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Almost a third of Americans would support a military coup

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Military coup or this days governments ....what the difference?

People are lost in confusion and media is the powerful source of any information coming from those who wants lead them.

People use to have a big power exchanging information personally in older days but today everyone has own tv, own mobile phone and computer which is the only source of information.

Not many are using own brain and most important people are afraid more and more to be accused of things media is spreading everywhere.

"first to divide then conquer "

We are already divided.....


Totally disagree.

Nothing has grown as much over these past years ad information flow. The power of main stream media is in a big decline.

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30% of Americans describe themselves as evangelical and vote accordingly.

30% 0f Americans would vote for Donald Trump.

30% of Americans would support a military coup.

I think I see a trend.

What about the other 10%?
They are looking for D. All the above or none of the above.

A military coup in America? What for? The military is owned and operated by the same crowd as the govt is now. And that sure as heck is NOT the American citizens. Now if they (the 30%) are saying by this that they feel the govt is no longer a valid govt which has become perverted and subverted by certain groups and that their power is so engrained that nothing short of major violence (which coups can be) is the only viable option then fine. They should just listen to those American forefathers that went before them and opt for outright, knockdown, full bore Revolution. If they really want to effect change without that change simply being a change of face and not be susceptible to the warning of that old Who rock song "meet the new boss..same as the old boss" and we won't get fooled again... well, then a coup is no real option and a waste of everyone's time.


After I consume 75% of 1000ml of a 43% alc/vol single malt scotch, 113% of YouGov surveys make 27% sense to 3% of my brain cells 30% of the time.


That's interesting because I don't think most Americans really understand the concept of coups.

I think many of the people who said yes are thinking more revolutions of the people rising up vs. a typical military government coup.

Personally I am sympathetic to that idea ... that the people rising up should always be an option if government becomes too oppressive.

I agree with you and it's all the more ironic as America has already had its military coup when Kennedy was assassinated.


30% of Americans describe themselves as evangelical and vote accordingly.

30% 0f Americans would vote for Donald Trump.

30% of Americans would support a military coup.

I think I see a trend.

What about the other 10%?

You mean, "what about the other 70%?" Not that I believe those Trump numbers. Trump would poll lower that Ross Perot in an actual election. Although, not to forget, Perot was a spoiler.


The US deserves at least another 8 years of Obama... give the guy a real chance to make a real difference. His hair is not completely grey yet.

Biden. thumbsup.gif

Biden needs to get out the vote of those people who don't remember him before he was Vice President.


The "mighty" US military couldn't pull it off.

If they couldn't whip the N. Korean and Vietnam militaries, who would be foolish enough to think they could whip 100 million armed Americans on their own soil? They couldn't use bombs and other methods of destruction.

They'd have to take control door to door and confiscate guns or they'd have insurgents perpetually after them. They'd have to try to ID the insurgents who'd look, act, and blend with all of the population. There just aren't enough government or military people to pull it off.

100 million. The largest army the world has ever known. It outnumbers the US military 50:1.

Then there's the huge land mass to cover, door to door.

Then there's the question as to whether members of the military would turn against their own people, which I doubt seriously.

Nice fantasy on the part of some anti-US writer, though.

"Then there's the question as to whether members of the military would turn against their own people, which I doubt seriously."

That's your guarantee that the military won't take over, not some pea shooter armed soccer moms and their latte sipping husbands.


Thailand? Why bring this into the topic?

On the other hand, - I feel no discomfort living here with any Government.

All of them with phobia against 'farang'. All other small shortcomings, like Justice, Corruption, Lawlessness, poor Education, weird Thainess - never changes but easy to cope with.

Back to OP... anybody by chance had read a book " Seven Days in May"? Goes back to 1960 - 70. A kind of political sci-fi but not unrealistic. Nice book. Two authors but forgot the names.


The party of Lincoln has become the party of neo-secessionists and unrepentant racists. The lunatic fringe is now the base.

There was a time after the civil war when the Radical Republicans controlled the US Congress. Those Republicans in their era were the equivalent of Bernie Saunders et al. Politics shift and when people are scared they embrace extremist views. keep in mind, that there was a time during the depression when Communism was popular. There was also a time when the Ku Klux Klan could march in large numbers in Washington DC, and a pathological liar like the alcoholic Senator McCarthy or depraved sexual deviant J Edgar Hoover could go on criminal witch hunts and destroy innocent peoples' lives.

Today, there is a large segment of the US population which is poorly educated and easily fooled into accepting internet hoaxes. The most recent examples were the allegations that accused President Bush of masterminding 9/11. There are people in TVF who will argue, that the US government blew up the twin towers. They are wrong, but one cannot argue with them. Alex Jones, the manipulator is their prophet. There are also millions of Americans who believe that Obama was not born in Hawaii and that he is a muslim. Manipulative people like Trump exploit their ignorance. On the other side are social activists who exploit ethnic communities. This has been going on since the USA existed.

The reality is and will continue to be, that should anyone seek to take up arms against the legally elected US government, the US nation as a whole will crush such an action. When push comes to shove, Americans do the right thing. They just need a kick in the arse sometimes.


All Americans love coup d'etat.

Um, we're talking about french fries, right?

try to find and listen to the music "Coup d'etat" - beautiful!


IKE-president eisenhower-said as he was leaving office, "...beware of the military-industrial complex"..thanks a bunch, general....Currently we can amend that to say, "beware of the government-media-military-corporate complex".....555. The military cannot hack together a coup; the U.S. military is still functioning as a provider of cannon fodder for the Euro bankers wars....suck it up.

Locking up goldman sachs would be a good start,they are evil,greedy conniving b..stards who have infiltrated most western governments for their own greedy aims.

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