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Ignore Pope on climate, says US Republican Marsha Blackburn


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Ignore Pope on climate, says Republican Marsha Blackburn
By Roger Harrabin

WASHINGTON: -- One of the most influential US energy politicians says she will reject the Pope's plea to tackle climate change.

Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, the second-highest ranking member on the House energy committee, says the jury is out on global warming.

Pope Francis told a White House audience on Wednesday further action was needed as the problem could "no longer be left to a future generation".

He is due to speak more on the subject in an address to Congress on Thursday.

Speaking as part of a forthcoming Radio 4 documentary series "Climate Change - Are we Feeling Lucky?", she asserted that the earth had cooled in the last 13 years by 1F. And she said no evidence would persuade her of man-made warming.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34342808

-- BBC 2015-09-24

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"she said no evidence would persuade her of man-made warming."

There you go. Mind's made up. No matter what the evidence. Nope, I'm not listening.

That is very dangerous. Nobody should be so damned adamant that they ignore evidence...on any topic, especially a topic that just might bring ruin to your grandchildren.

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The Pope's views on abortion -- ridiculed as mediaeval and contrary to human rights.

The Pope's views on climate change -- venerated as gospel.

What a funny old world.

The Pope's views on abortion -- venerated as gospel.

The Pope's views on climate change -- ridiculed.

What a funny old world.

Yes, depending on who you talk to, it is a funny world.

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The Pope's views on abortion -- ridiculed as mediaeval and contrary to human rights.

The Pope's views on climate change -- venerated as gospel.

What a funny old world.

The Pope's views on abortion -- venerated as gospel.

The Pope's views on climate change -- ridiculed.

What a funny old world.

Yes, depending on who you talk to, it is a funny world.


This is why open debate on these topics is essential, and the pronouncements of those who claim to authority should be viewed with great suspicion.

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The Pope's views on abortion -- ridiculed as mediaeval and contrary to human rights.

The Pope's views on climate change -- venerated as gospel.

What a funny old world.

The Pope's views on abortion -- venerated as gospel.

The Pope's views on climate change -- ridiculed.

What a funny old world.

Yes, depending on who you talk to, it is a funny world.


This is why open debate on these topics is essential, and the pronouncements of those who claim to authority should be viewed with great suspicion.

Abortion is much more a matter of personal opinion and beliefs, but science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change. So far you have been one 'of those who claim to authority' on that subject, so from no one you'll 'be viewed with great suspicion'.

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the popes has a huge carbon footprint is he going to change , will these proposed taxes reduce pollution no , wheres the money going .

The sad part is the people of Thailand have nothing to do with the pope or his religion but they aren't ignoring the situation unlike the people of his own religion who are driven more by capitalist greed.

Proof as I saw on my last visa run:


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The ironic thing is that the people who would agree with the Pope on abortion shun him because of this climate silliness.

I'm sure if you looked at this woman's data on the 1F degree it would be found wanting. These people are doing this constantly. They think they can hold off climate change by insisting it isn't there.

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Abortion is much more a matter of personal opinion and beliefs, but science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change. So far you have been one 'of those who claim to authority' on that subject, so from no one you'll 'be viewed with great suspicion'.

Circular argument once again. The moment you blindly assume that "science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change", then of course you view people who disagree with you with 'great suspicion'.

Logic 101.


Furthermore, everyone working in the scientific field should be happy to 'be viewed with great suspicion' .

Einstein certainly was, as was Wegener, as was Darwin. The only way you can prove whether your science is right or wrong is to have people constantly questioning it.

The fact that this sort of questioning is discouraged in "climate science" is a key reason why the subject is in such a wretched state right now.

Edited by RickBradford
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Abortion is much more a matter of personal opinion and beliefs, but science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change. So far you have been one 'of those who claim to authority' on that subject, so from no one you'll 'be viewed with great suspicion'.

Circular argument once again. The moment you blindly assume that "science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change", then of course you view people who disagree with you with 'great suspicion'.

Logic 101.


Furthermore, everyone working in the scientific field should be happy to 'be viewed with great suspicion' .

Einstein certainly was, as was Wegener, as was Darwin. The only way you can prove whether your science is right or wrong is to have people constantly questioning it.

The fact that this sort of questioning is discouraged in "climate science" is a key reason why the subject is in such a wretched state right now.

Nice try to put yourself on the same level as reputable scientists.

Sorry, you're still a wannabee who's claim to authority on the subject are to be viewed with great suspicion.

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Excellent. What a great start that would be.

Being viewed with 'great suspicion' means that people would actually have to debate the topic of climate change rather than just brainlessly spouting words like 'denier', 'climate criminal' or 'Big Oil shill' or whatever the fashionable abuse term du jour is.

But it isn't going to happen, not on this forum, and not in most political debate worldwide. It certainly hasn't yet.

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Excellent. What a great start that would be.

Being viewed with 'great suspicion' means that people would actually have to debate the topic of climate change rather than just brainlessly spouting words like 'denier', 'climate criminal' or 'Big Oil shill' or whatever the fashionable abuse term du jour is.

But it isn't going to happen, not on this forum, and not in most political debate worldwide. It certainly hasn't yet.

The political debate will come, no worries. The scientific debate is finished already, with man made climate change as 'the winner'.

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The scientific debate is finished already, with man made climate change as 'the winner'.

To say that a scientific debate is 'finished' is meaningless; science doesn't work that way.

Finishing a debate on a topic such as this can only happen in the realm of politics, which is where "climate science" has always lived.

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The Pope's views on abortion -- ridiculed as mediaeval and contrary to human rights.

The Pope's views on climate change -- venerated as gospel.

What a funny old world.

The Pope's views on abortion -- venerated as gospel.

The Pope's views on climate change -- ridiculed.

What a funny old world.

Yes, depending on who you talk to, it is a funny world.


This is why open debate on these topics is essential, and the pronouncements of those who claim to authority should be viewed with great suspicion.

Right, and that is why Marsha Blackburn's blind refusal to look at evidence against her view is stupid.

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With the caveat of whether that is in fact what she said. At this stage we only have the BBC's word for it, as the documentary has not aired.

But then again, Ms Blackburn appears not to believe in the theory of evolution, either, which doesn't say a lot for her scientific discrimination.

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I don't believe in climate change either. The atmosphere is so huge that all the smoke stacks in china burning for 10 years would be like a pin head in the universe.

It's load of garbage ........ the earth will still be here in 100mil years and the climate may be warmer or cooler as it has been for the last 100mil years.

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I don't believe in climate change either. The atmosphere is so huge that all the smoke stacks in china burning for 10 years would be like a pin head in the universe.

It's load of garbage ........ the earth will still be here in 100mil years and the climate may be warmer or cooler as it has been for the last 100mil years.

We can see your great scientific skills and reasoning. Fortunately real scientists can actually quantify the size of the atmosphere, the impact of pollutants and show that man has an impact on climate.

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With the caveat of whether that is in fact what she said. At this stage we only have the BBC's word for it, as the documentary has not aired.

But then again, Ms Blackburn appears not to believe in the theory of evolution, either, which doesn't say a lot for her scientific discrimination.

Right. So why is she, "Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, the second-highest ranking member on the House energy committee,"?

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Until the Vatican lets loose of its loot, it should be disregarded entirely as a moral arbiter. Why is this medieval little monarch interfering with the internal politics of a modern democracy anyway?

He's trying to pretend that as head of one of the worst persecutors, organized extortionists, self interested liars and blockers of free speech the world has known, that the catholic church is somehow becoming modern and can make comments on current events.

The large numbers of devoted, lowly educated, impoverished followers in certain developing countries will continue to hang on his every word.

Perhaps if he says a few hail Mary's, plays with his rosary and gets a few more nice donations he can prey for climate change to stop?

That should do it.

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"she said no evidence would persuade her of man-made warming."

There you go. Mind's made up. No matter what the evidence. Nope, I'm not listening.

That is very dangerous. Nobody should be so damned adamant that they ignore evidence...on any topic, especially a topic that just might bring ruin to your grandchildren.

She is proving herself to be a real visionary. And a bought and paid for ***** for corporate America.

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Abortion is much more a matter of personal opinion and beliefs, but science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change. So far you have been one 'of those who claim to authority' on that subject, so from no one you'll 'be viewed with great suspicion'.

Circular argument once again. The moment you blindly assume that "science is pretty conclusive on man made climate change", then of course you view people who disagree with you with 'great suspicion'.

Logic 101.


Furthermore, everyone working in the scientific field should be happy to 'be viewed with great suspicion' .

Einstein certainly was, as was Wegener, as was Darwin. The only way you can prove whether your science is right or wrong is to have people constantly questioning it.

The fact that this sort of questioning is discouraged in "climate science" is a key reason why the subject is in such a wretched state right now.

its not discouraged at all, if you want to look there is new data and analysis happening all the time, some nutty right wingers obviously misinformed opinion, well it actually hit the TV news, so all bases are covered

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"she said no evidence would persuade her of man-made warming."

There you go. Mind's made up. No matter what the evidence. Nope, I'm not listening.

That is very dangerous. Nobody should be so damned adamant that they ignore evidence...on any topic, especially a topic that just might bring ruin to your grandchildren.

Sorry for the USA. Idiots like this breed and make law's.

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