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Newcomer Coming In From States

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I plan to come to Thailand for about one year to experience the place and decide if I want to retire there with my 12 year old daughter. I am going to apply for a non immigrant visa here in the states. Any guidance, info from experience, is much appreciated. Thanks, cherryboy

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I will leave the issue of your daughter to the more experienced, like Dr. Pat.

If you are firm on your decision to obtain your Non-0 in the U.S., you must first advise what city your will do this in. They vary widely in approach.

Why not just come on a tourist visa, renew them as required while you make your decision and then apply for long stay non-immigrant visa here in Thailand if you decide to remain. A lot easier that dealing with a Consulate or Embassy in the U.S. Keep in mind that you will be dealing with an immigration matter with the Thai foreign service in the U.S., while in Thailand you will be dealing with the immigration service. I use the word "service" advisidly.

You will need to advise the gurus in this forum how you intend to support yourself here so they can advise which approach for you is best, but I will be surprised if they don't agree that the tourist visa approach is best for the undecided.

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Is your daughter Thai? If not what about education? On what basis do you intend to apply for a "non immigrant visa"? This should not be considered on a whim so assume you do already have some experience living here?

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I plan to come to Thailand for about one year to experience the place and decide if I want to retire there with my 12 year old daughter. I am going to apply for a non immigrant visa here in the states. Any guidance, info from experience, is much appreciated. Thanks, cherryboy

Tell us a little bit about yourself Cherry. Age .. funds ok, location in the US and as Lopburi asked, is your daughter Thai ?

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I'm a retiree with a pesnion. We have lived in asia in the past while I worked officially there. My daughter has attended intl schools in the past. I though renewing tourist visa's required departing and reentering Thailand every 60-90 days??? I am single.

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I was in Udorn Thani for one year in early 70's. I will apply for non immigrant visa at the new york consulate (I'd prefer wash d.c., its closer) . I live in Pennsylvania. Don't know what reason I would give for asking for one year non immigrant visa. "observing Thai culture". Thanks guys/gals.


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My daughter has attended intl schools in the past. I though renewing tourist visa's required departing and reentering Thailand every 60-90 days

But did you pay the bill for those schools? It will most likely amount to US $ 10,000 per year and you will still be paying US income tax. Tourist visas are not likely to be available for long term stays (even now many consulates will not issue them back to back), so you would require a non immigrant visa of the retirement type. That will require income/funds in a Thai account to total 65k baht per month/800k baht and details can be found on Washington or LA Embassy/Consulate websites. I think I would try one of the honorary consulates to obtain a regular O non immigrant visa at this point - on the basis of later application for retirement type - rather than the complete retirement process. You do need a proper visa to take care of many items here so would not advise the tourist visa if you can get better.

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No I did not pay for daughters intl school in the past. That was paid by my employer. I'm aware of the costs of intl school and have figured that into my budget.

What are ligitimate/aceptable responses when asked by Thai consulate, why I'm applying for an "o non-immigrant visa's " for myself and daughter?? Thanks.

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No I did not pay for daughters intl school in the past. That was paid by my employer. I'm aware of the costs of intl school and have figured that into my budget.

What are ligitimate/aceptable responses when asked by Thai consulate, why I'm applying for an "o non-immigrant visa's " for myself and daughter?? Thanks.

Apply by mail to any Thai Consulate in Texas ... ask for a multi to study Thai culture. Houston is considered friendly.

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Will a texas consulate accept an application mailed from Pa???

Thanks for the info. Down to about 9 weeks to departure. Plan to depart around 14 June for Bangkok.

Is there an intl school in Jomtien area??

I have visited the ISP in north Pattaya (brit school). Cherryboy

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Will a texas consulate accept an application mailed from Pa???

Thanks for the info. Down to about 9 weeks to departure. Plan to depart around 14 June for Bangkok.

Is there an intl school in Jomtien area??

I have visited the ISP in north Pattaya (brit school). Cherryboy

Yup ... and the mails are fine. Download the application form from the Embassy Website in DC. Provide 'em with a prepaid return envelope.

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Houston consulate telephoned me. They advised they would only offer me and daughter a tourist visa (I'd asked for non immi visa to "observe Thai arts/culture"). They offered a tourist visa with "six entries" for our 125$. They advised the visa is good for six months (???) i'M NOT SURE IF THIS VISA WILL ONLY ALLOW 60 DAYS AND 30 DAY EXTENSION OR ACTUALLY GIVE ME A SIX MONTH STAY. Thanks for your info. Cherryboy

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Houston consulate telephoned me. They advised they would only offer me and daughter a tourist visa (I'd asked for non immi visa to "observe Thai arts/culture").  They offered a tourist visa with "six entries" for our 125$. They advised the visa is good for six months (???)  i'M NOT SURE IF THIS VISA WILL ONLY ALLOW 60 DAYS AND 30 DAY EXTENSION OR ACTUALLY GIVE ME A SIX MONTH STAY.  Thanks for your info. Cherryboy

Tourist visa's will enable a 60 day stay and are extendable by a further 30 days. The six entries cannot be effectively utilized within that six month period. Ring 'em and tell them your problem.

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If visa is good for six months and I get 6 entries. I can effectively stay, using visa runs, for at least six monmths, right? This may work for me if they refuse non immi visa. It will give me time to decide if I want to fully invest in retiring there or not. Thanks

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I would apply for retirement visa as with that you can get a drivers license and open a bank account here if you decide to stay. If you decide not to stay you just don't transfer the money and you are only out the visa cost. It is not that hard to obtain police clearance/medical certificate in US so you should be able to get approval fairly quickly.

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Shot down. Houston advises I cannot get a non immi visa from any consulate w/o a letter from a business etc, etc. blah, blah It's policy.

It looks like I'll just have to find a way to eek out 6 months to a year beginning with what I have (tourist visa with 6 entries). Don't want to go the full blown retirement processing at this time. I'd rather live there awhile and see if I want to deal with the various hassles, including daughters school. Thanks again for info.

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CherryBoy: It is gratifying to review my reply post, just after your original post, that seems to be born out by your experience. Having tried to obtain non-immigrant visa in more than one country, I know how much more difficult they are to deal with as they all apply a different standard, as determined by the Consul General assigned to that post. Keep in mind, the counsular service is a differeent department than immigration.

You will find the change to non-immigrant O retirment visa extention from your tourist visa is really not difficult in Bangkok, probably only two visits to immigration. I did it in two. The 30 day time delay between visits was so they could do the paperwork and the review process. I have heard of others doing it in one. They will extend any tourist visit time contstraint to allow for the processing time so even if you apply near the end of your first tourist visit stay, you won't have to go out of the country for a visa renewal.

The important thing is to come into the country on a visa, as opposed to showing up at the airport and getting a entry permit. You seem to inidcate you will come in on a visa, so your set to make your decision upon your arrival, per my original post.

Also, beware that many banks will not wire funds to you without you making prior arrangements before leaving the U.S. so get that taken care of with your bank, even if you never use the service. You should also get a debit card or ATM/debit card from your bank, if you don't already have one, as that is another method of getting funds while in Thailand that minimizes the hassles and the attendant fees in check writing, etc.

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It is gratifying that my reply post prove to be the case.

Make sure you have established wire authority from Thailand with your bank before leaving and a debit card would also be important.

Switching to non-imm 0 her is a slam in Bangkok when you get here.

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Correction: I have a tourist visa which allows 5 "journiey(s)". I originally asked for non immi visa with multiple entries. They (HOUSTON) recommended I accept a tourist visa with 5 entries for my 125.00$ (non immi refused). So we're set to go. Also one of the internatinal schools advisd they would assist in getting daughter non immi visa once enrolled in school.

Thanks again people for your info. Looking forward to arrival and FUN. "DEE MOC". Cherryboy

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