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US warns Russia against striking non-IS groups in Syria


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The irony! The U.S record when it comes to distinguishing moderates from extremists has been abysmal so to warn the Russians against making the same mistake is a tad hypocritical.


This is not to say I trust Russian motives btw.

But they aren't accusing Russia of doing it accidentally are they? ;)

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Ash Carter and Kerry were talking about US concerns. Now I am getting concerned too.

This 'joining forces' of Russia with Western allies in Syria is dangerously serious. Or if you prefer, - seriously dangerous.

There are many of these dangers to consider:

- There are Russian MIGs-31 now flying over Zone of conflict. Plus American allies' jets. This in itself is a bad potentially explosive mix in the skies.

- There is Turkey having joined the fight would be against the ISIS. Essentially they are after the Kurds. Underhand they are supporting ISIS or so Russians believe.

- There is unconfirmed report of Putin giving an ULTIMATUM to Erdogan to stop supporting ISIS in Syria or face breaking diplomatic relations.

- There are American forces in the same area who are trying to help their proteges - various groups fighting Assad who allegedly were trained and armed by USA.

Now if you consider the matter of language used by Carter - maybe I should be not the only one worried?

Let me quote from above OP to illustrate what I'm talking about (or rather Carter is talking about):

"concerns about the nature of the targets, the type of targets and the need for clarity with respect for them."

"if it occurred, it's yet another reason why this kind of Russian action can and will backfire very badly on Russia."

"By supporting Assad and seemingly taking on everyone who is fighting Assad, you're taking on the whole rest of the country of Syria,"

"But we must not and will not be confused in our fight against ISIL with support for Assad."

"Moreover, we have also made clear that we would have grave concerns should Russia strike areas where ISIL and al-Qaida affiliated targets are not operating,"

"Strikes of that kind would question Russia's real intentions fighting ISIL or protecting the Assad regime."

Now, this kind of talk in itself is a very slippery road. It smells of threat which is not a proper way of talking to Russia.

I understand there are many posters here who will immediately try to compare technical characteristics of Raptors to Migs and Su's. Or will compare the number of US Megatons to those of Russians.

Frankly, I am afraid to check it out.

​All I'm saying - the situation is very dangerous. Putin is not Khrushchev and Obama is not JFK. I am really getting concerned.

There are reports that, because of Russian air strikes, ISIS is moving its families over the border into Iraq. Something they did not have to worry about with the Western bombing. I wasn't aware there were families involved. Just points out that there is much we do not know. Russia is supporting an ally who has always been their ally who have invited them into their air space and land mass. I am pretty sure they have not invited any western nations into that same space. We either adhere to international law or we don't. The "don't" part is the slippery slope IMO.

It's been noted in a number of news reports that ISIS followers & some foreign fighters house their families within Syria especially in the Daesh 'capital' Raqqa. Assad has previously invited Western forces to co-ordinate with him in bombing Daesh within Syria, the requests have consistently been declined.

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It's been noted in a number of news reports that ISIS followers & some foreign fighters house their families within Syria especially in the Daesh 'capital' Raqqa. Assad has previously invited Western forces to co-ordinate with him in bombing Daesh within Syria, the requests have consistently been declined.

More rubbish. From June:

The US-led coalition battling the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has dramatically intensified its air war against the militant group with strikes pummeling the group's de-facto capital of Raqqa, Syria.
More than 30 Islamic State militants were killed Feb. 6 in U.S.-led coalition airstrikes near Raqqa, AFP reported. The Islamic State has proclaimed Raqqa as its capital. The news comes the same day the Islamic State claimed that an American hostage was killed in Jordanian airstrikes, a claim that has not been confirmed.


Edited by Chicog
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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


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It's been noted in a number of news reports that ISIS followers & some foreign fighters house their families within Syria especially in the Daesh 'capital' Raqqa. Assad has previously invited Western forces to co-ordinate with him in bombing Daesh within Syria, the requests have consistently been declined.

More rubbish. From June:

The US-led coalition battling the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has dramatically intensified its air war against the militant group with strikes pummeling the group's de-facto capital of Raqqa, Syria.
More than 30 Islamic State militants were killed Feb. 6 in U.S.-led coalition airstrikes near Raqqa, AFP reported. The Islamic State has proclaimed Raqqa as its capital. The news comes the same day the Islamic State claimed that an American hostage was killed in Jordanian airstrikes, a claim that has not been confirmed.


What's rubbish? So far as I'm aware none of the US coalition airstrikes have been at the request of or coordinated with the Assad regime.

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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.

Nobody even tries to pay attention to small things like this. Both Presidents, Obama and Putin are doing their best 'in the interests of their countries'.

Inverted commas and emphasis is there to point out that it is not their Peoples interests.

Speaking of political clout, USA has an advantage in the world - NATO and its numerous allies.

Militarily they may be considered close. Weak point of Obama - too many constraints from within. Weak point of Putin - bad economic climate within.

Strong point of Obama - World Mass Media is on his PC bandwagon. Strong point of Putin - formally sticking to Legality, factually not bound by PC necessities.

Needless to say neither Russian nor American people need the present confrontation.

Let us try to summarize the situation.

Americans say something along the following lines: "You may participate on condition that you do not touch forces under our protection" Essentially it is do what we say and as we say.

Russians say something along the following lines: " And who are you to tell us what to do, when and how to do it?" We are here on the invitation of legit gov't, helping them. And you are?..

A very important factor is:

Russkies cooperate with Assad. - Americans cooperate with anti-Assad forces.

Be assured there is no and there will not be in future any sharing of intelligence info or ops co-ordination.

For the third time - I do not like the potentially explosive situation!


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The irony! The U.S record when it comes to distinguishing moderates from extremists has been abysmal so to warn the Russians against making the same mistake is a tad hypocritical.


This is not to say I trust Russian motives btw.

Not sure about distinguishing between moderates and extremists.

The US has a problem distinguishing between hospitals & weddings and extremists.


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Obama has put the US in its worst geopolitical position since the 1930s. It is worse than the Carter years. Obama and Kerry constantly "surprised." By the "Arab spring." By the Chinese in the South China Sea. By the Russians in Ukraine and, now, Syria. And all the Pentagon and its perfumed generals can worry about is how to put more women into combat. Meanwhile, hordes of people live within the borders of the US who have no allegiance or loyalty to the country. Those that aren't actively hostile to American culture and history are largely indifferent and only interested in seeing what they can suck out of the political carcass economically.

The naivete of some people never fails to amaze me.

Obama has demolished dependence on foreign oil, extracted most of the US troops from two bloodsucking occupations, dumped the Sunni/Shi'a problem on Europe, and as an added bonus punished Putin for Ukraine by deflating his biggest export; as well as conning him into getting involved in an ultimately futile little Middle East adventure of his own - and you really would have thought Russia would know better!

I don't know how much better he could have done.

The bloke deserves a round of applause. It's pure foreign policy genius.


The cornerstone of US diplomacy for over four decades was to separate and divide the USSSR/Russia from China. Obama has brought them together. A clumsy oaf. And now Russia also has its military gateway to the Mediterranean in Syria, something the European powers fought against for over 200 years. So, just whose side are you really applauding for?

They have never been divided. They've always backed each other at the UN. And the first BRICS talks were in 2006.

And as for "Now Russia also has its military gateway", what planet are you on?

It's been there since the cold war.

And it may be their only presence in the Med but in military terms it isn't much. A few well aimed cruise missiles and it would be ash.

Well done colloquy on strategic issues in the ME over time that involve the USA and Russia, if I may say so. The exchange points out how the Putin fanboyz have a surplus of comprehension to the side of Russia and the CCP China. And always seek to try to elevate Putin's fellow dictator tyrants in smaller countries. Always at the expense of whomever is POTUS at a given time, i.e., the United States.

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It's been noted in a number of news reports that ISIS followers & some foreign fighters house their families within Syria especially in the Daesh 'capital' Raqqa. Assad has previously invited Western forces to co-ordinate with him in bombing Daesh within Syria, the requests have consistently been declined.

More rubbish. From June:

The US-led coalition battling the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has dramatically intensified its air war against the militant group with strikes pummeling the group's de-facto capital of Raqqa, Syria.



More than 30 Islamic State militants were killed Feb. 6 in U.S.-led coalition airstrikes near Raqqa, AFP reported. The Islamic State has proclaimed Raqqa as its capital. The news comes the same day the Islamic State claimed that an American hostage was killed in Jordanian airstrikes, a claim that has not been confirmed.


What's rubbish? So far as I'm aware none of the US coalition airstrikes have been at the request of or coordinated with the Assad regime.

The implication was that the allies are not bombing Raqqa. Why should they coordinate with Assad?? He wants to bomb the rebel groups as well. He wants to preserve his dictatorship no matter who or how many he kills to do it..

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You couldnt make it up!!

US warns Russia about striking non-ISIS targets??

Says the country that kills it's own allies on a regular basis.

It's getting to the stage where the US are getting like the lowest respected tabloid at a press conference, stood at the back at 5ft 3inches waving a palmful of papers trying to get a word in.

Shut up America, you have no clout anymore - Obama has seen to that

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So when the Turks attack the Kurds, an ally and seemingly, the only people fighting a legitimate ground war against ISIS, the USA says nothing. But when Russia attacks rebels who will be future enemies the USA complains loudly. Assad does not need to be put down, he is a not the major player in this mess rather he is being used to avert attention from who the fight should be against. The USA has no right to determine who should be the leader of any country, that is up to the citizens of the country and even if aasked they should politely refuse to become involved. I am sick of the USA imposing its will by force wherever and whenever they want. Over the years, the USA has been a bigger terrorist than anyone else.

Turkey wants Assad out and definitely does not like Russians stepping in militarily to keep their choice Assad in power in Damascus. The Russians are for Assad and the Iranians are for Assad. Get in the fight or lose it by default, which is not a viable option for the US/EU.

As with Putin, Turkey Pres Erdogan is his own kind of fringe authoritarian who isn't always predictable either except Erdogan too often comes down on the side of repression. Erdogan currently is not on speaking terms with the CCP Boyz in Beijing because of their own repression in the Xinjiang Muslim region of the westernmost CCP, a factor that keeps the Boyz in Beijing on the outside looking in on this (cheerfully). And now Putin is going after more Muslims, some 2700 of the Assad fighters being from Russia to include many Muslims from Chechnya to an extended radius from it.

Putin hasn't even begun to get hit by the impact of the consequences of this act of desperation to save Assad or to try to have a say in a successor regime. It's hard to figure whether Putin in all of this is an Assad mortician or a Syria vulture.

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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.

Hmmm nothing odd about it you say?

I find it slightly odd that they think they can take off with such a short run up!!

Wahaaaaayyyy - see posters? A little light heartedness amongst the serious Sidneys amongst us biggrin.png

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The naivete of some people never fails to amaze me.

Obama has demolished dependence on foreign oil, extracted most of the US troops from two bloodsucking occupations, dumped the Sunni/Shi'a problem on Europe, and as an added bonus punished Putin for Ukraine by deflating his biggest export; as well as conning him into getting involved in an ultimately futile little Middle East adventure of his own - and you really would have thought Russia would know better!

I don't know how much better he could have done.

The bloke deserves a round of applause. It's pure foreign policy genius.


The cornerstone of US diplomacy for over four decades was to separate and divide the USSSR/Russia from China. Obama has brought them together. A clumsy oaf. And now Russia also has its military gateway to the Mediterranean in Syria, something the European powers fought against for over 200 years. So, just whose side are you really applauding for?

They have never been divided. They've always backed each other at the UN. And the first BRICS talks were in 2006.

And as for "Now Russia also has its military gateway", what planet are you on?

It's been there since the cold war.

And it may be their only presence in the Med but in military terms it isn't much. A few well aimed cruise missiles and it would be ash.

Well done colloquy on strategic issues in the ME over time that involve the USA and Russia, if I may say so. The exchange points out how the Putin fanboyz have a surplus of comprehension to the side of Russia and the CCP China. And always seek to try to elevate Putin's fellow dictator tyrants in smaller countries. Always at the expense of whomever is POTUS at a given time, i.e., the United States.

It would seem Russia has better success at creating puppet regimes, than that bastion of Freedom the US of A! whistling.gif

Edited by ggold
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So when the Turks attack the Kurds, an ally and seemingly, the only people fighting a legitimate ground war against ISIS, the USA says nothing. But when Russia attacks rebels who will be future enemies the USA complains loudly. Assad does not need to be put down, he is a not the major player in this mess rather he is being used to avert attention from who the fight should be against. The USA has no right to determine who should be the leader of any country, that is up to the citizens of the country and even if aasked they should politely refuse to become involved. I am sick of the USA imposing its will by force wherever and whenever they want. Over the years, the USA has been a bigger terrorist than anyone else.

Turkey wants Assad out and definitely does not like Russians stepping in militarily to keep their choice Assad in power in Damascus. The Russians are for Assad and the Iranians are for Assad. Get in the fight or lose it by default, which is not a viable option for the US/EU.

As with Putin, Turkey Pres Erdogan is his own kind of fringe authoritarian who isn't always predictable either except Erdogan too often comes down on the side of repression. Erdogan currently is not on speaking terms with the CCP Boyz in Beijing because of their own repression in the Xinjiang Muslim region of the westernmost CCP, a factor that keeps the Boyz in Beijing on the outside looking in on this (cheerfully). And now Putin is going after more Muslims, some 2700 of the Assad fighters being from Russia to include many Muslims from Chechnya to an extended radius from it.

Putin hasn't even begun to get hit by the impact of the consequences of this act of desperation to save Assad or to try to have a say in a successor regime. It's hard to figure whether Putin in all of this is an Assad mortician or a Syria vulture.

I think Turkey is more interested in helping IS wipe out the Kurds. It would alleviate a tricky problem of his own.

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So when the Turks attack the Kurds, an ally and seemingly, the only people fighting a legitimate ground war against ISIS, the USA says nothing. But when Russia attacks rebels who will be future enemies the USA complains loudly. Assad does not need to be put down, he is a not the major player in this mess rather he is being used to avert attention from who the fight should be against. The USA has no right to determine who should be the leader of any country, that is up to the citizens of the country and even if aasked they should politely refuse to become involved. I am sick of the USA imposing its will by force wherever and whenever they want. Over the years, the USA has been a bigger terrorist than anyone else.

Turkey wants Assad out and definitely does not like Russians stepping in militarily to keep their choice Assad in power in Damascus. The Russians are for Assad and the Iranians are for Assad. Get in the fight or lose it by default, which is not a viable option for the US/EU.

As with Putin, Turkey Pres Erdogan is his own kind of fringe authoritarian who isn't always predictable either except Erdogan too often comes down on the side of repression. Erdogan currently is not on speaking terms with the CCP Boyz in Beijing because of their own repression in the Xinjiang Muslim region of the westernmost CCP, a factor that keeps the Boyz in Beijing on the outside looking in on this (cheerfully). And now Putin is going after more Muslims, some 2700 of the Assad fighters being from Russia to include many Muslims from Chechnya to an extended radius from it.

Putin hasn't even begun to get hit by the impact of the consequences of this act of desperation to save Assad or to try to have a say in a successor regime. It's hard to figure whether Putin in all of this is an Assad mortician or a Syria vulture.

I think Turkey is more interested in helping IS wipe out the Kurds. It would alleviate a tricky problem of his own.

I think Turkey is more interested in helping IS wipe out the Kurds. It would alleviate a tricky problem of his own.

That would not surprise me at all - Turkey is a predominantly a muslim nation, still in the middle ages. Either way for them it would be a win win situation

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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.

Hmmm nothing odd about it you say?

I find it slightly odd that they think they can take off with such a short run up!!

Wahaaaaayyyy - see posters? A little light heartedness amongst the serious Sidneys amongst us biggrin.png

Mortician or vulture??

Is Putin Assad's mortician or is Putin Syria's vulture...laugh.png

Putin is nothing more than either now that he's frozen out of east Ukraine on the ground and is out of space in the air above it. clap2.gif

To the other poster btw who's quoted, Putin did not dare to try to use Russian air forces in Ukraine in these ways while he was daily denying Russian troops in east Ukraine, swearing on a stack of 'em Russian forces were not directly present or involved in (or above) east Ukraine. thumbsup.gif All the while the soldiers in unmarked uniforms that had showed up in Crimea were nothing but "little green men." cheesy.gif

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So the US are complaining that Russia are targeting Al Qaeda affiliates rather than ISIS. Have they reached a deal then with Al Qaeda? Is Al Qaeda their government in waiting for the people of Syria? If you watch the videos of Russia bombing Syria you can see that the terrorist compounds they are bombing must have taken months, even years to build. Then just think how effective the US UK and France have been at 'Fighting' ISIS! They are hypocrites and liars.

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No question the Kurds are at the top of their list in Ankara and no one said otherwise.

Erdogan spoke in parliament Thursday about Russian bombings, to include IS but no mention in the news accounts of the Kurds. The Kurds have been almost a predator of ISIS by knocking 'em out on a regular and consistent basis, perhaps the most successful anti-ISIS group on the battlefields, so I would doubt Erdogan is holding out much hope ISIS can do the job for him. Putin certainly will not do it as he already has his hands full and buddying up to the Kurds would draw lightning bolts from Erdogan.

In a column published in pro-government Daily Sabah on Thursday, Turkey's presidential spokesman, İbrahim Kalın, criticized the Russian move, saying that Russia's air strikes aim to prop up the Assad regime, rather than dealing a blow to ISIL or radical groups. He noted that the primary objective of the Russian-Iranian alliance is not to defeat Daesh (an Arabic acronym for ISIL) but rather to reinforce Assad in line with their own political interests


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So when the Turks attack the Kurds, an ally and seemingly, the only people fighting a legitimate ground war against ISIS, the USA says nothing. But when Russia attacks rebels who will be future enemies the USA complains loudly. Assad does not need to be put down, he is a not the major player in this mess rather he is being used to avert attention from who the fight should be against. The USA has no right to determine who should be the leader of any country, that is up to the citizens of the country and even if aasked they should politely refuse to become involved. I am sick of the USA imposing its will by force wherever and whenever they want. Over the years, the USA has been a bigger terrorist than anyone else.

So you believe that a dictator like Assad should be allowed to barrel bomb and gas his countries citizens indiscriminatly without any sanctions? Presumably you are rejoycing about the thousands of dead and millions of Syrian refugees pouring into Europe. Without the US you would not be able to post your stupid inacurate, ill-informed hate crap. If you think the US does nothing to help the Kurds you are wrong. But the Kurds have not helped there cause over the years by indiscriminately targeting Turkish civilians with terrorist bombing in the cities. The Russians are only joining in to divert attention from the Ukraine in the hope of getting sanctions lifted and to poke a stick in the US eye. There will be nothing ultristic about there involvement and they (as they have already demonstrated) won't care about the colateral damage you US haters whine about all the time. Soon the Russians will be bombing the Kurds and you will be blaming the US. I am sick of people like you.
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The cornerstone of US diplomacy for over four decades was to separate and divide the USSSR/Russia from China. Obama has brought them together. A clumsy oaf. And now Russia also has its military gateway to the Mediterranean in Syria, something the European powers fought against for over 200 years. So, just whose side are you really applauding for?

They have never been divided. They've always backed each other at the UN. And the first BRICS talks were in 2006.

And as for "Now Russia also has its military gateway", what planet are you on?

It's been there since the cold war.

And it may be their only presence in the Med but in military terms it isn't much. A few well aimed cruise missiles and it would be ash.

Well done colloquy on strategic issues in the ME over time that involve the USA and Russia, if I may say so. The exchange points out how the Putin fanboyz have a surplus of comprehension to the side of Russia and the CCP China. And always seek to try to elevate Putin's fellow dictator tyrants in smaller countries. Always at the expense of whomever is POTUS at a given time, i.e., the United States.

It would seem Russia has better success at creating puppet regimes, than that bastion of Freedom the US of A! whistling.gif


Some people to perhaps include Russian elites forget Afghanistan 1981-89. Prez Obama in his standard un-Trumplike fashion referred to Russia in Syria as simply another Russian "quagmire," without mentioning Afghanistan by name.

(A Prezident Trump almost surely would be fighting alongside Putin given Trump's stated admiration of Putin to include all of the Putin flying fanboyz who scamper after Putin and Trump in every wake each makes.)

Putin as a Soviet Union KGB clone was stationed in a Moscow puppet regime, East Germany which same as the Soviet Union is no more. Wait till Assad finds out he crawled into the wrong bed. :lol:

(Ask the Castro Boyz in Havana who they're lining up with theze dayze.)

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It's been noted in a number of news reports that ISIS followers & some foreign fighters house their families within Syria especially in the Daesh 'capital' Raqqa. Assad has previously invited Western forces to co-ordinate with him in bombing Daesh within Syria, the requests have consistently been declined.

More rubbish. From June:


What's rubbish? So far as I'm aware none of the US coalition airstrikes have been at the request of or coordinated with the Assad regime.

The implication was that the allies are not bombing Raqqa. Why should they coordinate with Assad?? He wants to bomb the rebel groups as well. He wants to preserve his dictatorship no matter who or how many he kills to do it..

Post removed to enable response.

Only in your mind, never stated or implied. Personally believe Assad and his senior leadership should face Court for war crimes, though highly unlikely will ever happen. IMO Western allies and Russia will eventually seek the replacement of Assad via political means & provide him and his closest advisers protection.

Edited by simple1
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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.

Hmmm nothing odd about it you say?

I find it slightly odd that they think they can take off with such a short run up!!

Wahaaaaayyyy - see posters? A little light heartedness amongst the serious Sidneys amongst us biggrin.png

Mortician or vulture??

Is Putin Assad's mortician or is Putin Syria's vulture...laugh.png

Putin is nothing more than either now that he's frozen out of east Ukraine on the ground and is out of space in the air above it. clap2.gif

To the other poster btw who's quoted, Putin did not dare to try to use Russian air forces in Ukraine in these ways while he was daily denying Russian troops in east Ukraine, swearing on a stack of 'em Russian forces were not directly present or involved in (or above) east Ukraine. thumbsup.gif All the while the soldiers in unmarked uniforms that had showed up in Crimea were nothing but "little green men." cheesy.gif


I thought you had give up the ghost of the Russians in Ukraine. There are hundreds of pictures of Russians in Syria. So why would there be no pictures of Russians in Ukraine? Russia obviously does not fear exposure. Above is a Russian field mess in Syria. I would love to see a picture of a Russian field mess in Ukraine. You can't use this one.

Edited by Pakboong
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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.


The Russian Air Force did not operate in Ukraine, nor was Russia invited in to Ukraine by the government of Kiev that Russia opposed and still opposes.

Bashir "Barrel Bomb" Assad invited Russia in to Syria on the promise Russia would destroy all of his enemies. Putin and his general staff have determined to have their air forces lead the way using the model of the US in the first Gulf War, regardless of whether the model applies here, which it does not.

Fidel Castro invited Russia to place missiles in Cuba in 1962 which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis that almost blew up the planet, so when it comes to invitations Russia and little countries commanded by sycophant pathological fellow dictators do not have a good track record, or even a respectable one.

The United States is leading a coalition of Arab and other states in support of the vast majority of the Syrian people who want Assad gone. Assad insists on remaining in power and kills indiscriminately to do so. Now Assad has brought in armed forces from Russia and Iran in order to clutch to power no matter what.

Assad will continue to slaughter Syrians and anyone else by any means possible to maintain his increasingly tenuous grip on power. As soon as Putin sees a benefit to letting Assad be cuffed and sent off to the Hague, Putin will smile and watch it happen.

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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

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People seem to forget that without Assad the Catholics living in the south of Syria would have already been slaughtered.

USA is in the middle east for more than 30 years and for 30 years have created a huge mess.

Why Syria is so interesting ? Think of all the gas found in Mediterranean sea, look at the pipe line project for the "after Assad" which is designed to lower dependence on Russia energy.

Soon after the Libya was"freed" Total took 40% of the national oil companies there...but we were there also "only to help them getting rid of dictatorship"...

Now Putin won't let it down and will follow is own agenda as well. USA and Europe think they will be able to handle the "moderate" rebels? what a joke, they tried this for years and NEVER worked... In 3 days Russia seem to make more efficient work than Europe and USA combined

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Whilst the U.S record of involvement in Syria is already known the Russians evidently have little intention on targeting ISIS exclusively any more than Turkey does when using ISIS as a pretext for targeting the Kurds.

The Russian airstrikes are 50+ miles from anywhere ISIS are known to operate.


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Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

When did the "deal go through"?

Congress had a 60-day window to consider approving, disapproving, or taking no action on the deal between the U.S., Iran, and five other world powers that is intended to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Though some Republicans and critics of the agreement have argued otherwise recently, the 60-day period ostensibly ends Thursday September 17.

Deadline for Congress passes, but Iran deal debate far from ...


Sep 17, 2015 - Democrats succeeded in keeping President Barack Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran alive Thursday with filibusters on two key votes.

Russia Moves Its First Tactical Fighter Jets to Base in Syria ...

Sep 18, 2015 - Russia has moved its first fighter jets to a growing base in Syria, defense ... in Syria, which has for years sought to avoid getting drawn into the ...

Edited by Harsh Jones
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this is satellite image on the Russians in Syria. Nothing odd about it other than we could not seem to find similar images when the Russians were supposed to be in Ukraine. The Russians have been invited in. It is hard not to notice that Russia is adhering to the letter of international law. This is US satellite imagery.


The Russian Air Force did not operate in Ukraine, nor was Russia invited in to Ukraine by the government of Kiev that Russia opposed and still opposes.

Bashir "Barrel Bomb" Assad invited Russia in to Syria on the promise Russia would destroy all of his enemies. Putin and his general staff have determined to have their air forces lead the way using the model of the US in the first Gulf War, regardless of whether the model applies here, which it does not.

Fidel Castro invited Russia to place missiles in Cuba in 1962 which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis that almost blew up the planet, so when it comes to invitations Russia and little countries commanded by sycophant pathological fellow dictators do not have a good track record, or even a respectable one.

The United States is leading a coalition of Arab and other states in support of the vast majority of the Syrian people who want Assad gone. Assad insists on remaining in power and kills indiscriminately to do so. Now Assad has brought in armed forces from Russia and Iran in order to clutch to power no matter what.

Assad will continue to slaughter Syrians and anyone else by any means possible to maintain his increasingly tenuous grip on power. As soon as Putin sees a benefit to letting Assad be cuffed and sent off to the Hague, Putin will smile and watch it happen.

I am not talking about aircraft on the ground in Ukraine, I would like to see any thing Russian on the ground in Ukraine. Those images can be blown up and at a much greater resolution. I would like to see any evidence that Russian troops are operating inside of Ukraine. Where are their supply trains? Their just being there takes up a lot of ground. They would have to have much more of what is in that Syrian picture. Porky claims 9,000 Russian troops. In Syria there are nowhere near that many. Much of the Syrian show is to tell the world that Russia is not in the Ukraine. I am American too. I hate having to say that Putin has outplayed us but, he has. Our satellites are constantly viewing everything on the ground in Ukraine. I watched Cuban troop movements via satellite image in the 80s, we are much better at it now. No way to hide 9,000 Russians from those satellites. If it turns out I am proven wrong,, you will see a public apology.

Edited by Scott
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