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Women Who Travel For SEX Sun & Sea documentary


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Unattached women *do* take sex vacations, though it gets almost zero press, vs men who do the same. Popular destinations for this are Bali (and the "Kuta Cowboys", and places like the Dominican Republic. Basically go to poor countries and find yourself a vacation boyfriend to romance you in exchange for money. (and perhaps the hope of getting a marriage visa for the local). I've talked to many middle aged women about this. It's real.

Nothing wrong with it, in my opinion as when men do it, but men get charged with exploitation (frequently by women back whom who feel ignored I supposed).

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Speaking from experience this is both a blessing and a curse for me. I'm not attracted to Thai girls, and it's actually quite easy for me to get into a relationship with a young backpacker: Just graduated, far away from home, often for their first time, wanting to experience their new found freedom, in a foreign country, meet an above average looking guy who speaks the language, knows the area, who grew up in the West and knows about Western values...

But God dammit, <deleted> these 3 month visas!!! This is why my relationships only last 90 days. I am cursed!

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The times i have been to Thailand i have had "holiday romances" with other tourists.

Nothing wrong with that. Why should it only be a male thing to do? We had fun and laughs. And i have good memories.

Two canadians, two englishmen and a rather nice australian. Over five hols. Not many, there could have been more but i was trying to get a tan. You can't travel thousands of miles and go home without a tan. People might start asking awkward questions!! Like, what did you do all day?

One guy i met on the plane going there. In fact our eyes met in Schipol Airport!! And he carried my suitcase to the plane to Samui and called me three days later - we spent three weeks together. And said our goodbyes. Never to see each other again. We do keep in touch through e mail and fussybook.

But a holiday romance has to be just that. Go wherever, enjoy yourself and then go back to your real life, with all it's ups and downs. And try not to get emotionally involved, which can be hard. Especially for women, which is why so many silly women marry their beach boys from Gambia or the Carribean thinking that the men love them too. And then get ripped of financially big time.

Which wouldn't happen to me, cos I'm skint!!

Edited by Patsycat
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