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Which cell/smart phone did you buy? Why?

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I had a small Samsung for many years. My provider was TRUE.

An announcement came that 3G was here & my existing system was out.

I was disappointed - I even took my Samsung to bed; caressed it; occasional heavy petting.

I surrendered with tears.

Waltzed into the TRUE shop & walked out with a brand new B690 TRUE (actually a Nokia).

A few months later, my new phone passed away.

I was forced to upgrade to a phone (I forget the name) - it must be popular?

It is fine - even has capacity for a 2nd SIM card.

Alas, I have no friends. It just sits there alone - weeping. I empathize with her as I too am a lonely man.


There are members of TV who consider that their posts are humorous. Sick puppies?

Some people purchase a phone for B500 whilst others may spend a small fortune - B50k?

The prime purpose of a phone is to make a telephone call. Why spend the extra dosh?


Why spend the extra?

I'll text you the answer from my phone when I finish my banking, day trading, checking my email, taking a picture of my navel and posting it on Facebook etc.

What ever you do don't call to thank me because when I see the caller ID on my smart phone I won't answer as that's the last thing I want to do is talk on it. The call quality and speaker sucks but its great for everything else.


I just bought (ok, about 6 months ago now) a Panasonic CM1.

Very good smartphone (Android 5), actually one of the snappiest (as in fast) I have owned. But the main reason I bought is for the top notch camera inside. Now I no longer need to take a separate camera with me when I go out, as the CM1 fits the bill.

I even managed to root it. That's a big plus for me as I use an OTFE (On The Fly Encryption) app that requires root.


I always liked Panasonic products - quality.

First purchase - a "National" transistor radio - luggable.

"I even managed to root it."

We Aussies have a special meaning for "root" - rhymes with "duck"

Wish you & your new luv many happy happies.


I bought 2 Motorola Moto " e", 2nd Generation from the U$....reason why?

Read this online review about the best smartphone was the Samsung 6 , if monies was not an issued. :-)

However, the reviewer also said, if you wanted a smartphone with a bang for the $, it was the Motorola Moto e, as a budget item, so I bought 2 :-) But still unused to this day :-)

I only carry a cheap Samsung, not a smartphone, only to make/receive calls, cost me 500B, good enough for me :-)

Maybe someone can make use of my Motorola Moto's, you can also review them on YouTube :-)


What a nonsensical thread. Put on your big boy pants, and get out of your rabbit hole.

Thank you for your contribution. That will THB10.


Why pay the extra??

Well, I check the weather, currency rates, news, record and track my health and general activity

I can get the latest arrival time for a flight when a friend is coming in.

I have a translation dictionary loaded

to say nothing of free messages with WhatsApp, and joining in discussions on Twitter

All done on my slightly aged Samsung S4, I would not be without it.

Oh I forgot all the data from the F1 site during a race, with sector and lap times,

tyres used etc. Mind blowing


astral, you are a very busy man.

May I suggest that you hire some casual staff for peak-time traffic?


Bought a HTC One M7 because it had slightly better specs than the iphone 5 and Galaxy S5 for less money. It's still going strong after 2 years but unfortunately the camera has crapped out and now all my photos come out purple. Next phone will depend on what's available at the time but I've been checking out offerings from Oppo and Huawei. They're not quite as good as the flagship models from apple and samsung but they're around half the price!


My current phone was very expensive - about B1000.

It is a "I-mobile Hitz".

Permits 2 SIM cards.

Never used a phone camera.


I forgot the camera

Great for taking pictures when travelling, without carrying my SLR

Also taking the quick snap to show someone

perhaps the medicine wrapper to show the pharmacist

To make sure I get the right brand

The uses of a smart phone are endless :D


"The prime purpose of a phone is to make a telephone call. Why spend the extra dosh?"

What a complicated question!

Why do aircrafts have 1st class, economy class etc? - The prime purpose is to go from point A to point B

Why are there different brands of automobiles? - Again the purpose is to get from point A to B.

The simplest answer would be when someone has extra extra money another will try to grab some of it!

Creates a kind of equilibrium distribution of income?

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