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Group warns of wave of cyber attacks if single gateway plan is not abandoned

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Ultimatums and talk of 'war', even if it is just some Facebook nerds and an F5 button, belies the failure and eventual downfall of this junta.

It shows their attempts to decieve Thai people with fake polls and empty propaganda are failing.

All they need to do now is come down heavy in response for the international community to see whilst anti-junta Thais start to dig themselves in.

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Its good people are challenging the stupidity of this government, , they want to control everything yet have no accountability to their citizens Prayut should form a party and hold a election let the people have their say.

Form a party? He already is a party of one who hates to share power.


So you can't just use someone elses 13 digit internet access code and get them In a whole load of trouble, don't think he thought that one through too well or even at all...

Thai ID cards are now chipped so assume you'll need a reader to gain access to the internet.

But yes, as with anything, it could be hacked/compromised or a stolen/cloned card used.

The whole idea here is to scare the masses into self-censorship.

I'm half-expecting the "authorities" to issue an Article 44 ban on "gossip" (not celebrity gossip of course).

Quote The whole idea here is to scare the masses into self-censorship. unquote. This idea is being used world wide by politicians to control the masses. Fear of arrest, Big Brother is watching, NSA, Patriot Act, threats against your privacy and freedoms its all wrapped up into one neat bundle called paranoia. Social media has worked to knock these walls down to some extent but on the flip side they also extend the knowledge that your being watched. A double edged sword.


A control of the citizens, the order came from the Global Order.

In south america there are proposals for new laws to control access to internet. By the way, the proposal in Brazil says that every citizen had to provide an identification to access the internet.

Brazilians are fighting against gov as well.

Let's see how this episode ends.


This web attack on the government is a very promising development. It could be the beginning of a real challenge to the military in the way that Suthep's mob went from merely opposing the draft amnesty bill to bringing down the government. They should press the attack and up the goals to restoration of the 97 constitution and an immediate election.


Silly old men who are infatuated with their own image can sometimes make decisions that are not sensible decisions.

You're not wrong there.Have to be careful what I call him on here

But the only thing this ? has done in my opinion is pass a totally ridiculous law stopping legitimate licensed bars /restaurants buying alcohol at any time of the day, as used to be possible.So now we have to loose trading hours as to buy at stupid times.Does anyone know the reason for this.I was going to say logic but logic and Thai in the same sentence??


Anonymous or any of the famous hacking groups could probably bring Thailand to its knees in a few minutes of they were made aware of it

They've probably hacked into much bigger systems already than whatever 1995ish security Thai is running on lol


Anonymous or any of the famous hacking groups could probably bring Thailand to its knees in a few minutes of they were made aware of it

They've probably hacked into much bigger systems already than whatever 1995ish security Thai is running on lol

Mate, you're behind the times: they're on Windows XP now.


Anonymous or any of the famous hacking groups could probably bring Thailand to its knees in a few minutes of they were made aware of it

They've probably hacked into much bigger systems already than whatever 1995ish security Thai is running on lol

Mate, you're behind the times: they're on Windows XP now.

That should be pirate copies of Windows XP


Maybe someone might remember why the Internet was introduced. It's a design for data transfer after a nuclear blast when most of the technical infrastructure is destroyed, so data have to "find their way themselves" now.

A concentration on one bottleneck for all data would make all data transfer highly vulnerable to sabotage. So they would need redundancy, and redundancy on redundancy, etc. Until finally they reinvented the Internet again.


This could quick easily backfire and result in exactly what the Govt want. So now we have an ultimatum and all it takes is a group sympathetic with the Govts intentions to organise their own DOS which could quite easily be the excuse for article 44 and the fast tracking of a single gateway all in the name of national security.

Sounds like a chicken response to me. When it is time to stand up--- STAND UP!!!!!!!

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