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NATO: biggest military exercise in 13 years


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NATO: biggest military exercise in 13 years

BRUSSELS: -- NATO is launching its biggest military exercise in 13 years, mobilising 36,000 soldiers, sailors and air crews from more than 30 countries to test the alliance’s ability to respond to new security threats.

The exercises, named Trident Juncture, will run until early November and extend through Spain and Portugal and adjacent waters.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, NATO Deputy Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow said that the geopolitical situation is considerably more unstable than the last time such large-scale exercises were held during the Cold War.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-20
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The most successful exercise may be the band that is shown in the video. They apparently only answer to one persom and seem to be headed in the same direction. At least there may be a pattern to follow, now to define what tune is agreeable to play may be problamatic.

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The Putin fanboyz need to get realistic:

February 25, 2015

Russia Can't Beat NATO--But Putin May Try

By Tom Nichols


Can Russia defeat NATO? The answer is “no.” Vladimir Putin’s armies cannot prevail in a direct contest with the NATO alliance.

This, however, is the wrong question. The West’s more pressing concern should be whether Putin, for his own reasons, will force Russia’s military into a clash with NATO regardless of the consequences. The Russian president is a neo-Soviet nostalgist who not only craves revenge for the collapse of the USSR, but who still harbors old-school Kremlin fantasies about the weakness of the decadent West.


Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems:

"Statements claiming that Russian Armed Forces are ready to repulse any attack after the so-called reforms are nothing but nonsense. They are capable of settling a small conflict, in which not more than 100,000 men would need to participate. If there's a larger, local conflict, which requires the participation of up to 500,000 people, then the Russian Armed Forces would not be able to deal with it, not to mention a large-scale war with NATO or China."

- See more at: http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/15-12-2010/116217-russia_war-0/#sthash.F7Gqpes6.dpuf

Putin does not seem to grasp that NATO’s members, once invaded, will fight according to their training and their experience, and not by a snap poll of people in New York or Nebraska. They will fight with very real and very modern Western weapons, rather than with hashtags and selfies from chipper spokespeople back at the State Department. And in the end, if Putin orders his forces West, the Russians will lose, and will lose badly.


"For the time being, Russia is capable of showing resistance to such countries as Georgia. Russia will not be able to win a war with China or NATO," Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis told Pravda.Ru. "As for nuclear weapons, NATO is much stronger than Russia, and China's nuclear arsenal will soon be just as powerful as that of Russia. It will not be possible for Russia to conduct offensive operations against NATO members, because the strength of the Russian army has declined considerably."


Edited by Publicus
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The Putin fanboyz need to get realistic:

February 25, 2015

Russia Can't Beat NATO--But Putin May Try

By Tom Nichols


Can Russia defeat NATO? The answer is “no.” Vladimir Putin’s armies cannot prevail in a direct contest with the NATO alliance.

This, however, is the wrong question. The West’s more pressing concern should be whether Putin, for his own reasons, will force Russia’s military into a clash with NATO regardless of the consequences. The Russian president is a neo-Soviet nostalgist who not only craves revenge for the collapse of the USSR, but who still harbors old-school Kremlin fantasies about the weakness of the decadent West.


Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems:

"Statements claiming that Russian Armed Forces are ready to repulse any attack after the so-called reforms are nothing but nonsense. They are capable of settling a small conflict, in which not more than 100,000 men would need to participate. If there's a larger, local conflict, which requires the participation of up to 500,000 people, then the Russian Armed Forces would not be able to deal with it, not to mention a large-scale war with NATO or China."

- See more at: http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/15-12-2010/116217-russia_war-0/#sthash.F7Gqpes6.dpuf

Putin does not seem to grasp that NATO’s members, once invaded, will fight according to their training and their experience, and not by a snap poll of people in New York or Nebraska. They will fight with very real and very modern Western weapons, rather than with hashtags and selfies from chipper spokespeople back at the State Department. And in the end, if Putin orders his forces West, the Russians will lose, and will lose badly.


"For the time being, Russia is capable of showing resistance to such countries as Georgia. Russia will not be able to win a war with China or NATO," Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis told Pravda.Ru. "As for nuclear weapons, NATO is much stronger than Russia, and China's nuclear arsenal will soon be just as powerful as that of Russia. It will not be possible for Russia to conduct offensive operations against NATO members, because the strength of the Russian army has declined considerably."


True,but haven`t NATO spent the last 15 years ruining most of it`s forces that once make it a formidable deterrent,NOBODY would have dabbled with the thought of getting in to an armed conflict with us.

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The Putin fanboyz need to get realistic:

February 25, 2015

Russia Can't Beat NATO--But Putin May Try

By Tom Nichols

Can Russia defeat NATO? The answer is “no.” Vladimir Putin’s armies cannot prevail in a direct contest with the NATO alliance.

This, however, is the wrong question. The West’s more pressing concern should be whether Putin, for his own reasons, will force Russia’s military into a clash with NATO regardless of the consequences. The Russian president is a neo-Soviet nostalgist who not only craves revenge for the collapse of the USSR, but who still harbors old-school Kremlin fantasies about the weakness of the decadent West.


Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems:

"Statements claiming that Russian Armed Forces are ready to repulse any attack after the so-called reforms are nothing but nonsense. They are capable of settling a small conflict, in which not more than 100,000 men would need to participate. If there's a larger, local conflict, which requires the participation of up to 500,000 people, then the Russian Armed Forces would not be able to deal with it, not to mention a large-scale war with NATO or China."

- See more at: http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/15-12-2010/116217-russia_war-0/#sthash.F7Gqpes6.dpuf

Putin does not seem to grasp that NATO’s members, once invaded, will fight according to their training and their experience, and not by a snap poll of people in New York or Nebraska. They will fight with very real and very modern Western weapons, rather than with hashtags and selfies from chipper spokespeople back at the State Department. And in the end, if Putin orders his forces West, the Russians will lose, and will lose badly.


"For the time being, Russia is capable of showing resistance to such countries as Georgia. Russia will not be able to win a war with China or NATO," Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis told Pravda.Ru. "As for nuclear weapons, NATO is much stronger than Russia, and China's nuclear arsenal will soon be just as powerful as that of Russia. It will not be possible for Russia to conduct offensive operations against NATO members, because the strength of the Russian army has declined considerably."


True,but haven`t NATO spent the last 15 years ruining most of it`s forces that once make it a formidable deterrent,NOBODY would have dabbled with the thought of getting in to an armed conflict with us.


Supposed Nato weakness is myth due to no major war to fight. Nato military forces are highly trained, equipped with superior weapons, they have superior commanders, force control, overall communications; forces on land and air to include sea with three fully complemented Naval fleets, to include the US 6th Fleet permanently in the Med, supplemented by a fourth, the US 5th Fleet in Bahrain.

Nato has a Rapid Reaction Force of 6000 always at the ready (currently deployed to Poland and the Baltic states); a Ready Reaction Force of 30 000 on standby and is currently forming a Strike Reaction Force of 50 000 which would be on immediate standby. Total combined Nato forces far outnumber Russian total forces.

Nato countries quietly and low key spend sufficiently and efficiently on their military. Fact is Russia is no match at all against Nato. Either conventional or nuclear, Nato would blow away the Russian military in a reasonably short order. The only issue would be civilian casualties in Eurasia and infrastructure and property damage.

Nato's quality and quantity of armed forces, apart from the US presence, is far superior to Russia's. Russia moreover could not sustain a direct military conflict against Nato as the Russian economy would collapse in a matter of months, and not many months, whereas Nato member's and all members economies would fare much better.

Check out the Nato record in Afghanistan under US command. Nato countries special forces are operating in the ME against ISIS and in support of rebel forces. German Kommando forces have been especially effective against IS.

It's been reported and still officially unannounced that Chancellor Merkel has agreed to 20 new nuclear bombs from the US with accompanying USAF fighter-bombers at a German Air Force base due to the fact Russian generals like Putin's talk of using nuclear weapons. The Germans have their own fighter-bomber aircraft to also carry nuclear.

So the direct answer to the question is that Europe for all its niceties know in their guts Putin is nuts.

Edited by Scott
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This is a tough analogy but, if you made a living betting horses, would you compete at a race track with a 20% take out or an 80% take out? The obvious choice would be 20%. Not many are going to see this but Putin is after our systems of international finance and he is just biding his time. When he has a play to prove us wrong, he plays simply to gain time. He has us in a tough spot. He is currently ahead in one sense, his cost to produce and develop costs him 20 cents to our dollar. We need to get to him soon or that gap will widen.

I would not want to fly against his much improved jet aircraft.

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