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Please let me know if I am mistaken, aside from Tourists, but regarding Foreigners who live here, do you not pay the Thai price if you show a Thai driving license or yellow book?

I never accept to pay, I show my driver card with ID number. . Thai law excludes me to pay. Most staff accept. If not I turn back.

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...basic human rights should include equality...

...never mind the rationalization to rip someone off because they are not Thai....it harbors racism...and then there is no end to it...


Anyone that has read my posts knows that I am a big supporter of Thai culture. But the farang tax to visit parks and interesting historical tourist points is not right. Anyone in Australia is charged one price to visit parks, regardless of race or ethnicity. My rural born Thai wife wished to visit the Emerald Buddha. All good outside, the tourist police were helpful and delighted that I had married a Thai lady. My wife tried to accompany me through the non Thai entrance to the palace. The "guards" abused her and told her to go through the Thai only entrance. I showed my yellow house card. You farang I was told, you are not a good man. You pay full price or we get army man to send you away. An English speaking Chinese visitor abused me - why you make trouble for everybody. I had seen the Emerald Buddha in pleasanter times a long before. My wife met me after I had paid. I am sorry darling she said, not every thing in Thailand good for falung (that is how she says it) She loved that temple paid her respects to the Emerald Buddha and a few shrines outside the main temple. We were accompanied at all times by a non intrusive "guard". Sorry to post this, but I don't feel this is right, we are all humans under the sky, The Lord Buddha I am sure would not approve.


Skip this dual pricing as soon as possible

This policy just give Thailand a bad reputation. I do not know ANY other country who charge tourists and non citizens extra when they want to visit national parks and other toursit oriented facilities.

Considcedring Farrangs and tourists allreday spends a LOT of "clean" money, they should not have to pay extra just because they arn´t citizens of Thailand. By "Clean" money I mean money earned in another country, and brought to Thailand for spending.

Considering the ridicilous low exchange rate of the Thai Baht, tourist allready have to pay more than they did before. In order to still make Thailand an interresting vacation alternative these type of scams should be avoided. Anf the competition for tourist from surroundning countries such as Vietnam. Myanmar, Cambodia, will rise in the near future, so Thiland really need to tgake care of their imnterrests in the Tourist and expat matter. Extra charges like these probably will cost Thailand more than what they gain.



End of the day it won't really make a difference. Between all the corruption in thailand and the beatings of tourists that go unpunished most people I know are staying the hell away from thailand. Thailand has well and truley earned it's 3rd world status and most people i know never want to return as you are treated like a walking atm in most tourist destinations with very little recourse if anything were to happen to you!!


Another poster who should get credit has pointed out farang/falang is a Thai joke. The Thai word refers to celery, which is long and white.

It's either a Caucasian or a guava. Celery is "pak chi farang". A fine distinction, maybe, but not the same.

Agree, farang is part of the larger word "pak chi farang" Excuse my failing brain cells. Caucasian or guava? You've lost me.


Farang - guava

Farang = Westerner, Caucasian OR of white, Western origin (NOT "foreigner").


Maak farang = Western betel nut = chewing gum

Nom mai farang = Western bamboo = asparagus

Guava is originally from the New World, so it was certainly introduced by Westerners, but so long ago that it lost (or never acquired) the added 'farang' handle - like corn (khao pot), chilli pepper (phrik) and a host of other New World transplants... In which case, as I know you know already, all 'farang' references go back to Frank, the Arabic farangi, and so to Southeast Asia. Arabs and Persians were in these waters at least 500 years before we were.

Best -


If somebody would have opened the Wikipedia link and read it, then he would understand why guave is farang, why man farang or Pak chi farang.

All are related to farang = European (white race), probably because introduced to Thailand by Europeans.

Apparently it is a derivative of a French word


If somebody would have opened the Wikipedia link and read it, then he would understand why guave is farang, why man farang or Pak chi farang.

All are related to farang = European (white race), probably because introduced to Thailand by Europeans.

Apparently it is a derivative of a French word

Old French, you are correct. Nothing at all to do with French Indochina as is sometimes suggested. Variants on "farangi' or "feringhee", the Arabic for Frank, are found not just in Thai, but in Lao (essentially identical), Cambodian, Burmese, Vietnamese (long disused) and even Tamil, I understand.


Soutpeel, never been to Africa (southern Africa or Uganda Kenia Tansania etc.). They all have hefty price differences in parks.

And it's understandable for.brighter peoples. On the one side, they want to create awareness for locals who.could never afford a normal fee, on the other side, tourists are crazy to see wildlife.

Check waiting list for mountain gorillas.

Dual or 3-tier pricing is absolutely no topic. May also because there are no farangs who are not fit for their own country but want to live cheap with European standard.


little tip for people going to highly touristic places/attractions in thailand , if you are with a thai girl , just tell her to go first alone , she have to tell the cashier she have a group of farang with her and how much is the commission they give. I cant count how many times i paid up to 50pcent off with all family coming over for holidays with this trick smile.png

it works with everything , attractions ,restaurants , house renting , boat trip.... etc etc


It's quite simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would Thais like to be charged more for something simply because they are Thais ? Of course not, no one would like this. What Thais never grasp is that they get bad reputations for persistently doing bad things. Cut the silly stuff out and everyone's happy. As I said, beyond their understanding. They want to have their cake and eat it always at someone elses expense. Thainess.

I think the simple answer to this is that as a previous post mentioned that the average daily wage is 300 baht. Does it make any difference to me paying a little more, of course not, does it make a difference to a Thai getting a little more from us, I would hope so. I hope the little extra we pay gives a Thai a better life.

I can see your point. It is quite valid upcountry, but the statistics show that the average salary in Bangkok is 40K per month. I know it is driven up by the highly paid business people, but I know many farang who are on 30K a month in Bangkok.

I am willing to help poor people, but successful businesses that charge farangs more (hospitals, waterworlds or whatever) is completely wrong. This is GREED and nothing else.


It would be a good start. I know alot of friends who wont come back ever because they felt cheated and discriminated against. Nothing right about it and it sets the stage for nations rip of the visitor day....

Serious? What, did the 200 baht national park fee break their budget?

Hope they didn't go to Malaysia, Leos, Cambodia . . .

Never bothered me, more to worry about than a few dollars; as per post above, look at it as a discount to the Thai people

Just to add that I visited Malaysia lats year and as I am over 60, I was offered by staff at the Petronas Tower the senior price, I just showed my passport.

It was the same in the KL transit system, I could buy the senior pass. I saw no place I visited with dual pricing.

In Thailand you have to be Thai citizen to get the senior price in the transit system in Bangkok.

In my opinion it is not a way to attract tourist and tourist is a major cash cow.

If Thailand want a fair system the Park Deppartment can give a discount to Thai citizen with ID card and not based on the ethnicity...Many non-Thai citizen that look Asian manage to pay the Thai price when they enter with Thai friends.

About a year ago I went to purchase a token from the MRT booth. The attendant asked me if I wanted a senior ticket. I gave him a puzzled look and he said I can purchase a senior ticket if over 60 yrs old. Now I go to the booth, say "(station) senior" and......whallah 1/2 price. And they never asked for ID, but I am over 60.

I wish the BTS would consider doing something similar.

Wait until next year (or whenever it is) when BTS and MRT have joint tickets. Which policy will they choose?

MRT 50% off for all senior citizens regardless of nationality

BTS only Thai get 50%

I think we know the answer.


The most annoying thing about this is that it's not really based on your nationality, but rather on your skin complexion. If you look like a Thai, whether you are from Laos, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, .. you won't have to pay.

I've never seen them check Thai ID cards at entrances.

I'm fine local people pay a lower price, or nothing at all, but once you are living here (working, married, studying), you would be able to pay the local price, after providing proof like yellow book, 5-year driving license...., regardless of your skin color or appearance.

Having said that I've been surprised a few times. Once I signed up on the entry book, in what I thought was a ticket booth, but I quickly realized it was a checking point when they asked for the ticket. So I went to the ticket office, presented my 5-year thai driving license, and what offered a 50% discount (200 Baht instead of 400 Baht), but I still asked to pay 40 Baht as written in Thai on the counter. They said it was not possible, so I said sorry, but I can't go... Then I went to the checking point to cross my name since I would not go, and the staff, to my amazement, told me it was not fair, and decided to let me go... for free. It was a good day. Not everything is great in Thailand, but people are often extremely kind.

Not all places base the price on skin colour.

I went to Nong Nuch Village in Pattaya with about 30 Thais. Some of them had lived in USa nearly all their lives and for some reason or other didn't have Thai ID cards. They were Thai, spoke Thai, looked Thai but had to pay farang price.


Whatever I pay, I still think its cheap, try comparing to prices back home. If the UK government started to charge foreigners more than the its own citisens, would we complain?

Yes, I would.

this one is for vogie,you might have a case in defence of thailand if thailand had a similar heritage and historical places of interest going back thousands of years not only in the uk but europe in general.if it was allowed that they run those historical sites the same as thailand,well i will leave that up to your immagination.i think vogie is a perfect expat apologist for thailand and he is well of out of his home country.he certainly will not be missed.

Thank you for being singled out, I feel quite honoured. Why bring historical sites into it, there are so many other examples, if walking around delapadated buildings is what rocks your boat, go for it. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could all change places with the Thais, they could have our big fat pensions and we could save 10 baht on a tuk tuk! As for not being missed in my own country, oh I do hope so. Give them my regards when you return won't you?

Well Vogie you certainly short footed me about the dilapidated buildings we have in the UK,St Pauls Cathderal,Stone Henge,Hadrians Wall (ok that was Roman) I will give you that one.I am sure if you have the brains to use Google you will find many more examples.If you are happy with the glittery Wats and various other ancient historical sites in Thailand built in the last few years then who am I to argue.Best you give up your citezenship then you will have a true alegience to your beloved adopted country.


It's quite simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would Thais like to be charged more for something simply because they are Thais ? Of course not, no one would like this. What Thais never grasp is that they get bad reputations for persistently doing bad things. Cut the silly stuff out and everyone's happy. As I said, beyond their understanding. They want to have their cake and eat it always at someone elses expense. Thainess.

I think the simple answer to this is that as a previous post mentioned that the average daily wage is 300 baht. Does it make any difference to me paying a little more, of course not, does it make a difference to a Thai getting a little more from us, I would hope so. I hope the little extra we pay gives a Thai a better life.

I can see your point. It is quite valid upcountry, but the statistics show that the average salary in Bangkok is 40K per month. I know it is driven up by the highly paid business people, but I know many farang who are on 30K a month in Bangkok.

I am willing to help poor people, but successful businesses that charge farangs more (hospitals, waterworlds or whatever) is completely wrong. This is GREED and nothing else.

Yes you are indeed very correct, waterworlds etc I'm not too bothered about, but hospitals is a different kettle of fish. There is no way I can afford adequate medical insurance or pay cash for an operation (I'm sure I am not alone on this one) but I knew this when I came to Thailand.

My gripe really is people that moan about being overcharged 10 baht for a tuk tuk or 30 baht for 15 eggs. Does losing 10 baht makes any difference to these peoples lives, Think not, but maybe, just maybe it might make a little difference to a Poorly pais Thais life. I would never change places with these poorly paid people, and I'm sure not many people would. It is still considerably cheaper living in Thailand than back home.


Pay to shop. Never!

at the floating market Pattaya, Foreigners 200 Baht, Thai free

at another "store" in the same area I forget the name a similar story

National parks surcharging foreigners and yes on principle I will never pay to go where a Thai national can go free its just not on!

I feel a sense of satisfaction in not paying these ridiculous surcharges, as though I am doing something for the interest of those of us who are daily fleeced robbed and pillaged in 75% of any business dealings with either Thai businesses or so called professionals

The list of surcharges for Foreigners is endless, the parks and similar are small fry compared to the massive amount of "Graft" that must be going on in the Country especially the medical world where even the Thai PM has been moved to intervene in attempting to stop them overcharging foreigners.

Then you will not ever visit the Auckland Museum, nor the Maritime Museum. They are funded through local taxes, and thus, quite fairly, locals are not charged but out-of-towners are.

"out of towners" are charged more. So if a Chinese or Thai or African lives there, they get in at th the "in towners" price. Right?

That's all we need in Thailand. Farangs living here pay "in country price"


Bluespunk, your post mirrors your life motto "never forgive, never forget"

Fortunately, there are some whose life principle is:

Forgive, but not forget"

Much more likable!


This again is one of the route problems here in Thailand The new Prime Minster is try to deal with corruption a 2 tear pricing system for foreigners and Thais is part of that.

While not direct corruption is its part of the route problem There is no other country I know that charges a different price for foreigners.

This so called policy will bite the Thais in the butt someday

As for myself I show my drivers license and that is usually enough to get the discount but this 2 tier system is not good for the image of Thailand

Well South Africa is one it has dual pricing for locals and foreigners in its national park and one must produce you ID book which shows you either as a SA citizen or PR

Who in their right mind would want to go to South Africa,


It's quite simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would Thais like to be charged more for something simply because they are Thais ? Of course not, no one would like this. What Thais never grasp is that they get bad reputations for persistently doing bad things. Cut the silly stuff out and everyone's happy. As I said, beyond their understanding. They want to have their cake and eat it always at someone elses expense. Thainess.

I think the simple answer to this is that as a previous post mentioned that the average daily wage is 300 baht. Does it make any difference to me paying a little more, of course not, does it make a difference to a Thai getting a little more from us, I would hope so. I hope the little extra we pay gives a Thai a better life.

I can see your point. It is quite valid upcountry, but the statistics show that the average salary in Bangkok is 40K per month. I know it is driven up by the highly paid business people, but I know many farang who are on 30K a month in Bangkok.

I am willing to help poor people, but successful businesses that charge farangs more (hospitals, waterworlds or whatever) is completely wrong. This is GREED and nothing else.

Yes you are indeed very correct, waterworlds etc I'm not too bothered about, but hospitals is a different kettle of fish. There is no way I can afford adequate medical insurance or pay cash for an operation (I'm sure I am not alone on this one) but I knew this when I came to Thailand.

My gripe really is people that moan about being overcharged 10 baht for a tuk tuk or 30 baht for 15 eggs. Does losing 10 baht makes any difference to these peoples lives, Think not, but maybe, just maybe it might make a little difference to a Poorly pais Thais life. I would never change places with these poorly paid people, and I'm sure not many people would. It is still considerably cheaper living in Thailand than back home.

Foot in mouth comes to mind with this post.


Most short term tourists do not even know they are being Charged at a Higher Price. Some who do , just don't care, they can afford it they say.

Me, I just do not support any of the venues asking for a higher price, including restaurants and anything that see's a Farang as an extra charge.

Charge me 5 Baht extra, never see another Satang of mine.. Done..

Even the airlines here ( Not all ) have a double standard..

Think Farangs pay heavily, Japanese are the highest charged I have seen.. OH GOODY , JAPANESE, clap2.gif, $$$$$$ KA-CHING

I agree with you.

The practice of charging foreigners more is getting worse. I experience taxi drivers asking for a big tip, motorcycle taxis charging double or treble the normal rate.

A few weeks ago I went to my usual little shop to buy a bottle of water. There was a new girl working there and she asked for 10 baht (usually 7 baht). I asked if she was sure and she said yes. I thought that that was a big increase. Anyway, the next day I went back and the owner was there as usual. She charged me 7 baht. I asked her, as to why the other girl charged 10 baht, She fetched her and asked the same question. The girl simply replied "Farang price". I put the bottle down and walked out, never to return.

3 baht in itself is nothing, but if I am charged more everywhere I go my little salary (government school teacher) will soon be eaten up.

so you punish the owner because one employee charged you 3 baht more one time. Wow

It's quite simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would Thais like to be charged more for something simply because they are Thais ? Of course not, no one would like this. What Thais never grasp is that they get bad reputations for persistently doing bad things. Cut the silly stuff out and everyone's happy. As I said, beyond their understanding. They want to have their cake and eat it always at someone elses expense. Thainess.

I think the simple answer to this is that as a previous post mentioned that the average daily wage is 300 baht. Does it make any difference to me paying a little more, of course not, does it make a difference to a Thai getting a little more from us, I would hope so. I hope the little extra we pay gives a Thai a better life.

I can see your point. It is quite valid upcountry, but the statistics show that the average salary in Bangkok is 40K per month. I know it is driven up by the highly paid business people, but I know many farang who are on 30K a month in Bangkok.

I am willing to help poor people, but successful businesses that charge farangs more (hospitals, waterworlds or whatever) is completely wrong. This is GREED and nothing else.

Yes you are indeed very correct, waterworlds etc I'm not too bothered about, but hospitals is a different kettle of fish. There is no way I can afford adequate medical insurance or pay cash for an operation (I'm sure I am not alone on this one) but I knew this when I came to Thailand.

My gripe really is people that moan about being overcharged 10 baht for a tuk tuk or 30 baht for 15 eggs. Does losing 10 baht makes any difference to these peoples lives, Think not, but maybe, just maybe it might make a little difference to a Poorly pais Thais life. I would never change places with these poorly paid people, and I'm sure not many people would. It is still considerably cheaper living in Thailand than back home.

Foot in mouth comes to mind with this post.

If thats the best you can come up with, I'd drink up and go to bed.



"Who in their right mind would want to go to South Africa,"

You probably meant in "my" right mind!

Been there during apartheid,not allowed to air my views since the natives and PC has taken over,I will leave it up to you to work out my thinking,


Whatever I pay, I still think its cheap, try comparing to prices back home. If the UK government started to charge foreigners more than the its own citisens, would we complain?

A few yrs back the then British government considered allowing free access to ALL attractions for foreign visitors, you presumably would have agreed to this. As it is what ever the attraction in the UK ,everybody pays the same.


It's quite simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would Thais like to be charged more for something simply because they are Thais ? Of course not, no one would like this. What Thais never grasp is that they get bad reputations for persistently doing bad things. Cut the silly stuff out and everyone's happy. As I said, beyond their understanding. They want to have their cake and eat it always at someone elses expense. Thainess.

I think the simple answer to this is that as a previous post mentioned that the average daily wage is 300 baht. Does it make any difference to me paying a little more, of course not, does it make a difference to a Thai getting a little more from us, I would hope so. I hope the little extra we pay gives a Thai a better life.

I can see your point. It is quite valid upcountry, but the statistics show that the average salary in Bangkok is 40K per month. I know it is driven up by the highly paid business people, but I know many farang who are on 30K a month in Bangkok.

I am willing to help poor people, but successful businesses that charge farangs more (hospitals, waterworlds or whatever) is completely wrong. This is GREED and nothing else.

Yes you are indeed very correct, waterworlds etc I'm not too bothered about, but hospitals is a different kettle of fish. There is no way I can afford adequate medical insurance or pay cash for an operation (I'm sure I am not alone on this one) but I knew this when I came to Thailand.

My gripe really is people that moan about being overcharged 10 baht for a tuk tuk or 30 baht for 15 eggs. Does losing 10 baht makes any difference to these peoples lives, Think not, but maybe, just maybe it might make a little difference to a Poorly pais Thais life. I would never change places with these poorly paid people, and I'm sure not many people would. It is still considerably cheaper living in Thailand than back home.

Foot in mouth comes to mind with this post.

If thats the best you can come up with, I'd drink up and go to bed.

I suggest you ask the Mods to give a percentage opinion on your posts then you just might get some idea of the general feeling of this topic.From my point of view I think most responders disagree with you.have you Googled Heritage yet,as and when you do please come back and prove me wrong.


Whatever I pay, I still think its cheap, try comparing to prices back home. If the UK government started to charge foreigners more than the its own citisens, would we complain?

Yes, I would.

this one is for vogie,you might have a case in defence of thailand if thailand had a similar heritage and historical places of interest going back thousands of years not only in the uk but europe in general.if it was allowed that they run those historical sites the same as thailand,well i will leave that up to your immagination.i think vogie is a perfect expat apologist for thailand and he is well of out of his home country.he certainly will not be missed.

I am a British citizen but have never worked in England and therefore not entitled to anything. I am regarded as an alien. If I go back I won't receive any help, pension or whatever, yet immigrants arrive from other countries and get looked after.

I have lived in Thailand for so long that I I regard it as my home yet ... I am regarded as an alien.

Also why do you people always say "oh it is so cheap compared with my country"?

One of the reasons that Thais now have dual pricing and charge farangs more is that attitude. Oh I can tip 100 Baht ... that's only XXX in my country. Maybe, but that is what has driven prices up here.


It would be a good start. I know alot of friends who wont come back ever because they felt cheated and discriminated against. Nothing right about it and it sets the stage for nations rip of the visitor day....

What for a few hundred bt?, you should go to Spain to see how you get cheated in the tourist spots. When you try to change money they will always shortchange you. They don't do this in Thailand. Tourists don't care whether they're paying more than Thais because the entrance costs are so cheap anyway. Just see a few old stones ((Stonehenge) in England costs more for tourists than any of the parks in Thailand and the locals the don't have to pay anything.


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