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Ramkhamhaeng University Or Assumption


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I'm not sure if this should be here or in a different forum, if so feel free to move me.

I am thinking of taking my M.ed at a University in BKK as online learning is not for me. I was just wondering if anyone had anything to say on either of these schools.


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I'm not sure if this should be here or in a different forum, if so feel free to move me.

I am thinking of taking my M.ed at a University in BKK as online learning is not for me. I was just wondering if anyone had anything to say on either of these schools.


I'm with Assumption, it's not as cheap as Ramkhamhaeng is, but it's definitely better.

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I took a class at Assumption University and although my instructor wasn't a Native English speaker, the instruction was very good. The one class I took cost about 11,000 Baht which isn't cheap but it's still reasonable compared to private universities in the West.

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assumption definitely has the better reputation, both here and abroad.

my source might be biased though, my gf did her undergrad at ABAC.

I don't think ABAC is that highly rated at all except by those who attend there. According to my collegues in the office here (including one who studied at ABAC for bachelors but got masters elsewhere) its where you go if you can't get in anywhere else..........and if they don't let you in then its Bangkok University :o

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Assumption - end of subject - but may depend on where you stay and which campus you're going to go to.

With the new airport now open if that is the campus you are going to be going to I'd give some thought to travel time - it'll be somewhat longer now with the airport open.


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I don't think ABAC has that strong a reputation abroad.

Bear in mind that Ram is an open university and therefore has a student population as diverse as the country. Having said that, if someone said s/he finished from Ram, then there is a fair chance s/he is a bright kid or at least is diligent. I have found sts from the provinces to be far more interesting and interested in learning than many of the more moneyed kids.

ABAC is a private uni where fees are not cheap.

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I feel like I'm channeling someone else at the moment: "Graduate school will mainly serve to get you a set of friends and contacts, with the bonus being the degree. Given this, choose Assumption for richer, more influential future academic and professional contacts- if they are willing to hang out with you...." Oooooh, I feel so dirty... :D:o

On the other hand, go with Ramkhamhaeng- which doesn't have a bad reputation at all and will give you a real degree if you really want to work for one- for contact with a variety of people who are also the salt of the Earth.


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I feel like I'm channeling someone else at the moment: "Graduate school will mainly serve to get you a set of friends and contacts, with the bonus being the degree. Given this, choose Assumption for richer, more influential future academic and professional contacts- if they are willing to hang out with you...." Oooooh, I feel so dirty... :D:o

On the other hand, go with Ramkhamhaeng- which doesn't have a bad reputation at all and will give you a real degree if you really want to work for one- for contact with a variety of people who are also the salt of the Earth.


I do actully want to go to Ramkhamhaeng more for the fact that it appears to be more 'salt of the earth' and Buddhist vs Catholic. However I also want a school that will be recognized abroad if I ever go back home. But it looks like Assumption seems to be a favorite here. Thanks for all the input!!

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