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Nato ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg


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Nato ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg


BRUSSELS: -- Nato defence ministers are meeting in Brussels. Top of the agenda – the escalation of Russian military activities in Syria.

Moscow’s support of embattled president Bashar al-Assad has left the US and its allies reeling. Ahead of the meeting, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that “NATO is ready and able to defend all allies, including Turkey against any threat”.

“This is particularly relevant in the view of the recent violations of NATO’s airspace by Russian aircraft… My concern is that Russians are not mainly targeting ISIS but they are targeting other opposition groups and they are supporting the (Assad’s) regime. I call on Russia to play a constructive and cooperative role in the fight against ISIS.”

Wednesday saw Russian warships firing missiles into Syria from the Caspian Sea more than 1,000km away, passing Iran and Iraq to strike their targets. Britain’s defence minister Michael Fallon said that Moscow’s involvement had made the conflict more dangerous, and called on the Kremlin to use its influence to prevent the Assad regime from bombing civilians.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-09

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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Edited by slipperylobster
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it won't be long until we have Nato/US targeting Russian aircraft, I predicted quite a while ago that Russia would get directly involved in the Middle East and that it would escalate from there, looks like Russia wants a war with the west and are now pushing limits with that aim, they have been proding defence networks for some time now

and their ship launched cruise missiles hit the wrong country ? ahem

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMZnX4PnubI" style="background: url(http://wiki.thaivisa.com/monobook/external.png) center right no-repeat; padding-right: 13px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #3366BB; color: #3366BB; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;" class="wiki">You want a New world order. You may not like David Ike but this is about the truth of what;s happening.


Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Don't you think America shares any responsibility for any of the unrest that exists in the world today, they appear to be very good at going into countries and leaving before the job is finished.
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NATO has been reduced to an impotent political entity that sucks up money like prostitute on speed, with people in €1,000 suits and military officers whose uniforms are reminiscent of banana republic dictators.

Erdogan says Russian infringement on Turkey is an infringement on NATO (Turkey and NATO are one)

Turkey is bombing the Kurdish fighters fighting ISIS

Therefore NATO is bombing Kurdish fighters fighting

Turkey has given as much support as possible to ISIS without political or military commitment.

Turkey are NATO are one

Therefore NATO is giving as much support as possible to ISIS without political or military commitment.

This new EU has become disgusting.

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A volatile situation to be sure, but you have to wonder why Russia took so long to come to a physical aid of its buddy in Syria, especially considering Syria is a key piece of the map for Russian influence and trade on the Med Sea.The explanation must be that they saw no-to-little appetite for forceful regime change re: Assad.

Now, the Norwegian, centre-left politician (who is not American) that is the sec-gen of NATO is giving off a general warning that we will defend our own. Turkey, a founding member, is one of our own.

I see this as a re-establishment of the existing borders. The west will continue to help Iraq and the Kurds while the Russians will bomb the bejeezus out of ISIS and other anti-Assad forces. Now the west will need to reduce its attacks within Syria and coordinate with the Russkies. Not the best but perhaps a return to status quo eventually.

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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Don't you think America shares any responsibility for any of the unrest that exists in the world today, they appear to be very good at going into countries and leaving before the job is finished.

LOL....at this trash post.

As if our European cousins did not fight for centuries on the high seas....interfering with locals with their ugly colonialism.

We learned from you people. However..at least we do leave.

Unfortunately...as all our european cousins have sunk into a subservient level in world affairs....the gap had to be filled. Better US than Them (Ruskies from failed Soviet Union). All others are on the bleachers whinging.

One day, if History is correctly writted, even the strongest of Nations fall. Every dog has it's day....but perhaps not in my lifetime.

The Market will tell all. Free enterprise has won the hearts and minds...nobody wants to churn vodka from spuds.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Don't you think America shares any responsibility for any of the unrest that exists in the world today, they appear to be very good at going into countries and leaving before the job is finished.

The problem in the world today and for the last 30 or so years is trying to keep Nuclear weapons out of the hands of people who will strap a bomb to their body and willingly blow themselves up in a busy street thinking they are going to be rewarded in some sort of afterlife

America has attempted and failed to bring peace to some of these countries, what they did was right to a degree but what they didn't consider is that these muslim people cannot get along, rival tribes/factions all forming into groups and opposing each other, is there a solution ? well actually no there isn't, these people will never get along, it would be great if you could build a huge dome over the area put them all in there and let them get on with it, but unfortunately that is not possible and we all have to share this planet

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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Don't you think America shares any responsibility for any of the unrest that exists in the world today, they appear to be very good at going into countries and leaving before the job is finished.

LOL....at this trash post.

As if our European cousins did not fight for centuries on the high seas....interfering with locals with their ugly colonialism.

We learned from you people. However..at least we do leave.

Unfortunately...as all our european cousins have sunk into a subservient level in world affairs....the gap had to be filled. Better US than Them (Ruskies from failed Soviet Union). All others are on the bleachers whinging.

One day, if History is correctly writted, even the strongest of Nations fall. Every dog has it's day....but perhaps not in my lifetime.

The Market will tell all. Free enterprise has won the hearts and minds...nobody wants to churn vodka from spuds.

Wow, if people don't agree with your views, they are wackos, if you don't like a post it is trash. Do you think you might come across as a tad arrogant to some people?
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It looks my posts here were prophetic.

Why NATO have to protect one of its members - Turkey?

Because ISIS terrorists are running there for cover from real bombing by Russians?

So, the incursion in Turkish airspace was not accidental? But neither was it without a cause.

To sum it up: some terrorists are valuable commodity. So valuable that needs protection by NATO?

Or NATO and Turkey are trying to save Russians from a "tragic mistake" as US called their bombing?

Edited by ABCer
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Does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

Looks like NATO will be put to the test...

My sincere wish is to leave it up to the Europeans...who always whinge about the US acting alone. Now they will have to spend their lives..and money...or be left in the cold.

If there was ever a time for a "New World Order"....this might be the third.

karma...and...welcome to hell

Don't you think America shares any responsibility for any of the unrest that exists in the world today, they appear to be very good at going into countries and leaving before the job is finished.

LOL....at this trash post.

As if our European cousins did not fight for centuries on the high seas....interfering with locals with their ugly colonialism.

We learned from you people. However..at least we do leave.

Unfortunately...as all our european cousins have sunk into a subservient level in world affairs....the gap had to be filled. Better US than Them (Ruskies from failed Soviet Union). All others are on the bleachers whinging.

One day, if History is correctly writted, even the strongest of Nations fall. Every dog has it's day....but perhaps not in my lifetime.

The Market will tell all. Free enterprise has won the hearts and minds...nobody wants to churn vodka from spuds.

Wow, if people don't agree with your views, they are wackos, if you don't like a post it is trash. Do you think you might come across as a tad arrogant to some people?

..being american...yes !

laugh.png \

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Pull all Us Forces from the area. Get out of Iraq, Afghan. and leave Syria to the Russians. The Russians can spend their money and their lives if they desire. If ISIS and Syria are such a huge problem- when will Arab Armies take up the fight. Too many countries want to fight as long as the Americans pay and die. No more. America has too many problems domestically. Just think what an infusion of many billions of dollars spent on this nonsense can mean to the American people who are struggling. The US Congress just sent to President Obama a $630 billion dollar defense bill which I hope he refuses to sign. This type of spending by American elected officials is insane. Is it any wonder Americans are fed up with all their elected leaders.

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

Yes AMerica Australia and Uk are the barins its no secret and we have the superior back up

We also are the ones that go war and help others

What do others do FA

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The best way to teach Russia a lessen is to make sure they drain their economy by using their forces in the region. They will have to continue to supply their forces from their homeland and this is very costly. The longer they have to do it the worse it will affect their economy. America wins by simply doing nothing. Bring the troops home. There is no real American interests in the area. If the Iranians or Saudi's feel it is in their interests- let them spend their money . Uncle Sam has been a sucker long enough.

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Turkey has been a member of NATO since 1952.

Yes, everyone knows that.

But is it an excuse to ignore Turkey's opinion?

Do you think that if Turkey is a member of NATO, it is supposed to obey orders from Washington?

Ask the people of Turkey.

The referendum is necessary!

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It looks my posts here were prophetic.

Why NATO have to protect one of its members - Turkey?

Because ISIS terrorists are running there for cover from real bombing by Russians?

So, the incursion in Turkish airspace was not accidental? But neither was it without a cause.

To sum it up: some terrorists are valuable commodity. So valuable that needs protection by NATO?

Or NATO and Turkey are trying to save Russians from a "tragic mistake" as US called their bombing?

Yes, it is absolutely correct!

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Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

America always knows better?

America wants to rule the World?

Yes AMerica Australia and Uk are the barins its no secret and we have the superior back up

We also are the ones that go war and help others

What do others do FA

Oh, what an arrogance!

Another Russia's hater.

Now we already have three of them here.

Edited by Barin
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it won't be long until we have Nato/US targeting Russian aircraft, I predicted quite a while ago that Russia would get directly involved in the Middle East and that it would escalate from there, looks like Russia wants a war with the west and are now pushing limits with that aim, they have been proding defence networks for some time now

and their ship launched cruise missiles hit the wrong country ? ahem

you mean the USA wants a war with Russia
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