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US Cuts Off Millions In Military Aid To Thailand


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During the first election, in 2001, Thaksin also told the media here that he was a personal friend of GW Bush. Don't know how "personal" that would be. But maybe this could have something with latest US actions. If Thaksin is a friend of GW Bush... How uncorrupt is then GW Bush himself?

Just some thoughts...

didn't bush sr. attend taksins b'day bash some 5-6 yrs ago? i remember reading that mr. t treated him to a bottle of red wine worth 600k baht. :o

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During the first election, in 2001, Thaksin also told the media here that he was a personal friend of GW Bush. Don't know how "personal" that would be. But maybe this could have something with latest US actions. If Thaksin is a friend of GW Bush... How uncorrupt is then GW Bush himself?

Just some thoughts...

didn't bush sr. attend taksins b'day bash some 5-6 yrs ago? i remember reading that mr. t treated him to a bottle of red wine worth 600k baht. :o

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there are some! most Thais know them.

As well 3 month ago I met 10 US army guys in Pattaya who worked at a us military base, they did not even know that thailand does not has one, but to excuse that, they also did not know where thailand is and if there is a difference to taiwan.....

In fact a lot us army here....

US cuts off millions in military aid to Thailand

As ever the America appears to be a "Fair Weather Friend"! I cannot help wondering what G.W.'s reaction would be if Thailand were to cancel it's agreement allowing U.S. bases here in Thailand. The current "Big Brother" attitude of it's incumbant president, certainly worries me. What do other forum members think? :o

I think you are stuck in a time warp.There haven't been any American bases in Thailand for over 30 years.

As to the military aid being cancelled the amount was very small, and my guess is the White House was not even involved it this State Department decision.Essentially it represents a very mild expression of regret that a coup took place in a country where democracy seemed to have found roots.Most Thais would also regret the necessity of a coup but would argue it was in very exceptional circumstances necesary to clear a political blockage that normal procedures would not permit.

The vapourings of outrage from some are plain silly, making a mountain of the proverbial molehill.Thailand and the US will continue as close allies.

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US cuts off millions in military aid to Thailand

As ever the America appears to be a "Fair Weather Friend"! I cannot help wondering what G.W.'s reaction would be if Thailand were to cancel it's agreement allowing U.S. bases here in Thailand. The current "Big Brother" attitude of it's incumbant president, certainly worries me. What do other forum members think? :o

The U.S. does not have any bases in Thailand. !!

They do have military liaision though.

Regards, BD

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US cuts off millions in military aid to Thailand

As ever the America appears to be a "Fair Weather Friend"! I cannot help wondering what G.W.'s reaction would be if Thailand were to cancel it's agreement allowing U.S. bases here in Thailand. The current "Big Brother" attitude of it's incumbant president, certainly worries me. What do other forum members think? :o

The U.S. does not have any bases in Thailand. !!

They do have military liaision though.

Regards, BD


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The U.S. does not have any bases in Thailand. !!

They do have military liaision though.

Regards, BD


Utapao is not anymore a US base, it has been returned to the Thai armed forces. The Thai armed forces now "allow" the US army to "use" this base. Fine difference... :D

It is rumored that U-Tapao and another base near Korat, i believe, are used to interogate Al-Quaida and JI prisoners, ehh, sorry, "detainees"...

Same same but different... :o

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Does this mean that the US navy will not be flooding Pattaya and Phuket with its sailors??

That does sound like good news!!!!

Actually, i have always found US navy personal and marines exceptionally polite and friendly, and a joy to hang out with, which somehow stands in conflict with the attitude of their government towards the rest of the world.

Hanging out with British squaddies though is generally not a very pleasant experience.

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Looks like Bush is just letting his mate Tacky know he's still with him.

Classic case of keeping a foot in both camps ....just in case of course.

I understood most of this american budget was being spent on training anti terrorism measures in Thailand.

Guess the terror threat has gone away.

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Does this mean that the US navy will not be flooding Pattaya and Phuket with its sailors??

That does sound like good news!!!!

Actually, i have always found US navy personal and marines exceptionally polite and friendly, and a joy to hang out with, which somehow stands in conflict with the attitude of their government towards the rest of the world.

Hanging out with British squaddies though is generally not a very pleasant experience.

yeah they were always really nice guys, complete lack of any education and not knowing where in the world they are, but nice guys no troubles, good for some jokes and some beer.

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Does this mean that the US navy will not be flooding Pattaya and Phuket with its sailors??

That does sound like good news!!!!

Actually, i have always found US navy personal and marines exceptionally polite and friendly, and a joy to hang out with, which somehow stands in conflict with the attitude of their government towards the rest of the world.

Hanging out with British squaddies though is generally not a very pleasant experience.

yeah they were always really nice guys, complete lack of any education and not knowing where in the world they are, but nice guys no troubles, good for some jokes and some beer.

That is why most of them are in the army - trying to get to college and university, not to wage wars and die for the benefit of a few corporations. That is not their, but their superior's decision.

I always try to seperate between individuals and their governments.

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I think you are stuck in a time warp.There haven't been any American bases in Thailand for over 30 years.

At any given time there at least a few hundred US Military personnel in Thailand , from Spec Ops all the way down the line.

can you name a country that is NOT true about?

Any democracy!

And it is good news that the Yankees are leaving together with Toxin.


Edited by Viking
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I think you are stuck in a time warp.There haven't been any American bases in Thailand for over 30 years.

At any given time there at least a few hundred US Military personnel in Thailand , from Spec Ops all the way down the line.

can you name a country that is NOT true about?

Any democracy!

And it is good news that the Yankees are leaving together with Toxin.


ummm at a guess there are

more than a few 100 active US military personnel

in whatever country you are from :o

Edited by jdinasia
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Does this mean that the US navy will not be flooding Pattaya and Phuket with its sailors??

That does sound like good news!!!!

Actually, i have always found US navy personal and marines exceptionally polite and friendly, and a joy to hang out with, which somehow stands in conflict with the attitude of their government towards the rest of the world.

Hanging out with British squaddies though is generally not a very pleasant experience.

yeah they were always really nice guys, complete lack of any education and not knowing where in the world they are, but nice guys no troubles, good for some jokes and some beer.

That is why most of them are in the army - trying to get to college and university, not to wage wars and die for the benefit of a few corporations. That is not their, but their superior's decision.

I always try to seperate between individuals and their governments.

Yes I also do that, but some of the guys are really brainwashed. Would be a good time for a military coup in USA as well.

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Notwithstanding my efforts to flog SU-27's and not Floggers(NATO joke ?)

It is with concern that I wonder what form of Blackmail is

Military Aid ? The country in question is of course supporting its

own arms industry and I find the word Aid particularly offensive

in a World of regional conflict and starving children. I particularly think

that the Thais can look after themselves without this form of aid.

There used to be a British arms dealer in the last Century called

Sir Basil Zaharoff(actually a Greek).

Who would boast that he would sell arms to one side, then arms to the

other side. Start a war between them, then sell arms to both sides again.

The moral of my posting is beware the arms dealers and Military Aid

lest the same fate befall a country in the style of :-

Sir Basil Zaharoff

Such is the Great Game of Chess, that is World geopolitical arms, that

another country may be goaded into attacking another country

for not playing, The Game.


Edited by Hermano Lobo
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US cuts off millions in military aid to Thailand

As ever the America appears to be a "Fair Weather Friend"! I cannot help wondering what G.W.'s reaction would be if Thailand were to cancel it's agreement allowing U.S. bases here in Thailand. The current "Big Brother" attitude of it's incumbant president, certainly worries me. What do other forum members think? :o

As usual America the big bad wolf. :D Despite the fact that Bush is a Moron there are laws in place that preceded him that can't easily be tossed aside or ignored. Do a little reading. You might learn something. Like the rest of the world America is trying to stall but on somethings it can't without violating its own laws. If we do nothing we are flayed for doing nothing. If we do something we are flayed for doing something. If we screw up....happens frequently(especially under current genius) we are flayed. If we get it right it is simply expected. If it was as simple as just our incumbent peabrain being removed it would be fixed in our next election. It won't be because of world expectations and Americans expectations. C'est la vie. Keep shooting. Eventually you will hit the target. Maybe it will even be the one that matters. :D


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An article taken from the Nation Breaking news 30-09-06 @ 07.23 am



Home > Breakingnews > US wary of army man as Thailand's post-coup prime minister

US wary of army man as Thailand's post-coup prime minister

WASHINGTON - The United States expressed unease over reports Friday that a former army chief had been chosen to run Thailand's government after the military ouster of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack withheld formal comment on the reports that Thailand's ruling junta had selected retired general Surayud Chulanont,63, to replace Thaksin pending confirmation of the appointment.

"But certainly somebody with close ties to the military is going to have to at least overcome the perception that they are maintaining a close relationship with the military and may be not acting in defense of Thai democracy," McCormack said.

McCormack said the United States continued to watch developments in Thailand "very closely: Who is appointed as prime minister, that person's background, the policies that they pursue."

"We certainly hope that that person is somebody who has the deep interests of Thai democracy at heart and who not only abides by the principles of democracy but acts in their defense in getting Thailand back on the pathway to democracy as quickly as possible," he said.

Agence France Presse



So why the duplicity then U.S. administration.

Surely you knew and took for granted that Toxin as the last P.M. for most of his time had all the security forces under his control including the military, the police along with all the other relevant institutions.

Where was your so called unease during the last five years of ties where Toxin had the an obvious influence over them that must have been judged as undemocratic. ???????

Re quoting the best bit :-

"But certainly somebody with close ties to the military is going to have to at least overcome the perception that they are maintaining a close relationship with the military and may be not acting in defense of Thai democracy," McCormack said. :o

Now doesn,t that want to make you laugh, it,s so humerous surely he,s not serious.

Thailand deserves the same support now as never before, perhaps more so in assisting a smooth change over.

Progress is going forward anyway in spite of how they wish to interpretate this much welcomed coup on behalf of it,s people.

Instead of being hyprocritical get behind them.

marshbags :D:D:D

Edited by marshbags
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An article taken from the Nation Breaking news 30-09-06 @ 07.23 am



Home > Breakingnews > US wary of army man as Thailand's post-coup prime minister

US wary of army man as Thailand's post-coup prime minister

WASHINGTON - The United States expressed unease over reports Friday that a former army chief had been chosen to run Thailand's government after the military ouster of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack withheld formal comment on the reports that Thailand's ruling junta had selected retired general Surayud Chulanont,63, to replace Thaksin pending confirmation of the appointment.

"But certainly somebody with close ties to the military is going to have to at least overcome the

perception that they are maintaining a close relationship with the military and may be not acting in defense of Thai democracy," McCormack said.

McCormack said the United States continued to watch developments in Thailand "very closely: Who is appointed as prime minister, that person's background, the policies that they pursue."

"We certainly hope that that person is somebody who has the deep interests of Thai democracy at heart and who not only abides by the principles of democracy but acts in their defense in getting Thailand back on the pathway to democracy as quickly as possible," he said.

Agence France Presse



So why the duplicity then U.S. administration.

Surely you knew and took for granted that Toxin as the last P.M. for most of his time had all the security forces under his control including the military, the police along with all the other relevant institutions.

Where was your so called unease during the last five years of ties where Toxin had the an obvious influence over them that must have been judged as undemocratic. ???????

Re quoting the best bit :-

"But certainly somebody with close ties to the military is going to have to at least overcome the perception that they are maintaining a close relationship with the military and may be not acting in defense of Thai democracy," McCormack said. :o

Now doesn,t that want to make you laugh, it,s so humerous surely he,s not serious.

Thailand deserves the same support now as never before, perhaps more so in assisting a smooth change over.

Progress is going forward anyway in spite of how they wish to interpretate this much welcomed coup on behalf of it,s people.

Instead of being hyprocritical get behind them.

marshbags :D:D:D

Sometimes it's truly hard to fathom the logic of the United States Government and it's mouthpieces.

What is the problem with a man who has attained high military rank being approved by the CDR and ultimately H.M. the King as interim Prime Minister of Thailand?

Will democracy be outlawed if we have General Surayud Chulanont. I think not.

Perhaps the U.S. government with it's recent history in SNAFUs should look to their own problems before attempting to impose their values on Thailand.

The Thais are quite capable of handling their own affairs without pressure from Big Brother! :D

For those with a sense of history here is a list of U.S.Presidents (The Guardians of Democracy?) who served their country in military service. (Not complete)

George Washington: Served in the Virginia militia (1752-1758), attaining the rank of colonel

Zachary Taylor: Served in the War of 1812, attaining the rank of major general.

Ulysses S. Grant: attended West Point; attaining the rank of general of the army.


Rutherford B. Hayes: attaining the rank of major general.

.James A. Garfield: attaining the rank of major general.

Chester A. Arthur: attaining the rank of captain

Benjamin Harrison: attaining the rank of brigadier general.

Theodore Roosevelt: attaining the rank of colonel

Harry S. Truman: attaining the rank of major.

Dwight D. Eisenhower: attaining the rank of general of the army, and was Supreme Allied Commander in World War II.

John F. Kennedy: attaining the rank of lieutenant.

Lyndon B. Johnson: attaining the rank of lieutenant commander.

Richard Nixon: attaining the rank of lieutenant commander.

from 1946 to 1953, attaining the rank of lieutenant.

Ronald Reagan: attaining the rank of major

George H. W. Bush: attaining the rank of lieutenant (junior grade) Pretty impressive.

George W. Bush: He attained the rank of first lieutenant. WOW!!!!!! Not as good as daddy.:D:D

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I am a little beffudled by Washington's reaction.

But it is not all that surprising, considering:

Midterm US elections are coming up in November, and the Bush party is now poised to lose both the house and the senate based on the war in Iraq which is being justified as bringing "democracy" to Iraq. To simplistic minds, Thaksin represented "democracy" because he was "elected" and any military coup, even a well justified coup, certainly does not present a face of democracy. So it is just keeping with the party line.

The US has been pretty good and consistent in opposing the brutal military regime in Burma. While there are no signs this current coup will be a Thai Burma, again, the simplistic line is to always oppose military coups in SE Asia.

The US was a great supporter of Marcos for most of his corrupt, brutal, thieving regime. I have always seen Thaksin as similar to Marcos. Probably Thaksin was a pretty reliable predictable friend, especially with the "war on terror" so in that context, change would be seen as bad.

Most Americans could care less about Thailand and couldn't come close to finding it on a map.

I am sure if this coup turns out nicely, there won't be any problem with US-Thai government relations.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Most Thai military coups in the recent past have gone out of their way to put a PM in place that everyone trusted.

I was somewhat supportive of this coup under the circumstances, but find this choice of a former Army Officer as PM to be a little worrying. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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but find this choice of a former Army Officer as PM to be a little worrying.

Being Thailand's former top military man should not be a disqualifier, particularly since everything you read about him is positive.

Kinda like appointing Colin Powell interim President, were we only lucky enough to have a democracy-saving coup......

Where's Monica Lewinsky when we need her..................

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Does this mean that the US navy will not be flooding Pattaya and Phuket with its sailors??

That does sound like good news!!!!

Actually, i have always found US navy personal and marines exceptionally polite and friendly, and a joy to hang out with, which somehow stands in conflict with the attitude of their government towards the rest of the world.

Hanging out with British squaddies though is generally not a very pleasant experience.

yeah they were always really nice guys, complete lack of any education and not knowing where in the world they are, but nice guys no troubles, good for some jokes and some beer.

That is why most of them are in the army - trying to get to college and university, not to wage wars and die for the benefit of a few corporations. That is not their, but their superior's decision.

I always try to seperate between individuals and their governments.

Yes I also do that, but some of the guys are really brainwashed. Would be a good time for a military coup in USA as well.

The CiC would flee the scene :o

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I am surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that the suspension of aid by the US is automatic where a military coup displaces an elected leader....It is not a push by the US to force anyones hand.

Nothing personal GB

But what happened with the statemen made by the State Department spokesman Sean McCormack!

Why didn,t he say just that along with all the other admin. spokespeople to re enforce your observation and the "fact " you mention ???????????????????????????????????

Sorry but i think your off mark with why they are making these negative quotes and taking the present actions.

It,s not due to what you quote as it really would have been an easy way to distance itself from the politics.

Just another case of minding somone else,s store instead of puttting their own in order :D ( = meddle )

This is Thailands affair not the U.S,s don,t you think.

marshbags :o:D:D


Where,s the evidence that the selection is not a good one, i haven,t read one article about him that,s negative, quite the contrary

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