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Mike Huckabee: Obama pretends to be a Christian


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If Huckabee's an example of a real one, probably better to be a fake one.

Anyway, Obama has to win a prize of some sort:

Inauthentic black man - not black, really white

Inauthentic american - not american, really Kenyan or Indonesian or something.

Inauthentic Christian - not Christian, really Islamic

Inauthentic Patriot - not patriotic, really selling the country down the river to dirty Mexicans and demented Muslims.

But really, lets face it, the reason that the 14 fingered members of the new conservative movement are always prattling on about what Obamba is not, is because they simply cannot, cannot, get over what he is - an American President, Black and proud of it, elected twice with a sense of justice that offends their trigger fingers and their shriveled and inauthentic sense of christian compassion for anyone different from themselves.

I've been having fun with what Obama "is" since 2008.

He's an atheist Communist while being a Kenyan Muslim fundamentalist. He's also a fascist who is part of a plot to have the UN take over the country -- in the last GOP debate Ted Cruz started venturing off into the UN plot stuff but ran out of time. Too bad, I would have liked to have this idiocy make the front pages.

Huckabee was recently caught hawking a phony diabetes treatment. Certain political commentators have taken to calling him "Huckster." I'm waiting for "Jesus wants you to vote for me!" We can look forward to March, when he disappears from the scene with the rest of the charlatans.

I have to agree with you about Obama having been accused of so many things. One thing for certain we do know about Obama, he is the most inept and dishonest person to ever occupy the White House.

Okay Donald. thumbsup.gif

Huckabee is an intense and extremist personality which accounts for his fierce politics and religious convictions.

I want to see a Huckabee-Cruz ticket. Just think, if a Republican is elected president he'd very very likely put Huckabee in his cabinet, probably as secretary of Education to get God back into the schools, followed by getting God back into the courthouses, county government buildings, public parks, prayer before high school football games and the like.

We might even have to sign a statement we believe in God in order to post online. Which would mean only ministers could be appointed Supreme Court justices.

And hey, a Republican prez could even appoint Barack Obama as Kenya's ambassador to the United States and simultaneously as US ambassador to Kenya, which would be quite a feat for a prez of either party. laugh.png

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Nice dystopian fantasy there. gigglem.gif

I don't think Huck wants a job, he just wants the WH. Supposedly the first serious $$ he ever made was when he had his show on FN, so I guess he now has enough to see him through his days.

What I wonder about is who is backing him and Santorum. Both have that 'back to the Dark Ages' message, have little chance of getting anywhere near nomination, and aren't exactly firebrands on the campaign trail. I have the impression they are being bankrolled by people/entities that want to preserve the message of Christian fundamentalism and put forth a "Jesus-based sharia" scenario. I've seen Santorum at the happy hour debates (Graham wooped his arse in the last one) and in interviews, and he seems to be just going through the motions. The victory he clings to is he won Iowa in 2012. This will come up at least once in every appearence he makes.

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Who cares what that bible thumping fruitcake thinks?

I don't know what's in Obama's heart but I do have a hunch.

I think he's a cultural Christian, specifically in the black American church tradition, very much not a fundamentalist. I also think he is ALSO but less so a cultural Muslim because of his childhood, no so much because of his Dad, who was not there for him.

He's as Christian as the majority of American Christians who are mainly in it for the cultural identity part of it. Not fanatic. Also in some parts of the U.S. specifically the south, being associated with a church sometimes feels almost mandatory for social acceptance, even economic networking.

Hmmm . . . a man with dual religious beliefs? Maybe that is what has turned him into a paranoid schitzophenic? After all, can you imagine the arguments he has with himself? He might end up slicing his own head off if the muslim side of him wins the imaginary argument clap2.gif

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