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8-year old girl was charged almost 50,000 baht in phone bill


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To me it looks like she voted ~ 72,000 times for her favorite contestant on some talent/reality show. Each "vote" is charged to her account, or the cost is deducted from her pre-paid balance.

Not sure how you prevent this without decent parenting?

I guess both the service provider and the content provider need to better filter "voters", need to assure age/approval for services, notify users (and in the case of minors, those responsible for the bill) of charges, and institute caps above which all services are terminated for the SIM/phone until such time as the customer sorts out the issues.

Service providers and content providers need to be doing a lot more to avoid these problems, even though they make a lot of clear profit from them, as the negative publicity may not be worth it.

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A smart phone for an 8-year old one to me is like a Formular 1 car to myGF's daughter, who just got her driving license.

Are nowadays parents all completely brain-<deleted> ? What about a Barbie doll or a Teddy Bear instead ? Parental responsibility has completely gone an the outcome is visible everywhere and every day.

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Kids should be given pay as you go phones ..

Kids should be outside, playing games......

so true

I like the idea of kids playing outside, but it is a technology-age and people like me that have kids living in a condo, sometimes have less options for outside play. On that score I feel for Singaporean parents.

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...of course they should contest it...

...my 599 monthly package has never been under 800 baht...and as high as 2400 baht...

...the reply I get is : 'Go to head office'.... (No idea where DTAC Head Office is...)...and God knows what the results would be...

...as for 'house line'....I recently decided to 'try' the house line after 1 month of Skype Calls...figuring...'Low-tech...must be the cheapest option'...

...1 1/2 months later I got a bill for 10,600 baht...apparently they charge as high as 9 baht/minute...plus...plus....

...........(.....and not posted anywhere which is against most consumer protection laws around the world...)....

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Kids should be given pay as you go phones ..

Kids should be outside, playing games......

You've obviously lived a sheltered life.

Would you send your kids outside in Thailand with it either extremely hot or constantly raining, not to mention the crazy drivers and the possible kidnappers.

You don't see a kid outside playing in my village until around 5:3pm when the temperature starts to drop.

Mine and my neighbours children have 25 rai to play in and they don't often go out at this time of year until 5 to 5.30. If they go elsewhere one of us will deliver and collect them.

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That kid should grow up and pay the phone bill. Unbelievable waiving the charges.

Considering they had an agreement with the phone company to cap it at Bt1000, they have absolutely no obligation, moral or otherwise.

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Kids should be given pay as you go phones ..

Kids should be outside, playing games......

You've obviously lived a sheltered life.

Would you send your kids outside in Thailand with it either extremely hot or constantly raining, not to mention the crazy drivers and the possible kidnappers.

You don't see a kid outside playing in my village until around 5:3pm when the temperature starts to drop.

Kids play when they like,how they like around my way.The kids are from Thailand,not northern Europe,they can handle it.

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I rode skateboards made of 2x4's and steel wheels down very dangerous hills when I was a kid.

rode bikes at high speed at 8 years old.

i threw eggs at houses and cars. started fires.

got into fights. got beat up all the time. played in dirt lots. caught lizards. caught fish and cleaned them.

walked home in the blazing heat and pouring rain.

no seat belts, air bags, safety bumpers, helmets, knee pads.

got stung by bees, bit by dogs, bit by fleas and ticks, stung by jellyfish. very badly sunburned. got poison oak.

made blow torches out of cans of hairspray. made pipe bombs. set off m80's, tnt's.

I caught a huge rattlesnake with my bare hands when I was fourteen.

nobody knew where i was or what i was doing. because i told my parents BS stories all the time.

all i knew was i had to be home by the time the street lights came on. smile.png

This was my childhood also wink.png ... but U left out the part about getting caught shoplifting a toy and gettin the crap scared outta ya by police and parents ... mine wasn't rattlesnakes they were water moccasins and our 2X4 skateboards we called scooters (had homemade wooden handlebars in front) also U left left out the hundreds of bicycle crashes (one sent me to hospital for many head stiches) how about the BB guns and/or "wham-O" slingshots that never put anybodies eye out or the rubber gun fights that left welts all over your face and body ... Also used to hitchhike all over the state and back without gettin picked up by a killer ... Also had cherry bombs in the mix ... I won't even talk about the 2 times I ran away from home and the police brought me back ... or how about the many times we crashed our sleds into the snow and gravel covered streets ... We managed to survive all those "kid" adventures that we didn't even know were adventures, just another after school thing ta do B4 the street lights came on ... Some Sat nights we got to play after dark doin' all the "Red Rover Come Over" and hide and seek games ... can't even remember how many times I got it in the neck by runnin' into clothes lines in back yards ... and like U said all done in 36F to 100F weather ;)

Edited by carken
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Kids should be given pay as you go phones ..

Kids should be outside, playing games......

You've obviously lived a sheltered life.

Would you send your kids outside in Thailand with it either extremely hot or constantly raining, not to mention the crazy drivers and the possible kidnappers.

You don't see a kid outside playing in my village until around 5:3pm when the temperature starts to drop.

Glad I don't live in your village!

My kids hike, mountain bike, white water kayak. Get a life!!!

Your 8 year old hikes, mountain bikes and white water kayaks, you're kids are quite the superheroes.

You must also live in some superheroes palace where you don't have extreme temperatures and it never storms.

Rain never hurt anyone,some people scared of their own shadow.In Aust.kids run outside if it rains.Admittedly some may not have seen rain and they are 5 years old.

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I rode skateboards made of 2x4's and steel wheels down very dangerous hills when I was a kid.

rode bikes at high speed at 8 years old.

i threw eggs at houses and cars. started fires.

got into fights. got beat up all the time. played in dirt lots. caught lizards. caught fish and cleaned them.

walked home in the blazing heat and pouring rain.

no seat belts, air bags, safety bumpers, helmets, knee pads.

got stung by bees, bit by dogs, bit by fleas and ticks, stung by jellyfish. very badly sunburned. got poison oak.

made blow torches out of cans of hairspray. made pipe bombs. set off m80's, tnt's.

I caught a huge rattlesnake with my bare hands when I was fourteen.

nobody knew where i was or what i was doing. because i told my parents BS stories all the time.

all i knew was i had to be home by the time the street lights came on. smile.png

Same orders i got,plus"or else."

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...of course they should contest it...

...my 599 monthly package has never been under 800 baht...and as high as 2400 baht...

...the reply I get is : 'Go to head office'.... (No idea where DTAC Head Office is...)...and God knows what the results would be...

...as for 'house line'....I recently decided to 'try' the house line after 1 month of Skype Calls...figuring...'Low-tech...must be the cheapest option'...

...1 1/2 months later I got a bill for 10,600 baht...apparently they charge as high as 9 baht/minute...plus...plus....

...........(.....and not posted anywhere which is against most consumer protection laws around the world...)....

Go to head office via call centre.

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8 years old kids shouldn't own a cell.

Disagree - but it shouldn't be a smart phone - just a $20 Nokia - they bought her a phone so she could contact them - make it Voice only, no data, no Internet 2G only.whistling.gifwai2.gif

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I rode skateboards made of 2x4's and steel wheels down very dangerous hills when I was a kid.

rode bikes at high speed at 8 years old.

i threw eggs at houses and cars. started fires.

got into fights. got beat up all the time. played in dirt lots. caught lizards. caught fish and cleaned them.

walked home in the blazing heat and pouring rain.

no seat belts, air bags, safety bumpers, helmets, knee pads.

got stung by bees, bit by dogs, bit by fleas and ticks, stung by jellyfish. very badly sunburned. got poison oak.

made blow torches out of cans of hairspray. made pipe bombs. set off m80's, tnt's.

I caught a huge rattlesnake with my bare hands when I was fourteen.

nobody knew where i was or what i was doing. because i told my parents BS stories all the time.

all i knew was i had to be home by the time the street lights came on. smile.png

I laughed when I read your post, reminded me of my childhood growing up in QLD, Australia. Except for the rattlesnake, we didn't have them, or the poison oak, but every other bloody thing that could bite, sting, scratch or attack you. biggrin.png

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That kid should grow up and pay the phone bill. Unbelievable waiving the charges.

Considering they had an agreement with the phone company to cap it at Bt1000, they have absolutely no obligation, moral or otherwise.

Just as bad as the eight year old... The kid should have read the contract.

Sent from my c64

Perhaps the kid did read it at knew it was a 1000bt cap.

The phone company seems to be the ones that need to read the contract.

Stop trolling.

Edited by Linky
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That kid should grow up and pay the phone bill. Unbelievable waiving the charges.

Considering they had an agreement with the phone company to cap it at Bt1000, they have absolutely no obligation, moral or otherwise.

Just as bad as the eight year old... The kid should have read the contract.

Sent from my c64

Perhaps the kid did read it at knew it was a 1000bt cap.

The phone company seems to be the ones that need to read the contract.

Stop trolling.

These voting charges are in addition.. The kid knew this and is just trying to rip off the telco.

Sent from my c64

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