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Iran says political and military solution needed to end Syria war


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Iran says political and military solution needed to end Syria war

Iran says there has to be both a political and military solution to the crisis in Syria

DAMASCUS: -- A delegation of lawmakers from the Islamic Republic has been meeting President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus.

One official said US led efforts to fight rebels had failed and while a political conclusion was the ultimate aim, a military victory was necessary first.

“The Russians too are backing a political solution to end the crisis in Syria,” said Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee.

“But at the same time, because terrorists do not understand anything but force, naturally that same language has to be spoken to them.”

The visit comes as Iranian troops prepare to bolster a Syrian army offensive that, according to two senior officials, will target rebels in Aleppo.

Meanwhile, Syrian troops and their allies – backed by Russian jets – have attacked rebel-held towns north of the city of Homs. It is a long-held and strategic enclave of opposition to Assad.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-16

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Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

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Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

Why didn't you include include The USA, The UK and other coalition partners in your comment. They too have no right or business, besides oil and greed, to be there. Oh I forgot, they hold the moral high ground.

Edited by rethaier
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Let's start with counting the number of Westers (US/NATO) military basis in Arab/Muslim countries and then count the number of Arab/Muslim military basis in Non-Moslim countries. You do the math.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

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Let's start with counting the number of Westers (US/NATO) military basis in Arab/Muslim countries and then count the number of Arab/Muslim military basis in Non-Moslim countries. You do the math.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

But that's because they're crap at fighting.

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You missed the point, (or can't do math) but just FYI:

One question that’s been asked repeatedly over the past thirteen months is why Washington has been unable to achieve the Pentagon’s stated goal of “degrading and defeating” ISIS despite the fact that the “battle” pits the most advanced air force on the planet against what amounts to a ragtag band of militants running around the desert in basketball shoes.


Let's start with counting the number of Westers (US/NATO) military basis in Arab/Muslim countries and then count the number of Arab/Muslim military basis in Non-Moslim countries. You do the math.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

But that's because they're crap at fighting.

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You missed the point, (or can't do math) but just FYI:

One question that’s been asked repeatedly over the past thirteen months is why Washington has been unable to achieve the Pentagon’s stated goal of “degrading and defeating” ISIS despite the fact that the “battle” pits the most advanced air force on the planet against what amounts to a ragtag band of militants running around the desert in basketball shoes.


Let's start with counting the number of Westers (US/NATO) military basis in Arab/Muslim countries and then count the number of Arab/Muslim military basis in Non-Moslim countries. You do the math.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

But that's because they're crap at fighting.

I can answer that for you: Because they are hiding in plain sight among civilian populations.

America tries to avoid collateral casualties.

Vlad no so much.

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Chigog, another math question for you: how many Muslims have died as a result of "collatoral damage" or in mistaken US/Nato attacks on hospitals, weddings, funerals, etc.

I am no fan of Iran, but they are right about one thing: the problem is the region needs both a military solution (agains ISIS) and a political solution (in Syria and Iraq). The best model for both Syria and Iraq is the Swiss model of "cantons".

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Any political or military solution to the conflict in Syria will be - in all probability - dominated by Iran. If it means an alliance with Russia to keep Bashar al Assad in power, then so be it. The expansion of Iranian power, and by extension, Hezbollah, is the nightmare that the Zionists tried to avoid by attempting to scuttle the nuclear deal. Their fear wasn't of a nuclear bomb, it was the lifting of sanctions and a resurgent Iran playing an aggressive role in the Middle East.

Those fears are starting to become a reality that will be more formidable than Palestinian stone throwers.

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Chigog, another math question for you: how many Muslims have died as a result of "collatoral damage" or in mistaken US/Nato attacks on hospitals, weddings, funerals, etc.

I am no fan of Iran, but they are right about one thing: the problem is the region needs both a military solution (agains ISIS) and a political solution (in Syria and Iraq). The best model for both Syria and Iraq is the Swiss model of "cantons".

That's a question for Madeleine Albright... Edited by Thorgal
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Chigog, another math question for you: how many Muslims have died as a result of "collatoral damage" or in mistaken US/Nato attacks on hospitals, weddings, funerals, etc.

I am no fan of Iran, but they are right about one thing: the problem is the region needs both a military solution (agains ISIS) and a political solution (in Syria and Iraq). The best model for both Syria and Iraq is the Swiss model of "cantons".

A lot.

And then they realised it was firing up a lot of terrorists against them.

But now they're being nice, and Vlad is the one who's going to have to face up to domestic terrorist attacks.

Not sure about the cantons bit, I don't think Turkey would be too pleased.

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How about a better idea - get the Americans out of the Middle East? The Americans can't even keep their own schools and campuses free of violence, and they're going to pacify the Levant. What a joke.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

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How about a better idea - get the Americans out of the Middle East? The Americans can't even keep their own schools and campuses free of violence, and they're going to pacify the Levant. What a joke.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children unless they cease opposing him. The Assad-Putin fanboyz don't say anything about this particular crime or any others like it. Assad does this consistently and over the past four years, time and time again to include as war policy the concomitant consistent bombing of hospitals.

If the ayatollahs want a political solution in Syria they will have to consider what solution would be possible if they continue to place armed forces in the region in direct contradiction to US national interests, to include proxies. For instance, support of Hezbollah and the direct placing of Iranian ground troops in Syria. And especially in Syria in support of Assad and in support of Russian ground, naval and air forces in Syria that have the same reason and purpose.

All the sanctions by the US and the EU against Iran that were in force at the time of the Agreement remain in force and shall continue to remain in force until Iran begins to satisfy the provisions of the nuclear Agreement. The Agreement goes into effect tomorrow, Sunday.

This includes sanctions that the Agreement continues on Iran's trade in conventional arms, such as to Syria. The ayatollahs have already said they will not honor or respect the rules which means they directly risk a further extending of the US and EU sanctions.

The United States and the European Union are also maintaining sanctions that were imposed on Iran for human rights and terrorism infractions and have said retain the option to add more sanctions if, for instance, they see Iran using armed proxies or or its armed forces aggressively in its region.

The three governments of Iran, Russia, Syria are already under sanctions which will not be lifted and face additional new sanctions due to their military actions in Syria. If Putin thinks what he's doing will get sanctions against him lifted he's further into being mad than most people had already thought and believed.

So Putin and Assad to include the CCP Dictators in Beijing are not doing either Assad or themselves any favors, as was reported yesterday in the Los Angeles Times.....

With this uncertainty, many major international businesses are hanging back from doing business in Iran, for fear they will run afoul of U.S. and European regulators, with potential damage to their reputations.

"Who is going to go into Iran, and how much, is still very much up in the air," said Adam M. Smith, a former U.S. sanctions official who is now of counsel at the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm.


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The US had settled agreements with so many factions and sides etc etc. Boosted weapons all around so that its impossible to know where they have been or not. EU are just talking and hold meeting but nothing happens. Russia is doing this the easy way. A terrorist is a terrorist! Start to make Syria stable! Let iranian forces join Assads to push isis out where they will be left between Russia,syrian and iranian forces on one side and US with turkish/israelic/arabic/EU forces. That should finish them quickly. ISIS is the main goal NOW! Settle the other shit later!

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How about a better idea - get the Americans out of the Middle East? The Americans can't even keep their own schools and campuses free of violence, and they're going to pacify the Levant. What a joke.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children unless they cease opposing him. The Assad-Putin fanboyz don't say anything about this particular crime or any others like it. Assad does this consistently and over the past four years, time and time again to include as war policy the concomitant consistent bombing of hospitals.

If the ayatollahs want a political solution in Syria they will have to consider what solution would be possible if they continue to place armed forces in the region in direct contradiction to US national interests, to include proxies. For instance, support of Hezbollah and the direct placing of Iranian ground troops in Syria. And especially in Syria in support of Assad and in support of Russian ground, naval and air forces in Syria that have the same reason and purpose.

All the sanctions by the US and the EU against Iran that were in force at the time of the Agreement remain in force and shall continue to remain in force until Iran begins to satisfy the provisions of the nuclear Agreement. The Agreement goes into effect tomorrow, Sunday.

This includes sanctions that the Agreement continues on Iran's trade in conventional arms, such as to Syria. The ayatollahs have already said they will not honor or respect the rules which means they directly risk a further extending of the US and EU sanctions.

The United States and the European Union are also maintaining sanctions that were imposed on Iran for human rights and terrorism infractions and have said retain the option to add more sanctions if, for instance, they see Iran using armed proxies or or its armed forces aggressively in its region.

The three governments of Iran, Russia, Syria are already under sanctions which will not be lifted and face additional new sanctions due to their military actions in Syria. If Putin thinks what he's doing will get sanctions against him lifted he's further into being mad than most people had already thought and believed.

So Putin and Assad to include the CCP Dictators in Beijing are not doing either Assad or themselves any favors, as was reported yesterday in the Los Angeles Times.....

With this uncertainty, many major international businesses are hanging back from doing business in Iran, for fear they will run afoul of U.S. and European regulators, with potential damage to their reputations.

"Who is going to go into Iran, and how much, is still very much up in the air," said Adam M. Smith, a former U.S. sanctions official who is now of counsel at the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm.


"Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children".

What hysterical nonsense. Where on earth do you find this rubbish? And please do not say the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. It Is one man who hasn't been to Syria in 15 years who operates from a bedsit above a tailors shop in Coventry, courtesy of the UK Foreign Office.

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The US had settled agreements with so many factions and sides etc etc. Boosted weapons all around so that its impossible to know where they have been or not. EU are just talking and hold meeting but nothing happens. Russia is doing this the easy way. A terrorist is a terrorist! Start to make Syria stable! Let iranian forces join Assads to push isis out where they will be left between Russia,syrian and iranian forces on one side and US with turkish/israelic/arabic/EU forces. That should finish them quickly. ISIS is the main goal NOW! Settle the other shit later!

Russia is bombing and is supporting Assad's army remnants attacking the rebels who are not ISIS. Russia wants to kill off non-ISIS rebels to leave the US and Europe facing the dead end choice of ISIS or Assad-Putin-Ayatollahs-Iraq-CCP Dictators in Beijing.

This won't fly. The Dictators Club needs to get real, first by stopping the ridiculous and absurd claim Russia and Assad are bombing and ground attacking ISIS and 'all' rebels. It is documented Russia is selectively cluster bombing non-ISIS rebels and only occasionally dropping virgins clothed in tulips parachuting down on ISIS.

Anyone who believes Putin is indeed a tulip gardener.

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I'll gladly be an tulip gardener then. Im happy russia is cleaning up after U.S.

Since U.S. don't know in what end to start cleaning up after themselves. Is the any country or faction they havent supported/ armoured in that region lol....

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The US had settled agreements with so many factions and sides etc etc. Boosted weapons all around so that its impossible to know where they have been or not. EU are just talking and hold meeting but nothing happens. Russia is doing this the easy way. A terrorist is a terrorist! Start to make Syria stable! Let iranian forces join Assads to push isis out where they will be left between Russia,syrian and iranian forces on one side and US with turkish/israelic/arabic/EU forces. That should finish them quickly. ISIS is the main goal NOW! Settle the other shit later!

Russia is bombing and is supporting Assad's army remnants attacking the rebels who are not ISIS. Russia wants to kill off non-ISIS rebels to leave the US and Europe facing the dead end choice of ISIS or Assad-Putin-Ayatollahs-Iraq-CCP Dictators in Beijing.

This won't fly. The Dictators Club needs to get real, first by stopping the ridiculous and absurd claim Russia and Assad are bombing and ground attacking ISIS and 'all' rebels. It is documented Russia is selectively cluster bombing non-ISIS rebels and only occasionally dropping virgins clothed in tulips parachuting down on ISIS.

Anyone who believes Putin is indeed a tulip gardener.

More nonsense. If Russia haven't targeted ISIS could you explain why ISIS has sworn vengeance on Russia? Could you also tell us who the good terrorists are, and how they differ from the bad terrorists. When push comes to shove they all have the same goal, they are all radical Islamists who want to impose a caliphate in Syria, a secular state where there is freedom to practice whichever religion you choose. Christians in Syria make up 12% of the population, what do you think of their chances if the people you are supporting get their way and impose their way? Sharia law etc and all that entails for those who are deemed insufficiently devout. 'Moderate Rebels' is an oxymoron in the context of the conflict in Syria, as the US have recently found out when they were forced to admit that despite spending upwards of $500 million on training and arming 'moderate rebels'. there were only four or five left, the rest went straight over to ISIS, taking their weapons and new found skills with them. Lets face it, there are probably more moderators on Thaivisa than there are moderates among the rebels in Syria!

Edited by Exsexyman
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How about a better idea - get the Americans out of the Middle East? The Americans can't even keep their own schools and campuses free of violence, and they're going to pacify the Levant. What a joke.

Let's start with you Iranians getting the hell out of countries you have no business being there,

pull your lackeys and proxies armies out Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yeman and stop meddling

in other countries affairs under the guise of you being the protectors of your faith, coz no

one believe it anyway..... you're the roots of all evil in the middle east, get out and stay out

and the region will be a better place......

Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children unless they cease opposing him. The Assad-Putin fanboyz don't say anything about this particular crime or any others like it. Assad does this consistently and over the past four years, time and time again to include as war policy the concomitant consistent bombing of hospitals.

If the ayatollahs want a political solution in Syria they will have to consider what solution would be possible if they continue to place armed forces in the region in direct contradiction to US national interests, to include proxies. For instance, support of Hezbollah and the direct placing of Iranian ground troops in Syria. And especially in Syria in support of Assad and in support of Russian ground, naval and air forces in Syria that have the same reason and purpose.

All the sanctions by the US and the EU against Iran that were in force at the time of the Agreement remain in force and shall continue to remain in force until Iran begins to satisfy the provisions of the nuclear Agreement. The Agreement goes into effect tomorrow, Sunday.

This includes sanctions that the Agreement continues on Iran's trade in conventional arms, such as to Syria. The ayatollahs have already said they will not honor or respect the rules which means they directly risk a further extending of the US and EU sanctions.

The United States and the European Union are also maintaining sanctions that were imposed on Iran for human rights and terrorism infractions and have said retain the option to add more sanctions if, for instance, they see Iran using armed proxies or or its armed forces aggressively in its region.

The three governments of Iran, Russia, Syria are already under sanctions which will not be lifted and face additional new sanctions due to their military actions in Syria. If Putin thinks what he's doing will get sanctions against him lifted he's further into being mad than most people had already thought and believed.

So Putin and Assad to include the CCP Dictators in Beijing are not doing either Assad or themselves any favors, as was reported yesterday in the Los Angeles Times.....

With this uncertainty, many major international businesses are hanging back from doing business in Iran, for fear they will run afoul of U.S. and European regulators, with potential damage to their reputations.

"Who is going to go into Iran, and how much, is still very much up in the air," said Adam M. Smith, a former U.S. sanctions official who is now of counsel at the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm.


"Assad specifically bombs schools in rebel areas to tell parents he will kill their children".

What hysterical nonsense. Where on earth do you find this rubbish? And please do not say the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. It Is one man who hasn't been to Syria in 15 years who operates from a bedsit above a tailors shop in Coventry, courtesy of the UK Foreign Office.

From the Conflict Report website linked below but it is dumbfounding that anyone paying even the slightest attention to Assad's atrocities in Syria over the past four years especially missed any of this in the ongoing MSM reports globally.

Hospitals, schools, kindergartens and gas – Assad’s latest war crimes remain unanswered.

Posted on

April 1, 2015

Clear evidence from southern Syria shows that schools and kindergartens under the control of the Syrian opposition become a deliberate target for the regime air force while they were more or less indiscriminately hit so far (Evidence 1 from Damascus, 2 from Kwdana and 3 from Busra al Sham).

Especially the hit school in Kwdana, which was hit by a missile, fired from a regime jet, is worth a mention, as it is located exactly 693 meters(!) from the ceasefire line “Bravo”, agreed on after the Yom Kippur war (picture). Neither Israel nor the UN transmitted a complaint or stopped the Assad air force from bombing civilian targets that close to the buffer zone.


Missile-hit school

Meanwhile in Idlib city, which fell recently under a coalition of several moderate to extremist rebel groups, the Assad regime started a bombing campaign on the civilian infrastructure after losing the important town. While this is seen in all regime-lost cities, the regime decided this time to use an extraordinary sinister tactic of first destroying all hospitals in the city, parallel and before starting to raid more residential areas. In this context, the city’s main “National Hospital” as well as the headquarters of the Syrian Red Cross ( resp. Red Crescent were hit in coordinated strikes on March 30.


Missile- and barrel bomb-hit hospital


And btw there is nothing wrong with the Syria Observatory on Human Rights and the fact Assad hates it with a passion commends it. It is an excellent organization of Syrians in and outside of Syria that has been in opposition to the Assad regime since it started severely punishing dissidents and protesters circa 2006 especially.

Edited by Publicus
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Publicus, the SOHR is no such thing, it is one man operating out of his bedroom above a tailors shop in Coventry, facilitated by GCHQ and the British Foreign Office. Putting out his propaganda, most of it probably gleaned from Youtube. Sadly some people lap it up, for no other reason than that he is telling them what they desperately want to hear.

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Publicus, the SOHR is no such thing, it is one man operating out of his bedroom above a tailors shop in Coventry, facilitated by GCHQ and the British Foreign Office. Putting out his propaganda, most of it probably gleaned from Youtube. Sadly some people lap it up, for no other reason than that he is telling them what they desperately want to hear.


Denial destroys credibility.

If this home and work centre office is above anything such as your tailor shoppe then the shop would be underground, wouldn't it. Yes it would be thx. Notice the stone steps at the upper left of the patio, thx. Read the link which discusses his 230 on the ground in Syria sources since 2006.


"I am a simple citizen from a simple family who has managed to accomplish something huge using simple

means," said Rami Abdul Rahman, founder of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

CreditAndrew Testa for The New York Times

A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count

He has been called a tool of the Qatari government, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Central Intelligence Agency and Rifaat al-Assad, the exiled uncle of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, among others. The Syrian government and even some rebels have accused him of treachery.

“Rami’s objectivity is killing us,” said Manhal Bareesh, an activist from Saraqib who knew him before the war.

“Generally, the information on the killings of civilians is very good, definitely one of the best, including the details on the conditions in which people were supposedly killed,” said Neil Sammonds, a Mideast researcher for Amnesty International.


The Putin fanboyz in support of the mass murderer Assad have to give up their crusade if it is not too late already for them to recover even some credibility. The Putin-Assad kamikaze pilots have to return to reality lest they fly into the inevitable defeat. They are truly ill informed, unaware, oblivious.

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