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I am in UK and need a heart valve replaced again. NHS is free but will only do the operation when the condition gets really bad. Hoping you die before they have to operate! At Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok it shows a price of $13400 (47000 baht). This seems a fair price and the hospital is highly rated. Has anyone had experience of heart surgery there, and are there any hidden costs that there would be?


You are aware you dropped a zero? Baht price would be 470k to equal $ price in your post. Can you provide a link for the price so can double check?


Yes, sorry missed a 0 on baht price! The price is on www.health-tourism.com. The price does seem very good though, and yes 470000 baht!


is it the second time,if so you must have had an animal product valve, yes? if so why didnt you have a mechanical one the first time.

i was told when i had to have a new valve [aota] if i chose an animal product that they would need to replace it after about 15yrs.

so i choose a mechanical one only downfall is i have to take warfarin daily for life.

thai visa has a member who had a valve replacement here, MOBI who lives down in pattaya.send him a pm.

good luck.


Are you thinking of having the mechanical valve ----or do they still do the pigs valve. I also have a leaky valve---& get it monitored every 13 weeks at Khon Kean University hospital. You really want to look at this facility, a lot of times some of the top doctors in BKK come up to view specialised procedures being done there. My Doctor flew back from France last month after viewing a new procedure --all the Doctors there that I have seen worked overseas & usually specialise in something else as well as the heart, The one I am seeing at the moment worked in the USA for 6 years & specialises in heart operations on obese patients.

Queen Sirikit Heart Center of the Northeastern Region is an elite national center for treatments, study and research on cardiac and arterial diseases. The center is mainly focused on medical treatment, academic services, research, and intern training.



OH sorry meant to ask------the price is that just for the surgery ? because rooms / medicine / after care etc etc .....is quite high there.


I know absolutely nothing about this, but have heard that many people go to India for surgical procedures. From what I hear, their prices compare very favourably to over here. Just a thought.


If you are prepared to put up with a lot of initial red tape and waits, can get it done for a fraction of that at either of these government hospitals:



That said, if paying more for the convenience and time saving of a private hospital (as well as nurses who can communicate at least somewhat in English) is worth it to you, Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok's Heart Hospital is a perfectly solid facility, but you need to consider the selection of surgeon. Of the cardiothoracic surgeons there , suggest Dr. Permyos Ruengsakulrach.

Also, need to take prices from that website with a grain of salt and double check with the hospital itself. The price you mention sounds unusually low for a private hospital especially one in that chain. It is well over 600K at Bumrungrad which is owned by the same group.

Bear in mind that any costs quoted assume no complications. If you have any, costs will skyrocket. Millions of baht is entirely possible.


Just a thought: have you tried asking the Spires Group UK or similar what the cost of the op will be if done privately? I did similar but in reverse some years ago when I needed a stent, Bumrungrad wanted 400k baht whilst Spires UK wanted circa 14k Pounds, not a huge difference.


If you do decide to have this done in Thailand make sure you bring a complete set of medical records with you that includes copies of all x-rays,scans . lab results etc. to avoid any unnecessary repetition of expensive investigatory procedures.


... Bumrungrad wanted 400k baht whilst Spires UK wanted circa 14k Pounds, not a huge difference.

That's almost double.

But some people like the piece of mind of having these things done close to where they live and/or at least in their own country, if possible. In that regard I'm just trying to give the OP some options to think about/explore.

EDIT to correct my bad math!!!


My valve was a metal version, meant to last 25 years. Sadly it has lasted only 8. It is now being attacked by blood clots affecting its performance and the only option is a replacement. At some stage my INR with warfarin dipped too low and allowed blood clot build up. They say here a bovine big valve replacement now, then if I am alive in about 10 years, keyhole surgery with a smaller pigs valve. This first operation has to still be open heart. When I had my original operation it did all go wrong with them having to take me back into surgery because it did not stop bleeding internally, and also both kidneys failed for seven days before only one kicked back in. Sheryl's warning that complications could cost millions of baht makes me think UK is only option! I will have to see how my current health continues and keep it all under review. When next in Bangkok I will visit Bangkok hospital and consult with them to see what they say. Thanks for all feedback, even chosen surgeon, and I will post more on this if I use Bangkok Hospital.


My valve was a metal version, meant to last 25 years. Sadly it has lasted only 8. It is now being attacked by blood clots affecting its performance and the only option is a replacement. At some stage my INR with warfarin dipped too low and allowed blood clot build up. They say here a bovine big valve replacement now, then if I am alive in about 10 years, keyhole surgery with a smaller pigs valve. This first operation has to still be open heart. When I had my original operation it did all go wrong with them having to take me back into surgery because it did not stop bleeding internally, and also both kidneys failed for seven days before only one kicked back in. Sheryl's warning that complications could cost millions of baht makes me think UK is only option! I will have to see how my current health continues and keep it all under review. When next in Bangkok I will visit Bangkok hospital and consult with them to see what they say. Thanks for all feedback, even chosen surgeon, and I will post more on this if I use Bangkok Hospital.

sounds like you had a rough time of it.i remember consultations with the docter and it frightned me when he told me what could go wrong [1% dont make it] i thought gee if i bought a raffle ticket and only 100 were sold i had a chance.

do you have your INR checked every month?

my advice would be to have it done in the uk.but like me i was told my problems in 2002 but didnt have the surgery till the last moment 2007 even then it was cancelled at the final hr.then twice more after that.

so far so good the only discomfort i get is bending down then the steel pins they used to clamp my breast bone back together gives me a sharp pain.


I had heart surgery in Khon Kaen, and within 10 days @ home. 02-2015

triple bypass+1 .....fraction of the costs in Bangkok Hospital Udon......standard 15 days in patient.....million plus +

Mind you the facilities were first class, and so was my in patient treatment....follow up is que in line..........you need to take a day for a 10 minutes regular consult .

Overall......Khon Kaen for sure.


Thanks for further feedback. Your wait meatboy from 2002 to 2007 is what concerns me. Say my valve staggers on for up to 5 more years, that means my retirement is limited to 6 months in Thailand, 6 months in UK to keep NHS cover! And then it is Russian roulette to see if they do the operation in time! Hgma I have heard good things of Khon Kaen university hospital for heart surgery. Maybe keep monitored in Thailand then as long as no major risk flagged up, have operation here. Major risks shown get back to UK and pretend I never left, most people seem to get away with it!


I know absolutely nothing about this, but have heard that many people go to India for surgical procedures. From what I hear, their prices compare very favourably to over here. Just a thought.

If he wants it done specifically in Thailand up to him, but Id type in Google "heart valve replacement in India" see how they compare


I had heart surgery in Khon Kaen, and within 10 days @ home. 02-2015

triple bypass+1 .....fraction of the costs in Bangkok Hospital Udon......standard 15 days in patient.....million plus +

Mind you the facilities were first class, and so was my in patient treatment....follow up is que in line..........you need to take a day for a 10 minutes regular consult .

Overall......Khon Kaen for sure.

Getting close to my heart too,got borderline reading recently on one chamber,but weight loss and more exercise for time being,but did look at couple of sites and that million seems expensive,more expensive valves came in about another $5000

Bye pass,triple or whatever were cheap[ too.. The heart valves can be repaired too looked at the blurb

Affordable Heart surgery packages in India.docx


If you are British, if i was you i would stick it out in the UK, and push them to do the replacement, and once all is well and you are 100 percent fit,

move back here..

just my Two Cents worth..


"Bye pass,triple or whatever were cheap", as in good bye we'll not be seeing you again? Seems like good value. laugh.png

Now I know you have had a stent,an expensive one too ,surgery in Thailand no doubt,rip off of rip offs,,same surgeons operate both in India and UK usually 5 month turn-arounds, cheap means money saving in different environmentclap2.gif

ill say,extremely good value


"Bye pass,triple or whatever were cheap", as in good bye we'll not be seeing you again? Seems like good value. laugh.png

Now I know you have had a stent,an expensive one too ,surgery in Thailand no doubt,rip off of rip offs,,same surgeons operate both in India and UK usually 5 month turn-arounds, cheap means money saving in different environmentclap2.gif

ill say,extremely good value

In truth, my non-medicated stent in 2007 at Bumrungrad under Dr Aram cost me a total of 174K Baht - it compared favorably to the 12.5K Pounds I was offered by Spire Group UK on a private basis. https://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Aram-Chusid


"Bye pass,triple or whatever were cheap", as in good bye we'll not be seeing you again? Seems like good value. laugh.png

Now I know you have had a stent,an expensive one too ,surgery in Thailand no doubt,rip off of rip offs,,same surgeons operate both in India and UK usually 5 month turn-arounds, cheap means money saving in different environmentclap2.gif

ill say,extremely good value

In truth, my non-medicated stent in 2007 at Bumrungrad under Dr Aram cost me a total of 174K Baht - it compared favorably to the 12.5K Pounds I was offered by Spire Group UK on a private basis. https://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Aram-Chusid

More than likely you have had/will be having problems in other coronary circulation,maybe the purse strings will manage a further dose in Thailand magnificent purse massaging surgeries,so for you ,you can exclude India


... Bumrungrad wanted 400k baht whilst Spires UK wanted circa 14k Pounds, not a huge difference.

That's almost double.

He did say some years ago, depends when but 2003/4 time I was getting 72 baht for £1

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