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Using A Router With A True Supplied Modem


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When l first signed up for True adsl l was given a free Billion 7000 USB modem. Nothing wrong with it but l was thinking of repacing my software firewall with a hardware firewall. Can anyone suggest a good reasonably priced router to go with my modem?

Interested if anyone replaced their True supplied modem with a combined adsl modem/router and does it work okay. I think when l got adsl True said that you had to use their choice of modem but does that still apply and are there any technical problems if you don't? There are many different models available at Pantip and True have the greatest market share so there must be some True users out there buying them.

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The D-link DSL-G604T is good all-in-one router, it gives you a ADSL modem/router/4 port switch/Wi-Fi wireless all in one with one of the easiest installation, just follow the menus.

The DSL-G604T also supports ADSL2/2+ so if ADSL ever gets upgraded you are ready. The firewall running in the DSL-G604T is Linux based and is a form of hardware software combination, it can be compared to professional firewall's running in mainframe networks.

The wireless connection is not the latest standard, but it works good and most of the time if I buy products who are brand new/the latest what technolgy brings I'm busy upgrading the firmware several times before it works like it had to do.

In short if you want a easy all-in-one buy a D-link DSL-G604T, if you want the latest techno, buy a Netgear RangeMax 240 (WPNT834) which has all the new stuff including MIMO (Multi In Multi Out) but you need two to tango, meaning that the notebook or mobile device also have to support the higer standards.

Anyway the D-link DSL-G604T cost around 2000Baht, the Netgear around 8000Baht

P.S. The setup wizard in the D-Link knows all the settings for True Corp. ADSL, so select them and save and reboot and you ready.....

Edited by Richard-BKK
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The DSL-G604T also supports ADSL2/2+ so if ADSL ever gets upgraded you are ready. The firewall running in the DSL-G604T is Linux based and is a form of hardware software combination, it can be compared to professional firewall's running in mainframe networks.

What's a mainframe networks?

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I wouldn't go as far as saying that a Linux-based ADSL router makes it comparable to "mainframe network firewalls" but it certainly means something in terms of its ability to stand a large number of connections. Some cheap ADSL routers (like the ones TOT provides - even the 4 LAN ports + wireless model) tend to drop connections like hel_l when you start using P2P due to their buggy stateful NAT/filtering engines.

If you don't do P2P or Skype, maybe that doesn't apply to you.

Of course you're going to be entierely on your own to configure the WAN part (ADSL connection) and this can be tricky sometimes. Don't expect any kind of support from True. You'll probably have to 'extract' the configuration information from their router and translate it into configuration actions on the new box. Caveat emptor.


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True “mainframe network” was maybe not the best example, my excuses for that, lets say it is as good as “firewall found in professional equipment”

I use a D-link DSL-G604T for a True ADSL connection; setup was easy, all you need is your username and password. All other settings for the True ADSL connection are don by the setup wizard.

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Richard, the D-Link G604-T sounds interesting although it gets some very mixed reviews from anyone who plays around with the settings. Price seems to be about 2400 baht. Seeing it's a wireless router and l only ever have one computer connected to the internet at the one time (no network set up at all) would l need to purchase anything else to be able to use it e.g. a wireless adaptor/card etc?

Am l likely to have any problems with Firefox or Opera as one review l saw mentioned?

Also is it still a problem doing a firmware upgrade e.g. can it be updated from an English language page rather than from the Thai version on the D-Link .sg website?

Lannig, do you mean the configuration settings like l have options for here?


The other modem-router l keep coming across is this one from Linksys.


Linksys WRT54GC

Similar price to the D-Link, gets good reviews and very compact which is good. Anyone have any experience with it?

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Penguin you not need anything else, only the all-in-one router to make things work. This is also for other brans of all-in-one routers.

Firmware upgrades can be don from any website of D-link, but it seems that http://www.dlink.in.th is the only one wo has the Thai firmware.

You can use any Internet browser, and after you start using a all-in-one router you can also use any operating system (Linux/Windows/Apple/etc).

It is even possible that you connect a Xbox or Playstation to the Internet.

More about the Thai firmware, it seems that firmware for oher countries work, but you will miss the setup wizard and need to setup the connection manual. The setup wizard in the D-link knows all major Internet providers in Thailand, just select one give your username and password and you are online.

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The DSL G604 will connect to your machine through the LAN cable.

It supports 4 cable connections and of course the wireless.

If you do buy one and don't use the wireless immediately, make sure you turn it OFF

or you may find your neighbours sharing your link. :o

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............but l was thinking of repacing my software firewall with a hardware firewall..........

If you plan to rely totally on the router firewall, bear in mind that most offer only incoming protection whereas the majority of software firewalls provide 2-way protection, outgoing as well as incoming.

(NOTE: The Windows XP built-in firewall, if activated, only monitors incoming, not outgoing traffic.

Lets say, for example, you receive an e-mail "worm" or some other malware installs a "Keylogger" on your system. Your standard router firewall won't block it, as it asumes everything going out was generated by you. However, in this example, a good software firewall will notify you of any unauthorized program attempting to "call home".

You may want to do a little "google-ing" on the subject, before you uninstall your present software firewall.


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Just downloading a few user manuals to have a read of before l decide on what to buy.

Now l understand (simple really) why you need to use the Thai website for D-Link. :o

Waldwolf, l understand about outgoing protection. Funny how on some forums you can get into big arguments over the value of knowing what outgoing connections your computer is making. In a nutshell the argument goes that if any malicious program is "calling home' then it's too late to do anything about it. By the time you see the pop-up, you are already "owned". Like you l still prefer to at least know.

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I bought a D-Link G604T after hearing that it works with True, and that it was a good product. I have to say that my experiences with this modem have been horrible. I'm glad that most of you guys are enjoying your modem, maybe I got a lemon, but it has been one nightmare after another.

The first thing I'll mention is that this router CAN'T be configured on a Macintosh. In fact, my understanding is that ONLY IE on a PC can be used to configure the router. I found that Opera on a Mac works somewhat, but it seemed really stupid to borrow a PC laptop from a friend every time I wanted to change a setting! Also, another friend with a Cisco wireless card couldn't connect to the router, it only works if I disable the password.

Also, this seems to be a common problem, but are you guys not experiencing a high pitched whine? The router was recalled/replaced in European countries because of this issue. I decided I could live with all this, because the noise doesn't bother me unless I was sitting fairly close to the router. Then, about a week ago, and a couple of month after I got the thing, the wireless dropped completely. I reset a couple of times, and then realized that there WAS a signal, just that I was getting 1 bar out of 4, from 30 cms away! It still works fine with a cable, but it obviously defeats the purpose of WIFI! So eventually I get in touch with DLink (they don't have any offices in Thailand, you have to email Singapore support), and they were pretty unhelpful. They gave me three suppliers in Thailand and told me to see if any of them would exchange my modem.

I haven't had a chance to visit the supplier, but based on these past experiences, I don't really want the same router again. penguin, if you got your router already, I hope things are working out for you. If you're still doing research, I would recommend this forum which might answer many of the questions you have about this product. http://www.expansys.com/forum.asp?code=110551

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I have done a lot of reading and Googling of late on the subject of routers. :D

Spider, you are not the only person to have problems with the D Link G604T :o lots of similar comments to be found on other forums. I have seen people say they were able to get replacements because of the noise issue. The IE problem l alluded to in post #7.

I will have a read of your link later but l imagine it is similar to the one found on the Whirlpool forums, the biggest computer forum in Australia.

It seems l cant use a router with my Billion 7000 anyway due to lack of input connections. The current modem True are giving out to new customers is the ZyXEL which does have an ethernet connection. I dont know if it applies to all Billion models but the one l have has instructions for mac users in the mannual so a ZyXEL from True might be worth looking at. Do a search on Graham Rogers who writes for the Bangkok Post. lm sure he will have written about using True with a mac.

Just spoke to a neighbor who installed True last week and despite having little knowledge of the internet manged to connect okay. I could probably swap modems with them as they dont need wireless but l think l will now wait until l build a new computer early next year. Might even look at the new n. wireless standard if that has got any closer to getting finalized.

I considered getting the Linksys WAG54G but so many reports of failure with this model, seems that it runs very hot causing reliability problems. Some people mention having to have two or three relacements in a year. :D

When you look at the Whirlpool forums whenever someone starts a topic about Linksys or D Link half the large number of replies are from users complaining about even more problems. The one thing l found interesting was how popular Billion are in Australia. So many forums topics there recommend Billion. If anyone does have a problem then they seem to be minor. Other than True shops l cant recall seeing them for sale in Thailand but they are available in Singapore. The 7300G and 7402GL seem very popular, about 3000 and 4500 baht respectively.

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Glad you did your research...... just wishing I'd done mine more carefully before picking up my Dlink. I read a couple of rave reviews and how well it worked with True, and it was enough to convince me to buy one. If you go to the forum I mentioned you'll find similar comments to the Whirlpool forums which I also visited once I started having problems with the router. I guess I would have encouraged you to look at a different modem, but seems that you've already done that on your own. :o

Sounds like you're on a PC penguin, but for any mac users out there, apparently Zyxel and the new wireless billions packaged with True work fine with macs. Unfortunately when I signed up, I got stuck with a billion box without WIFI.

I'll see if I can get a different DLink that works both with True and on a mac, otherwise I don't mind paying for something that will work! Good luck with your search.

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Hello Spider77,

I have no idea, if the html web based setup page cannot open on an Apple Mac. It works with all my Linux Distributions, Sun Solaris (UltraSparc processor), MS Windows all browsers.

The high pitched whine, I have no problem with that, after some Googleling I found also some stories about that so I opened my router to see what can make any sound and the verdict is I cannot find anything what remotely can make sound, no high voltage no moving parts….

If I was you Spider I went back to the store and contact Dlink Thailand

Edited by Richard-BKK
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Hi Richard,

I'll confirm that setup is NOT possible using Firefox and Safari on a Mac OSX, at least based on my own experiences and those of others who have posted in various forums. Basically changes are not saved on reboot, or reboot doesn't complete and a hard reset is required. I had some success with Opera, but 50% of the time I have the same problems as I have using Safari and Firefox. It does bother me that the box states that this router supports Mac OSX when this isn't the case. Firmware updates, for example, can only be executed on PCs.

My understanding is that the high pitched whine is caused by a certain coil that vibrates. It may be that this problem is limited to the first batch of G604Ts that were produced as some people have reported the problem, while others don't have it. I'm glad you're happy with this product, but for me, it has given me too many problems and now the wireless doesn't even work. I would be happy if I could talk to DLink directly, but they don't have an office in Thailand, and as I mentioned previously, Dlink in Singapore wasn't very helpful :o

Anyway, I'm visiting the thai distributor next week and hopefully they find a solution for me or I'll just dump this one and get something that works.


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