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i feel i have to warn owners of this sometimes undetectable parasite.

having gone through hell when my boy had a very low blood count back in feb.this yr.with his final blood test in april i did say i will have him tested every 6 months.

as he had a fight with a 2mtr.snake i called the vet to test him and check that the snake was not poisoness.[4weeks ago] well the test came back.

low blood count and one capsul found.but not that bad so he had some medication.

we had him blood tested again 2weeks later and this time they [vet] couldnt believe it came back blood count lower,but 4capsuls found.

so the wife contacted an animal hospital and they told her the same as what the vet had said.

IF THE DOG EATS A BROWN DOG TICK IT CAN PRODUCE HEPATOZOON CANIS which is sometimes very hard to detect in the white blood cells.

so this time the vet gave us stronger meds.4in the morning for the parasite,and 4 in the evening for his liver after food.after a week and another blood test he improved higher blood count liver count good and no capsule detected [hope] another week has gone by and yesterday another test,so today we will get another print out of the test.so its goner be another agonizeing wait.

so i will think he will stay on medication maybe another 4weeks[last time 10] and if all is well then we will blood test him every 3months.

so please google THIS PARASITE IF YOU SEE ANY OF THOSE SMALL BROWN TICKS ON YOUR DOG.just to know what i am posting about.


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i did get some help from one of our regular posters whom i contacted and told him what medication he had been given and he was a great help.

these are the meds,

doxy short for doxycycline.




the hospital confirmed these were what they would have prescribed.

you will find the dog will drink a lot so be aware if they live in,and also eat like a horse.

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Prevention is better than cure.

Our dogs do not roam outside our land, on the land the weeds and grass is cut regularly because long plants harbour ticks, fleas, mites, other nasty parasites and is a great camouflage for snakes. Beware of the snake in the long grass.

We treat our dogs with Frontline once a month that does a marvellous job of stopping our dogs becoming infested from parasites. Our dogs are wormed every 3 months.

Sometimes a dog may scratch and furiously bite itself with signs of having white flakes on their fur. This is called, walking dandruff, caused by a microscopic mite, cannot be seen with the naked eye. These mites borrow under their skin causing intense itching and infection. The solution for this is Advocate. It is placed on similar to Frontline, only Advocate is the only brand that kills the microscopic mites. Both Frontline and Advocate work within 40 minutes of application and remain active for a month.

If you fail to implement these regular treatments, the parasite problem will constantly reoccur.

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Prevention is better than cure.

Our dogs do not roam outside our land, on the land the weeds and grass is cut regularly because long plants harbour ticks, fleas, mites, other nasty parasites and is a great camouflage for snakes. Beware of the snake in the long grass.

We treat our dogs with Frontline once a month that does a marvellous job of stopping our dogs becoming infested from parasites. Our dogs are wormed every 3 months.

Sometimes a dog may scratch and furiously bite itself with signs of having white flakes on their fur. This is called, walking dandruff, caused by a microscopic mite, cannot be seen with the naked eye. These mites borrow under their skin causing intense itching and infection. The solution for this is Advocate. It is placed on similar to Frontline, only Advocate is the only brand that kills the microscopic mites. Both Frontline and Advocate work within 40 minutes of application and remain active for a month.

If you fail to implement these regular treatments, the parasite problem will constantly reoccur.

thanks for your reply CF.as our dog only goes outside of our property for 2 walks a day he does like to get his head into the low bushes to pee,and with him having a thick double coat we do miss the odd one now and then.

i have never used frontline some say its ok others say its a waste of money.

what i did find in our bedroom after finding those brown dog ticks sometimes on the wall was.some gaps in the skirting boards where they were hiding.

since i bought some wood filler [2weeks ago] and sealed the gaps i have only found one.

i shall get some advocate,as for worms i check his poo every time.tick shampoo,powder,he has a tick collar on [1week] but i do use a lot of chaingard

which is a bedding spray that is the only thing i have found which will kill them stone dead.

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Prevention is better than cure.

Our dogs do not roam outside our land, on the land the weeds and grass is cut regularly because long plants harbour ticks, fleas, mites, other nasty parasites and is a great camouflage for snakes. Beware of the snake in the long grass.

We treat our dogs with Frontline once a month that does a marvellous job of stopping our dogs becoming infested from parasites. Our dogs are wormed every 3 months.

Sometimes a dog may scratch and furiously bite itself with signs of having white flakes on their fur. This is called, walking dandruff, caused by a microscopic mite, cannot be seen with the naked eye. These mites borrow under their skin causing intense itching and infection. The solution for this is Advocate. It is placed on similar to Frontline, only Advocate is the only brand that kills the microscopic mites. Both Frontline and Advocate work within 40 minutes of application and remain active for a month.

If you fail to implement these regular treatments, the parasite problem will constantly reoccur.

thanks for your reply CF.as our dog only goes outside of our property for 2 walks a day he does like to get his head into the low bushes to pee,and with him having a thick double coat we do miss the odd one now and then.

i have never used frontline some say its ok others say its a waste of money.

what i did find in our bedroom after finding those brown dog ticks sometimes on the wall was.some gaps in the skirting boards where they were hiding.

since i bought some wood filler [2weeks ago] and sealed the gaps i have only found one.

i shall get some advocate,as for worms i check his poo every time.tick shampoo,powder,he has a tick collar on [1week] but i do use a lot of chaingard

which is a bedding spray that is the only thing i have found which will kill them stone dead.

Having many years of experience with dogs and an ex dog breeder, owning my own kennels one time in England, I can honestly tell you that all those parasite powders, shampoos and collars don`t work, they are virtually useless. All you are doing in placing poisonous chemicals onto your dog that will end up doing more harm then good. Frontline and Advocate, although expensive, are the only effective parasite remedies that work.

Seaing up cracks in walls is not a long term prevention to stop ticks, because ticks live off the blood of dogs. Once the ticks are eradicated from the source, the dogs, then the ticks will not invade the house because their life cycles evolve on the dog.

Keeping the grass, bush and weed growths cut down on your land are a must. Ticks and fleas begin hanging out on the weeds waiting for a dog host to pass and then hop on the dogs to feed and breed.

Dogs worms are most times thiner than strands of human hair, very difficult to see, but they are there. Worming a dog every 3 months helps stop internal infections and makes a better appitite.

As I said; prevention is better than cure. Otherwise your dog problem will be a continuous vicious circle.

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got the blood test result done on friday NO BLOOD PARASITE FOUND.





but he will have 2more weeks of meds.

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Wow, that is good news.

very happy for you and your wife. smile.png

thanks very much,i got to say the info that we have recieved from the vet and the blood lab which does the testing has been first class,[all in english] this parasite has such a thin layer and attacks not only the blood cells but also the liver it is sometimes hard to detect.so its a blood test every 3 MONTHS.

its such a relief.


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  • 3 weeks later...

got the blood test result done on friday NO BLOOD PARASITE FOUND.





but he will have 2more weeks of meds.

well all you should read this,the above was done on the 11th.oct.

so lets go back to the begining,fbt.done 7th.september,some low counts in his blood cells plus they found 1trace of HEPATOOZON CANIS[bLOOD LAB.FOUND]

2ND test done result 23sept.lower blood count and 4 hep.canis traces found.

after meds.test done 2nd.oct.clear,and 10th.clear.

carried on with the meds till 17th.oct

sunday morning at 5AM.he had a nose bleed which got worse every minute,at that time nobody was available.

6AM.with me panicking and the wife crying we feared the worst,then she got through to NAKHON RATCHASIMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL[sAVE ONE BRANCH]

they told the wife to bring him along straight away.5PM.he is still bleeding but it is starting to stop,he had 4injections[maximum]

the wife wants to bring him home,the vet told her unless it stops altogether he will have to stay all night.the wife wants a blanket and pillow to stay.

8PM.its stopped,you can take hime home but he has to finish the drip for another 10hrs.

all day monday he is very weak but drinking and eating,we carries him up to bed and he has a good nights rest.tues improving but still weak.

this morning came down the stairs unaided and perking up.

now this is my concern,was he diagnosed with the wrong type of canis.

these are the 3main symptoms,of the HEPATOOZON.




now the more serious infection the EHLRICHIA CANIS.

symptoms are,






on reading up on these parasite's both infections caused by the brown dog tick that has the infection and EATEN BY THE DOG.

i think we are lucky that the medication for both are nearly the same but one of them should have been a lot shorter than 4weeks.

so the test that the hospital had done came back ok.except his liver reading is high.i just hope he makes a full recovery from this.

so although these infections are rare [acording to the vets] we have to take care that the symptoms match the type of canis.

another test 8th.nov.

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I'm very sorry to read this, Meatboy.

Is it possible your dog suffers from more than 1 tick-born disease?

Well, lots of prayers sent your way for a speedy recovery of your dog.

thanks for your support,the wife spoke to the vet at the animal hospital [they have 3] and asked about symptoms and is it possible that the wrong canis could have been found,as our local vet has done them all before so this was the first time he was tested by a different lab.sunday] she said no.

asked why the symptoms didnt match the canis [hepatoozon] she said if they are detected at an early stage there is hardly any symptoms at all.

its the medication that causes him to eat a lot and drink as its almost the same meds.

once again she did say if its not detected first time dont leave it too long before his next test.going back to jan.-feb this we found out 2weeks after his first test.

if his blood count is down then they have to find out why if no parasite is detected.

she did tell the wife when asked what caused the bleeding,it was the SULFA TABS that thinned his blood.

so the hospital will do another test in 10days just to make sure his last 2tests which showed no parasite's and his liver count has dropped.red&white cells ok.

so if your due for a test dont delay do it TODAY.


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Glad to hear Sam got over the crisis, Meatboy.

Canis, by the way, is Latin for 'of a dog', and is best translated by the adjective 'canine'. It is not a type of disease! But I'm not surprised at anyone getting confused by medical 'Latin'!

i dont think he is out of the woods yet.i am worried about any lasting efects with the 15hrs.of bleeding caused by giving him the sulfa tabs.for too long.

also i dont think he should have been given them as his liver count wasnt right.the vet has been more than DOZY.

been with him almost 4yrs.i dont think its goner be any longer.

i pray to god [budda] every day that he comes through this,he is very sluggish right now,but is eating and drinking gallons.

love me love my dog.MEATBOY.

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Unfortunately, seeing no ticks on your dogs is no guarantee that your dogs won't get tick borne diseases. Medications like Frontline will repel ticks but sometimes only after they have already bitten you dog and potentially transmitted the parasites. Since the ticks drops off your dog quickly if you use Ivermectin based products, you probably won't have time to see the ticks on your dogs.

One of our eight dogs started being a bit fussy about his food in mid April, he would still eat normally but we would have to mix a bit of wet food with his dry food to entice him to eat. Other than being a little off his food, he showed no other symptoms of being sick. After a week of this behaviour, we took him to the vet to have him checked out and he was diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis Canis. His blood values were OK, but E. Canis can also attack the liver and kidneys and his kidney function came out at 9.6 (liver was OK). The kidney function test shows how much of the waste products the kidneys are able to eliminate, and as a general rule any value over 10 means that the dog has no chance of survival. As soon as we found out what was wrong with him, we took our seven other dogs in to have them tested. Six out of the seven tested positive for E. Canis and two of them had Anaplasmosis on top of that (another tick borne disease attacking the blood cells). Out of these seven, one had moderately compromised kidney function and the rest had moderately low blood cell values. And remember, these were seven dogs showing absolutely no signs of being sick.

Despite our dogs being treated with antibiotics (Doxycycline), blood and kidney support supplements, steroids and one even being given a blood transfusion three of the dogs took a turn for the worse. The first one died of kidney failure on 2nd of May and the second one followed on 7th of May (also due to kidney failure). I won't go into details, but kidney failure is a very unpleasant way to go and it's very distressing to see a loved pet suffer through it. Our third dog died of collapse of his blood production system, and a even blood transfusion just delayed the end for a week. Of the remaining four, three has recovered while the fourth is now on his sixth month of Doxycycline and his blood values actually took a turn for the worse at last months check-up. We will be back for another (and hopefully the last) check-up next week.

So even if you catch these diseases early while your dog is still relatively healthy, it is not always enough. A lot depends on how strong your dog's immune system is, and younger dogs often do better than older ones. We took one of the neighbours dogs in to get tested when she was too weak to stand and started having frequent nose bleeds. It turned out that she also had E. Canis and her blood system was severely compromised (much worse than any of our dogs, even the one who died). But despite her serious condition, she recovered completely in just over a month probably because she is just a bit over one year old.

So keep an eye on your dogs, and take them in to a vet if they show any symptoms. Maybe take them in for regular checks, even if they appear healthy. It still may not be enough but it is the best we can do.

Good luck to you Meatboy.


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thanks sophon than is very good info.we asked the vets at the hospital to tell us straight how serious it can be but they wont tell you a lot.

on reading about his infection epatoozon and e.canis both are caused by the dog eating a brown dog tick,but as you say NO SYMPTOMS even blood tests have not shown any parasite's they are very hard to detect,just got to hope that the right drop of blood carries it.

as i am with my boy 24/7 i do notice any change in his behaveoir.this is whats eating me up inside not knowing the extent of the infection.

we will have him tested every 3months,with this latest we only found out atfer a second test was done because he encountered a 2mtr.snake[non poisoness.


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one of thai visa members has recommended after blood loss,COCONUT WATER not the bought stuff but FRESH.

anyone else given it to their pets please.

i have read that it is packed with vitamins.minerals and electrolytes. i will check with the vet first.


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got the blood test result done on friday NO BLOOD PARASITE FOUND.





but he will have 2more weeks of meds.

well all you should read this,the above was done on the 11th.oct.

so lets go back to the begining,fbt.done 7th.september,some low counts in his blood cells plus they found 1trace of HEPATOOZON CANIS[bLOOD LAB.FOUND]

2ND test done result 23sept.lower blood count and 4 hep.canis traces found.

after meds.test done 2nd.oct.clear,and 10th.clear.

carried on with the meds till 17th.oct

sunday morning at 5AM.he had a nose bleed which got worse every minute,at that time nobody was available.

6AM.with me panicking and the wife crying we feared the worst,then she got through to NAKHON RATCHASIMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL[sAVE ONE BRANCH]

they told the wife to bring him along straight away.5PM.he is still bleeding but it is starting to stop,he had 4injections[maximum]

the wife wants to bring him home,the vet told her unless it stops altogether he will have to stay all night.the wife wants a blanket and pillow to stay.

8PM.its stopped,you can take hime home but he has to finish the drip for another 10hrs.

all day monday he is very weak but drinking and eating,we carries him up to bed and he has a good nights rest.tues improving but still weak.

this morning came down the stairs unaided and perking up.

now this is my concern,was he diagnosed with the wrong type of canis.

these are the 3main symptoms,of the HEPATOOZON.




now the more serious infection the EHLRICHIA CANIS.

symptoms are,






on reading up on these parasite's both infections caused by the brown dog tick that has the infection and EATEN BY THE DOG.

i think we are lucky that the medication for both are nearly the same but one of them should have been a lot shorter than 4weeks.

so the test that the hospital had done came back ok.except his liver reading is high.i just hope he makes a full recovery from this.

so although these infections are rare [acording to the vets] we have to take care that the symptoms match the type of canis.

another test 8th.nov.

has anyone had their dogs blood tested at an animal lab.all our dogs tests were tested at labs that test humans,except for his latest test which was done at an animal lab.

the wife was told you do not get an acurate reading at human testing labs,example,look at the above posting,and what i said about the symptoms for the hepatoozon canis.

the symptoms were completely the opposite.and only the hepatoozon canis was ever found.

now look at his latest test,3RD nov. ANAPLASMA PLATYS,EHLRICHIA.yet they cant tell the amount of the infection,because on the print out of the test right alongside it says NOT FOUND. HOW CONFUSEING IS THAT.

also for the first time this has been mentioned,LIPEMIC SERUM.


according to what i have read,if the platelet count is down so should his WHITE CELL COUNT.

does anyone now how to get intouch with CONFUCIUS.

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Longtime ago, before the SNAP test, there were 'no parasites found'. Three days later my sweet boxer died of internal bleeding due to tick disease.

Nowadays, there is the SNAP-test. It is 98% accurate, compared to the 30% accuracy of the microscopic 'test' (a vet once gave me these figures).

SNAP-test tests for Ehrliciosis canis, Anaplasmosis, Lyme and heartworm. Ask your veterinary about this. It is possible your usual vet does not have the SNAP-test in his clinic. In Chiang Mai it is not available at every vet-clinic.

Very common symptoms for Anaplasmosis are low RBC and low platelets, but WBC is normal range.

If the WBC are out of normal range it may indicate that your dog suffers from 2 tick -born diseases. That is the earlier diagnosed H.canis, which shows up as abnormal WBC, and the newly diagnosed Anaplasmosis, which often shows up as abnormal RBC and platelets.

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While we are on the subject of diagnosis and illness in dogs, does anybody have any thoughts about this:

episodic diarrhea with mucus and blood (looks sort of like grape jelly) in an otherwise very healthy seeming ols (13 years) dog? Blood count normal except for elevated eosinophils, which suggests parasites, but several rounds of deworming have had no effect and neither has a prolonged course of metronadizaole. SNAP test negative. Sometimes there are a few very hard turds along with the diarrhea which has led me to think maybe it is due to straining so now I'm struggling to get him to eat pumpkin. Other thoughts?

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I hope he will get better soon. And he will.

Sam is one of the mascots of this part of the forum. And i, for one, am rather fond of him. And his mummy and daddy and the love you show for him. He is a lucky boy.

Give him a cuddle from me from Swissland, please.

Nothing like cuddling a husky, with that fur... special. And the eyes... melt ya!!

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While we are on the subject of diagnosis and illness in dogs, does anybody have any thoughts about this:

episodic diarrhea with mucus and blood (looks sort of like grape jelly) in an otherwise very healthy seeming ols (13 years) dog? Blood count normal except for elevated eosinophils, which suggests parasites, but several rounds of deworming have had no effect and neither has a prolonged course of metronadizaole. SNAP test negative. Sometimes there are a few very hard turds along with the diarrhea which has led me to think maybe it is due to straining so now I'm struggling to get him to eat pumpkin. Other thoughts?

sam had quite a lot of mucus around 6months ago,vet told us dont give him chicken skin and rice,since then its been perfect except for the past couple of weeks,he's been a bit hard,COULD BE ALL THE MEDICATION but the last 3days its been very good,must be the pumpkin,pureed with,cauli,carrot,brocli.chicken and beef.smart heart beef steak.

the past week he has been back to is old self,he has a new vet[teacher] who took the blood test to an animal lab.the print out of the test was very easy to understand,with kasetsart uni.guidelines.he will start him on a new course today.

what has concerned me is the lack of information given by our old vet,on the strenght of the medication.and i only found out about how dangerous it can be mixing certain drugs.its been 8weeks and he is still on doxy.


PREDNISOLONE. we wernt told when coming off this drug it at to be done gradually


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I hope he will get better soon. And he will.

Sam is one of the mascots of this part of the forum. And i, for one, am rather fond of him. And his mummy and daddy and the love you show for him. He is a lucky boy.

Give him a cuddle from me from Swissland, please.

Nothing like cuddling a husky, with that fur... special. And the eyes... melt ya!!

he had a few visitors last week and he was on form,talking and kissing them.WE ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE HIM.

i have given him a big AS WE SAY IN WALES, "CWTCH"

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While we are on the subject of diagnosis and illness in dogs, does anybody have any thoughts about this:

episodic diarrhea with mucus and blood (looks sort of like grape jelly) in an otherwise very healthy seeming ols (13 years) dog? Blood count normal except for elevated eosinophils, which suggests parasites, but several rounds of deworming have had no effect and neither has a prolonged course of metronadizaole. SNAP test negative. Sometimes there are a few very hard turds along with the diarrhea which has led me to think maybe it is due to straining so now I'm struggling to get him to eat pumpkin. Other thoughts?

sam had quite a lot of mucus around 6months ago,vet told us dont give him chicken skin and rice,since then its been perfect except for the past couple of weeks,he's been a bit hard,COULD BE ALL THE MEDICATION but the last 3days its been very good,must be the pumpkin,pureed with,cauli,carrot,brocli.chicken and beef.smart heart beef steak.

the past week he has been back to is old self,he has a new vet[teacher] who took the blood test to an animal lab.the print out of the test was very easy to understand,with kasetsart uni.guidelines.he will start him on a new course today.

what has concerned me is the lack of information given by our old vet,on the strenght of the medication.and i only found out about how dangerous it can be mixing certain drugs.its been 8weeks and he is still on doxy.


PREDNISOLONE. we wernt told when coming off this drug it at to be done gradually


This is a snap test:


The vet puts a drop of your dogs blood on the top, and in a few minutes the test will show if your dog has heart worm or one of the tick transmitted diseases Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis or Lyme disease. If positive for a certain disease a spot will appear in a specific position on the result panel, if negative for all diseases only a control spot will appear.


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this past couple of weeks has been HELL not knowing wether our boy was going to make it,we have got a new vet and just hope his next blood test is OK.

the past week he has been back to his old self and looks very well indeed.

what we have learnt since his last blood test done at an animal lab.which included a list of all lab.analysis count and a normal range of counts to compare.

this is the normal range of kasetsart university.

dont take nothing for granted,study the counts and most of all CHECK THE MEDICATION you are giving your loved one,get the names and doseage and wether they can be taken together or at different times.check them with all the advice on the net.

even go to the lab.like the wife did and asked them to explain what means what.we are horrified at what we have found out.

i know this is thailand but if you love your best freind,you can and will learn quite a lot,like we have done this past few weeks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

this past couple of weeks has been HELL not knowing wether our boy was going to make it,we have got a new vet and just hope his next blood test is OK.

the past week he has been back to his old self and looks very well indeed.

what we have learnt since his last blood test done at an animal lab.which included a list of all lab.analysis count and a normal range of counts to compare.

this is the normal range of kasetsart university.

dont take nothing for granted,study the counts and most of all CHECK THE MEDICATION you are giving your loved one,get the names and doseage and wether they can be taken together or at different times.check them with all the advice on the net.

even go to the lab.like the wife did and asked them to explain what means what.we are horrified at what we have found out.

i know this is thailand but if you love your best freind,you can and will learn quite a lot,like we have done this past few weeks.


the past week our boy has been bouncing,wanting to play ball and gallopping around the garden,grabbing the wife's arm in bed he is very very well.

BUT he had a blood test yesterday morning, RESULT.







waiting for the vet to give him another course of DOXY.

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Sounds scary, keep hope!

if you saw him running about it would be impossible to say he's unwell.

i am begining to loose all faith in vets and this animal lab.that done the test.

the wife questioned why his patelet count was down that much,oh there was an excuse looks like the vet didnt take enough blood sample.

so why didnt the lab tell him.

anyway another week on doxy and rbc.rx.supplement.

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Sounds scary, keep hope!

if you saw him running about it would be impossible to say he's unwell.

i am begining to loose all faith in vets and this animal lab.that done the test.

the wife questioned why his patelet count was down that much,oh there was an excuse looks like the vet didnt take enough blood sample.

so why didnt the lab tell him.

anyway another week on doxy and rbc.rx.supplement.

I wouldn't trust the vet, meatboy. "Didn't take enough blood sample" is rubbish.

I'm afraid my attitude has always been, if he behaves healthy, he is healthy. And I haven't been proved wrong over 40 years of owning dogs.

But I know how you love your dog, and surely this wouldn't keep you happy! That means, new vet, new lab.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to update you all,he has improved and is very well in himself.

thats more than i can say about the new vet,trying to rip off the wife for tabs that cost between 60-80bht.wanting 360bht.heeeeeeeee wont be back.

since we have had the last 3 blood tests done by an animal lab.its been easy to read his progress or lack of it.

here is his test report against the normal range of kasetsart university.done on the 29th.nov.

test range

creatinine[kidney] 0.8 0.6-1.4

alt [sgpt] [liver] 76 4 -91

wbc 8,400 6,000-17,000

rbc 4.54 5-9.0

hgb 12.3 12.0-18.0

hct 37. 30-56

mcv 81 60-70

mch 27 28-33

mchc 33 32-36


neutrophil 68 60-77

lymphocyte 32 12-30

monocyte 3-10

easinophil 2-10

basophil 0

band form 0-3

platelet count 24,000 200,000-900,000 concerned

blood parasite anaplasma platys clear, ehrlichia canis only a few found they could be dead.

all the above if googled will give you a good explanation of each test and what it means.

the platelet count could be down to the amount of blood he lost 27th oct.

his kidney and liver count is good.

his wbc.and rbc has vastly improved.

his next test will be 14th.dec-25th.dec.

he is still on doxy till 7th.dec.and also rbc.iron vitamins.2weeks.

so all of us that have our dogs blood tested GET A PRINT OUT OF THE TEST.

Edited by meatboy
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