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Israel: Assailant opens fire on bus station, soldier killed


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Before that it was Turkish. So what?

So immediately before it was Israel, it was Palestine. So, denying there was ever a Palestine is a bit silly.

Governed by Great Britain. There has NEVER been an independent Arab country called Palestine. NEVER EVER.

So what? There will be soon!

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I'd like everyone who screams "Anti-semite" at anyone who dares to criticise Israel to watch this and give their honest opinion. (It's a year old but still relevant).

This straw man argument is wearing thin.

Not anyone criticizing Israel is an anti-semite, and no such claim was raised.

Asserting that some of this criticism is motivated by antisemitism is a credible proposition.

Equating Nazi practices toward Jews, with Israel's policies regarding the Palestinians, as done earlier in this topic, is pure hyperbole.

There are valid enough grounds to criticize Israeli policies without resorting to such comparisons.

Richard Boyd Barret's positions are neither new nor subtle.

He preemptively makes the same straw man argument with regard to allegation of antisemitism. Not that I noticed him being accused of such on the clip, but wouldn't be surprised it that was the case. Public association with figures holding antisemitic views, and expressing no issues for these views, could be a clue for some. Denying Israel's right to exist could be another (the clip is but a sample of his rich collection of thoughts on the issue).

As commented in the clip, most of his talk consists of hyperbolic clichés, making the valid points raised easier to dismiss. This is the trouble plaguing many related criticisms, and one which can be often found on this forum. To be sure, the Israeli ambassador's reply had its fair share of clichés as well.

Barret repeatedly makes mention of his time spent in Israel, as the basis for his political positions. That might be the case, but some of the experiences described (on the clip and on other occasions) are exaggerated or even fictional.

Being a member of the IAWM (Irish Anti War Movement) the duplicity of denouncing Israel's aggression, with no reference to Palestinian or other Arab violence directed the other way, is as expected. The close association with Hamas and Hezbollah figures renouncing peace, calling for the destruction of Israel and holding clearly anti-Jewish (yeah, lets not get into that they-can't-be-antisemite derailing effort) views, doesn't really lend his criticism much credibility.

With regard to the Palestinian Right of Return - citizenship and immigration policies are discriminating by their nature. Countries may apply different criteria and considerations on such issues. Some countries have stricter rules, some more relaxed. Not all countries follow the level of openness exhibited by certain Western countries (and evidently, this is currently a disputed issue even in relevant Western countries).

As is the case with with many ardent pro-Palestinian speakers, there is very little by way of Palestinian accountability or responsibility actions and decisions. This passive image of the Palestinians makes engagement in discussion rather difficult. Decades of Palestinian rejection of reality and refusal to accept it did have a great impact on their current predicament.

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Civilians, eh? The occupiers decided there were no soft targets, and now they're beginning to realize the full ramifications of that choice.

You spoke to the martyr and he told you how he identified? Do tell. Or are you just regurgitating what you've read in the Zionist media?

My response of elections having consequences is a direct call back to the apologists for the occupiers who used that term last year.

Hurry on back to keeping up your quota.

Yes, civilians. Let's try this again, shall we?

Keyboard posturing aside, how does Palestinian violence toward Israeli citizens, especially within Israel, contributes to the "defense of fellow Palestinians"? Does not seem to have much value as deterrent, and If anything, it it more likely to makes life even harder for Palestinians.

Details of the terrorists identity appeared on Israeli, Palestinians and Jordanian sources (and that's without including social media), I follow quite a few. As for his political and religious convictions - there is information on the latter, less so on the former. I did not make a a claim regarding his political affiliation, but simply marked that he was not a Palestinian.

My response of elections having consequences is a direct call back to the apologists for the occupiers who used that term last year.

Of course it was. How could someone presume double standards of anyone taking up such a righteous cause.

Hurry on back to keeping up your quota.

What quota would that be?

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


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Assailant... what a nice word for a terrorist.... and how much sugar coating can the world's media

apply to minimize the crimes of the Palestinian's ' Assailants ' ?

So was the Israeli Jew who stabbed 4 innocent Palestinians in Dimona a "terrorist" or a "sugar coated nationalist" as the Israeli media would have us believe.Or is this a case of double standards?
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Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple.

There has NEVER been an independent Palestinian nation controlled by Arabs and the Arabs living in the region refused the UN deal that would have given them one. They have also made commitments to Israel not to try forming a country without previous negotiations over borders. Quite simply, the Palestinians do not have any land of their own for anyone to "steal".

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Assailant... what a nice word for a terrorist.... and how much sugar coating can the world's media

apply to minimize the crimes of the Palestinian's ' Assailants ' ?

So was the Israeli Jew who stabbed 4 innocent Palestinians in Dimona a "terrorist" or a "sugar coated nationalist" as the Israeli media would have us believe.Or is this a case of double standards?

So tell me is he arrested and awaiting trial or has Israel held a big celebration and named a street or a village in his name?whistling.gif

Now post for me a link, just one, where arab was detained or arrested by Fatah or Hamas for attacking a jew?

I will wait with patience.wai.gif

PS, You, along with a few arab loving troll group have been whining about disproportionate use of force, so what are you whining about now?

Edited by konying
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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

Partly true but then again they keep having to rebuilding what the Israelis blow up don't they?

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

Partly true but then again they keep having to rebuilding what the Israelis blow up don't they?

But they don`t do that either.The only things that the Palestinian "authority" has build up has been their own luxurious mansions thumbsup.gif .

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

Partly true but then again they keep having to rebuilding what the Israelis blow up don't they?

But they don`t do that either.The only things that the Palestinian "authority" has build up has been their own luxurious mansions thumbsup.gif .

Don't forget rocket launchers and terror tunnels. They keep the tools of the trade up to snuff.

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


He has learned this play from his US backers...fabricate evidence, invade a country to secure the resources and economic benefits

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


On goes the off-topic deflection effort.

Starts with an hyperbole comparison to Nazis, advances to calling-anyone-antisemite straw-man argument, followed by an Israel-is-evil clip. Next comes asserting the complete truth of anti-Israel view in said clip, leading to the grand finale of a the supposedly nefarious master plan to control natural resources,

For reference - the title of the OP is "Assailant opens fire on bus station, soldier killed".

Proclaiming that every single word said is true with regard to statements by opinionated politicians, is a notion most people leave behind at some point. Having some relevant points (which I do not deny) does not make Barret's entire diatribe spot on. Of course, the Israeli ambassador's reply was not limited to "Israel has the right to defend itself", but why bother addressing objections raised, when its easier to parcel it under a slogan. As usual with such every-single-word-is-true criticisms, everything is also one directional. That too, is something most people grow out of, at some point.

The gas and oil angle again?

Netanyahu's (and several other well-connected politicians) possible personal involvement in matters related to the development of gas and oil deposits is an issue often appearing on Israeli media sources. These allegations of corruption are made quite openly and do not score Netanyahu and others much public support.

Just how the whole existence of Israel and the occupations of the Palestinians connects to this issue is an unexplained mystery. Said gas and oil deposits are a relatively recent addition to the situation - not much to do with events of 1948 or 1967. According to the logic making it a motivating factor in the conflict, Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip should not have happened. Even if there was a functioning Palestinian state incorporating the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian claim would not necessarily encroach on all deposits developed (or under development) by Israel (Gaza Strip coastline being what it is). Israel is not the only relevant country in the region which is not party to said treaty - Syria and Turkey are out as well (and as an aside - did the USA ratify it by now?)

There is a potentially relevant deposit off Gaza Strip shore - not as large as others, if memory serves, but the proximity might have made its development viable. Unstable political and security conditions, combined with economic projections do not make it that enticing for potential developers.I do not think that this would be against Israel's interest's, by the way - quite the opposite. Considering the PA's overdue electric bills, Israeli public opinion may be favorable as well. An obvious complication is that the PA is not in control of the Gaza Strip.

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Assailant... what a nice word for a terrorist.... and how much sugar coating can the world's media

apply to minimize the crimes of the Palestinian's ' Assailants ' ?

So was the Israeli Jew who stabbed 4 innocent Palestinians in Dimona a "terrorist" or a "sugar coated nationalist" as the Israeli media would have us believe.Or is this a case of double standards?

There are biases in the way incidents and perpetrators are described on both sides. Nothing new there.

The differences being unconditional glorification of such actions, outright denial of actions and the level of freedom to express denouncement of such.

On all of the above, things are worse when it comes to the PA, Hamas, Palestinian media and social media.

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Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple.

There has NEVER been an independent Palestinian nation controlled by Arabs and the Arabs living in the region refused the UN deal that would have given them one. They have also made commitments to Israel not to try forming a country without previous negotiations over borders. Quite simply, the Palestinians do not have any land of their own for anyone to "steal".

Palestinian past mistakes and bad decisions taken do not confer ownership rights over territory to Israel.

The commitments made under the framework of the Oslo Accords were tied with the expected continuation of negotiations (which failed to materialize due to failures on both sides). The ongoing illegal settlement efforts by Israel can certainly be seen as a breach of contract (or if not that, goodwill and trust) regarding status of future borders. Same same but different.

Even without resorting to contractual obligations and ownership rights, how are the Israeli illegal settlements not expansionism? Israel agreed to certain borders back in 1948. The Palestinian rejection does not entail that the territory in question is up for grabs. Considering that, at least officially, the Palestinians conceded most territorial loses dating to 1948, and Israel basically agreeing that the 1967 lines would serve as basis for a permanent agreements - what is one to make of the ongoing Israeli settlement drive in the West Bank?

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Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


On goes the off-topic deflection effort.

Starts with an hyperbole comparison to Nazis, advances to calling-anyone-antisemite straw-man argument, followed by an Israel-is-evil clip. Next comes asserting the complete truth of anti-Israel view in said clip, leading to the grand finale of a the supposedly nefarious master plan to control natural resources,

For reference - the title of the OP is "Assailant opens fire on bus station, soldier killed".

Proclaiming that every single word said is true with regard to statements by opinionated politicians, is a notion most people leave behind at some point. Having some relevant points (which I do not deny) does not make Barret's entire diatribe spot on. Of course, the Israeli ambassador's reply was not limited to "Israel has the right to defend itself", but why bother addressing objections raised, when its easier to parcel it under a slogan. As usual with such every-single-word-is-true criticisms, everything is also one directional. That too, is something most people grow out of, at some point.

The gas and oil angle again?

Netanyahu's (and several other well-connected politicians) possible personal involvement in matters related to the development of gas and oil deposits is an issue often appearing on Israeli media sources. These allegations of corruption are made quite openly and do not score Netanyahu and others much public support.

Just how the whole existence of Israel and the occupations of the Palestinians connects to this issue is an unexplained mystery. Said gas and oil deposits are a relatively recent addition to the situation - not much to do with events of 1948 or 1967. According to the logic making it a motivating factor in the conflict, Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip should not have happened. Even if there was a functioning Palestinian state incorporating the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian claim would not necessarily encroach on all deposits developed (or under development) by Israel (Gaza Strip coastline being what it is). Israel is not the only relevant country in the region which is not party to said treaty - Syria and Turkey are out as well (and as an aside - did the USA ratify it by now?)

There is a potentially relevant deposit off Gaza Strip shore - not as large as others, if memory serves, but the proximity might have made its development viable. Unstable political and security conditions, combined with economic projections do not make it that enticing for potential developers.I do not think that this would be against Israel's interest's, by the way - quite the opposite. Considering the PA's overdue electric bills, Israeli public opinion may be favorable as well. An obvious complication is that the PA is not in control of the Gaza Strip.

Which relevant deposit off Gaza ? You mean the Levisnthan field ?

Its already producing gas , starting being developed in 2010..and was the biggest gas reserves/fild in the med until a bigger one was found off Egypt

The field concerned is about 20-25 miles off Gazza

Edited by Soutpeel
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Assailant... what a nice word for a terrorist.... and how much sugar coating can the world's media

apply to minimize the crimes of the Palestinian's ' Assailants ' ?

So was the Israeli Jew who stabbed 4 innocent Palestinians in Dimona a "terrorist" or a "sugar coated nationalist" as the Israeli media would have us believe.Or is this a case of double standards?

So tell me is he arrested and awaiting trial or has Israel held a big celebration and named a street or a village in his name?whistling.gif

Now post for me a link, just one, where arab was detained or arrested by Fatah or Hamas for attacking a jew?

I will wait with patience.wai.gif

PS, You, along with a few arab loving troll group have been whining about disproportionate use of force, so what are you whining about now?

The PA security forces maintain cooperation with their Israeli counterparts and the IDF. While cooperation is not always perfect, and may be effected by events - it is still one of the few elements that function more or less as expected (that is, no one imagined it would be flawless). There is a marked difference in cooperation between Arafat's days in office and Abbas taking the lead. Vested interests of Palestinian leadership aside, and imperfect nature of the cooperation - things would be worse for both sides if it was to be completely dissolved.

PA officers disciplined over video of them beating Palestinians

Palestinian security forces say they have disciplined eight officers caught on video beating a teenage boy with clubs as they were preventing dozens of protesters from reaching an Israeli checkpoint near the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Friday.

The video showed protesters throwing stones and bottles and then several officers beating the boy. It sparked criticism of the Palestinian leadership and demands to punish the officers.

The National Security Forces said Sunday that four senior commanders were suspended and will face “disciplinary measures.” Israeli media reports said they were removed from their posts.


As for Hamas, obviously no such cooperation in place. A standard element of most unofficial understandings following fighting in the Gaza Strip charges Hamas with being responsible for keeping the peace (ie rocket launches). This applies not only to launches by Hamas, but, in effect, to policing other organizations and rouge elements. The level Hamas follows up on these understandings is variable.

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Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

Partly true but then again they keep having to rebuilding what the Israelis blow up don't they?

The Palestinian Authority does not run the Gaza Strip for years now, so no "danger" that it will reap potential benefits anytime soon. Granted levels of corruption would have made both efficient development of deposits and just use of profits, rather improbable.

On the same note, had the PA been in control of the Gaza Strip, rather than Hamas, there would probably be less reasons for Israel imposing the blockade and a decreased likelihood of a conflagration.

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He has learned this play from his US backers...fabricate evidence, invade a country to secure the resources and economic benefits

Which countries were invaded by Israel, under Netanyahu's leadership with the aim of securing resources and economic benefits? What obvious gains were made?

I do not believe he had much to do with manipulating events in 1948 and 1967. Nor did he play an instrumental role in Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip. Without taking away from Netanyahu's role in maintaining the current state of affairs - most of it was the legacy of his predecessors. The only time an Israeli government led by Netanyahu initiated something that could be called an invasion was during the Gaza fighting (2014). As for the illegal settlement efforts in the West Bank - right wing elements often criticize Netanyahu for being big on talk, short on deeds. Compared with former prime ministers of Israel, this is partially true. While the illegal settler population grew during his years in office, this was less due to building additional settlements, and more to do with population growth within existing settlements.

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Which relevant deposit off Gaza ? You mean the Levisnthan field ?

Its already producing gas , starting being developed in 2010..and was the biggest gas reserves/fild in the med until a bigger one was found off Egypt

The field concerned is about 20-25 miles off Gazza

No, I don't mean Leviathan, which is the larger field NNE of Gaza.

I mean Gaza Marine, which is the one you can see directly opposite Gaza's coast.

Israel is preventing the Palestinians from exploiting it.

In fact, they've been preventing it since 1999.

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Just how the whole existence of Israel and the occupations of the Palestinians connects to this issue is an unexplained mystery. Said gas and oil deposits are a relatively recent addition to the situation - not much to do with events of 1948 or 1967. According to the logic making it a motivating factor in the conflict, Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip should not have happened. Even if there was a functioning Palestinian state incorporating the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian claim would not necessarily encroach on all deposits developed (or under development) by Israel (Gaza Strip coastline being what it is). Israel is not the only relevant country in the region which is not party to said treaty - Syria and Turkey are out as well (and as an aside - did the USA ratify it by now?)

There is a potentially relevant deposit off Gaza Strip shore - not as large as others, if memory serves, but the proximity might have made its development viable. Unstable political and security conditions, combined with economic projections do not make it that enticing for potential developers.I do not think that this would be against Israel's interest's, by the way - quite the opposite. Considering the PA's overdue electric bills, Israeli public opinion may be favorable as well. An obvious complication is that the PA is not in control of the Gaza Strip.

By any international standard Gaza Marine belongs to Gaza, and Israel has blocked its development for 16 years.

That's not a "recent addition". It was discovered during Benny's first term.

How Israel is motivated to keep it out of Palestinian hands isn't much of a mystery to me.

Under their arbitrary rules, it isn't even in Palestinian waters.

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On goes the off-topic deflection effort.

Starts with an hyperbole comparison to Nazis, advances to calling-anyone-antisemite straw-man argument, followed by an Israel-is-evil clip. Next comes asserting the complete truth of anti-Israel view in said clip, leading to the grand finale of a the supposedly nefarious master plan to control natural resources,

For reference - the title of the OP is "Assailant opens fire on bus station, soldier killed".

Proclaiming that every single word said is true with regard to statements by opinionated politicians, is a notion most people leave behind at some point. Having some relevant points (which I do not deny) does not make Barret's entire diatribe spot on. Of course, the Israeli ambassador's reply was not limited to "Israel has the right to defend itself", but why bother addressing objections raised, when its easier to parcel it under a slogan. As usual with such every-single-word-is-true criticisms, everything is also one directional. That too, is something most people grow out of, at some point.

The gas and oil angle again?

Netanyahu's (and several other well-connected politicians) possible personal involvement in matters related to the development of gas and oil deposits is an issue often appearing on Israeli media sources. These allegations of corruption are made quite openly and do not score Netanyahu and others much public support.

Just how the whole existence of Israel and the occupations of the Palestinians connects to this issue is an unexplained mystery. Said gas and oil deposits are a relatively recent addition to the situation - not much to do with events of 1948 or 1967. According to the logic making it a motivating factor in the conflict, Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip should not have happened. Even if there was a functioning Palestinian state incorporating the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian claim would not necessarily encroach on all deposits developed (or under development) by Israel (Gaza Strip coastline being what it is). Israel is not the only relevant country in the region which is not party to said treaty - Syria and Turkey are out as well (and as an aside - did the USA ratify it by now?)

There is a potentially relevant deposit off Gaza Strip shore - not as large as others, if memory serves, but the proximity might have made its development viable. Unstable political and security conditions, combined with economic projections do not make it that enticing for potential developers.I do not think that this would be against Israel's interest's, by the way - quite the opposite. Considering the PA's overdue electric bills, Israeli public opinion may be favorable as well. An obvious complication is that the PA is not in control of the Gaza Strip.

Which relevant deposit off Gaza ? You mean the Levisnthan field ?

Its already producing gas , starting being developed in 2010..and was the biggest gas reserves/fild in the med until a bigger one was found off Egypt

The field concerned is about 20-25 miles off Gazza

Leviathan got nothing to do with the Gaza Strip - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leviathan_gas_field

The one in question is Gaza Marine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Marine

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No, I don't mean Leviathan, which is the larger field NNE of Gaza.

I mean Gaza Marine, which is the one you can see directly opposite Gaza's coast.

Israel is preventing the Palestinians from exploiting it.

In fact, they've been preventing it since 1999.

Just how the whole existence of Israel and the occupations of the Palestinians connects to this issue is an unexplained mystery. Said gas and oil deposits are a relatively recent addition to the situation - not much to do with events of 1948 or 1967. According to the logic making it a motivating factor in the conflict, Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip should not have happened. Even if there was a functioning Palestinian state incorporating the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian claim would not necessarily encroach on all deposits developed (or under development) by Israel (Gaza Strip coastline being what it is). Israel is not the only relevant country in the region which is not party to said treaty - Syria and Turkey are out as well (and as an aside - did the USA ratify it by now?)

There is a potentially relevant deposit off Gaza Strip shore - not as large as others, if memory serves, but the proximity might have made its development viable. Unstable political and security conditions, combined with economic projections do not make it that enticing for potential developers.I do not think that this would be against Israel's interest's, by the way - quite the opposite. Considering the PA's overdue electric bills, Israeli public opinion may be favorable as well. An obvious complication is that the PA is not in control of the Gaza Strip.

By any international standard Gaza Marine belongs to Gaza, and Israel has blocked its development for 16 years.

That's not a "recent addition". It was discovered during Benny's first term.

How Israel is motivated to keep it out of Palestinian hands isn't much of a mystery to me.

Under their arbitrary rules, it isn't even in Palestinian waters.

The gas and oil deposits were presented as a motivator for the Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. In the context of the conflict, they are a relatively new addition. It was not a factor in 1948, and neither in 1967 - the formative years of the current mess. Things would not have been much different had there been no deposits discovered.

Unless I'm mistaken, the Israeli prime minister at the time was Barak (but could be wrong, depends on which date in 1999 is used as reference). Did Israel challenge Palestinian ownership over the Gaza Marine deposit? IEC (Israel Electric Corporation) was in negotiations to buy gas from Gaza Marine (even though nothing came out of it), during the earlier stages. Later on (circa 2007) there was another attempt to secure a deal.

The background missing from your story are the second Intifada (2000-2005) and later Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip (2007).


and again - "Israel: Assailant open fire on bus station, soldier killed"....

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