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Noise Control Avenues in Thailand - none ?


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If you are interested in solving the problem then I suggest you relax, accept that there is noise everywhere and learn to ignore it. The noise isn't keeping you awake, it is the getting annoyed by the noise. You didn't specify exactly what the noise is, but anyway you should be able to filter it out over time. Where I live there are sometimes soi dogs barking, chickens crowing and frogs croaking but none of it ever keeps me from sleeping.

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Awful singing with guitars (think out of tune) Loud talk till 2am.

It is not just me, my entire block are not happy about out.

You say they have just moved in - so have they rented or bought?

If renting you can get in touch with the landlord.

Personally if I was you I would get some consensus from the neighbourhood and then pay them a friendly visit to let them know they were disturbing everyone. If it carried on after that the next visit would not be so friendly.

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Awful singing with guitars (think out of tune) Loud talk till 2am.

It is not just me, my entire block are not happy about out.

Wake them up at 05.30

Then you're the nuisance.

There are laws about nuisance noise, I am having such a problem too and am informed by the Or Bor Tor it is a police matter, not civil. Here is the law, sorry not in English.


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Awful singing with guitars (think out of tune) Loud talk till 2am.

It is not just me, my entire block are not happy about out.

Wake them up at 05.30

Then you're the nuisance.

There are laws about nuisance noise, I am having such a problem too and am informed by the Or Bor Tor it is a police matter, not civil. Here is the law, sorry not in English.

attachicon.gifLaw small.jpg

That is a piece of the law related to keeping animals (mostly agricultural) as it refers to diseases such as anthrax etc The only reference to noise is noises that the animals could make which could disturb neighbourhood.

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Awful singing with guitars (think out of tune) Loud talk till 2am.

It is not just me, my entire block are not happy about out.

Start breeding fighting cockerels.

Match their late night noise with your early morning noise.

Then see who moves out first!

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Awful singing with guitars (think out of tune) Loud talk till 2am.

It is not just me, my entire block are not happy about out.

Start breeding fighting cockerels.

Match their late night noise with your early morning noise.

Then see who moves out first!

If you think that cockrels only crow at dawn then I can only say you have been watching too may cartoons.

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  • 2 months later...
2: Fill a complaint

I have a problem with making myself visible.

Sure, your grievance might be absolutely valid and you may be well within your rights to file a complaint, but this is your neighborhood and word will travel fast as to who filed the complaint.

If the person is already thumbing their nose at the law, what would stop them from taking revenge on YOU?

And don't tell my you could file anonymously. Word would get out. Rest assured of that.

So for me, I am not sure how to deal with this.

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2: Fill a complaint

I have a problem with making myself visible.

Sure, your grievance might be absolutely valid and you may be well within your rights to file a complaint, but this is your neighborhood and word will travel fast as to who filed the complaint.

If the person is already thumbing their nose at the law, what would stop them from taking revenge on YOU?

And don't tell my you could file anonymously. Word would get out. Rest assured of that.

So for me, I am not sure how to deal with this.

I don't know in your case, but in mine, after trying the nice way, we had to have several hot discussion with the bar owner.

We then visited both the district (Thesaban) and the police office.

To the district, I made it clear that the situation was reaching "critical" level ... I might have over acted there :-) ...

I got the police and Thesaban to come, and I filmed the scene.

They did came back a few weeks later and shutdown the bar (initially for 8 weeks, then for good).

He was also not within the law, as an open restaurant he was not supposed to have open concert!

As I said, best if you can find other neighbors to join you. But if you can, do have you have to do.

If you don't own the place and don't want to take the risk ... move.

If you own the place, fight!

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