitis externa and in most cases would prove to be ineffective.

This is precisely why an accurate diagnosis should be sought from an ENT specialist.

The cost of a specialist consultation would be in the range of 1-2000 Bht.......................................................

Let's see tomorrow, money ain't the problem, it's just that I don't like hospitals so initially I always try to fix it myself or with a quick shot.

It's surprising how many 'small' health issues I have here in Thailand, it's like I visit the pharmacies / doctors at least once every 3 months in the last three years, while in my own country I haven't seen a doctor for like 5+ years, let alone a hospital. Ear infection, eye infection, very sore throat numerous times, swimmers eczema, feet fungus, STD's, broke my toe once lol, root canal treatment, regular infections due to smallish accidents that required antibiotics, deep cut in my hand that required stitches, well you name it and I've got it here at least once. Also started to develop some odd anxiety type of thing that I regulary swallow beta blockers for now as I'm obvious ashamed of it. Also think I've eaten more paracetamol and ibuprofehn then I did in my whole life.

In fact I'm pretty much anti-medicines but here it starts to become an unwanted habit.

Have to say that my broken toe and later on a very deep cut in my thumb were my own stupid fault, hit the table with my foot by accident when drunk, and once I fell in a club due to a slippery floor below the stairs and when standing up I placed my hand on a broken beer glass, almost lost my thumb. Oh and once someone hit and broke a bottle of beer on my head, nice scar of that.

Oh well, at least they can't break my heart anymore :)

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While seeing a qualified ENT doctor should definitely be the first choice of action, if you want a respite from the constant pain, have you considered tramadol? With some people, which includes me, there is a "time delay" before the pain relief kicks in, so if you take one and still feel the pain, don't take another one for a few hours thinking you didn't take enough. It has taken up to three hours for me to receive pain relief from tramadol. Take it sparingly. It can be quite addictive, but for a day or two before you can see a doctor you should be okay.

You have had quite a run of bad karma here in Thailand!


After a root canal or other dental work one can sometimes have pain that is referred to the ear. In fact happened to me some years ago and I too initially mistook it for an earache.

IF ENT finds nothing wrong on examining your ear, then this is probably what it is. In which case there is no infection of any kind and treatment is paracetemol or NSAIDs plus time.


While seeing a qualified ENT doctor should definitely be the first choice of action, if you want a respite from the constant pain, have you considered tramadol? With some people, which includes me, there is a "time delay" before the pain relief kicks in, so if you take one and still feel the pain, don't take another one for a few hours thinking you didn't take enough. It has taken up to three hours for me to receive pain relief from tramadol. Take it sparingly. It can be quite addictive, but for a day or two before you can see a doctor you should be okay.

You have had quite a run of bad karma here in Thailand!

Bad karma lol, whatever floats your boat (always wanted to say that) :)

Well no ear infection, just earwax but quite a prop, first attempt 10 minutes didn't get it removed, then she put some fluid in to weaken it and had to stay on my side for 15 minutes and then another 10 minutes of sucking and finally gone. Can't say pain is gone with it as I'm heavy on the ibuprofen and she said it wasn't infected, however now that the ibuprofehn is working out I do feel some mild pain shots now and again so I sure hope that isn't related to the root canal treatment, when I told her that she looked a bit confused at me so I guess not.

Let's see what's next!

As for karma, I ain't such a bad person, it's more a matter of action -> reaction, if people screw me they get it back one way or the other.


After a root canal or other dental work one can sometimes have pain that is referred to the ear. In fact happened to me some years ago and I too initially mistook it for an earache.

IF ENT finds nothing wrong on examining your ear, then this is probably what it is. In which case there is no infection of any kind and treatment is paracetemol or NSAIDs plus time.

Guess combi of both so will give it some additional time and painstillers if needed.

Thanks for all the responses.


I had an ear problem 2 years ago. It started as an itchy ear and soon was swollen and painful.It was so swollen the doctor couldnot look inside. I was treated with antibiotics by injection so many times over 2 months my whole upper body broke out in a red blotch. When we tried ear drops I couldnot hear a thing from that ear for days. Finally I could start to hear again and the itching stopped But ever since the ear makes wax so fast everyday I clean out a lot of wax from that ear daily but never get it all. The ear will hurt from q tip usage. Everyday one q tip both ends are covered in dark wax. I am afraid to go back and have the antibiotic reaction again. Often the ear is blocked with wax and I cannot hear.


I had an ear problem 2 years ago. It started as an itchy ear and soon was swollen and painful.It was so swollen the doctor couldnot look inside. I was treated with antibiotics by injection so many times over 2 months my whole upper body broke out in a red blotch. When we tried ear drops I couldnot hear a thing from that ear for days. Finally I could start to hear again and the itching stopped But ever since the ear makes wax so fast everyday I clean out a lot of wax from that ear daily but never get it all. The ear will hurt from q tip usage. Everyday one q tip both ends are covered in dark wax. I am afraid to go back and have the antibiotic reaction again. Often the ear is blocked with wax and I cannot hear.

STOP using Q tips to "clean" the ear(s)

Detail in the link


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