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Sansern: back working hard after his heart operation


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Sansern: back working hard after his heart operation

Wasamon Audjarint
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- GOVERNMENT spokesperson Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd was busy poring over a pile of documents when The Nation visited him at his office at Government House.

"You can only spend half an hour with him," his assistant warned ahead of the interview. "He has to prepare for tomorrow's Cabinet meeting."

Despite his tight schedule, Sansern looked casual when he took off his glasses and put down his pen to talk. He may be a dyed-in-the-wool soldier who distributes information in an uncertain digital age, but there is little doubt he strives to be a modern major general.

"Study is the key," Sansern explained. "I learned how to fight battles all of my life, and one day I was assigned to explain things to people. So, studying and understanding matters can help me to deliver information efficiently."

Originally a cavalry officer, he became a spokesperson in 2008 when he served the Council of National Security (CNS), the previous junta. Then he became spokesperson for the Centre for Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) during the 2010 political crisis.

In 2014, he served as a deputy spokesperson in the Prime Minister's Office before being promoted to his current role last month.

"My task is to provide clear images of what the government is doing," Sansern said. "Not only our administrations, but also our expected solutions to problems, and the steps we are taking."

The soft-spoken soldier first gained prominence in 2010 when he served for the CRES. His frequent appearances on television attracted the attention not only of serious followers of the news, but also of women who appeared to "fall in love" with his calm personality and poker face. They even created a Facebook page for him titled, "[We are] sure that many Thai people are willing to buy an eye cream for Kai-oou [sansern's nickname]", for he often looked like he wasn't getting enough sleep. Five years have passed and Sansern is still working hard. "I'm working everyday now, weekends included."

As a dedicated spokesperson, his work goal is to achieve perfection and disseminate well-rounded information. To ensure that he has covers every angle, he gathers bits of news from ministries before holding press conferences and issuing press releases.

However, some ministries have spokespeople with different perspectives in presenting information, he said.

Months ago, the PM's Office staff discussed the idea of realigning their perspectives, when former government spokesperson Captain Yongyut Maiyalap was still in the post. The outcome was successful to some extent, but another round of talks will be needed soon to achieve a better realignment. Sansern is keen to get everyone on the same page ahead of a proposed press conference to present the government's one-year performance reports.

Tentatively scheduled for the end of November, the spokespeople of all top-brass officials will take turns reporting their performances and holding exhibitions around the conference compound.

"The conference will last a week, but it doesn't mean that it will be lengthy," he said. "Instead, we will make everything brief. We will distribute documents and exhibition boards that will only contain key issues from all ministries.

"We made our first press conference as short as a day, after three months of our administration. It turned out that our reports became a talk for only a day or two."

Sansern admitted that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's public expressions have prompted some controversial perceptions. However, Sansern does not see this as something that needs to be fixed.

"I'm not against some people's thoughts," Sansern said. "But to me, the premier possesses a soldier-like personality and he is just a straight-forward type. He is a leader with a new dimension, I think. You may have seen politicians with sweet words, but their performance may not be so sweet."

Despite the controversy, the premier's outstanding expressions still win support on social media, he claimed. "His straight-forward manner makes him look more reliable."

Sansern said he became a colleague of the premier nine years ago when they both worked for the CNS.

"He is not only my boss, but also a brother. He cares for his underlings like his own brothers, or even sons."

Sansern's workload may soon be lightened as the premier is now looking for two new civilian staff. One of them will assist Sansern and the other will assist deputy spokesperson Werachon Sukondhapatipak in foreign affairs. These assistants might be appointed to official posts if they are up to the job.

Despite his weakening health after undergoing a heart operation a few weeks ago, Sansern said he is fully dedicated to his work as a spokesperson.

"This is a historic time for me… that a soldier like me can get an opportunity to become [government] spokesperson," Sansern said. "Society may think soldiers are incapable of doing things. But I want to show them that we can improve ourselves. I'm doing this to protect the honour of my fellow soldiers and my own honour," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Sansern-back-working-hard-after-his-heart-operatio-30270202.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-05

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Should it not read ' the very model of a modern major general ' ? So Gilbert and Sullivan.

Mind you I once heard model being described as a non-working replica of the real thing. Sounds like someone in an inactive post.

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Should it not read ' the very model of a modern major general ' ? So Gilbert and Sullivan.

Mind you I once heard model being described as a non-working replica of the real thing. Sounds like someone in an inactive post.

...certainly a taste for paradox...

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