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Cheaper Getting A Thai To Do It?


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I used to go quite often to Central America, Honduras and Costa Rica with a local Honduras Lady.

We used to shop in the street markets with me walking first, her a couple steps behind. If I saw something that interested me I would walk a couple stalls further and describe it to her. She would go and negotiate, then call me. The vendor was almost always angry, saying that why didn't she tell them it was for a Westerner.

Now, when my Thai fiance and I go to Thailand, we do the same and almost always seem to get better deals.

Restaurants, we always check, but we also do that here in California. Whether intentional, or not, there can always be a mistake. If found, we politely show it to the waiter/waitress and have never had a problem getting it adjusted.

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To the originalpost ........

Me and my partner pay the same ... not cheaper at restaurants or food stalls etc ....

However, when shopping at markets etc I tend to get the better price :o I'm not cheap but I like trying to get the 'right' price ... He just does what I would do at home in the US at a supermarket ... if he likes the price he pays. Never negotiates!

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Well, some places do practice two-tiered, three-tiered or four-tiered pricing (not as many as some people like to think though), so when I want to buy something I will usually let my wife check it out first and establish a price as well as ask whether a discount is possible. That way we have a good bargaining position afterwards.

In restaurants when sitting at the same table, we order interchangeably. We always ask for the Thai language menu if we are given an English one.

She checks the bill, and she is adamant not to let any mistakes slip. The service people lie on the floor whimpering and quivering for mercy when she is finished with them... I usually have to drag her away while she is still chewing froth. :D

The idea of your wife still chewing froth as you drag her away really tickles my sense of humour.

All in all, a varied opinion on this topic. Maybe I will let the Thai friend I'll be meeting check the bill over as well as myself and if she wants to dispute it in her own language, I'll let her at em - so to speak :o

Thanks for the input too about the restaurants and market stalls etc. Always helps one who is going to be new at this when on a first visit.

Edited by tk47
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