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Germany: PEGIDA slams Merkel over refugee influx


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Germany: PEGIDA slams Merkel over refugee influx


DRESDEN: -- Not all Germans are welcoming refugees with open arms.

And as thousands marched in Dresden in support of the ‘anti-Islamisation’ PEGIDA movement on Monday, Angela Merkel was slammed as “the most dangerous woman in Europe”.

Demonstrators demanded she resign.

But despite slipping opinion poll ratings and tension with political allies in Bavaria – the point of entry for many of those entering the country – the Chancellor is standing firm.

She does however insist that only genuine refugees will be allowed to remain.

“Germany is going to help those who are entitled to stay. Those who don’t have that possibility cannot be helped in our country,” she said on Monday.

Germany has become a magnet for many of the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia – still continuing to make their way across Europe.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-14

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There you go, my predictions are coming true, no country on earth can sustain a million foreign

sub cultured intake of poor destitute refugees no matter how financially viable and sound their

economy is, no even the united state can do it, but yet, Merkel is forgoing the dire consequences

her action might bring on ordinary Germans, who's no doubt will lose having to put and pay

for so many aliens.....

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Many people thought and said the same. All of them were right.

Pity you only see and think about the economical aspect of this invasion.

There is a greater danger lurking in the shade - Islamization of Europe.

Europe will pay more than just money for this frivolity.

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What a farce that news snippet is! Fact is that together with last year about 2.000.000 immigrants (most illegal economic immigrants with a tiny percentage being true Syrian war refugees) already flushed in, about 1m more coming until the end of the year plus somewhere between 1.5m to 2m waiting in Turkey for the border to open. Predictions for next year are 1.5m but the true numbers will more be like 3m...

So we are looking for 6.000.000 total immigrants minimum until the end of 2016. 80 to 85% are men who could (should) serve in the army, aged between 16 and 30. They simply left women, children and the old ones back home and it is expected that each immigrant will have between 4 to 8 family members follow in the later to come reuniting projects. So if they get it their way, there could be a minimum of 30.000.000 immigrants by 2018 against 80.000.000 Germans in one of the densest populated countries in Europe. And the article is talking about "thousands"... ???

Give me a forking break!!!! Geopolitical warfare is going on, Germany and Europe are done!

Sentiment in Germany, especially the East is at a tipping point and civil war is just around the corner, as is revolution. I hope the spineless politicians, those treacherous, US butt kissing pigs with Merkel on the front line will receive the punishment they deserve when all hell breaks lose. And it will. There's no stopping of the immigrant tsunami now and at least 2.500 radical islamic sleepers are expected to have entered Germany this year. Those are the official numbers, so let's take this times ten. Containers full of weapons and ammunition, declared as refugee aid, were found in Greece and Germany.

Good night Europe!

Edited by MockingJay
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It is claimed during the whole of 2014 280,000 asylum seekers entered the EU. At least 350,000 migrants' crossed the EU's borders in January-August 2015. For the Jan-Aug 2015 period the International Organization for Migration estimates 60%+ originate from Syria and Afghanistan and Eritrea. There are conflicting estimates as Germany estimates 40% of asylum seekers originate from Balkan countries, for whom Germany has declared none will be granted asylum.

Nearly 104,000 got refugee status in the EU last year, nearly 60,000 subsidiary protection status and just over 20,000 authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons. (Austria was not included in the data.)


Containers found on the vessel Haddad 1 marked 'aid' with weapons and ammunition in Greece were destined for Libya, not the EU.


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Only true "refugees" will be allowed to remain? What is Merkel going to do with the rest of them? Put them on a boat? Force them onto a plane and air drop into Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc? Nope. They'll just plop themselves right down where they are and the Germans will be stuck with them forever. Germans better start learning their new masters' language, customs, and religion, because the natives are about to be swamped.

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Only true "refugees" will be allowed to remain? What is Merkel going to do with the rest of them? Put them on a boat? Force them onto a plane and air drop into Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc? Nope. They'll just plop themselves right down where they are and the Germans will be stuck with them forever. Germans better start learning their new masters' language, customs, and religion, because the natives are about to be swamped.

Well, the Germans could forbid the building of mosques.

Mosques verboten. ( or at least forbid until the Saudi Arabian government grants building permits for any Christians wishing to build a church).

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There you go, my predictions are coming true, no country on earth can sustain a million foreign

sub cultured intake of poor destitute refugees no matter how financially viable and sound their

economy is, no even the united state can do it, but yet, Merkel is forgoing the dire consequences

her action might bring on ordinary Germans, who's no doubt will lose having to put and pay

for so many aliens.....

Ever since the Russia sanctions negs, Merkel has resigned to being an Obama admin lackey. Anything she has done since, is right from the Obama admin. They must have dirt on her. Im surprised she hasn't had any assassination attempts on her for this.

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What a farce that news snippet is! Fact is that together with last year about 2.000.000 immigrants (most illegal economic immigrants with a tiny percentage being true Syrian war refugees) already flushed in, about 1m more coming until the end of the year plus somewhere between 1.5m to 2m waiting in Turkey for the border to open. Predictions for next year are 1.5m but the true numbers will more be like 3m...

So we are looking for 6.000.000 total immigrants minimum until the end of 2016. 80 to 85% are men who could (should) serve in the army, aged between 16 and 30. They simply left women, children and the old ones back home and it is expected that each immigrant will have between 4 to 8 family members follow in the later to come reuniting projects. So if they get it their way, there could be a minimum of 30.000.000 immigrants by 2018 against 80.000.000 Germans in one of the densest populated countries in Europe. And the article is talking about "thousands"... ???

Give me a forking break!!!! Geopolitical warfare is going on, Germany and Europe are done!

Sentiment in Germany, especially the East is at a tipping point and civil war is just around the corner, as is revolution. I hope the spineless politicians, those treacherous, US butt kissing pigs with Merkel on the front line will receive the punishment they deserve when all hell breaks lose. And it will. There's no stopping of the immigrant tsunami now and at least 2.500 radical islamic sleepers are expected to have entered Germany this year. Those are the official numbers, so let's take this times ten. Containers full of weapons and ammunition, declared as refugee aid, were found in Greece and Germany.

Good night Europe!

The right wing will rise in Europe and try to remedy this. That won't get ugly will it... ,.lol God.

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These are troubling times for Europe. The EU has suffered (and is still suffering) from the Global economic crisis, many people simply do not have the financial stability they once had and that makes people worry about their future, their jobs, keeping their homes, their children's education etc, etc.

During these times there are always far right wing politicians and people who come out of the woodwork and start trying to bury seeds of hate towards other nations. It starts by making populist statements like "we have to get the immigration crisis under control" and eventually turns into "they immigrants want to take over and they are coming in their millions".

Insecure people who would normally ignore such obvious hate mongering start to think that maybe they are right and before we know it all hell breaks lose. This is pretty much what Hitler did among others.

So, does immigration need sorting out, yes of course it does. The Western countries are being abused and the Governments are not doing enough to control it, that is for sure. This is putting huge pressure on welfare states and creating a feeling of "we can't afford to house these people right now". Make no mistake its going to get very volatile soon but I hope people will see sense and just calm down so solid, firm and effective measures can be put in place to keep people happy,, I think that is all it needs, the governments to show a firm hand and shut the door on all but the very desperate immigrants.

In addition to each country internally arguing about immigration we now have the Islamist views that Sharia Law should be obeyed in Western countries. I cannot think of anything more likely to light the powder keg then these few muslims who are walking the streets and attacking native locals about wearing a miniskirt or drinking a can of beer in the park (a video posted on here showed exactly that in London, a Muslim "patrol" walking the streets and hassling people for no reason).

I would like to believe that these people are the absolute minority and that most Muslims do not feel this way and just want to live in peace. So, I think it is time the muslim community dealt with their own problem before these minorities create a feeling if total hatred towards all Muslims and the Far Right start screamig for the removal of non European Muslims out of their country.. Some would argue the hate is already there and its just a matter of time.

So, these are very volatile times, unless the governments across Europe start to work together, close the boarders, put new measures in place, control the muslims extremists from openly attacking the Western Way of life in their own Western countries (after all it is illegal in Saudi Arabia to practice other religions) then i fear extreme measures will ensue.

Lets all hope that it does go that way..

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Only true "refugees" will be allowed to remain? What is Merkel going to do with the rest of them? Put them on a boat? Force them onto a plane and air drop into Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc? Nope. They'll just plop themselves right down where they are and the Germans will be stuck with them forever. Germans better start learning their new masters' language, customs, and religion, because the natives are about to be swamped.

Migrant Crisis: Germany Gets Tough on Those Who Don’t Qualify for Asylum

From January to August, people from the Balkans made up nearly 40% of the 231,302 first-time asylum applicants in Germany. Of those whose claims were processed in that period, fewer than 0.3% of applicants from Balkan countries were granted asylum.

People from Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and other Balkan countries now increasingly end up in a disused military barracks and a former U.S. Army base converted into “reception and repatriation centers” for people likely to be sent back.


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Only true "refugees" will be allowed to remain? What is Merkel going to do with the rest of them? Put them on a boat? Force them onto a plane and air drop into Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc? Nope. They'll just plop themselves right down where they are and the Germans will be stuck with them forever. Germans better start learning their new masters' language, customs, and religion, because the natives are about to be swamped.

Having opened the door wide with a welcome speech, she then panicked and closed the borders. A demonstration of her willingness to do u-turns and lie as she'd previously declared herself the champion of Schengen.

I suspect her plan was to keep the "genuine" and "selected" refugees and shove the others off to the rest of EU through her quota system. Of course Germany, having bollocksed up initially, would have demanded to manage all this.

What is worrying is what her real motives are, who her allies in this folly are and who is really orchestrating all this? Who would benefit from the destruction of strong individual EU countries, their culture and Christian traditions?

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There is a greater danger lurking in the shade - Islamization of Europe.

Where is the Pope and what is he saying now.

Here in Europe, i have all my property for sale, i hope i can sell it soon

and go far away, it's not just the refugees,

In another story,,, Another 110,000 Portuguese left the country last year,

the second consecutive year that around 9,000 people a month have

decided to seek their fortune in pastures green.

The main countries to which Portugal’s finest are emigrating are the United Kingdom,

Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain with the UK leading the field with

30,000 a year deciding to suffer the weather in search of jobs with higher salaries.

Read the full story and comments here,,,


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PEGIDA, unfortunately, is a populist movement of extreme intolerant and unreasonable "fact-turners" and right-wingers and 'nutz-ies' coupled with the political 'subtle-ness' of Hamas.

These misguided hate stirrers have zero credibility while they bring gallows to their demo, affixed with (misspelled - of course) names of politicians.

And I say this as someone who has never liked Merkel..

Edited by mrdome
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PEGIDA, unfortunately, is a populist movement of extreme intolerant and unreasonable "fact-turners" and right-wingers and 'nutz-ies' coupled with the political 'subtle-ness' of Hamas.

These misguided hate stirrers have zero credibility while they bring gallows to their demo, affixed with (misspelled - of course) names of politicians.

And I say this as someone who has never liked Merkel..

I see the mainstream media brainwash did a good job on you. Sad to see... There have been voices before syaing, "Well, if you don't like it - do something! Get out on the streets and make sure they (the puppet politicians) hear you!" Then, when people do, they call 'em Nazis. As a German, it seems that in the world's view they can chose only out of two sides: Leftist dogooder or rightwing Nazi, but the reality is more complex. If you want to convert to Islam and live under Sharia law because you were too ignorant to see the signs on the wall, it is your choice. Mine was to get the F out of there, and that was decades ago when I for myself had figured out what's gonna happen to Germany soon and until today all of my predictions came to pass... If I would have remained, I most likely would be put (by people like you) in the Nazi folder as you people seem to be too narrow-minded to create more than two folders... poor you.

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I dont know what these european politicians are smoking. Rules for refugees should be as follows:

Want to live in a christian country? Convert from islam to christianity..... They will all be tripping over themselves to get the fug out.

What is a christian country? Countries are not people. They have no religion. Please name a country not existing in the medieval period that legally requires its citizens to be Christian. Then please move there. On your way out the door, maybe you can tell us which brand of Christianity is acceptable to you and your club.

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PEGIDA, unfortunately, is a populist movement of extreme intolerant and unreasonable "fact-turners" and right-wingers and 'nutz-ies' coupled with the political 'subtle-ness' of Hamas.

These misguided hate stirrers have zero credibility while they bring gallows to their demo, affixed with (misspelled - of course) names of politicians.

And I say this as someone who has never liked Merkel..

I see the mainstream media brainwash did a good job on you. Sad to see... There have been voices before syaing, "Well, if you don't like it - do something! Get out on the streets and make sure they (the puppet politicians) hear you!" Then, when people do, they call 'em Nazis. As a German, it seems that in the world's view they can chose only out of two sides: Leftist dogooder or rightwing Nazi, but the reality is more complex. If you want to convert to Islam and live under Sharia law because you were too ignorant to see the signs on the wall, it is your choice. Mine was to get the F out of there, and that was decades ago when I for myself had figured out what's gonna happen to Germany soon and until today all of my predictions came to pass... If I would have remained, I most likely would be put (by people like you) in the Nazi folder as you people seem to be too narrow-minded to create more than two folders... poor you.

Yes, why should you have to put up with intolerance.

Germans waving flags on issues related to race. Thankfully there are still some of your compatriots who remember history and welcome new citizens.

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There you go, my predictions are coming true, no country on earth can sustain a million foreign

sub cultured intake of poor destitute refugees no matter how financially viable and sound their

economy is, no even the united state can do it, but yet, Merkel is forgoing the dire consequences

her action might bring on ordinary Germans, who's no doubt will lose having to put and pay

for so many aliens.....

You are surely old enough to remember German reunification. The population of East Germany in 1990 was around 16 million. West Germany, as it was known then absorbed that population. Yes there were issues but it happened.

All praise to Merkel and other Germans who welcome and give comfort to refugees in need.

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I dont know what these european politicians are smoking. Rules for refugees should be as follows:

Want to live in a christian country? Convert from islam to christianity..... They will all be tripping over themselves to get the fug out.

What is a christian country? Countries are not people. They have no religion. Please name a country not existing in the medieval period that legally requires its citizens to be Christian. Then please move there. On your way out the door, maybe you can tell us which brand of Christianity is acceptable to you and your club.

I think Hungary set a proud example.

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I dont know what these european politicians are smoking. Rules for refugees should be as follows:

Want to live in a christian country? Convert from islam to christianity..... They will all be tripping over themselves to get the fug out.

What is a christian country? Countries are not people. They have no religion. Please name a country not existing in the medieval period that legally requires its citizens to be Christian. Then please move there. On your way out the door, maybe you can tell us which brand of Christianity is acceptable to you and your club.

I think Hungary set a proud example.

There is no law in Hungary requiring citizens to be christian.

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These are troubling times for Europe. The EU has suffered (and is still suffering) from the Global economic crisis, many people simply do not have the financial stability they once had and that makes people worry about their future, their jobs, keeping their homes, their children's education etc, etc.

During these times there are always far right wing politicians and people who come out of the woodwork and start trying to bury seeds of hate towards other nations. It starts by making populist statements like "we have to get the immigration crisis under control" and eventually turns into "they immigrants want to take over and they are coming in their millions".

Insecure people who would normally ignore such obvious hate mongering start to think that maybe they are right and before we know it all hell breaks lose. This is pretty much what Hitler did among others.

So, does immigration need sorting out, yes of course it does. The Western countries are being abused and the Governments are not doing enough to control it, that is for sure. This is putting huge pressure on welfare states and creating a feeling of "we can't afford to house these people right now". Make no mistake its going to get very volatile soon but I hope people will see sense and just calm down so solid, firm and effective measures can be put in place to keep people happy,, I think that is all it needs, the governments to show a firm hand and shut the door on all but the very desperate immigrants.

In addition to each country internally arguing about immigration we now have the Islamist views that Sharia Law should be obeyed in Western countries. I cannot think of anything more likely to light the powder keg then these few muslims who are walking the streets and attacking native locals about wearing a miniskirt or drinking a can of beer in the park (a video posted on here showed exactly that in London, a Muslim "patrol" walking the streets and hassling people for no reason).

I would like to believe that these people are the absolute minority and that most Muslims do not feel this way and just want to live in peace. So, I think it is time the muslim community dealt with their own problem before these minorities create a feeling if total hatred towards all Muslims and the Far Right start screamig for the removal of non European Muslims out of their country.. Some would argue the hate is already there and its just a matter of time.

So, these are very volatile times, unless the governments across Europe start to work together, close the boarders, put new measures in place, control the muslims extremists from openly attacking the Western Way of life in their own Western countries (after all it is illegal in Saudi Arabia to practice other religions) then i fear extreme measures will ensue.

Lets all hope that it does go that way..

I just watched the VDO about the Muslim patrol, and I bet the elders in the mosque are sh***** themselves as to how to deal with that situation, as if they don't the National Front guys will soon be there to sort it.

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These are troubling times for Europe. The EU has suffered (and is still suffering) from the Global economic crisis, many people simply do not have the financial stability they once had and that makes people worry about their future, their jobs, keeping their homes, their children's education etc, etc.

During these times there are always far right wing politicians and people who come out of the woodwork and start trying to bury seeds of hate towards other nations. It starts by making populist statements like "we have to get the immigration crisis under control" and eventually turns into "they immigrants want to take over and they are coming in their millions".

Insecure people who would normally ignore such obvious hate mongering start to think that maybe they are right and before we know it all hell breaks lose. This is pretty much what Hitler did among others.

So, does immigration need sorting out, yes of course it does. The Western countries are being abused and the Governments are not doing enough to control it, that is for sure. This is putting huge pressure on welfare states and creating a feeling of "we can't afford to house these people right now". Make no mistake its going to get very volatile soon but I hope people will see sense and just calm down so solid, firm and effective measures can be put in place to keep people happy,, I think that is all it needs, the governments to show a firm hand and shut the door on all but the very desperate immigrants.

In addition to each country internally arguing about immigration we now have the Islamist views that Sharia Law should be obeyed in Western countries. I cannot think of anything more likely to light the powder keg then these few muslims who are walking the streets and attacking native locals about wearing a miniskirt or drinking a can of beer in the park (a video posted on here showed exactly that in London, a Muslim "patrol" walking the streets and hassling people for no reason).

I would like to believe that these people are the absolute minority and that most Muslims do not feel this way and just want to live in peace. So, I think it is time the muslim community dealt with their own problem before these minorities create a feeling if total hatred towards all Muslims and the Far Right start screamig for the removal of non European Muslims out of their country.. Some would argue the hate is already there and its just a matter of time.

So, these are very volatile times, unless the governments across Europe start to work together, close the boarders, put new measures in place, control the muslims extremists from openly attacking the Western Way of life in their own Western countries (after all it is illegal in Saudi Arabia to practice other religions) then i fear extreme measures will ensue.

Lets all hope that it does go that way..

I just watched the VDO about the Muslim patrol, and I bet the elders in the mosque are sh***** themselves as to how to deal with that situation, as if they don't the National Front guys will soon be there to sort it.

Unbelievable that people hold the opinion far right organisations have the answers. Enforcement of law, if necessary a tightening of existing legislation, is the way to go. However, the fact is a number of 'Muslim patrol' members were arrested and sentenced to jail.

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I dont know what these european politicians are smoking. Rules for refugees should be as follows:

Want to live in a christian country? Convert from islam to christianity..... They will all be tripping over themselves to get the fug out.

What is a christian country? Countries are not people. They have no religion. Please name a country not existing in the medieval period that legally requires its citizens to be Christian. Then please move there. On your way out the door, maybe you can tell us which brand of Christianity is acceptable to you and your club.

I think Hungary set a proud example.

There is no law in Hungary requiring citizens to be christian.

I don't think they need one…they are sensible.

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