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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.

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Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

Mr. Kid DENIED everything and his testimonies were not allowed to come with him to the station.

He was not capable to play waiting game since his health was weaking and fast. Also he didn't like the idea to spend in Thailand for several months at the minimum. He was on holiday and his life is in Sweden. For me it would have been different. I actually wouldn't mind for stopping counting my visa days for, say; 2 years. He could have almost won the case if we fighted 2 years. And by winning I mean getting very light sentence by sueing the police and the "victim" on her attack on him. LOOOOONG fight anyway.

You too are not looking at what i am saying.

If he hadn't have signed the statement he could have avoided all of the fuss if he had stood his ground. Yes he might well have stayed a night in the slammer but it would have been a lot easier and a lot less hassle than what he ended up going through.

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It seems that this case has ended badly for all of us

The get a large sum of money for a simple accusation which was completely unsupported with any evidence, that means all any lady has to do is make an accusation of groping against anyone they choose and they will recieve a large sum of money.........scary


Totally agree. Mr KID has paid a bung for his grope and left the country. I hope he will have the moral fibre to raise his illegal payments to the relevant authorities from afar and not leave other expats ( who may not do anything but fall foul to this group who have got away with it ) in line for similar from a group who have got away with this outrage. It is the least he can do as he was the idiot ( self confessed ) who caused this in the first place.

However, I'm not holding my breath. :o


Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

Mr. Kid DENIED everything and his testimonies were not allowed to come with him to the station.

He was not capable to play waiting game since his health was weaking and fast. Also he didn't like the idea to spend in Thailand for several months at the minimum. He was on holiday and his life is in Sweden. For me it would have been different. I actually wouldn't mind for stopping counting my visa days for, say; 2 years. He could have almost won the case if we fighted 2 years. And by winning I mean getting very light sentence by sueing the police and the "victim" on her attack on him. LOOOOONG fight anyway.

You too are not looking at what i am saying.

If he hadn't have signed the statement he could have avoided all of the fuss if he had stood his ground. Yes he might well have stayed a night in the slammer but it would have been a lot easier and a lot less hassle than what he ended up going through.

I don't think that would have helped him though. :o


Brit, I think you can not possible ever have been to Lucifer yourself.

Phil - I've been in Lucifers many times with my gf. Too bloody packed for my liking and normally get attacked when gf hits the loo. Ladies are very aggressive in Lucifers, but that being said I know not every lady in Lucifers is that way, so one has to be careful making assumptions.

man, they should invest in better lighting :D

Hahah Kurgen least I attract LADIES, not LADYBOYS :o

It seems that this case has ended badly for all of us

The get a large sum of money for a simple accusation which was completely unsupported with any evidence, that means all any lady has to do is make an accusation of groping against anyone they choose and they will recieve a large sum of money.........scary

Wrong - he signed a statement confessing. I sure as hel_l woudn't signed anything and stood my ground. Perhaps wasted a few days, but I think after a while the MIB would have grown tired of this and settled the case reasonably.



Thanks for your posts - this had made me think about what to do if I was unfortunate enough to fall prey to a similar scam.

Is it your advice to refuse to sign anything and to insist on the Embassy of my country to be informed ?

I've had plenty of unwelcomed pats on the ass from bar girls over the past few days. What's my chances of sueing them?

ya that craks me up ,, the thai's can grab your nuts,your ass,etc ... no problem.......the cops are in on the scam..................he should had jack hammerd a left to her chops and ran,, I've seen this think before and they've got him setup for a big big screwing$$$$$$ :o


This has been a very enlightening read, thanks for all your updates Hans, I like many who read this forum no doubt are very grateful that you shared this information with us all.

I live in a Seaside town in the UK & i know Girls that have been subjected to far worse groping than a playful pat on the bottom (as probably happened here) in night clubs by drunk fuelled revellers so believe me this type of behavior does go on in our 'own Countries' so to speak.

Now in Pattaya which is probably the adult playground of the world, in a 'disco' such as lucifers where the majority of people present are engaged in the p2p scene, i think its fair to say that inhibitions are lowered & people who work in this kind of enviorement are aware of this & would not work there if they were unable to handle these types of punters. Combine this with overcrowding & you could say that this type of response (lightly patting someones bottom) as a form of social interaction could be regarded as acceptable or some psychologists may argue even the norm in this type of setting.

Now im not saying its the right thing, but i think that many people in that situation may have done exactly the same thing as this unfortunate Swedish Gentleman & been set up for the kill so to speak.

Now ask yourself what would you do if thai police person says sign here & you can go? Weve probably all read the books or at least been made aware of the 'wonderful' places that are thai prisons/police cells. How many of us without reading this would have known or had the 'guts' to sit it out & not sign anything? I dont think i would & hey even after reading it (thanks again Hans) i may still be tempted to take the 'easier' way out?

just my two penneth

Right Im off now to grope some entertainers & test my resolve :o


Sorry to repeat myself, but would Hans be kind enough to try to pressure Mr KID into doing the right thing for once and carry on with his expose of the corrupt experience he has put himself through.

He touched her arse by his own admission, he did not deserve what came next, but if he behaved no doubt in the manner he behaves back home, this would not have happened.

What will happen if he sulks away to lick his wounded wallet without following through on the team that did this, is that as sure as G-od made little apples, it will happen again. Perhaps the next time to some poor sod who in fact did not touch up this tart in the first place, and who has to live in the LOS making it extremely difficult to put himself in the firing line.

Mr Kid is nice and safe now in scooby land, I hope he will do the right thing and make life a little safer for those he has left behind !


I would be extremely surprised if Mr. Kid, in his home country, made any protest whatsoever concerning this case.

With no disrespect to Mr. Kid, and I fully emphasize with what he had to go through, but he was the victim in this case in every sense of the word.

And although he committed a fairly minor offense - buttuck grabbing or whatever and nothing more - he paid a heavy price. From what I've read about his actions and behaviour subsequent to his arrest he didn't appear to be the type to vigorously contest and deny the wild accusations of this little hussy who happened to work at the said establishment at the time.

If he had maintained the attitude -

"Two hundred thousand baht!

No way.

I'm not goin' to sign anything, and so what if I spend a night or two in the cells.

This matter is now more important to me than my continued stay in Pattaya......they're not goin to fxxx me!"

Things would undoubtedly have been very different.

Still - this has been a reminder to me of how unscrupulous and opportunist some Thais can be towards foreigners here in Pattaya and elsewhere in Thailand.

She was still singing as of tonight...........albeit with a hat on. :o

Yeah....probably no doubt trying to maintain some vestige of anonymity.

Poor woman

***edited by sbk****

Lets keep it polite, please.


Far from end this story... Please, stay tuned. I will get back to this matter as soon as I have finished my work.

Interesting details are popping up. For expample that this mentioned woman police officer; Miss Ticky, is not a police offcer at all!!! Merely a translator who works at the Pattaya police station. She has just gained the trust of the real MIBs and she can hassle around there as she likes.

Now I have understood why she never wore any uniform or name badge at all.


:o That's very interesting but also shocking newsindeed.

Keep the news coming Lankari !



May be a bit "off topic":

Many years ago a Swiss and a German bloke did something like this..........

They had very good connections to the BIB and even police radios in their cars and tried to make some money with kind of scams :o

Some of the older expats will know them..............


Pub singer refuses farang entreaty


Money can’t buy everything An evening of fun ended unhappily for Swede Mr Kid Nordbery after he patted a woman’s bottom and used his fingers indecently in the Walking Street. He was a customer in the Lucifer and assaulted Miss Parmika Teratanasunit as she was walking from the stage after completing her singing numbe

She summoned the police in the person of lieutenant colonel Preecha Samrit who arrested Mr Nordbery for public and common assault. The Swede was crying and expressing his profuse apologies for a stupid mistake made on the spur of the moment. He tried to offer financial compensation, but the offended singer properly explained that cash is not the answer to everything in this life.

Mr Norbery was booked at the police station for the offence but later allowed to leave after paying a fine. Friends said this was not his normal behaviour in entertainment spots and speculated that the wayward behaviour could have been prompted by a drink or two.

-Pattaya Today

13. October 2006, 22:00


A bit odd Brit...that Pattaya Today comes with this story after it was news since sept. 29th or so...? :D

A bit slow I would say.... :o


A bit odd Brit...that Pattaya Today comes with this story after it was news since sept. 29th or so...? :D

A bit slow I would say.... :o


Patters Today Website is slow posting articles unlike PCN. :D Just found it humourous their wording. :D



Any new developments in this case.

Your latest revelation is surely a very interesting one and I'm curious about further developments.


A bit odd Brit...that Pattaya Today comes with this story after it was news since sept. 29th or so...? :D

A bit slow I would say.... :o


Patters Today Website is slow posting articles unlike PCN. :D Just found it humourous their wording. :D

Cant help but wonder after reading 14 pages on this topic, this sounds like a differnt version..

Facts are similar, Sweede touches Girs Toot!! "As she left the stage?

In the case of Her Singing? Its horrific by all accounts,, perhaps she needed some publisity ??

The Night Club pays them so badly they needed extra money???

Dare I say it for fear of retaliation, Did the Sweede consider ''ALL THAI WOMEN ARE WHORES!!!!"

Just Wondering...


A bit odd Brit...that Pattaya Today comes with this story after it was news since sept. 29th or so...? :D

A bit slow I would say.... :o


Patters Today Website is slow posting articles unlike PCN. :D Just found it humourous their wording. :D

Cant help but wonder after reading 14 pages on this topic, this sounds like a differnt version..

Facts are similar, Sweede touches Girs Toot!! "As she left the stage?

In the case of Her Singing? Its horrific by all accounts,, perhaps she needed some publisity ??

The Night Club pays them so badly they needed extra money???

Dare I say it for fear of retaliation, Did the Sweede consider ''ALL THAI WOMEN ARE WHORES!!!!"

Just Wondering...

Of course not all Thai women are whores but this one certainly is!!! Jeez, she is the very definition of the worst kind of whore you would find anywhere! Corrupt, greedy and and lying c**t! May Buddhas wrath strike her where it hurts the most!


I thought I read this carefully, but maybe I did miss something.

Anyway, to me it looks like Mr. Kid paid the police woman 200.000, but got a receipt for only 100.000, and then was only given 100.000 in return?

So the police woman managed to pocket 100.000 baht for herself then?

Exactly how much he groped the singer is of course impossible for us to say.

100 000 was kept by police as a bail-sum. And that was written on the receipt and that is the correct sum. That is a guarantee out of which the compenstation to the victim is paid.

That was completely justified for the police to get from Mr. Kid. What was not justified was to get double money in the police car without the receipt and after that write him a receipt of only 100 000 at the station.

Simple mathematics to tha Pattaya police: If you receive 2 baht, you do not write a receipt of 1 baht. If you receive 200 000...

Of course there might have been a mistake when counting the money but I little bit doubt it...

Mr Hans, I was informed reliably the B200,000 your friend paid was bail and it should have only been B100,000 that is why she begrudgingly returned it..What was the fine he paid in court??

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