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Single Gateway: PM Prayut upset with note-takers at meeting on plan


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Why the surprise at his outburst?

He has showed time and again that he is desperately insecure and way out of his depth, to compound this he is surrounded by spineless yes men so he probably believes most of the drivel he spouts....

His appears to believe his one chance of hiding this from the little people is for him to control ALL information and silence any opposition

Seems his master plan is progressing nicely and we still have people on here saying how well the Junta are doing...but...but...taksin....

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"Opponents said the government has already put in place a "great firewall" to keep tabs on all communication, even though the authorities insist the plan is still being studied."

That sounds emphatic rather than speculation. Presumably they must have some evidence.

I have been finding for a few weeks that ordinary websites (such as the BBC and ThaiVisa) often won't load, but when I switch on a VPN everything loads instantly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that clear evidence of some kind of gateway throttling?

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This plan will not be binned, same as none of the other ideas from dear leader that had strong opposition has been binned.

Right. They are just waiting till the storm calms down so they can push it through again.

This time someone stumbled upon the documents by accident and made a fuss, next time that might not happen and it will be implemented before anybody realizes they have no rights anymore in this country.

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This plan will not be binned, same as none of the other ideas from dear leader that had strong opposition has been binned.

Right. They are just waiting till the storm calms down so they can push it through again.

This time someone stumbled upon the documents by accident and made a fuss, next time that might not happen and it will be implemented before anybody realizes they have no rights anymore in this country.

And the submarines will be bought when nobody is looking. Got to get the Navy on their side. No Eastern Tigers connection there.

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"Other countries are far more developed, while we are still stuck in the same old way of thinking. We aren't moving forward, but instead going backwards."

Well, well, it is now official! What so many have been saying for so long now has the stamp of official confirmation.

One of the very few honest and realistic comments to come from this man.

Ah yes!. But did the notetaker record this correctly?.

You would have thought that a self appointed PM would have, at his disposal, the best shorhand notetakers in the country. Better send them on a course with Hansard in the UK.

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"The problem is we always compare other countries with our country. Other countries are far more developed, while we are still stuck in the same old way of thinking. We aren't moving forward, but instead going backwards,"

This is a first, General Prayut has said something I can totally agree with!

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In a morally bankrupt country why worry about porn movies !

Where exactly is the problem with porn movies ?

Exactly, surely better for the teenagers to have a Jodrell in front of the computer rather than sampling the wares readily available in knocking shops throughout the land. Our PM would be better served helping to reduce AIDS, HPV and cervical cancer, among other things, by controlling prostitution even if he can't eliminate it.

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1) Note-takers (Cabinet secretaries) record what was discussed and action points

2) The minutes are vetted and signed off by the Cabinet's Secretary-General after the 4 meetings (June 30, July 7, August 4 and August 25), and circulated to all

3) no Cabinet member questioned the veracity of the minutes since June

4) Only when a Thai citizen got copies of the minutes and social media publicized the issue did Prayut claim that the minutes were inaccurate, and let's shoot the messenger.

I feel sorry for those who have to operate with a boss who sense of integrity is very fluid.

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Waa Waa dummy spit waaaa. Now I wish like all spoiled brats he would just take his bat and ball and go home.

Its the same as the sub story. Nope subs are shelved for now we need money for other priorities maybe later and then bang!! We are buying the subs no discussion rhyme or reason that is it folks shows over.

Single gateway will be the same procedure you will wake up one morning and it will be the law of the land. Shock and awe Thai style.

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Regarding the SINGLE GATEWAY...

China has one, Malaysia has one, Singapore has one, and one other SEA country has one.

So, what's the problem...?


And all are repressive country's with leaders that think they have the right to dictate to their country what they can have access to and what they can't as if the people are children and need to be taken care of and protected from the world... ,

Now have a look at South Korea, now they have a formula 1. internet.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Pm worried about porn being viewed in the world capital of sex. Um ok. He wants to compare notes with other countries? The only other countrie(s) that have implemented this level of censorship is China (singular.)

I'm sure he will be incredulous if this is the issue that brought down his regime. Thais love their internet. When I took my wife to the beach, she along with all the Thais had their faces in their phones periodically, The information genie is out of the bottle and stuffing it back in and reversing to communist China's level of control is going to be impossible.

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