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Catholic synod overshadowed by Church’s ‘homophobia’

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Catholic synod overshadowed by Church’s ‘homophobia’


Pope Francis presided over a vigil in St. Peter’s Square on Saturday (October 3) ahead of the synod, a three-week meeting of bishops from around the world on issues relating to the family.

Debate is expected to be vibrant with hardliners digging in and refusing changes to church outreach towards Catholics who are gay or divorced and progressives looking for a more open approach.

“Let us pray that the synod will show how the experience of marriage and family is rich and humanly fulfilling,” said the pontiff. “May the synod acknowledge, esteem, and proclaim all that is beautiful, good and holy about that experience.”

Meanwhile a high-ranking Vatican official was fired from his Holy See job after coming out as gay. Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa said he wanted to apply “good Christian pressure” not to forget gay believers.

Charamsa said he wanted to make an enormous noise “for the good of the church” which he described as homophobic and very difficult and harsh.

“It’s time for the Church to open its eyes about gay Catholics and to understand that the solution it proposes to them — total abstinence from a life of love — is inhuman,” he was quoted as saying.

He suggested that a study be made of how many gay people work in the Vatican. “We can’t continue showing contempt and offence towards homosexuals,” he said.

The issue of homosexuality and the Church has dominated the aftermath of the pope’s visit to the United States last week.

The Vatican has been embarrassed by a row over the pope’s meeting during his US trip with Kim Davis, a county clerk from the US state of Kentucky who went to jail in September for refusing to honour a US Supreme Court ruling and issue same-sex marriage licences.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-04

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The true colors of the Catholic Church are shining through. It has always been a bastion of illicit sexual dalliances which were kept hidden. Whether it was Pope's having illegitimate children, selling forbidden sexual experiences and repentance, pedophilia, and incest, they all got a free pass as long as you were inside the Church hierarchy.

If your preferences fall outside the desire to have a wife and children, the priesthood is an attractive profession. Access and protection are the hallmarks of the Church.

...But if you are honest and gay, you're not welcome. A clandestine meeting with the Kentucky clerk of court to give her support and now this. Says it all really.

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A gay rabbi once told that, although it's technically not allowed in the bible, it's a very small sin; and it's open to interpretation anyway. He reckons that he does a lot more good as a slightly sinful rabbi than by following some other profession. After all, the bible states that one should be put to death for cursing your parents, working on the sabbath, perjury, fornication outside marriage (not to mention incest & adultery) - so f*ing another man or an animal is kind of up there with these sins as well as murder, rape, robbery and kidnapping.

Of course nowadays, we don't arrest people for morally disgusting behaviors like working on Sundays (or Saturdays if you're Jewish, or Fridays if you're Muslim). We also seem to find it perfectly acceptable to marry someone who isn't a virgin or to engage in premarital sex.

I think it's time the bible - and the various religious moral codes - be updated to modern times. Frankly, I don't know what all the fuss is about: there doesn't seem to be anything intrinsically repugnant about intimacy between two (or more) people - of any sex or status - in the same way as singing or dancing or eating or pissing or shitting or giving birth or playing tennis isn't in anyway unnatural or immoral. The only line to be drawn might be that no 'harm' should be done to others.

I'd say that should be the one and only commandment; you can throw the rest away, they're irrelevant.clap2.gif

Edited by RapidMethod
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Many do not view the Catholic Church as a Country Club where members can change the status quo to suit their particular lifestyle...

Anyone who does not wholly embrace same sex relationships are unfairly branded as "homophobes"...

Could it be that those that are so quick to criticize Churches and people who stand by their principles are actually heterophobes?

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"Let us pray that the synod will show how the experience of marriage and family is rich and humanly fulfilling, said the pontiff. May the synod acknowledge, esteem, and proclaim all that is beautiful, good and holy about that experience. "

I am somewhat confused... is the Synod composed of people who have rich and fulfilling experience of marriage and family these days? I was under the impression that the Synod was composed entirely of middle aged and old men who like to dress up in red and purple dresses, and whose experience of fulfilment is limited to several years in a boys only seminary followed by years of watching other humans go through marriage and family fulfilment.

Edited by bangon04
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Many do not view the Catholic Church as a Country Club where members can change the status quo to suit their particular lifestyle...

Anyone who does not wholly embrace same sex relationships are unfairly branded as "homophobes"...

Could it be that those that are so quick to criticize Churches and people who stand by their principles are actually heterophobes?

These Gay Catholics have the right to become Moslems and that they can see true homophobia's

Maybe next the Catholics will give up Jesus Christ and God all together

Does any Church Really near God today

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Looking at the record of thousands of children, over 80% male children, who were abused by Roman Catholic priests, in parishes all over the World - one wonders how the Roman Church can throw out the hypocrisy, that it, the Church, is somehow separate from the majority of its priests.

One could almost suggest that it is a homosexual organisation.

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