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Thai govt eyeing BBC Thai over 'negative' Prayut report


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Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as a distorter of Thai news. I would go as far as to say that his connections are quite dubious. This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience. Many people have complained to the BBC about him, but they do nothing. During the 2013 Bangkok demos, he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters whilst reporting erroneously on the opposition. Over the years he has consistently and transparently distorted the news from Thailand. He needs to be thrown out of Thailand. The military must move against him.

Rubbish he is excellent and tells the truth (not YOUR truth - sorry). BBC is world recognized and although can't get everything right is very fair in it's reporting and it's corporate governance is very strong to maintain this fair reporting culture.

Links to when he said he was the first to Shrine Bombing? Links to when he went "straight into area picking up evidence"?

I have seen that report and it is not as you describe AT ALL.

Admit it you're just a right wing junta hugger making it all up

He was "Right around the corner" because the BBC office in the Maneeya Building is right around the corner, you bonehead (Ianf). Are you implying that he had advance notice and was hanging about waiting for loads of innocent people to die so he could get the "scoop"? That's quite an inference to make about anybody.

Jonathan Head has been incredibly well-balanced all along the way - which is particularly tricky in a country where there are strong laws against including certain subjects in your analysis. Go back and have a look... So are you suggesting that if people complain that they don't like a journalist's reports that the person should be removed? If a reporter isn't upsetting someone with his reports, he isn't doing his job digging up the unpleasant facts.

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Unfortunately in Thai culture, males are gods and have been brought up that way by parents.

What the parents fail to realize is that giving them that status, they grow up to be ignorant knuckleheads as they have the same godly attitude at school and life in general

Some grow up to drive tuk tuks while others are useless as men of any value

Then others manipulate and harm others to get to the top where their knucklehead attitudes again take precedence and they cannot understand true criticism of their basic stupidity which has been nurtured since birth...

Somewhat of a sweeping generalisation wouldn't you say? I know some good Thai geezers biggrin.png Interesting how Thai men are always referred to as 'males', rather alike animals, whereas Thai women, some of whom are patently ho's are always called 'ladies'. Never 'women'. Hmm coffee1.gif

I think males in Thailand are called that rather than insult them and call them overgrown boys. They on the most part in general are far from being men.

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I saw the hand shake photo, it was in the back of a conference room. The room didn't have too many people so must of happened before or after the meeting. Was the meeting about peacekeeping. I can't find the pic again though.

I also had this photo appear in one of my line groups.

edit, added the handshake



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I don't understand the term "negative" that I often hear. Are accurate FACTS "negative/positive" or merely FACTS. Is truth negative/positive or merely Truth?

Just like many TV members accusing others of "Thai bashing." If various statements are FACTUAL how is that "bashing"?

I understand your points totally. On your last one....personally, I think when posters point out certain things that are said and done here that appear to them to be either of a "childish or corrupt" nature and it gives them reason to relish and enjoy pointing out these things....I would consider this "Thai bashing" when they have failed to point out that in almost all of these instances ....the same, if not worse, is every bit as bad back home in their own countries and is going on all the time. The longer I live the more saddened I have become when I learn how our world "Leaders" are putty in the hands of the Big Corporations.

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Obama Offered Handshake to Prayuth, Govt Says
By Khaosod English

Junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha and U.S. President Barack Obama shake hands on 29 Sept. at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

BANGKOK — The military government yesterday disputed a media report alleging U.S. officials asked junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha’s entourage not to publish photos of the moment he shook hand with President Barack Obama last week.

The debate arose from a 29 Sept. photo that showed Gen. Prayuth shaking hand with Obama, presumably taken during his recent trip to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. The photo appeared to have been candidly snapped on a mobile phone and shared on social media, leading to speculation among internet users whether the photo was authorized by Thai and American officials.

According to a report Friday from BBC Thai, a Facebook-based platform of the BBC in Thailand, the photo was taken at the request of Thai officials, who expended great effort to have Gen. Prayuth meet with Obama in New York to show that the United States government views Thailand’s military regime favorably.

A handshake with the president of the United States is a much-sought opportunity for world leaders during the assembly, and the president’s handlers deftly seek to manage contact based on the state of international relations.

Citing an anonymous source, BBC Thai reported the Thai delegation secured the photo-op “after a long negotiation” on the condition from the American side that the Thai official photographer not take the photo, that it not be published through formal channels, and that it could only be released informally on social media.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1444027138

-- Khaosod English 2015-10-05

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In other words all the mockery on this forum over the last year or so about Prayuth's embarrassing behaviour at overseas meetings - much of it facetious and humorous, not meant to be taken seriously - is in fact completely justified.The reality has exceeded any attempt at satire.

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I wish these numpties would get their PR act together - they don't seem to have worked out yet that whenever they take issue with something said in the press then the whole story gets far more exposure than it ever would have.

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This (and all the other contrasting news concerning the current regime--Prayuth winning hearts and minds both at home and abroad against a backdrop of media suppression, attitude adjustments, LM 112 cases, and Section 44) reeks of denial, paranoia and desperation.

And there is nothing worse than a desperate man wielding near absolute power amd carrying a gun.

Sad(der) times ahead for the Kingdom I fear.

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Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

to get things wrong, very wrong...

I used to have the greatest respect for BBC as a news reporting agency. No more, they are a complete joke ! After seeing what they put out during the 2010 riots I actually sent 2 letters of protest about the rubbish some moron reporter named Rachel Harvey was dishing out. She knew absolutely nothing about what was really going on, yet felt it her job to misinform the world. Sad when one of your childhood icons goes down, but BBC has done just that sad.png

Like misreporting the migrant wave into Europe as pretty much 100% war refugees instead of the economic migrants half of them probably are.

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Now I wonder if that first picture I posted is doctored or not.

Most definitely. Very clearly they have photoshopped women's clothing onto the dude standing between the POTUS and his eternal eminence Prayuth.

Edited by docshock13
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Shame on Obama.

The handshake is a betrayal of democracy, freedom and human rights - all things America supposedly stands for.

Guess nothing gets in the way of US corporate economic interests.

Come on, don't be silly. The president cannot snub the leader of an ally like Thailand if he happens upon him. You don't know what you're talking about, just spouting the same stupid slogans. Obama has fought against corporate privilege during his two terms.

Edited by Dustdevil
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Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

to get things wrong, very wrong...

It is not impossible that this is true but without citing specific instances, supplying cites and sites, you're just flapping your lips.

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I have a feeling that the junta are pissed off over pictures posted of Prayuth on the podium talking to what appears to be a pretty much empty forum, most of the seats were empty.

In other words his audience were pretty conspicuous in their absence, and they hailed his visit a rip roaring success, I also wouldn't be making a big deal about the picture with Obama, he's a throbber. A Muslim kid builds a clock that looked more like a bomb timer, gets berated in the press and Obama invites him to the White House, then a former Army Veteran saves dozens of lives during an attack on a school by a radicalised "person" and not a peep from the POTUS other than to once again try to blame it on something else!!!

Prayuth and his lackeys still need to understand that they're still nowhere near as popular in the playground as they claim to be!!

That's not true. Obama praised the aforementioned veterans on the train.

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Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as a distorter of Thai news. I would go as far as to say that his connections are quite dubious. This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience. Many people have complained to the BBC about him, but they do nothing. During the 2013 Bangkok demos, he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters whilst reporting erroneously on the opposition. Over the years he has consistently and transparently distorted the news from Thailand. He needs to be thrown out of Thailand. The military must move against him.

"Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as ..." Well known by whom?

"This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience." Your facts are not. Do just a llitle homework, ok?

"Many people have complained to the BBC about him, ..." How many? Name three TV trolls even.

".. he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters ..." Visible to who besides you?

If you are far from gruntled, fine. But don't make these silly claims that you speak for anyone besides your bitter self. An adult appreciation of how difficult it is to report anything under the current administration would be wondrous for you.

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"Citing an anonymous source, BBC Thai reported the Thai delegation secured the photo-op “after a long negotiation” on the condition from the American side that the Thai official photographer not take the photo, that it not be published through formal channels, and that it could only be released informally on social media."

If the concern of the US was the photo would in any way be used for propaganda purposes, why did they allow it. In the end it's a harmless photo of the pres and some Thai guy feeling small.

​The yanks have shook hands with some real murderous dictators in the past, Prayuth is a saint compared to some of their former friends in the ME and South America.

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I have a feeling that the junta are pissed off over pictures posted of Prayuth on the podium talking to what appears to be a pretty much empty forum, most of the seats were empty.

In other words his audience were pretty conspicuous in their absence, and they hailed his visit a rip roaring success, I also wouldn't be making a big deal about the picture with Obama, he's a throbber. A Muslim kid builds a clock that looked more like a bomb timer, gets berated in the press and Obama invites him to the White House, then a former Army Veteran saves dozens of lives during an attack on a school by a radicalised "person" and not a peep from the POTUS other than to once again try to blame it on something else!!!

Prayuth and his lackeys still need to understand that they're still nowhere near as popular in the playground as they claim to be!!

That's not true. Obama praised the aforementioned veterans on the train.

Did they get an invite to the Whitehouse ?

Did Obama praise Mr. Metz for his courage in stepping in front of the gunman that same day?

Has he even praised him, or gone to visit him in hospital to say his actions that day saved many lives?

But a little kid who built a clock that looked more like a bomb is treated like a King for the day?

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Let's be perfectly honest here -being a general and having everyone under his command follow orders is the kind of environment that makes good Prime Ministers.

In fact I'm.beginning to.believe that it produces the same caliber of PM as being a megalomaniac billionaire's kid sister

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