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Canada to return to its honest broker role under Trudeau


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Canada to return to its honest broker role under Trudeau

TORONTO (AP) — The stunning victory of Justin Trudeau will reverberate beyond Canada's borders after the Liberal Party leader emphatically ended a decade of rule by the most conservative leadership in the country's history.

Among the areas in which Trudeau differs from his predecessor, Conservative Stephen Harper: airstrikes against the Islamic State group, climate change, immigration and whether relations with the U.S. should hinge on the future of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Speaking at a rally in Ottawa on Tuesday, the 43-year-old Trudeau — son of one of the country's most dynamic politicians — underlined the sea change.

"I want to say this to this country's friends around the world: Many of you have worried that Canada has lost its compassionate and constructive voice in the world over the past 10 years. Well, I have a simple message for you on behalf of 35 million Canadians. We're back," he declared.

With Trudeau's decisive victory on Monday, Canadian voters reclaimed their country's liberal identity, giving the new prime minister a commanding majority in parliament that will allow him to govern without relying on other parties.

That means change in Canadian policies on a broad spectrum of issues.

"Trudeau will return Canada to its traditional approach in foreign affairs which is characteristic of every single government but Harper's," said Robert Bothwell, a professor at the University of Toronto. "Canada will go back to multilateralism, back to strong support for the United Nations."

There will be a "new way for Canada to be on the world stage," agreed Liberal lawmaker Marc Garneau, who won re-election Monday.

The son of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who swept to office in 1968 on a wave of support dubbed "Trudeaumania" and governed for most of the next two decades, the younger Trudeau channels the star power — if not quite the political heft — of his father.

Tall and trim, he is a former school teacher and member of Parliament since 2008. He becomes the second-youngest prime minister in Canadian history and has been likened to U.S. President Barack Obama.

"The whole tone of the U.S.-Canada relationship will change. Philosophically Obama and Trudeau are much closer," Bothwell said.

The White House said Obama called to congratulate Trudeau on Tuesday afternoon and said in a statement the two leaders "committed to strengthening the countries' joint efforts to promote trade, combat terrorism and mitigate climate change."

Obama "also teased me about my lack of grey hair, but said I'd probably get some quite soon," the dark-haired Trudeau quipped at a news conference later.

Trudeau's victory will likely improve ties with the United States, at least for the remainder of Obama's presidency. Harper was frustrated by Obama's reluctance to approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to Texas and clashed with the president on other issues, including the Iran nuclear deal.

Although Trudeau supports the Keystone pipeline, he argues relations should not hinge on the project.

"Theoretically, Justin is for Keystone, but he can obviously jettison that," Bothwell said of the project, which Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton recently expressed opposition to. Republican contenders are for the project.

Antonia Maioni, a political science professor at McGill University, said the Obama administration will welcome the change in government. "Even on Keystone, Mr. Trudeau says he supports it, but he is not going to make it an issue of conflict with Obama," Maioni said.

Still, there are differences that could lead to friction with the U.S. Trudeau has said he'll remove Canada's six fighter jets from the U.S.-led bombing campaign against the Islamic State group. Harper had said removing the jets from the fight would hurt relations with the U.S.

Trudeau said the issue came up in his conversation with Obama, and the U.S. president understood his commitment to end Canada's involvement in the combat mission.

Trudeau has also vowed to take in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year. Harper declined to resettle more Syrian refugees despite the haunting image of a drowned 3-year-old's body washed up on a Turkish beach after his family's failed attempt to immigrate to Canada, and some analysts have questioned whether Trudeau's goal is realistic.

Canada shifted to the center-right under Harper, who lowered sales and corporate taxes, avoided climate change legislation, strongly supported the oil and gas extraction industry and backed the right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Trudeau will have a more balanced approach to the conflict in the Middle East, analysts said.

"It certainly won't be the kind of blanket support for the Netanyahu regime that we saw from the Conservatives," Maioni said.

Trudeau has also vowed to consult the premiers of Canada's provinces in an effort to come up with a plan ahead of the Paris climate talks in November. Under Harper, Canada pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol, the emissions reduction program for rich countries, and the Conservative leader was perceived by environmentalists as more interested in protecting Canada's oil-rich region of Alberta — which has the third-largest oil reserves in the world — than efforts to stem the effects of climate change.

"Canada's days of being a less-than-enthusiastic actor on the climate-change file are behind us," Trudeau told the news conference in Ottawa.

Nelson Wiseman, a political science professor at the University of Toronto, said Canadian diplomats are delighted at Trudeau's election because Harper never let them speak without checking with the government first. "They've been totally marginalized. They've been told 'We don't care what you think,'" Wiseman said.

Harper, whose near 10 years as prime minister makes him one of the longest-serving Western leaders, will step down as Conservative leader after the crushing defeat, his party said.

During the campaign, Trudeau re-energized the Liberal Party, which suffered its worst electoral defeat four years ago, winning just 34 seats and finishing third behind the traditionally weaker New Democrat Party.

Trudeau, who has promised to raise taxes on the rich and run deficits for three years to boost government spending, said positive politics led to his victory.

Throughout the campaign, Trudeau's opponents pilloried him as too inexperienced, and he will be put to the test in the coming weeks with a series of global summits, including the Paris climate summit.

"It's going to showcase his lack of experience. He's going to be with world leaders and that's going to be a test," Maioni said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-10-21

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Harper made a whole lot of enemies... what a fool. He couldn't see the writing on the wall.

Arrogance can do that to you. He had that mirror mirror on the wall mentality. What a fool hardly don't worry he will not suffer his big paydays are just coming up. Speaking tours, writing a book, Ambassador to nowhere, sitting on some of the biggest company boards in the country collecting money to have his name appear on their letterhead the gravy train is just arriving at the station for Harper. His generous pension with full benefits will also kick in. All aboard.

Edited by elgordo38
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It'll be an interesting ride. Justin Trudeau does not have either the education or the wisdom that his father, former P.M. Pierre Elliot Trudeau had. He's an admitted pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher, and he goes and prays in Mosques with his Muslim friends,, wearing the robes,.. even a Wahhabi Mosque in Montreal. Just Google it and find pictures of him praying in Mosques,

By the way... he's said that convicted terrorists with dual citizenship, should not have their Canadian citizenship revoked. That would not be nice.

He had some of Obama's former U.S. campaign team flown up to Canada to help with his election run.

That's one of his promises by the way. Not just decriminalizing that funny green weed... but LEGALIZING it.

He inherited daddy's money.... making him an instant millionaire and got daddy's $1,000,000.00 classic Mercedes super car, and he's never had to work a real job in his life and has no knowledge of the regular Canadian's life...

Harper was far from perfect, I didn't like some of the things he did... But he was a lot better than Trudeau will be,...At least Harper was a university graduate economist with a Master's Degree.. and understood the role of money, and although Canada got hit somewhat with the international recession.... he helped keep Canada from feeling the worst part of it... like what many European countries and the U.S. went through...

Even Thomas Mulcair, the N.D.P. socialist has more common sense and wisdom than Trudeau has. I would rather he be P.M. than Trudeau.

Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more...

Trudeau has promised a Carbon Tax..... which of course will raise prices a lot faster on virtually everything.. I wonder how that will effect the price of my next flight out of Toronto ? ?

Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget.

That's how people vote this day and age..... vote for the politician that promises the most "free" goodies... . . not stopping to think about how it will be paid for.. what the cost will be down the road... Instant gratification is what people want..... there is no wisdom or long range thought anymore now..

A 43 year old pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher that lived a privileged life and inherited daddy's wealth.....

... yes.. it will be very interesting..... for sure... He only got in because of his family name from his dad being Prime Minister many years ago... and his Shiny Pony youthful looks and nice hair...

That's what a lot of us call him...... the "Shiny Pony". I think we are in for a wild ride here in Canada....

Can't wait to return to south east Asia...

Edited by Catoni
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It'll be an interesting ride. Justin Trudeau does not have either the education or the wisdom that his father, former P.M. Pierre Elliot Trudeau had. He's an admitted pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher, and he goes and prays in Mosques with his Muslim friends,, wearing the robes,.. even a Wahhabi Mosque in Montreal. Just Google it and find pictures of him praying in Mosques,

By the way... he's said that convicted terrorists with dual citizenship, should not have their Canadian citizenship revoked. That would not be nice.

He had some of Obama's former U.S. campaign team flown up to Canada to help with his election run.

That's one of his promises by the way. Not just decriminalizing that funny green weed... but LEGALIZING it.

He inherited daddy's money.... making him an instant millionaire and got daddy's $1,000,000.00 classic Mercedes super car, and he's never had to work a real job in his life and has no knowledge of the regular Canadian's life...

Harper was far from perfect, I didn't like some of the things he did... But he was a lot better than Trudeau will be,...At least Harper was a university graduate economist with a Master's Degree.. and understood the role of money, and although Canada got hit somewhat with the international recession.... he helped keep Canada from feeling the worst part of it... like what many European countries and the U.S. went through...

Even Thomas Mulcair, the N.D.P. socialist has more common sense and wisdom than Trudeau has. I would rather he be P.M. than Trudeau.

Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more...

Trudeau has promised a Carbon Tax..... which of course will raise prices a lot faster on virtually everything.. I wonder how that will effect the price of my next flight out of Toronto ? ?

Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget.

That's how people vote this day and age..... vote for the politician that promises the most "free" goodies... . . not stopping to think about how it will be paid for.. what the cost will be down the road... Instant gratification is what people want..... there is no wisdom or long range thought anymore now..

A 43 year old pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher that lived a privileged life and inherited daddy's wealth.....

... yes.. it will be very interesting..... for sure... He only got in because of his family name from his dad being Prime Minister many years ago... and his Shiny Pony youthful looks and nice hair...

That's what a lot of us call him...... the "Shiny Pony". I think we are in for a wild ride here in Canada....

Can't wait to return to south east Asia...

I'd give you 10 likes if I could.

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A pot-smoking, university drop-out who befriends all walks of life in the Canadian Mosaic, now leader of a democratically-elected majority, with 68% of the country voting , the largest turn out in federal elections since 1993? You go Trudeau! Love it. Love Canada! All is well in the great white north. Looking forward to 5 years of decency and level-headed governance!

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Let’s look at the list of positives according to this writer:

-Against fighting IS. What greater cause could there be than eradicating IS?

-Pro throwing money at the impossible task of changing the climate. Even if all industry was shut down the change in CO2 would only change the mixture of atmospheric gases by 0.00005 percent, too insignificant to stop the earth recovering from the last ice age. And of course stopping all industry would probably kill off 80% of the population of earth and throw the rest back to the Bronze Age.

-Not committed to Keystone, so another bonus for IS and at the same time a knife in Alberta’s back. Alberta which is the usually the province paying all the bills. We know how deeply the Trudeaus hate Alberta. Some hard-core payback is on the way for the prairies. Remember the national energy program...

-Strong support of the UN = puppet

-Second youngest - by a mile the least experienced or qualified Prime Minister in Canada’s history

-Obama buddy – unqualified puppets have a lot in common (i.e. they will do whatever they are told by the bankster globalists, no matter how it destroys the country).

-Bringing in Syrian refugees

-Promising to raise taxes. Well of course he wouldn’t be a liberal without that factor. And this guy is greatly experienced on living on other people’s money.

Basically the polar opposite of all the things I admired Harper for, plus he is likely anti-Israel.

Well at least I don’t have to watch Canada burn, I might need to look into Thai permanent residency though.

At least here I don’t get my hopes up about the government.

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Regarding Trudeau's elected mandate to lead Canada for the next five years, we should see where he stands on issues and what he proposes to do. If we have a clear idea of the Liberal platform and what is promised, we can use these statements as benchmarks from which to gauge the success - or failure- of the effectiveness of his mandate.

On September, 8, 2015, Justin Trudeau sat down with CBC news anchor Peter Mansbridge and talked one on one about the issues being contested in the election, and where Trudeau stood in relation to the issues and what he will do if elected.

Now Trudeau is elected in a majority government, so we can assess and evaluate his promises and priorities from the video interview below with how he actually performs in carrying out that platform and priorities.

So, have a look at the video at the link here:

Remember what he says. Over the next few days, months and years, we can assess his performance better than going on hearsay, third party pundits, quack criticisms and so on and so forth. We can see where he veers off the path, where he accomplishes tasks, where new problems and challenges occur, and have a far more informed assessment of his job as Prime Minister of Canada.


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A pot-smoking, university drop-out who befriends all walks of life in the Canadian Mosaic, now leader of a democratically-elected majority, with 68% of the country voting , the largest turn out in federal elections since 1993? You go Trudeau! Love it. Love Canada! All is well in the great white north. Looking forward to 5 years of decency and level-headed governance!

68% of the country voting.....okay. But a bit more than 60% of those that voted, voted for someone other than Trudeau and the Liberals.

Most of the voters did NOT vote for Trudeau and the Liberals. Trudeau and the Liberals only got 39.5 % of the popular vote. Keep that in mind.

Edited by Catoni
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It'll be an interesting ride. Justin Trudeau does not have either the education or the wisdom that his father, former P.M. Pierre Elliot Trudeau had. He's an admitted pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher, and he goes and prays in Mosques with his Muslim friends,, wearing the robes,.. even a Wahhabi Mosque in Montreal. Just Google it and find pictures of him praying in Mosques,

By the way... he's said that convicted terrorists with dual citizenship, should not have their Canadian citizenship revoked. That would not be nice.

He had some of Obama's former U.S. campaign team flown up to Canada to help with his election run.

That's one of his promises by the way. Not just decriminalizing that funny green weed... but LEGALIZING it.

He inherited daddy's money.... making him an instant millionaire and got daddy's $1,000,000.00 classic Mercedes super car, and he's never had to work a real job in his life and has no knowledge of the regular Canadian's life...

Harper was far from perfect, I didn't like some of the things he did... But he was a lot better than Trudeau will be,...At least Harper was a university graduate economist with a Master's Degree.. and understood the role of money, and although Canada got hit somewhat with the international recession.... he helped keep Canada from feeling the worst part of it... like what many European countries and the U.S. went through...

Even Thomas Mulcair, the N.D.P. socialist has more common sense and wisdom than Trudeau has. I would rather he be P.M. than Trudeau.

Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more...

Trudeau has promised a Carbon Tax..... which of course will raise prices a lot faster on virtually everything.. I wonder how that will effect the price of my next flight out of Toronto ? ?

Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget.

That's how people vote this day and age..... vote for the politician that promises the most "free" goodies... . . not stopping to think about how it will be paid for.. what the cost will be down the road... Instant gratification is what people want..... there is no wisdom or long range thought anymore now..

A 43 year old pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher that lived a privileged life and inherited daddy's wealth.....

... yes.. it will be very interesting..... for sure... He only got in because of his family name from his dad being Prime Minister many years ago... and his Shiny Pony youthful looks and nice hair...

That's what a lot of us call him...... the "Shiny Pony". I think we are in for a wild ride here in Canada....

Can't wait to return to south east Asia...

I'd give you 10 likes if I could.

Thank you for your kind words... and best wishes from Canada. I really miss south east Asia. Especially the Chiang Mai area. Hope to return... I grew to feel right at home there.

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Thankfully, the Liberal party wants electoral reform. They recognize first past the post is not representative of the popular vote. So we'll see if their majority mandate to reform elections in Canada to best reflect the popular vote is legislated. I hope, with good faith, the Liberals will honour their promises. One thing they did 12 hours into their majority win was call off the bombing mission in Syria. Wow! That's one thing crossed off the to-do list. I spent 8 years watching Stephen Harper create an atmosphere of secrecy and divisiveness in Canada; I can allow Trudeau at least 5 years to undo all the paranoia Stephen Harper created and get on to creating a Canada that supports peacekeeping and prosperity. Have you checked your stock portfolio post election? I'm up 4% in two days!

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@Catoni " Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more..."

This from the cons attack ads and is untrue...it's the income splitting for parents that they want to end.



Inherited 1.2 million in 2000 - http://globalnews.ca/news/392961/justin-trudeau-reveals-details-of-his-1-2-million-inheritance/

"Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget."

Martin & Chrétien reduced the national debt by $90 billion and left a budget surplus of $14 billion. Harper's six deficits added $150 billion to the national debt.

Personally I am happy to see the back of Harper and his thuggish politics. Change is good. The future now looks a little brighter. :toast:

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biggrin.pngbiggrin.png Protected their <deleted> from what exactly? The enemies of the US perhaps?

Canada brings the other half of their Air Force home. Why not? The USA has always protected their ass anyway.

In Canada's own words. "We live under the security of the U.S. nuclear unbrella".

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Let's set the clock on the new Liberal Government.

As the election turned out, The Liberal Party won a majority number of seats (188 Lib, 99 Con, 44 NDP, 1 Green) and therefore form the new government of Canada.

In terms of popular votes, the Liberals had 39.47%, Conservatives 31.89%, NDP 19.71, Green, 3.45%.

From the election map attached, only Alberta and Saskatchewan predominately voted Conservative. One would assume, then, those who post negative reviews of the election result to this thread are from those provinces.

I suppose one can bicker over the results, but the die has been cast and the Liberal Party has the democratically-elected mandate to rule.

There are a lot of arm-chair pundits and those unhappy with the results, but the only direction to look is forward. Harper is now gone as are his policies ... thank goodness!

So now what will the Liberals do?

The lazy-minded among us will gripe and moan and put their own spin on what will happen, but another tact would be to look at the Liberal platform and see what they say they will do. Here is the Liberal Platform website:


We now have a baseline on what they say they will do. Over the course of their five-year mandate, we can measure what they say they will do from the platform versus what they actually do.


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thats good news, now, when will i be legally allowed to vote again.

Pay some income taxes to support the country and I'm sure the people of Canada will support giving Canadians who reside outside of Canada for more than 5 years and who do not pay taxes access to the federal election.

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Let's set the clock on the new Liberal Government.

As the election turned out, The Liberal Party won a majority number of seats (188 Lib, 99 Con, 44 NDP, 1 Green) and therefore form the new government of Canada.

In terms of popular votes, the Liberals had 39.47%, Conservatives 31.89%, NDP 19.71, Green, 3.45%.

From the election map attached, only Alberta and Saskatchewan predominately voted Conservative. One would assume, then, those who post negative reviews of the election result to this thread are from those provinces.

I suppose one can bicker over the results, but the die has been cast and the Liberal Party has the democratically-elected mandate to rule.

There are a lot of arm-chair pundits and those unhappy with the results, but the only direction to look is forward. Harper is now gone as are his policies ... thank goodness!

So now what will the Liberals do?

The lazy-minded among us will gripe and moan and put their own spin on what will happen, but another tact would be to look at the Liberal platform and see what they say they will do. Here is the Liberal Platform website:

We now have a baseline on what they say they will do. Over the course of their five-year mandate, we can measure what they say they will do from the platform versus what they actually do.

You really don't know much about the election do you? Here's what happened;

- Conservative vote held steady

- The NDP vote collapsed with a majority of voters swinging to the Liberals. The strong showing by the NDP last election split the vote in ridings and decimated the Liberals.It allowed many Conservative MPs to squeak by.

- The vote was not an endorsement of the Liberal election platform. Rather it was a repudiation of the Conservatives. People had grown tired of the party after 10 years in office.

- The Liberals do not have a majority of the vote, nor are even close. A majority of voters selected a party other than the Liberals.

- The conservatives were shut out in Atlantic Canada, the welfare belt of the country because the Conservatives refused to engage in the corrupt politics of payoffs, and generous welfare payments for people who refuse to work and who abused the Unemployment insurance program. The same thing happened to the provincial liberal government when they were in office a decade ago. The provincial PM of Nova Scotia was tossed after he said no to pork barrel politics. The provincial conservatives took office because they engaged in pork barrel politics.

Mark my words, the corruption scandals will start soon enough with the Liberals. The same corrupt scumbags who ruined the party 10 years ago are still around and some of the younger people now involved in policy making are worse. The NDP which was trounced deserved better treatment from the electorate. The NDP ran an honest campaign, a responsible campaign. The voters preferred the BS and bribery of sh*tstain Trudeau, the boy who never worked a real job in his life and who's claim to fame was as a drama teacher for a couple years at a grade school. It boggles the mind that the left of center NDP had the fiscally responsible budget proposals. Trudeau intends to run $10 billion deficits for each of the next 3 years.

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Thankfully, the Liberal party wants electoral reform. They recognize first past the post is not representative of the popular vote. So we'll see if their majority mandate to reform elections in Canada to best reflect the popular vote is legislated. I hope, with good faith, the Liberals will honour their promises. One thing they did 12 hours into their majority win was call off the bombing mission in Syria. Wow! That's one thing crossed off the to-do list. I spent 8 years watching Stephen Harper create an atmosphere of secrecy and divisiveness in Canada; I can allow Trudeau at least 5 years to undo all the paranoia Stephen Harper created and get on to creating a Canada that supports peacekeeping and prosperity. Have you checked your stock portfolio post election? I'm up 4% in two days!

You are full of it.

1. The Liberals have no mandate. Know why? Because Harper is still legally the PM of Canada.

Trudeau is only scheduled to be sworn in as PM on Nov.3

2. The bombing mission in Syria continues until such time as it is cancelled.

3. You are gloating because the expected market bounce that historically occurs after a majority government is announced took place? You will be crying the blues when your portfolio crashes after corporate and capital gains taxes are increased in the next 100 days.I am not exposed to capital gains so I really do hope Trudeau carries through on his capital gains and corporate tax increases in that regard.

4. The Liberals will not follow through with electoral reform because the current system is what gave them a majority government. Rep Prop will create a dysfunctional electoral system as demonstrated by Israel and Italy.

Edited by Scott
Flame edited out
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Thankfully, the Liberal party wants electoral reform. They recognize first past the post is not representative of the popular vote. So we'll see if their majority mandate to reform elections in Canada to best reflect the popular vote is legislated. I hope, with good faith, the Liberals will honour their promises. One thing they did 12 hours into their majority win was call off the bombing mission in Syria. Wow! That's one thing crossed off the to-do list. I spent 8 years watching Stephen Harper create an atmosphere of secrecy and divisiveness in Canada; I can allow Trudeau at least 5 years to undo all the paranoia Stephen Harper created and get on to creating a Canada that supports peacekeeping and prosperity. Have you checked your stock portfolio post election? I'm up 4% in two days!

You are full of sh*t.

1. The Liberals have no mandate. Know why? Because Harper is still legally the PM of Canada.

Trudeau is only scheduled to be sworn in as PM on Nov.3

2. The bombing mission in Syria continues until such time as it is cancelled.

3. You are gloating because the expected market bounce that historically occurs after a majority government is announced took place? You will be crying the blues when your portfolio crashes after corporate and capital gains taxes are increased in the next 100 days.I am not exposed to capital gains so I really do hope Trudeau carries through on his capital gains and corporate tax increases in that regard.

4. The Liberals will not follow through with electoral reform because the current system is what gave them a majority government. Rep Prop will create a dysfunctional electoral system as demonstrated by Israel and Italy.

Top post. I generally don't like conservatives and dislike Harper a lot, but facts are facts.

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Let's set the clock on the new Liberal Government.

As the election turned out, The Liberal Party won a majority number of seats (188 Lib, 99 Con, 44 NDP, 1 Green) and therefore form the new government of Canada.

In terms of popular votes, the Liberals had 39.47%, Conservatives 31.89%, NDP 19.71, Green, 3.45%.

From the election map attached, only Alberta and Saskatchewan predominately voted Conservative. One would assume, then, those who post negative reviews of the election result to this thread are from those provinces.

I suppose one can bicker over the results, but the die has been cast and the Liberal Party has the democratically-elected mandate to rule.

There are a lot of arm-chair pundits and those unhappy with the results, but the only direction to look is forward. Harper is now gone as are his policies ... thank goodness!

So now what will the Liberals do?

The lazy-minded among us will gripe and moan and put their own spin on what will happen, but another tact would be to look at the Liberal platform and see what they say they will do. Here is the Liberal Platform website:

We now have a baseline on what they say they will do. Over the course of their five-year mandate, we can measure what they say they will do from the platform versus what they actually do.

You really don't know much about the election do you? Here's what happened;

- Conservative vote held steady

- The NDP vote collapsed with a majority of voters swinging to the Liberals. The strong showing by the NDP last election split the vote in ridings and decimated the Liberals.It allowed many Conservative MPs to squeak by.

- The vote was not an endorsement of the Liberal election platform. Rather it was a repudiation of the Conservatives. People had grown tired of the party after 10 years in office.

- The Liberals do not have a majority of the vote, nor are even close. A majority of voters selected a party other than the Liberals.

- The conservatives were shut out in Atlantic Canada, the welfare belt of the country because the Conservatives refused to engage in the corrupt politics of payoffs, and generous welfare payments for people who refuse to work and who abused the Unemployment insurance program. The same thing happened to the provincial liberal government when they were in office a decade ago. The provincial PM of Nova Scotia was tossed after he said no to pork barrel politics. The provincial conservatives took office because they engaged in pork barrel politics.

Mark my words, the corruption scandals will start soon enough with the Liberals. The same corrupt scumbags who ruined the party 10 years ago are still around and some of the younger people now involved in policy making are worse. The NDP which was trounced deserved better treatment from the electorate. The NDP ran an honest campaign, a responsible campaign. The voters preferred the BS and bribery of sh*tstain Trudeau, the boy who never worked a real job in his life and who's claim to fame was as a drama teacher for a couple years at a grade school. It boggles the mind that the left of center NDP had the fiscally responsible budget proposals. Trudeau intends to run $10 billion deficits for each of the next 3 years.

Well, a hater's got to hate I suppose. Hate away. The Liberals won and are running Canada now. Get over it.

Edited by JoeBats
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It'll be an interesting ride. Justin Trudeau does not have either the education or the wisdom that his father, former P.M. Pierre Elliot Trudeau had. He's an admitted pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher, and he goes and prays in Mosques with his Muslim friends,, wearing the robes,.. even a Wahhabi Mosque in Montreal. Just Google it and find pictures of him praying in Mosques,

By the way... he's said that convicted terrorists with dual citizenship, should not have their Canadian citizenship revoked. That would not be nice.

He had some of Obama's former U.S. campaign team flown up to Canada to help with his election run.

That's one of his promises by the way. Not just decriminalizing that funny green weed... but LEGALIZING it.

He inherited daddy's money.... making him an instant millionaire and got daddy's $1,000,000.00 classic Mercedes super car, and he's never had to work a real job in his life and has no knowledge of the regular Canadian's life...

Harper was far from perfect, I didn't like some of the things he did... But he was a lot better than Trudeau will be,...At least Harper was a university graduate economist with a Master's Degree.. and understood the role of money, and although Canada got hit somewhat with the international recession.... he helped keep Canada from feeling the worst part of it... like what many European countries and the U.S. went through...

Even Thomas Mulcair, the N.D.P. socialist has more common sense and wisdom than Trudeau has. I would rather he be P.M. than Trudeau.

Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more...

Trudeau has promised a Carbon Tax..... which of course will raise prices a lot faster on virtually everything.. I wonder how that will effect the price of my next flight out of Toronto ? ?

Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget.

That's how people vote this day and age..... vote for the politician that promises the most "free" goodies... . . not stopping to think about how it will be paid for.. what the cost will be down the road... Instant gratification is what people want..... there is no wisdom or long range thought anymore now..

A 43 year old pot smoking university drop-out that worked part time for a while as a high school drama teacher that lived a privileged life and inherited daddy's wealth.....

... yes.. it will be very interesting..... for sure... He only got in because of his family name from his dad being Prime Minister many years ago... and his Shiny Pony youthful looks and nice hair...

That's what a lot of us call him...... the "Shiny Pony". I think we are in for a wild ride here in Canada....

Can't wait to return to south east Asia...

And yet, the northern brethren did vote for him. What? Have the northern neighbors suddenly decided to be exciting and chancy? Oh perish the thought.

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The voting map is interesting.....I thought the Cons got slaughtered in Alberta just a few months back....what happened at the polls??

Anyways, its always the same old volly....Cons win,head in trough.....Cons lose, Libs win, head in trough....Libs lose...round and round......oh,well,I don't pay tax, so shouldn't complain.

Edited by HaleySabai
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