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Thai couple charged with rape and murder of 20 month old baby girl

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Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel

Seeing as your baiting on this issue, i'll definitely bite. People who are parents (me included) feel utter and sheer abhorrence at these things. Nobody really knows how rife it is. But many feel that the perpetrators of these atrocious crimes can't be fixed. OK then, enlighten us all, what punishment would you recommend for the perpetrator of your baby daughters rape (leading directly to her death) and who also was having sexual relations with your wife while you're at work?

And be honest now

People rightly get emotional because things like this are a clear and present danger in Thailand (and other places). And with such an ineffective police force and justice system would you hang all your hopes on the perp getting his just desserts? I certainly wouldn't

I too feel utter and sheer abhorrence mate, but I don't let it open up the box full of hate that is locked inside my heart. I put a lid on that many years ago after being part of all that hate business.

I have a young son myself and like no other I watch over him like a hawk, especially in a country with so many disturbed souls.

I actually keep him away from certain places, people or occasions that I find to have a higher risk factor and I know my business, trust me.

The only punishment for people like this is life long hospitalization. Perhaps a full frontal lobotomy or daily drugs.

It's not about punishment in cases like this. He probably doesn't even know what he has done wrong, that's how backward he is.

Certain people shouldn't be allowed to take part in society because of their mental illness, but to slaughter them like pigs or chickens, that's just as sick and backward as they are, while we are supposed to be the ones with a 'normal' working brain.

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Sad beyond words.

He is one demented S.O.B.

I think life in general population would be a short and violent one for him.

Most prison populations have little tolerance for child molesters in and land.

Sop convict him, sentence to death but let him loose with his peers.

That will be punishment without fail.

RIP young child, I hope you fond some moments of joy before your departure of this life.


Should these two be found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. A short period in a very nasty prison (in general population) followed by the death penalty should follow.


I agree with the death penalty for this guy, but ONLY if there a very long period of torture first. Maybe something to do with red hot iron rods used in a an appropriate place, something along the idea of an eye for an eye, if you know what I mean.


Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel

Seeing as your baiting on this issue, i'll definitely bite. People who are parents (me included) feel utter and sheer abhorrence at these things. Nobody really knows how rife it is. But many feel that the perpetrators of these atrocious crimes can't be fixed. OK then, enlighten us all, what punishment would you recommend for the perpetrator of your baby daughters rape (leading directly to her death) and who also was having sexual relations with your wife while you're at work?

And be honest now

People rightly get emotional because things like this are a clear and present danger in Thailand (and other places). And with such an ineffective police force and justice system would you hang all your hopes on the perp getting his just desserts? I certainly wouldn't

I too feel utter and sheer abhorrence mate, but I don't let it open up the box full of hate that is locked inside my heart. I put a lid on that many years ago after being part of all that hate business.

I have a young son myself and like no other I watch over him like a hawk, especially in a country with so many disturbed souls.

I actually keep him away from certain places, people or occasions that I find to have a higher risk factor and I know my business, trust me.

The only punishment for people like this is life long hospitalization. Perhaps a full frontal lobotomy or daily drugs.

It's not about punishment in cases like this. He probably doesn't even know what he has done wrong, that's how backward he is.

Certain people shouldn't be allowed to take part in society because of their mental illness, but to slaughter them like pigs or chickens, that's just as sick and backward as they are, while we are supposed to be the ones with a 'normal' working brain.

You deride other people for their suggestion that the best thing to do is put this maggot down like the animal he is yet you freely admit that some people should not be able to participate in society. Further to that you think he should be just locked up forever and maybe throw in a frontal lobotomy. We have been doing that for years with prisons and mental hospitals and it just doesn't work. Governments and tax payers spend years trying to rehabilitate those that can't be rehabilitated and curing the uncurable. I don't claim to have all the answers but if you have proven yourself unworthy, to as you, put it participate in society with a crime as abhorrent as this then IMO death is a viable solution. That removes the problem and whatever twisted dna it carries with it, and yes I use the term it deliberately as anyone that would perpetrate something like this is no longer human


Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel

Seeing as your baiting on this issue, i'll definitely bite. People who are parents (me included) feel utter and sheer abhorrence at these things. Nobody really knows how rife it is. But many feel that the perpetrators of these atrocious crimes can't be fixed. OK then, enlighten us all, what punishment would you recommend for the perpetrator of your baby daughters rape (leading directly to her death) and who also was having sexual relations with your wife while you're at work?

And be honest now

People rightly get emotional because things like this are a clear and present danger in Thailand (and other places). And with such an ineffective police force and justice system would you hang all your hopes on the perp getting his just desserts? I certainly wouldn't

That DaveinAsia is baiting is your opinion and you are entitled to have that opinion.

I do not agree with your opinion.

Perhaps you miss his point that revenge - an eye for an eye only perpetuates the problem in our World society.

Knee jerk reactions are understandable but not acceptable and Mob justice is no justice at all.

It brings us down to their beyond belief low level!

I speak as one who's 19 year old step son was murdered during one of the many inter university/polytechnic gang fights last year. Imagine that: a 19 year investment in his future cruelly snatched away!

Though we are saddened beyond belief, neither I, my wife or any family members want revenge.

At the funeral, we pleaded with his friends not to seek revenge, it only requires further revenge to follow in a never ending cycle! (BTW, there was no compensation offered or sought).

We need to do everything we possibly can to help to steer civilization onto a better course.

Hospitals/Dr's should report abuse and the police should do their jobs - without the need for a reward!

When we observe things that are wrong we should take considered action rather than looking the other way as many do.

Yes, getting involved is a risky business, but it is a duty that we all have.

It is called responsibility.

RIP little one.

Let your passing encourage the rest of humanity to do the right thing and make this world a better place.

In many countries, Social Services will remove children from potentially dangerous family situations.

Maybe that sort of thing could be encouraged to happen in Thailand?

Yes, I know that there are even abusive situations in the Social Services empire as well, but it is at least a start in the right direction, even if the implementation is not 100% perfect.

Just sayin.......


In the Thai press there were reports that the bf was just out of prison where he'd served a sentence for theft and possession of drugs.
Witnesses reported that in the days leading up to the death the baby was seen to be visibly frightened whenever in the presence of the accused indicating that it had been going on for some time.


In the Thai press there were reports that the bf was just out of prison where he'd served a sentence for theft and possession of drugs.

Witnesses reported that in the days leading up to the death the baby was seen to be visibly frightened whenever in the presence of the accused indicating that it had been going on for some time.

As I posted above:

When we observe things that are wrong we should take considered action rather than looking the other way as many do.

Yes, getting involved is a risky business, but it is a duty that we all have.

It is called responsibility.

Perhaps some people observed things but took no action?


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

I'm with you on this Ian. Every time there's a horrific crime and I start reading the posts after the article, I wonder how long it will take before the 'hang'em' brigade pops in. It usually doesn't take long, of course.

In a situation like this, naturally, the mind slips, the heart stops, something inside us shrieks in pain, insufferable images appear in our minds and we're left with a feeling of utter hopelessness.

You talk about a knee jerk response and I guess that's all it is, for the most part anyway. A reaction to that feeling of horror and hopelessness.

Of course if one applies rational thinking, one cannot but realize that the death sentence has existed since ... well, probably since the dawn of humanity, and yet here we are, in a world that still doesn't deserve to be called 'civilized'. So ... obviously the 'deterrent factor' simply doesn't work.

If it doesn't work, then why kill the perpetrators ? To serve justice ? But how can justice be served in a situation of absolute paroxysm like this one ? How does death punish him/them ? Isn't a lifelong sentence without parole a greater punishment ?

If the death sentence doesn't deter and doesn't serve justice, then the disturbing question is : what does it serve ? the need for revenge ? But that need for revenge ... what side of us does it belong to ? the bright or the dark side ? I think the answer is pretty obvious.

Everyone wishes for humanity to become more 'civilized' but how could that not imply putting a hold on any form of barbarous urge ? Including, of course, the need for revenge. For those who claim to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ or the Lord Buddha, both were extremely clear on that point ...

But, like I said, this is rational thinking... and sure enough, the principles of civilization are based on rational thinking, but humans are not. At least, most of the time they're not. For example, why doesn't the deterrent factor work ? Because when people do barbarous things, their reason is switched off.

Perhaps everyone ought now to ask him/herself : how often in one day is my 'reason' switched off ? there are degrees of course. When I flip the finger to a driver who does something I don't like, my reason is not functional, because if it was, I would not take the risk of making him furious (especially in this country). If he does get furious and we start a fight, both our reasons will switch off deeper. And so on. Serial killers and the guy who murdered/raped that poor baby girl are at the other end of the scale. When they're there, you bet there is not one rational argument in the world that can reach them.


I could not agree more.

Maybe someone might think twice before doing this if the penalty was high enough, but that is speculation and is immaterial. What is MATTERS is that THIS PERSON would not be capable of committing a similar offense in the future.



He shud be dragged thru the streets & have a very slow death, & have his worst nightmare. If the girlfriend was involved the same should happen to her. Poor poor child frightened beyond belief I'm sure. I don't believe in God but I hope there's some where nicer for her


Perpetrators of the type of sickening act have often been abused themselves as children and suffered the same acts. This does not excuse their actions but the prevalence of child abuse in Thailand will continue to grow unless Child Protection agencies get effective legislation to deal with the problem.


Perpetrators of the type of sickening act have often been abused themselves as children and suffered the same acts. This does not excuse their actions but the prevalence of child abuse in Thailand will continue to grow unless Child Protection agencies get effective legislation to deal with the problem.

The amount of cases world wide, regarding this type of act, seems to be on the increase.However social media can bring all things to light, much faster than years ago.If anybody remembers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, these inbreds tortured and murdered many kids,and quite a few things did not get on social media due to the depravity of some of the acts.

So we should not condemn only 1 nation, the world is sicker than ever and we can all play a part in reducing this sickening violation of children and babies


Perpetrators of the type of sickening act have often been abused themselves as children and suffered the same acts. This does not excuse their actions but the prevalence of child abuse in Thailand will continue to grow unless Child Protection agencies get effective legislation to deal with the problem.

The amount of cases world wide, regarding this type of act, seems to be on the increase.However social media can bring all things to light, much faster than years ago.If anybody remembers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, these inbreds tortured and murdered many kids,and quite a few things did not get on social media due to the depravity of some of the acts.

So we should not condemn only 1 nation, the world is sicker than ever and we can all play a part in reducing this sickening violation of children and babies

Agreed this is not a Thailand specific problem my career in the UK was treating horribly abused children and young people. However social media does not play a significant part of addressing this problem, only education can do this along with resources to reduce, combat and avoid it, ie an effective Social Services and child protection agency and effective centers for treatment of those young people who have been abused because without that treatment they themselves can go onto abuse others.


In the Thai press there were reports that the bf was just out of prison where he'd served a sentence for theft and possession of drugs.

Witnesses reported that in the days leading up to the death the baby was seen to be visibly frightened whenever in the presence of the accused indicating that it had been going on for some time.

As I posted above:

When we observe things that are wrong we should take considered action rather than looking the other way as many do.

Yes, getting involved is a risky business, but it is a duty that we all have.

It is called responsibility.

Perhaps some people observed things but took no action?

Yes, it was also reported that witness(es) saw the bf take the baby into the bathroom at the resort and run the taps, presumably to cover any noise, but they didn't name the witness. Unless it was a communal bathroom can't think who the witness was unless it was the mother?


There are no words to describe what this sick, reject animal ,has done,,,exterminate that vile piece of shit.Sorry for the loss of a young life.


When I see all the knee-jerk posts above and the vile images that they conjure up with the words that they use whilst calling for torture, death and the rest of it, I see people who are as damaged as the perpetrators of the original vile act against this defenseless baby. Having people like this in our midst is one reason why the world does not move on.


When I see all the knee-jerk posts above and the vile images that they conjure up with the words that they use whilst calling for torture, death and the rest of it, I see people who are as damaged as the perpetrators of the original vile act against this defenseless baby. Having people like this in our midst is one reason why the world does not move on.

A tick in the like box is not enough, I have to reply as well.

I understand the knee jerk reactions but I do not accept it when it is shared on a public forum.

Such thoughts are better kept to one's self, else, when made public, encourage others to express similar feelings.

This is what whips up Mobs!

It is not civilized behaviour!

Humans are often sheep like and follow the crowd rather than taking a more responsible direction.

We may think that "It's OK cos everyone else is doing it!"

But it is not!

If any of the posters of revenge carried out their thoughts e.g. "Death by 1,000 cuts.", we would all know how wrong they were.

That they too would be guilty of taking the Law into their own hands and should be punished!

No amount of excuses like "as a parent...." make any difference, what message are they giving to their children?

Also, don't include me in those sweeping, self justifying statements; As parents we....."

I am a parent, grand parent and step parent and I don't subscribe to knee jerk!

Sure, I also had such thoughts but I kept them to my self.

Then I adjusted my thinking towards a more appropriate and positive response before posting.

Sort of engaged the big brain first?

Why can´t we encourage others to choose this path rather than joining the MOB!

Must be time to close this thread soon?


When I see all the knee-jerk posts above and the vile images that they conjure up with the words that they use whilst calling for torture, death and the rest of it, I see people who are as damaged as the perpetrators of the original vile act against this defenseless baby. Having people like this in our midst is one reason why the world does not move on.

To be sure this happening is a sign of something much deeper that's profoundly messed up and that we all share in to some extent, but there's a huge difference between what this piece of scum actually did and more than once, and the revenge others are fantasising about out of anger and sadness.

The death penalty seems warranted in this case but no reason to do anything messy, just snuff this guy and remove him from the gene-pool.

The mother's case sounds a bit more complicated and I suspect she's got something coming from her soon-to-be ex-husband.


Totally speechless.God bless that little baby.The culprits needs to be slowly and publicly flogged before the death penalty takes the lives of both of these evil animals.


very very sad, feel sick to think such a young age could be subjected to that. discusting....
I dont know what reason, or lack of reason this young man had - perhaps he was raped as a child and had problems discerning right from wrong... either way mental issues of temptation and lack of foresight can be stemmed from alcohol. drugs or anything really.... im sure he will be getting his karmic retribution when his cell mates find out what he did.


Sick mofo, death should be his only sentence..........................

Too easy of a way out for these pigs. They should both rot in a crowded tiny cell with the worst, The Bangkok Hilton has to offer..........

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