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Nato ready to send troops to defend Turkey, says Stoltenberg


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US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases? Really? I was just there and they all spoke their native language. But yes, some do understand the Russian language also.

We have seen you drinking beer on the bank of Dnipro: how did you like the Ukrainian beer? burp.gif

I find Obolon' beer not so bad.

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US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases? Really? I was just there and they all spoke their native language. But yes, some do understand the Russian language also.

The fact is that for 70% of population of the Central and Eastern Ukraine the main language is Russian, with Ukrainian being the secondary language.

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US openly admit they spent about 5 billions $ for changing government in Ukraine.A legitimate vote never occurred... And now Ukrainian deputy Anton Geraschenko asked people to help ISIS( poor Syrians who's suffering from Russian invasion). He wants personal information on pilots of Russians jets operating in Syria to be given to "rebels".So their friends in Russia will be able to punish families of those pilot according to Sharia low. It's translation from his Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/anton.gerashchenko.7/posts/928575253895989?pnref=story). Sorry, it's in Russian. Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases.And official site of Ukrainian president start voting for sending troops to fight Russians in Syria(https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/11936)Sorry, it's on Ukrainian ...Tell me who's your friends and I'll tell you who you are...

Ukrainians usually use their language only in official cases? Really? I was just there and they all spoke their native language. But yes, some do understand the Russian language also.

We have seen you drinking beer on the bank of Dnipro: how did you like the Ukrainian beer? burp.gif

I find Obolon' beer not so bad.

Ukrainian beer is great! And Russian vodka is fantastic. Having a bit of a sip right now. I'm no professional, but probably the best vodka in the world. Good beer also!

I hate blanket statements when people say they "hate" America. Or "hate" Russia. It's the governments that cause the problems. The general population are mostly fantastic people.

I have very fond memories of traveling around Siberia. Amazing architecture. Great people. If I wasn't so old, might head over there again.

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Much of this wouldn't have been necessary if Turkey had made a real effort to tackle the ISIS & Al-Nusra. Just because the Kurds were fighting against the invading Daesh, Turkey - who has an awful record of attacking the Kurds - has overtly pretended to be against Daesh and covertly supported them. They are two-faced.

NATO would be better off staying as far as possible away from Syria after their disastrous, lying destruction of Libya.

BTW of course Russia is targetting any militia that is against Assad. Stoltenburg would be more constructive by telling his bosses in Washington to either shut up or come to an arrangement with the Russians who are doing what others have failed to do.

Still trying to get the United States to surrender to Russia in Syria I see.

We will see soon, perhaps by the end of next week, whether the remnants of the Syrian army supported by Russian air forces can drive the rebels out of their positions in the central areas of the country. The campaign is underway now. The rebel groups have all year fought with unprecedented cooperation and effectiveness to reduce the Syrian army to around 80,000 from its 300,000 of five years ago. More than 40 rebel groups are united against this new Russian-Syrian armed forces offensive.

If the offensive fails Putin and Iran are going to have to throw their own forces into the mix, which means Russian casualties and Russian rubles. Even if the offensive has success, there are a lot more rebels and a lot more territory for the Russian-Syrian forces to move through.

Which raises the question of how many missiles Putin has left to scatter throughout Iran.

Washington can sit tight for a while cause the heat is on Putin and Assad. You can bet the farm the United States won't be handing its sword over to the Russians.

Still twisting what I say, I see. Coming to an arrangement is rather different to surrendering but I suppose to the US-is-the-master boyz every other country must be told what to do.

Yes all those rebel militias including the Al-Qaeda group, the ISIS group, the Islamists group and those supported by neocons and right-wing 'think-tanks' are doing a great job - in reality setting up Syria for another failed state. It's a dirty war and Russia may well not solve it successfully but at least they are trying, unlike the left out cry babies.

A poster asked for evidence of Russian tanks being blown up by some militia and you posted a totally irrelevant photo of a tank in Moscow. Methinks you are only trying to distract the thread with half-cocked and full-cocked responses.

Syria became a failed state a long time ago without any outside interference - only Russian "help".

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Syria became a failed state a long time ago without any outside interference - only Russian "help".

I thought Iran was intimately involved in Syria previously also???? Syria is a failed state due to the actions of Assad. Just like what happened in Libya and a lot of other countries in that area. Brutal dictators.

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Syria became a failed state a long time ago without any outside interference - only Russian "help".

I thought Iran was intimately involved in Syria previously also???? Syria is a failed state due to the actions of Assad. Just like what happened in Libya and a lot of other countries in that area. Brutal dictators.

It true that the US administration (Bremer) policy decisions in post GW11 in Iraq contributed to the rise of Sunni Jihadist forces in Iraq; then Syria with the establishment of Daesh with the support of disaffected Iraqi Baathist military officers. Daesh war fighting strategy was originally developed by Iraqi Baathist military officers.

What is overlooked by a number of posters is the Syrian regime permitted Islamic extremists to enter Iraq to attack coalition forces. At the same time, in conjunction with Iran, supporter of Hezbollah and for a long time Hamas. In addition Assad has played a double game by enabling Sunni Islamist groups within Syria to try & gain support from Western nations.


Members can indulge in circular argument regarding who is responsible for the ongoing Syrian civil war, but ultimately the ownership is with the double dealing brutal dictatorship of Assad. War crimes committed by his military along with militias, such as the Shabiha who report directly to the Assad family, add to his nihilistic policies.

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Ukrainians want to align with the West and its values, beliefs, traditions, standards of living and quality of life which are radically superior to those in Russia and always have been so.

The Putin fanboyz need to accept it and learn to live with it instead of being irredentist and revanchist, jealous; petty.

You sound very pathetic, a typical American way.

But the real interest of America behind the pathetic phrases like that is to convert Ukraine to an American bridgehead for deploying strategic missiles targeting Russian cities in order to be able to put pressure upon Russia.

You have allowed your hatred of the USA to blind you to the reality. The USA doesn't have any desire to put missiles in the Ukraine. Putting anything useful in the Ukraine is the same as giving it to the Russians. Are you even aware that the USA had to be dragged in to the Ukraine conflict? The USA wanted to sit things out, but the EU pushed it. The Poles were beside themselves on the issue and together with Canada pushed the issue of stopping the Russians. Canadian military forces were deployed to Poland and Romania for "training" as were UK and Danish forces. The USA was still dithering. So you go right ahead and blame the USA if it makes you feel better.

You well underline the point Putin and the fanboyz never sleep or rest as long as free markets exist and democracy flourishes or, as in the instance of Ukraine are aspired to.

The evidence provides proof aplenty that the former USSR satellite republics of eastern Europe want Western values, beliefs, traditions, culture, society, political systems and forms of government. After the collapse of 20th century Russia in 1991, i.e,. the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Josef Stalin notoriety, the freed up former satellite states made a direct bee-line to the European Union and then Nato.

Ukraine did not want formal membership of Nato. Ukraine had understandable reservations also about joining the EU. The realpolitik of being next door to Russia for a thousand years caused Ukrainians to be cautious, careful. somewhat withdrawn Ukraine keeping their heads down on these matters did no good however as Putin wanted Crimea back and the little wretch wasn't going to risk waiting any longer about it. When Putin's guy in Ukraine got booted by the Orange Revolution redux, Putin moved the troops onto Crimea and extended his irredentist campaign to east Ukraine.

Putin has said often the collapse of the Soviet Union was the most catastrophic event of the 20th century, which means he's also revanchist in his compulsions to be both Tsar Putin and Commissar Political Officer Putin.

The military alliance of Nato was created in 1949 specifically and exclusively to defend Europe against Russia and it is clear and unmistakable nothing has changed from then to now. In 1949 it was Stalin; today it is Putin. Two peas in a pod, they are separated only by time and circumstances. Stalin spawned his henchman leaders such as Putin's model citizen-tyrant Walter Ulbricht and the master of misery Nicolai Ceausescu, so Putin has his own projects too, such as Assad and a new satellite Syria.

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Syria became a failed state a long time ago without any outside interference - only Russian "help".

I thought Iran was intimately involved in Syria previously also???? Syria is a failed state due to the actions of Assad. Just like what happened in Libya and a lot of other countries in that area. Brutal dictators.
Syria was not a failed state before the start of its civil war back in 2011.

Syria had no foreign debts and could control its economy with its own currency. Syria never traded with US and Israel. In fact, there's has never been Mc Donnalds and Coca-Cola in Syria. Syria could survive economically from its regional exports without foreign aid or IMF intervention. Syria has always been an independent democratic secular state.

So Syria was not really a failed state under both Assads...

Relationships between Turkey and Syria have not been peaceful since the beginning of both states who emerged out of the Sykes-Picot 1 agreement. In fact, Turkey 'received' more disputed Syrian territory from France and Britain. More precisely some important water reservoirs in the Kurdish provinces.

Sykes-Picot 2 started started theoretically on 11th September 2001, when Bush declared hostilities against Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Iran and Sudan.

In fact, there was never any UN sactions against these preemptive wars on sovereign states. With or without WMD...

Turkey, was always aligned with NATO to Balkanize North Africa and the Levant.

Russia and China voted always against any NATO intervention for Sykes-Picot 2.

Please enjoy the non-sincerity and non-complexity of the NATO delegation in Turkey in May 2015, knowing that ethnic cleansing and terrorist support are waged at a few 100 kms from the karaoke stage.

Make a link with my post, URL here under and OP and things become more transparent...


Edited by Thorgal
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So you're saying the brutal tactics of Assad, and his father before him, had nothing to do with the Syrian civil war? I guess it was the US that started it...along with all other civil wars around the world? laugh.png


Human Rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have detailed how the Assads regime's secret police routinely tortured, imprisoned, and killed political opponents, and those who speak out against the regime.[114][115] In addition some 600 Lebanese political prisoners are thought to be held in regime prisons since the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, with some held for as long as over 30 years.[116] Since 2006 it expanded the use of travel bans against dissidents. In that regard, Syria is the worst offender among Arab states.[117] The Syrian mukhabarat is Alawite dominated.[118]

Plenty of articles on the net talking about this is you want to take the time to read them and understand what caused their civil war.

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So you're saying the brutal tactics of Assad, and his father before him, had nothing to do with the Syrian civil war? I guess it was the US that started it...along with all other civil wars around the world? laugh.png


Human Rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have detailed how the Assads regime's secret police routinely tortured, imprisoned, and killed political opponents, and those who speak out against the regime.[114][115] In addition some 600 Lebanese political prisoners are thought to be held in regime prisons since the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, with some held for as long as over 30 years.[116] Since 2006 it expanded the use of travel bans against dissidents. In that regard, Syria is the worst offender among Arab states.[117] The Syrian mukhabarat is Alawite dominated.[118]

Plenty of articles on the net talking about this is you want to take the time to read them and understand what caused their civil war.

Good post. There is a guy at my work who seems to think that Syria was some sort of Utopia under Assad Snr & Jnr and that what has happened is all America's doing. He's the type of guy who believes anything he sees on Youtube without researching for himself. Plenty of good info out there but also plenty of nonsense.

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