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'Trudeaumania' heir could become Canada's next PM


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'Trudeaumania' heir could become Canada's next PM

TORONTO (AP) — The son of a man who brought glamor and excitement to Canadian politics in the late 1960s is favored to become Canada's next prime minister.

Justin Trudeau, the son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, is leading in the polls ahead of Monday's election that could spell the end of a decade of Conservative rule under Stephen Harper.

Trudeau, tall and trim at 43, channels the star power — if not quite the political heft — of his father, who swept to power in 1968 on a wave of support dubbed "Trudeaumania."

Pierre Trudeau, who was prime minister until 1984 with a short interruption, remains one of the few Canadian politicians known in America, his charisma often drawing comparisons to John F. Kennedy. A bachelor when he became prime minister, he dated actresses Barbra Streisand and Kim Cattrall.

At age 51 while in office, he married 22-year-old Margaret Sinclair, who earned notoriety as first lady for partying with the Rolling Stones and at New York's Studio 54. They had three sons, including Justin, the eldest. The couple divorced when Justin was six and the boys were raised by their father, who died in 2000.

If he wins, Justin Trudeau, who has three young children with former model and television host Sophie Gregoire, would become the second youngest prime minister in Canada's history, despite a thin resume. A former teacher who sported long hair until recently, Trudeau has been an opposition member of Parliament since 2008.

Antonia Maioni, a political science professor at Montreal's McGill University, said the room changes when Trudeau enters.

"It's like a celebrity thing. Bill Clinton had that. Not many people or politicians can do that. Mr. Trudeau can do that. That's why now you hear the Conservatives say it's not a popularity contest," Maioni said. "Mr. Trudeau can raise that kind of excitement in a room, but let's be frank: he does not have a lot of political experience."

The Conservatives have blitzed the country with TV ads targeting Trudeau, saying "He's just not ready."

But Trudeau is tapping into an appetite for change among many Canadians with promises to cut taxes for the middle class and increase them for the wealthy. He plans to spend billions on infrastructure, running deficits for three years to do so. And he has pledged to take in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.

"He brought the Liberals back from the dead," said Robert Bothwell, a Canadian history professor at the University of Toronto. "The Liberal party was on the verge of extinction and if they hadn't pulled themselves together this election they would have ended up like the British Liberals."

Just four years ago the Liberals, beset by years of infighting and ineffective leaders, had their worst electoral defeat, coming in third behind the traditionally weaker left-of-center New Democratic Party. But Trudeau increased his share of the vote in his Montreal district. In 2013, he became the sixth Liberal leader in seven years and has worked to rid the party of its sense of entitlement.

Analysts say what Trudeau may lack in his father's intellectual depth, he makes up for in approachability.

"There's a puppy-like quality to him and that's not Pierre," Bothwell said. "His father was just not at ease with dealing with crowds or pressing the flesh, but looking at Justin, it comes really natural to him and that's a big difference. Pierre had magnetism and was fascinating and beautiful to watch, but he didn't want them to get close."

Even if the Liberals win the most seats, they're unlikely to secure a majority. They would likely rely on New Democratic Party support in exchange for policy concessions.

Liberals governed Canada for 69 years during the 20th century. Pierre Trudeau called for a "just society" and ran the country with a panache not seen before from a Canadian leader. He is responsible for Canada's version of the bill of rights and is credited with opening the door wide to immigration.

Justin, noting that Sunday was his father's birthday, said he would "always cherish the values he instilled in me."

Harper has worked to dismantle that legacy in ways practical and symbolic. When the updated guide to Canada for new immigrants was published in 2009, it was widely noted that social programs such as universal health care were deemphasized as points of pride for Canadians. Instead, the guide emphasized traditional Canadian symbols such as the British monarchy and the armed forces.

A Trudeau victory would crush Harper's goal of displacing the Liberals as Canada's natural party.

"To lose to Justin Trudeau would be devastating to Stephen Harper on a real personal level," said Gerry Nicholls, who worked under Harper at a conservative think tank. "Harper wanted to undo all of the things that Pierre Trudeau did and now he's facing his son who wants to bring back all of those Trudeau values and traditions to Canada."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-19

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He wouldn't even be looked at if he did not have the name. Yes, he looks and speaks well, and ppl smile when he walks into a room, but based on his platform, some will cringe what they're in store for.

At least he's upfront when he says he'll run a deficit in the 10 bil range.

An economist vs an assistant drama teacher? Hmm....

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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This whole Trudeau is a Muslim nonsense might sound familiar to a lot of Americas who've been hearing the remarkably similar "Obama is a Muslim" BS for the past several years. This is what the Conservatives in Canada have become; a sleazy imitation of the worst elements of the US Republicans. How can people be so gullible as to fall for this lunacy? It almost makes me ashamed to be a Canadian but hopefully that will be erased when Stephen Harper is sent packing on Monday evening.

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Good on him I hope he wins hands down,and,he has a lot of support not only in Canada but the world over,he can see light at the end of that big big tunnell.

The only light he sees is the train in the tunnel coming for him.

Anybody but Harper. Google some of the songs "praising" Harper. There is one that is pretty vulgar watched it 6 times. Yes he "balanced" the budget last year just in time to shout it out before the election great timing. He doubled the TFSA and gave a handout to Canadians with kids maybe all in vain. What did he do for seniors oh yes they probably will get a zero percent pension increase to go along with the almost zero percent interest rates they get on their savings. Governments say save for your retirement. That was all BS. The Americans have a 18 trillion dollar debt and counting. American currency is worth $1 Canada's currency hmm not so good .75 cents to the US dollar. Is the world out of whack definitely.

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He wouldn't even be looked at if he did not have the name. Yes, he looks and speaks well, and ppl smile when he walks into a room, but based on his platform, some will cringe what they're in store for.

At least he's upfront when he says he'll run a deficit in the 10 bil range.

An economist vs an assistant drama teacher? Hmm....

To quote Mr. Trudeau, the only time his opponent Mr. Harper is not also in favour of deficits is election time. Yes, Trudeau is upfront when he speaks unlike the hypocrite Prime Minister we've suffered under for so long.

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Sure. With an all muslim cabinet

As Canadian comedy actor Mike Myers would ask, "Are you mental?"

Sounds like the guy that was hugging Harper at one of his "Lovefests" One of the few supporters he has left apart from the oil companies. Canada is a petro country and nothing else thanks to his love of Alberta. The Canuck buck rides the rails with the price of a barrel of oil. The US fracking market is coming apart at the seams and owes over 850 billion dollars to the junk bond market and yet the Greenback rides supreme go figure. R&D is lacking and as Trudeau states the infrastructure needs a lot of money. Not to many Blackberry's have sprung up under Harper's reign and well their reign in the mobile market was really short lived. The mobile market is fast moving and there is no room for CEO's taking bows and selfies and catching accolades.

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I am a Canadian too and it took decades to undo what Trudeau did to our country, and now is son with radical muslims behind him Canada will never be the same, this is the worst thing that can happen.

Yes true, he opened the gates of immigration so our country for example.. now Punjabi used in Motor Vehicle Test Examination...the examiner does not speak English and has translator to help him on questions!...oh by the way his cousin has the same last name and gave his Indian passport to his relatives to come to Canada...the older ones apply for pensions and not even contributed to system...the airport boarding sequence has about 15 East Indians in wheel chairs!...In several cities like Newton in Surrey BC one can see no English in commercial zoned areas..like going to Indian market the staff do not want you there no do make an attempt to help. Many indian settlement no english and with no whites allowed!...Canada is a mess...the families arriving have full medical coverage with 8 to 12 in family...the rich indians in India are buying up all the fruit farms in Okanogan and sending their family members a free pass to come to Canada as field workers....the roofing industry is now owned now by Indian financial companies...government grants teaching the Indians roofing, now have taken over the supply of cedar selling cheap to their Indian companies. Cdn can not compete with cheap family labor the East Indians owe their sponsor into Canada. Hundreds of elderly East Indians walk the street with really no purpose..no shopping..just walking. Cheap house construction by east indians...electrical and plumbing work below standards...work signed off by Indian company's only qualified installer with license never seen on site! Had the government at the time limited the immigration of these people...told them learn English..and oh yes no welfare...no free medical....we do not expect you to enter my house and live off the efforts of the established society. Now True-dum wants to allow 25K Syrians...now do we want a repeat of the past?

I left Canada in the 1980 when GST was being introduced.. living here in Thailand for 6 month intervals and returning can see the snap shot change others rarely see by being away from the birth place. Oh yes I can not change Canada but can change myself in accepting government policies elected by the people...Oh yes "Canada has the highest Standard of Living"..quoted from WHO. My standard here in Thailand well you know...won't go into details.

Have a great day and lets see how Canadians want more grief and higher taxes!...


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Anyone please but the New Democratic Party, thx.

ANALYSIS Poll Tracker: Liberals poised for win barring Conservative surprise
Long and winding campaign has turned a three-way race into a contest with a clear leader

By Éric Grenier, for CBC News Posted: Oct 18, 2015 8:50 AM ET Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015 9:43 AM ET


Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is leading in the polls and is on track to win Monday's election. But will he?

(Fred Thornhill/Reuters)


The Conservative surprise thingy is of course a reference to the Cameron and Torries supposed unexpected big win in the most recent UK general election.

Many people say Trudeau has done well in the debates. Trudeau would be fine except he'd have to form a new Liberal party led minority government with the NDP. That would be like in the USA HRClinton becoming prez and Nancy Pelosi becoming speaker of the House. The far out left NDP leader Tom Mulcair is known as "Angry Tom." Not so good either is that the NDP voter base is waaay over there on the left.

Edited by Publicus
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Trudeau and the Canada Liberal party won a clear majority sweep of parliament in the general election yesterday so they don't need to share governance with the far left New Democratic Party and its leader "Angry Tom" Mulcair.

Very good news and development.


In Canada, Stunning Rout by Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party

OCT. 19, 2015

Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party and his wife before giving his victory speech in Montreal, Canada.


Jim Young/Reuters

Justin Trudeau, who will be 44 on Christmas Day, will become Canada’s second-youngest prime minister and the first to follow a parent into office.

Starting with a sweep of the Atlantic provinces, the Liberals capitalized on what many Canadians saw as Mr. Harper’s heavy-handed style, and the party went on to capture 184 of the 338 seats in the next House of Commons [170 needed for a majority].

The nine-year reign of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party came to a sudden and stunning end on Monday night.


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Anyone please but the New Democratic Party, thx.

ANALYSIS Poll Tracker: Liberals poised for win barring Conservative surprise
Long and winding campaign has turned a three-way race into a contest with a clear leader

By Éric Grenier, for CBC News Posted: Oct 18, 2015 8:50 AM ET Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015 9:43 AM ET


Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is leading in the polls and is on track to win Monday's election. But will he?

(Fred Thornhill/Reuters)


The Conservative surprise thingy is of course a reference to the Cameron and Torries supposed unexpected big win in the most recent UK general election.

Many people say Trudeau has done well in the debates. Trudeau would be fine except he'd have to form a new Liberal party led minority government with the NDP. That would be like in the USA HRClinton becoming prez and Nancy Pelosi becoming speaker of the House. The far out left NDP leader Tom Mulcair is known as "Angry Tom." Not so good either is that the NDP voter base is waaay over there on the left.

Yes the easy part is over. When all the cheering and flag waving have died down the hard part begins. He cannot start throwing money at social programs like the past and I am a bit of a Socialist. He must get a bang for every buck spent. He needs to steer Canada away from being a petro nation and into the new brave world of R&D and technology, innovation. Good luck young fellow. If Blackberry can do it there must be other budding young entrapreneurs chaffing at the bit.

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I'll admit defeat and I congratulate Mr Trudeau. I don't agree with some of his platform but the ppl have spoken to give your party a majority.

It's too bad the main focus was to rid of Harper and not solely on the issues. I just hope you know what you're doing with the addition of 10 billion a yr added to the deficit and I hope you get tough on home grown terrorism.

It's not a blank cheque Justin, and I hope you bring back nationalism.

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I'll admit defeat and I congratulate Mr Trudeau. I don't agree with some of his platform but the ppl have spoken to give your party a majority.

It's too bad the main focus was to rid of Harper and not solely on the issues. I just hope you know what you're doing with the addition of 10 billion a yr added to the deficit and I hope you get tough on home grown terrorism.

It's not a blank cheque Justin, and I hope you bring back nationalism.

Spoken like a true gentleman. He best take heed of the last part. I am a bit of a Socialist but these are not the days when his father governed. He needs to revamp Canada away from oil and being hewers of wood and drawers of water although water could be the most valuable asset in the end. Canada must become a value added country. They must diversify away from doing so much business with the US. The TPP looks like a trap to me much like NAFTA was. Look at all the empty factories in Canada. Living in Thailand we all know that on a wages basis Canada cannot compete. In the end robotics and 3D printing will return many jobs to North America as there will be no expensive around the world shipping costs.

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