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Advice Sought Writing Image Files To Cd Via Xp / Cheetah


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Problem 1

Windows xp image viewer copies files to be written OK, but then warns that the new, blank disk I have in D: is full or can't be written to, no matter what new disk I place in the drive. Is my xp corrupted, or could it be the D: drive is faulty? Running D: plays most other disks OK but sometimes has a problem with the poor-quality VCDs in Thailand -- they bend under the heat of running in the laptop (2-year-old hot-running PC CPU), but I still have this writing problem with blank European disks.

Problem 2

I have been using Cheetah's excellent software to write data files to CD and DVD. They offer a 15-day trial, which can be repeated if the program is removed completely and downloaded afresh. When I write image CDs with Cheetah and then run D: to check the results, only the last writing session shows up but the disk still contains previous sessions, as evidenced by the net free capacity. Why is the D: window not showing my previously-written sessions? How can I see the true, full data on the CD?

Many thanks for any advice.

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