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SURVEY: Do you agree with the police being given financial rewards?


Do you believe the police should be allowed to receive financial rewards?  

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Whilst I do not agree that Thai Police should have financial rewards,there is a strong argument that they should have a salary enough that should be a reward for the job necessary! ......pay peanuts and you get monkeys!

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Why do people join the police in the first place? Surely a healthy desire to do good is what drives people to join the cops. Here it seems that people join knowing the salary is diabolical but it is essentially a free lunch once you're in.

So upping the pay is not necessarily gonna yield more honest cops. You can't buy ethics with more cash. You are either honest or you're not. And it certainly appears that many of the current crop are the latter.

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Why should the Police be given rewards! They are the most corrupt department here in Thailand & they do not do their jobs properly. When they start doing their jobs & we see a reduction in road fatalities, murders, sexual assault, the list goes on & on, only then should they be reviewed for a salary increase. No rewards for catching so called criminals before they are even tried & proven guilty. No other country in the world reward their police.

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  1. If you work for a company and you do work above and beyond what is required you would normally get a bonus payment.
  2. Nothing wrong with police getting the same.

But do they work above & beyond? Shouldn't bonuses be paid at the end of the job (a trial with conviction) not when they think they have a suspect. We all know that evidence is tampered with & people are used as scapegoats.

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  1. If you work for a company and you do work above and beyond what is required you would normally get a bonus payment.
  2. Nothing wrong with police getting the same.

I work as a inner city firefighter in a large urban area, should i be paid bonuses for the fires i extinguish or the rescues perform? or it it in fact just part of my job description.

Theres not really any such thing above and beyond its just called good work . We are expected to give 100% and sweat blood when lives are on the line. I wouldn't expect someone who has never served to understand that.

I cant imagine a police officer or firefighter saying " yeah i could catch a rapist or save a life but i cant be bothered unless Im given a bonus"

Public sector and private sector are different.

If my house caught fire in the middle of the night and I was asleep in bed and you came and saved my arse, there would be a bonus in it for you ! thumbsup.gif

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Until they get a pay increase ... yes ... providing there is a conviction or clear evidence their actions were heroic. Why not use money confiscated from criminals for the reward pot? The only way to disrupt the culture of corruption and laziness in the police is better pay and a sense of pride in their job and a sense of pride in Thailand.

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This is not a Thailand-specific comment. All police, everywhere are totally corrupt. They are there to perform a task, which is to remove responsibility from the populous as with the responsibility comes power.

In Thailand there are lots of police which is counter productive to law and order as they have to do crime to put food on the table. The amount of police is set at this level as they want them to be unpopular so that they're a buffer between the higher ups and the poor people.

"If the people in most countries woke up to x, y and z, there'd be a revolution . . . " 's often said. This is actually incorrect. What happens is subversives who're often from abroad infiltrate and agitate problems. Thailand has a lot of countries around who've had all sorts of terrible things happen in them. They still consider themselves Communists.

Make no mistake about it, the police with their corruption's just like Iran Contra. Only with Iran Contra the US didn't have any honourable intentions in funding the Contras. I always used to figure that the perception that Thailand's tough on drugs is to prevent foreign powers having an excuse to interfere with them. This might be wrong. They might need the police chasing drug dealers about to give them something to do or as they're worried that if they allow that crime, it's useful to fund possible groups who work against them.

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This is not a Thailand-specific comment. All police, everywhere are totally corrupt. They are there to perform a task, which is to remove responsibility from the populous as with the responsibility comes power.

In Thailand there are lots of police which is counter productive to law and order as they have to do crime to put food on the table. The amount of police is set at this level as they want them to be unpopular so that they're a buffer between the higher ups and the poor people.

"If the people in most countries woke up to x, y and z, there'd be a revolution . . . " 's often said. This is actually incorrect. What happens is subversives who're often from abroad infiltrate and agitate problems. Thailand has a lot of countries around who've had all sorts of terrible things happen in them. They still consider themselves Communists.

Make no mistake about it, the police with their corruption's just like Iran Contra. Only with Iran Contra the US didn't have any honourable intentions in funding the Contras. I always used to figure that the perception that Thailand's tough on drugs is to prevent foreign powers having an excuse to interfere with them. This might be wrong. They might need the police chasing drug dealers about to give them something to do or as they're worried that if they allow that crime, it's useful to fund possible groups who work against them.

While true that Thailand is not alone, it's just ludicrous to state that all police everywhere are totally corrupt. Some who harbor deep-seated problems with any authority anywhere tend to spout rubbish like that.

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They apparently get paid very poorly, so i am suprised that about 1 out of 3 boy students you talk to in schools want to be cops.

I guess everyone knows its a giant ponzi scheme,

and its a tipping culture, so who are we to dispute what they do?

I reckon these cops think they should get tips same as massage girls or restaurants.

Many workers rely on tips in America, because the rich bosses are to miserable to pay the right wage..so we can hardly criticise

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Some info after talking to Mrs.Trans son who has just been accepted to be trained as a cop at a police school.

After jumping through many hoops and contesting with 15,000 applicants, he is one of the 800 they needed. He must pay 20,000bht for his uniform and kit for the one year three month course. Food, lodgings, everything is provided free plus 1400bht per month. He cannot receive any outside cash during that term.

When the term is over he will be GIVEN his uniform and a government issue gun. He says the weapon is crap so many BiB buy their own trendy sidearm. His starting salary will be 16,000bht. If he shows initiative and studies stuff his boss can award pay rises, if someone is lazy etc they don't want or need the money.

Perks, once a BiB he can borrow cash to buy a house, car, interest free over as long a period as he likes. Health care for his parents, himself and any future wife, children is free. Bus routes are free and some concessions on flights. Every new year he gets 3 times his monthly salary as a bonus payment. Gets a pension on retirement.

Government can even provide a new car from a list of rides they have deals with manufacturers (good price), tax free and zero interest on loan.

I have a friend who is a Sargent, salary is 30,000bht per month, he is happy to remain a Sarg as he has a business set up by being able to borrow via his job..

I am told officers in the station can earn up to 60,000bht per month...

Very informative some facts instead of all the fiction flying around. Good luck to the lad. Future updates would be appreciated.

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If you look at this practice from a purely sanctimonious western prospective of course not surprisingly most would say NO.

But that's is also misinformed, in Australia in matters of fraud & others. Companies's, such as insurance companies are able to donate funds to the police investigation, specially if the fraud is jurisdictional and an expensive operation.

Did as suggested the Australian gov's pay certain Indonesian officials to be more vigilant in stopping people smuggling? The answer is obviously YES.

Does any and all western gov donate/bribe Asian and other police forces to be more vigilant & get results?, say for example the Philippines? Yes.

So the reality Western gov, police forces pay for vigilance and intelligence all the time don't they directly to the police forces mentioned likely in cash donation?...The answer is YES!

From an Asian lens seems to me the Thai police did a great job in catching those terrorists....Did the reward money make a difference?...Absolutely YES.

Do Businessmen in Asia donate to the police in the Philippines, Thailand Cambodia etc etc?...Absolutely they do

So yes looking closely at the facts everyone pays the police in Asia one way or another.

Certainly do, but luckily its a lot cheaper.

You rightly pointed out Australia as an example. I suggest its the same as many countries where corruption they simply call " fees and charges"

And if it diesnt fit under that heading you can make a contribution to the relevant political party election campaign, and later call the favour..for them to make a law for the fee or charge you want to create.

I dobt know if this still exist..

but if you have rural land you want to subdivide and sell small house blocks..

first you will have to bribe local council members to bring and pass the application..

then many gov fees and charges also..

pay for infrastructure and government also want you to pay to pave/improove the access road.

In the end you think you would end up with a nice investment egg, but after every xxxx takes their cut, you just about left with the empty egg shell and nothing else.

hold on to something, they will want to charge you capital gains tax.

No never again. Best to just work for what you need and retire early, lest everyone takes the mickey

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It is an obscene conflict of interest.

It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP.

All police should be fired, the system reformed and new officers hired.

No more paying for positions, no more tolerating, let alone rewarding corruption.

Quote It is a perfect example of the rampant corrupt culture that is the RTP. unquote. Please sir I do not think you should just single out the RTP. Do not heap all the blame on them. Spread it around a little. There's ample examples in the rest of the country for corruption tarnishing. Throw a dart at a list of government entities. Folks we have another winner!!!!

You do understand what the subject of this survey is don't you? It was the BIB and should they get financial awards!!! Way to go winner!!

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If the RTP remotely resembled a proper police force then of course the answer should be no.

Since they don't remotely resemble a normal police force, other than by name, then I suppose the normal standards of behavior expected from a police force don't apply either.

Edited by JAG
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What a ridiculous question.

I note from the survey that 10 thus far think they should.

The RTP are on here!

So let's have another survey.just for them....

Who trusts the RTP to police the country diligently without bribery and corruption?

Let's start in Kho Tao.

Oh one another thing,....as you actually haven't found the bombers yet can the Thai people have there money back.

There are thousands of children going to bed at night hungry.

Thank you for your concern!

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Only if they give back their regular salary when they aren't catching bad guys and making arrests. No wonder a traffic cop, for a couple hundred bhat will let you go on your way without issuing a ticket. This country is, and always will be, living in the dark ages.

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