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Thai man massively overcharged at national park because he looks like a farang


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<deleted> Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

If you think like that, maybe you are better walking away from Thailand. Seven years and I have never found Thais racist. Nationalistic, yes. But I look at the country I came from, and find I agree far more with the Thai government's dealing with foreigners than Britain's.

Mick: See my earlier post on the Thai Cycling Association. Racism everywhere.

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Dear sweet someone, you didn't get the article, did you?

Please read again and maybe the coin will drop?

The underlying REASON for him to be 10 fold charged was that HE LOOKS like farrang, am Thai but that didn't matter, I might be wrong but if he had his ID card, he most certainly showed it to the 'gate keeper' and again, most probably the 'gate keeper' didn't believe him because he looks like a farrang so he can't be Thai and when he saw the white dude, he already had counted in that kickback of having a farrang visiting, nice value added corrupt money to put in his pocket.

Yes he was charged the Farang price because he (I think everyone would agree) looks like a Farang.

Saying he is Thai, even in Thai, when he looks faring isn't enough. He needs to show his ID to prove he is Thai.

You are assuming he showed his ID. If you read the article it doesn't say that. It says he has an ID card.

You are also assuming corruption on the part of the attendant without any basis.

So far this guy has been accused of being a racist and now a thief!

IMO the article is deliberately ambiguous about the ID card because admitting he didn't show it would justify the attendants actions and make this non story and even bigger non story. And people with poor reading skills will get sucked in to story.

From the article; "However, despite Mr Grittapohn, who has a Thai ID card, explaining to the attendant he was in fact Thai"

If he did show the ID card then, and only then, should the attendant be criticised.

It has been reported elsewhere that allegedly....

  • He was born in the USA.
  • His "real name" is Jack Keen.
  • He lives in Pukhet.
  • He couldn't show a Thai ID.
  • The Park boss claims that Jack has lived here a long time but is not a Thai national. (Possible if born abroad and hasn't claimed his Thai citizenship.)
  • He was charged the foreigner rate even though he had a driving licence because it's is the parks policy to charge foreigners the full 200 even if they have a driving licence.
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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

Rich Thai who g to Paris can also afford a 10-folded price, let's do the same to them!

Ok as long as you're prepared to let the poor Thai visiting Paris have a discount!

Dual pricing happens in many countries. In the UK adults pay more than OAP's and kids to enter many places. And sometimes locals get discounts.

Oh come on... OAPs in any countries are presumed (rightly or wrongly) to have already paid "their dues" and deserve a rebate for their prior sacrifices. Kids are not expected to pay full fare yet, but presumably they will in the future.

"Locals" pay "local" taxes which subsidise the attraction. Not applicable to commercial sites. But fine for national parks, state subsidised museums etc... why not?

No objection here to paying more as a tourist to enter a Thai place which has been subsidised by the taxpayer. I do wish that my country would apply the same logic.

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Most punters here cannot respectfully pay their way in their country of origin.

I don't respect my home country, and I respect Thailand even less.

Bunch of corrupt & ignorant racists.

What exactly is there to respect?

There is a lot to respect in Thailand; I don't think it's possible to explain it to you any more than I could explain colours to a blind man.

Still haven't got an answer to my question - what has made you such a miserable human being? I used to think I was cynical; however, you are gold medal in the Olympics for negativity. Why are you still here?

I probably won't be here much longer, just need to walk out on my wife and children.

Anyways, good to see you can't think of anything here to respect.

Can I make a few suggestions .......

Thais selling their daughters either indirectly for Sin Sot or directly to brothels.

Thai police failing to pursue anyone with a few baht to hand out for any offence from killing police to murdering tourists.

Thai police running most of the people trafficking and drugs running.

Thai governments imprisoning anyone they like on trumped up LM charges.

Rice scam, school tablet scam, palm oil scan, rubber scam ...... don't matter what government, they are all busy with their snouts in the trough.

Correction - I said I don't think it's possible to explain to you, not that I can't think of anything.

I respect the Thai devotion to family - in the absence of any substantial form of social security, their support of anyone in the family irrespective of their frailties is wonderful to behold. They don't shunt aged relatives off to nursing homes.

I respect their willingness to help someone in trouble.

I respect their religion, which is a hell of a lot less in your face than Islam or Christianity.

Believe it or not, I respect their honesty - which I've tested on a number of occasions. Most dishonesty I've encountered here comes from falangs.

I respect their innovation - there are a lot of Thai appliances which are a lot less wasteful than Western society.

You obviously are the glass half empty, I'm the glass half full - or more.

"Need to walk out on your wife and children?" Words fail me.

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<deleted> Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

I see exactly where you're coming from and completely agree with the sentiment but...

it's not racism. The dual pricing is for foreigners be they Asian, European, African, American or anywhere else.

There is an element of racism in Thai culture, they're not very keen on black Africans by all accounts, but their dual pricing is not racist. It's nationalism that is the crux of the matter.

IMHO :-)

The UN definition of racial discrimination totally disagrees with you. The UN is quite clear and it is the definition often used in courts of law. Not just about colour of skin but also about discrimination against nationality. Therefore this is 100% racism.

"the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

This definition also opposes all you posters who think it's ok to charge foreigners 10x or you peeps who seem to come to the conclusion that it equates to local residents (ie city or state) paying less.

Edited by ianf
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I'm sure I speak for many in saying I feel really sorry for him.....NOT !!!!!

The whole dual pricing set up is a complete shakedown. Look at the Koh Samet admission fee....&lt;deleted&gt; do they spend it on if not themselves ? The roads on that island are a disgrace and yet it is one of the most popular weekend getaways for Thais as well as foreign tourists. The bottom line is, for all their jingoistic nationalism most Thais don't give a sh*t about the state of their own country.

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"It's not just national parks. Aquarium at Paragon has double pricing. Disgraceful slap in the face by a well known Thai company. "

Thats an unfortunately bad example as that is owned by a well known UK visitor attraction company not Thai owned.

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Thai "National Parks" are not even worth going in to. I have been to 15 NP here that OVER-charge foreigners and each one was a total waste of money. The Nat Parks here are DEAD.... nothing to see or hear... just trees and dead rivers. Worthless. I do not go in if they charge me more than 20 baht with my thai DL.

I'll sit back and watch this country shoot it's self in the head and kill all tourism...5555

Edited by Nowisee
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I have no problem with the National Park pricing policy at all. Letigitmate tourists can afford to pay it, if they choose to go. It's all part of being a tourist. On the other hand, a poor Thai family, who wants to go to a National Park with, lets say, a husband, wive and two children, will have to pay between 80-160 Baht for the four of them now. That is a lot of money for a poor family.

A few years ago, when foreigners complained a lot, the Thaksin Government solution was to raise the Thai fee from 20 Baht to 40 Baht, which makes it nearly imposssible for poor families to enter a National Park, in their own Country.

I can see it even in my own Country....

Last time, I went to Pacific Rim National Park (about 10 years ago), I had to pay a $7 parking charge, just go go down to the beach for a few hours (was either for two or four hours). That charge was for both locals an tourists. The way I see it, it should have been free for locals. We pay the taxes to keep these parks maintained, which is more than enough payment already.

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I am not a Thai and but I have issued a Thai driving license which by the way any foreigner can . A Thai driving license does not prove your nationality ! This guy pictured does NOT look Thai to me . If he refused to show to the guard his Thai identity card which he most likely does not have this only confirms this

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I don't think a dual pricing system is wrong in itself but if it's based solely on whether or not the entrant is a Thai national causes unease.

A system that IMO would be better all round would be making the distinction according to whether or not an entrant possessed an annual national concession card.

A national concession card could be purchased at the point of entry by anyone and would entitle the holder to visit national parks, Wats and other national tourist attractions at a concessionary rate; visitors without a card or who didn't wish to purchase one would be charged the full rate.

A resident of Thailand could purchase the card more cheaply than a non-resident e.g Baht 2,000. as opposed to Baht 4,000. because he or she would be more likely to be contributing more to Thailand generally than a tourist.

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First reaction - "som nam naa".

Second reaction, maybe this will highlight this ridiculous practice by Dept NP

Third reaction - bring on the calls of "racism" by the racists, nothing racist enjoy more than pleading racial prejudice against themselves.........as if!

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"It's not just national parks. Aquarium at Paragon has double pricing. Disgraceful slap in the face by a well known Thai company. "

Thats an unfortunately bad example as that is owned by a well known UK visitor attraction company not Thai owned.

Still a valid example, as they operate under Thai law, which, despite proclaiming freedom and equality, allows this blatant racisim for profit.

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<deleted> Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

Well go home where there is no racism.

I hope you're not a Yank where they segregation of blacks and whites only 60 years ago. Couldn't sit together on a bus, separate waiting rooms even separate drinking fountains and you have the nerve to say Thais are racist just because little takes offence to locals getting discount. Look at Florida, where foreigners are asked to pay more. Look at the UK where Thai students, EVEN my DAUGHTER who has a British passport and Citizenship has to pay more than residents.

Thais get local discount, it happens all over the world.

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Hats Off and many Thanks to the OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A secondary thought...............Isn't Thailand having a very low Tourist turnout this season??? This price gouging should really increase Tourist flow............. wai.gif

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Racism here. I am absolutely sick of it. Applies in every corner of this land. I refuse to pay the additional and if they insist I walk away.

67+ likes. Is this a record?

A record of ill-informed people. Being a farang here has MUCH more advantages than disadvantages.

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I am not a Thai and but I have issued a Thai driving license which by the way any foreigner can . A Thai driving license does not prove your nationality ! This guy pictured does NOT look Thai to me . If he refused to show to the guard his Thai identity card which he most likely does not have this only confirms this

Quite simple, get Thai citizenship if you don't like this local discount.

In 30 years I've only ever had to pay the full price once and it was 100 baht in PiMai. Usually my good Thai language or drivers license is enough.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

You think it is ok to rip off tourists? I would love you to come to my country and be told you have to pay 10 times the price of a local. The only reason this story has been reported is because it happened to a Thai. A reality check is called for
I think that in business people charge as much as they think their product or service is worth and that the consumer has the choice. Tourists get "ripped off" in every country.

If Thailand is pricing foreigners out of visiting these places they will soon know and will pay the consequences or change. My guess is that foreign tourists will still visit. 200 baht = $5. Is a tourist on holiday honestly going to quibble over such a small amount! Reality check back at you.

Enough of this bullshit.

By your pernicious logic, it would be fine if 7-Eleven, Makro, Tesco Lotus, HomePro, etc., all had 1.5x pricing for foreigners, just because "we can afford it".

You've managed to dig yourself quite a big hole. Probably time to stop digging...

And it NEVER has been true that showing your Thai driving license would automatically get you the Thai price. It varied by the attendant, the park, and possibly by your ability to speak Thai. I have shown my license, only to be told I need a work permit. I also have been given the Thai price, being told that my Thai was very clear.

Now, it's a matter of policy to use race as the determining factor. People of Thai race get the nominal price; others pay 10x.

Also, as some mentioned, posting the normal price in Thai numerals and the inflated price in Arabic numerals is common, and a clear attempt at deception.

Yeah, that's a 'developing country', well on its way - to the 19th century.

Really, the lengths some people go to defend stupidity. Lost your shot at being a mod, I would guess, wannabe.

I'm entitled to my opinion as much as you or anyone else so thanks for the advice but I'll happily keep digging.

I didn't say "automatically".

The only "bullshit" is from those repeating racism claims without just cause, making false assumptions and stupid analogies.

Mod!???? clap2.gifcheesy.gif Why would anyone want that thankless job!

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In Bath... south west uk... a roman city that attracts many tourists.. residents can receive discount at major tourist attractions ( Roman Baths..... the Orange Gardens ) on the production of a local authority bill ... would this be called a dual pricing policy or discount because we have already paid rates that support the city... ?

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On many social media, foriengners keep complaining about dual prices? 200 Baht VS 20 Baht!!!

When Thai people went to USA or Europe for education we have to pay a lot more tuition fee. Why?

If Thailand should have a single price, US and Europe also do the same.

Edited by sathitth
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Thai man massively overcharged at national park because he looks like a farang

So, by this, TV is declaring the difference between the cost of admission in the 2-tiered system to be massive.

"Massive" is relative.

On Saturday, Mr Grittapohn Chattreesagoon, who is from Phuket, tried to enter the Emerald Pool in Krabi when a park attendant told him he would have to pay an entrance fee of 200 Baht, rather than 20 Baht, as advertised for Thai nationals.

The posted rate for Thais is 20 Baht. This man was asked to pay the rate of 200 Baht applicable to foreigners. This is 900% more than the rate for Thais. Would I, for example, like to pay ten times as much as a Thai pays for a flight with Thai airways? I think not. Or to make a phone call? Or for a bowl of noodles? Or for a bottle of wine? Or to watch a film in a cinema? Or for the fare on BTS and MRT? Or for a condominium? No, I don't think I would like that, but for all I know there may be some foreigners who would.

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The UN definition of racial discrimination totally disagrees with you. The UN is quite clear and it is the definition often used in courts of law. Not just about colour of skin but also about discrimination against nationality. Therefore this is 100% racism.

"the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

This definition also opposes all you posters who think it's ok to charge foreigners 10x or you peeps who seem to come to the conclusion that it equates to local residents (ie city or state) paying less.

I'd really like to agree with you 100% here, Ianf, but I can't.

You appear to quote from the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, from which I quote:-

Article 1 of the Convention defines "racial discrimination" as " ... any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life".

Wikipedia reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Convention_on_the_Elimination_of_All_Forms_of_Racial_Discrimination

Unfortunately, in that same Wikipedia article it also says "Distinctions made on the basis of citizenship (that is, between citizens and non-citizens) are specifically excluded from the definition".

I knew I'd seen that exclusion somewhere before & had to search to find it.

What a Bar Steward!!

It appears no contraventions of the UN definition of racial discrimination apply in this case sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

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Incidentally, this ratio of 10 to 1 is standard for national parks and will be maintained when prices are doubled in the near future:

National Parks ordered to charge foreigners tenfold

At the moment this multiplier for a service fee may be only for national parks, but who is to say that other government agencies will not also get a taste for it? Vehicle registration, driving licence, fines for traffic violations, airport tax, etc.

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