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Thai teachers to learn from the best


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Insisting that teachers only speak Thai rather than issan (in this NE area) and allowing the kids to ask questions in classrooms would go a long way to starting things off.

Reality will prevent the masses receiving anything approaching an education. The reality being that education is power and strength. It's far easier to control the masses with a little money and a lot of fear. Spirits, ghosts and the dark keep most adults in check here.

You don't think the people from Issan should learn how to speak proper Thai? Those folks are discriminated against enough without adding poor language skills to the mix.

Perhaps the English language is not your best subject. I think that it is essential for local village kids to speak Thai (not issan) at school. If they don't speak it at school then it's highly unlikely that they will be able to communicate confidently with Thai speakers, because they sure won't learn much of anything in the home.

Oh sorry. Now I get what you were sayng.

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I expect that all the teachers who attend this event will get a certificate to say they have passed.

The teachers from government schools will get a nice medal ribbon to add to their nice uniforms.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks. I always wondered what that crap hanging, pinned, or sewn on the front of their uniform indicated. Hell at first glance one might think they were a decorated war hero. lol BUT tit. What a laugh/joke.

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Asking for advise from foreigners you will invariable be informed that not all is good in Thailand and things need to change. Then those changes need to be implemented everywhere and there must be consensus that the strategy will not change again next year (as it seems to be the norm).

With remarks from the PM that foreigners do not understand Thailand and Thai ways, this change is going to take many, many years (Bangkok will probably be flooded by that time, and everybody fled to the mountains as suggested by Sukhumband).

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Does anyone understand that it will take a whole generation, if not two, to make the changes? It's a really slow process and needs to be started sooner rather than later but it can be done with a little outside help and with government backing. Good luck. I think Thailand could become a much better place if these changes can be made.

The event, now in its eighth year

Does anyone read the article?

But seriously, this is all just "Edumacation Theater", meant to make it look like they want an educated populace. And, they've got to spend all that budget.

Sorry, I didn't realize a generation lasted only 8 years.

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The last thing a government of ANY persuasion or colour want is an educated population. Any casual study of both the education system and the Thai language will show that it is constructed in such a way to disenfranchise the rural poor. The second point I would make is I am sick to death of the world copying the Finnish example as if transporting their methods will cure all ills. Finland has quite a unique social structure and homogeneous population. Does anybody really believe that in Finland all children must pass with no failures? what a joke. Call me an old cynic but I don't see this education expo anything other than an expensive waste of time.

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The last thing a government of ANY persuasion or colour want is an educated population. Any casual study of both the education system and the Thai language will show that it is constructed in such a way to disenfranchise the rural poor. The second point I would make is I am sick to death of the world copying the Finnish example as if transporting their methods will cure all ills. Finland has quite a unique social structure and homogeneous population. Does anybody really believe that in Finland all children must pass with no failures? what a joke. Call me an old cynic but I don't see this education expo anything other than an expensive waste of time.

Anything to oblige.

You're an old cynic

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Finland had the same problems as Thailand in the 1960's. They hired experts and changed their education system till now it is one of the best in the world. Thailand could do the same. We have much to learn from each other.

The key with Thais is to teach em things privately then let em tell their friends it was a Thai idea. They'll never accept anything otherwise.

Why are you in Thailand if you don't like Thais?

i hope you don't have any of these people in your family, do you?

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Finland had the same problems as Thailand in the 1960's. They hired experts and changed their education system till now it is one of the best in the world. Thailand could do the same. We have much to learn from each other.

The key with Thais is to teach em things privately then let em tell their friends it was a Thai idea. They'll never accept anything otherwise.

Why are you in Thailand if you don't like Thais?

i hope you don't have any of these people in your family, do you?

At what point did I say I don't like Thais? I have loads of Thai acquaintances and a few Thai friends. At times, they as a people annoy me, as do all people from time to time. But in general I get along with em just fine. And I like most of em. That being said, I feel many of em don't want to learn anything from us other than the English language (which is questionable at times) and anything that involves making money (also questionable). I believe they have an expression that roughly translates to "Don't follow the foreigner." So that kinda limits the relationship. For that reason- and a couple other big ones- I don't have Thai family, nor do I intend to. But as long as they keep signing my paychecks, I'm happy to stay here.

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