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Lost in translation


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For the first time ever, after travelling to countless countries, I am on the road solo. So no one close to me that happens to know at least a little of the language.

Made friends with the owners of a local restaraunt, and one of the waitresses took me out with her friend to the Sunday Market. It was fun, but frustrating at the same time because even trying to communicate the most simple of things was damn near impossible. She has a translator on her phone, but it really doesn't work much. Even a single word or two is often incorrect. When I use Google translate for very short sentences, she replies with something that makes absolutely no sense, lol.

They are all very very kind people and have welcomed me into their home in the back of the restaraunt. One of the owners even took me to an apartment building to help out. I suspect he may get some sort of referral fee, and I hope he does. Not sure...

The waitress has been very helpful and asks for nothing, even when I offer. Very nice people. She is also from Burma, so I think Thai is a second language for her.. which complicates digital translation even more.

Any suggestions? Recommendation for a better way to translate? The only option I can think of is having someone with us who speaks Thai and English... but that kinda kills any sort of 'get to know you' talk.

... and simply 'earning Thai' is not going to help me anytime soon, and is difficult for me. I struggle enough with Spanish. Thai is so different and I can't even rememebr how to say hello

Edited by B0nkers
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You can get an eletronic trasnlator, but take her with you when you buy it, then try it, see if it does the trick. There are many models available so just try til you get one that works for you both.

as for this "she replies with something that makes absolutely no sense", that's just women for you I'm affraid, biggrin.png

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Sometimes it goes beyond the language. You need to think like a Thai. It can be difficult to converse with Thais that speak English. They are just wired differently. Body language (smiles and hand gestures) go a long way. The fact that they are looking after you and being hospitable speaks volumes. Continue with the fun and just persevere with the basics.

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