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Merkel calls for calm in Middle East; Netanyahu blames unrest on Palestinians


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Merkel calls for calm in Middle East; Netanyahu blames unrest on Palestinians


BERLIN: -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Israelis and Palestinians to calm the situation in the Middle East following a month of escalating violence in the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Berlin for talks with Merkel.

Earlier in the day, he had come under fire for suggesting revered former Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, had convinced Adolf Hitler to exterminate European Jews from the 1920s to 40s.

Merkel was asked to comment on this.

“I can say that we know who was responsible,” she said. “We do not see any reason to change our view of history on this particular question. We stand by German responsibility for the Holocaust.”

Merkel labelled the Jewish state’s settlement expansion “counterproductive.”

Netanyahu called on the international community to urge the Palestinian authorities to stop the violence in the region.

“Israel wants peace. I want peace, a peace founded on mutual recognition, iron-clad security arrangements in which Israel could defend itself by itself.”

As the talks went on, around a hundred people gathered outside the Chancellor’s office to protest against Netanyahu’s visit.

He is due to leave Germany on Thursday (October 22), following a meeting with US Secretary of State, John Kerry.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-22

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Edited by Soutpeel
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Netanyahu's comment about the Grand Mufti was bizarre. There is no historical evidence that it is true that I'm aware of. I can't even imagine what he was thinking saying that. Shocking and damaging.


But be clear, and these historical facts cannot be denied. That same Grand Mufti did indeed find exile in Nazi Germany. He did indeed meet with Hitler. He did indeed know about the death camps including details of their design. He did indeed assist the Nazi regime in liquidating European Jews (media broadcast work mostly). He did indeed get a promise from Hitler to go into the middle east and similarly exterminate the Jews there when he it was possible for him to do so. Obviously Hitler had more pressing issues on two fronts closer to home. The Grand Mufti was understandably concerned about mass migration of Jews into the Israel region. That was legitimate for him. The cooperation with mass genocide and the asking for help in genocide back home was not.

This history is very important. The Grand Mufti is considered a key founder of the "Palestinian" Arab political identity movement. So from it's very beginning, this movement has been about GENOCIDE of Jews. Hamas charter carries on the tradition.


Edited by Jingthing
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"“Israel wants peace. I want peace, a peace founded on mutual recognition, iron-clad security arrangements in which Israel could defend itself by itself.”"

"Mutual recognition"??? The Palestinians recognise Israel. The only part of "mutual recognition" that is missing is YOUR recognition of Palestine.

"Iron-clad security arrangements"....ie, In his mind, full possession by Israel of all the land from the river to the sea and all Palestinians driven out. But of course, this "defence" excuse is completely hollow.(An established) Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, will never attack Israel. Nobody will. Defence is a ruse.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Hitler and the grand Mufti were sitting and shooting the breeze over a glass of whit wine and a

slice of a black forest cake right? how ignorant and blind can people be, even refusing to accept

well documented historic facts? how else can you convince the deep hearted haters and bigots?

And as for Germany, No good deed goes unpunished, and the Muslim refuges you have just

let in to your country will one day, turn on you and bite the hand that fed them....

Edited by ezzra
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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

At the time the Grand Mufti was talking to Hitler, ie BEFORE the holocaust, Hitler was NOT a mass murderer or notorious, so your insinuating question about who sits down with a mass murderer is misleading, to say the least.

And it still does not excuse the way Israel treats Palestinians.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

At the time the Grand Mufti was talking to Hitler, ie BEFORE the holocaust, Hitler was NOT a mass murderer or notorious, so your insinuating question about who sits down with a mass murderer is misleading, to say the least.

And it still does not excuse the way Israel treats Palestinians.

A lot of nazi and ss officers ran to middle east for safe heaven.

Can not hear yet another troll response and reasoning.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

At the time the Grand Mufti was talking to Hitler, ie BEFORE the holocaust, Hitler was NOT a mass murderer or notorious, so your insinuating question about who sits down with a mass murderer is misleading, to say the least.

And it still does not excuse the way Israel treats Palestinians.

But it's good enough excuse for you when Palestinians kill Jews.

Good to see your rational thinking ;)

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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

Spin and hogwash.

It is a fact that Likud shares the Zionist goals and they are by their own admission, Zionists.

It is a fact that Israel treats Palestinians with different standards and different laws to their own citizens. Apartheid.

If the truth sounds derogatory...bad luck. Cover your ears.

Please provide one instance where a member has said that Israel does not deserve it's own secure state? The problem we have is that Israel DOES deny Palestinians their own secure state.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

At the time the Grand Mufti was talking to Hitler, ie BEFORE the holocaust, Hitler was NOT a mass murderer or notorious, so your insinuating question about who sits down with a mass murderer is misleading, to say the least.

And it still does not excuse the way Israel treats Palestinians.

But it's good enough excuse for you when Palestinians kill Jews.

Good to see your rational thinking wink.png

Yes, thank you. You plainly also see the difference between a powerful military dropping bombs on defenceless civilians, and freedom fighters trying to lift the jackboot of oppression.

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This thing seems to be a repetitive activity for them. Historically speaking Israel's actions, methods and concepts are not really new and appear to be known and tried in history. It has been commented that Israel is quite analogous to Sparta, where a foreign alien group (Spartan/Israelis) invades a land on a pretense and enslaves an entire nation (Messenia/Palestine). Then they create a structured layered society by force whereby the invader is in the top tier and the indigenous group (Helots/Palestinians) below who were made into a type of slavery through draconian duplicitous rules and despotic apartheid systems. In Sparta, Helots as slaves were not owned by individual Spartans but by the entire group as a group. Any Spartan could kill any Helot with impunity. Now does any of the this sound familiar. There was a special group of Spartans created called the Cryptea. The Cryptea's job was to sneak around and murder Helots based on their own reasoning that any Helot that they felt remotely threatened, or were even disgruntled with, Spartan enslavement (Helotage) must go. Once a year the Spartans would even declare a war on the Helots and attack them killing enmass over some spurious slight in order to keep them in line for the coming year. Spartans also were known to sacrifice their allies first in battle before they would take part in the battle themselves. (This is arguably one of the main reasons for their demise).( It has been said that the Israelis will fight and die to the last.........American . Go figure.)

If one reviews the similarities it becomes clear where Israel got their basic policies it would seem, they even both demonstrate an intransigent brutal thuggery to any reasonable objection in their actions. Well, in the end the Spartans did not end so well. Their allies deserted them, some turned on them and all their neighbors abhorred them for the way the were towards others being just too selfish and their existence cost too great a price and finally destroyed them (and the Helots even took part). Perhaps that scenario will play out in history again, it most probably will. It seems inevitable. If the world is lucky sooner than later.

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Its a good job that a photo of Rumsfeld having tea with Hussein or the Bush Family hosting the Bin Laden's does not imply they were complicit with the subsequent war crimes of those individuals then isn't it. My my we really do have some genuine zionists on Thai Visa. What a cosmopolitan forum this is.

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Well, just like almost anything else dealing with Jews and Muslims; there are controversies. The fact that the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini was a staunch advocate of anti-zionism is hardly debatable.

Almost all empirical evidence and viable sources reveal that fact. Also, it is well documented the Grand Mufti was allied to fascist Italy and specifically Germany and met with Hitler.

Of course, pro-Jewish sentiment may draw conclusions about the holocaust which pro-Islamic sentiment disagrees and both opinions are difficult to substantiate. However, it is hardly a stretch to believe the Grand Mufti would not have argued against the holocaust.

From what I have read, it appears the Nazis were planning to settle the Jewish question and the Grand Mufti encouraged those plans—who did what first is debatable.

If you do a little research you will find various opinions and statements which contribute to the controversy. For example:


“The whole idea of sharing their land with anti-Islamic nation and ending the Muslim control was unacceptable to Husseini from the beginning . . . Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_grand_mufti.php

“In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world . . . In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary.” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/muftihit.html

Please note: these three sources are supposedly pro-neutral, pro-Islamic, and pro-Jewish.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

At the time the Grand Mufti was talking to Hitler, ie BEFORE the holocaust, Hitler was NOT a mass murderer or notorious, so your insinuating question about who sits down with a mass murderer is misleading, to say the least.

And it still does not excuse the way Israel treats Palestinians.

A lot of nazi and ss officers ran to middle east for safe heaven.

Can not hear yet another troll response and reasoning.

Many were spirited out of Germany to England and the United States as well...what's your point?
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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

Spin and hogwash.

It is a fact that Likud shares the Zionist goals and they are by their own admission, Zionists.

It is a fact that Israel treats Palestinians with different standards and different laws to their own citizens. Apartheid.

If the truth sounds derogatory...bad luck. Cover your ears.

Please provide one instance where a member has said that Israel does not deserve it's own secure state? The problem we have is that Israel DOES deny Palestinians their own secure state.

It dose infer from the relentless posts bemoaning the Palestinians rights but never the Jews/Israelis

rights to a safe and secured borders, the idea of the Arabs and the Palestinians idea of Israel's safe borders

is a small enclave surrounded with 10's of millions of menacing Arabs...

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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

I think most (all?) Jews too would characterize it as a Zionist state. Why is this a problem...is it getting embarrassing to associate with this ideology these days?
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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Well, just like almost anything else dealing with Jews and Muslims; there are controversies. The fact that the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini was a staunch advocate of anti-zionism is hardly debatable.

Almost all empirical evidence and viable sources reveal that fact. Also, it is well documented the Grand Mufti was allied to fascist Italy and specifically Germany and met with Hitler.

Of course, pro-Jewish sentiment may draw conclusions about the holocaust which pro-Islamic sentiment disagrees and both opinions are difficult to substantiate. However, it is hardly a stretch to believe the Grand Mufti would not have argued against the holocaust.

From what I have read, it appears the Nazis were planning to settle the Jewish question and the Grand Mufti encouraged those plans—who did what first is debatable.

If you do a little research you will find various opinions and statements which contribute to the controversy. For example:


“The whole idea of sharing their land with anti-Islamic nation and ending the Muslim control was unacceptable to Husseini from the beginning . . . Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_grand_mufti.php

“In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world . . . In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary.” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/muftihit.html

Please note: these three sources are supposedly pro-neutral, pro-Islamic, and pro-Jewish.

Yes, all was good until the British came to divide the land of than Palestine to contain a sate for the Jews

and a state for the Arabs, whom have refused and declined the partition and started to attack the Jews which led

to the 1948 war where the Arab inhabitants of the land were defeated...

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Well, just like almost anything else dealing with Jews and Muslims; there are controversies. The fact that the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini was a staunch advocate of anti-zionism is hardly debatable.

Almost all empirical evidence and viable sources reveal that fact. Also, it is well documented the Grand Mufti was allied to fascist Italy and specifically Germany and met with Hitler.

Of course, pro-Jewish sentiment may draw conclusions about the holocaust which pro-Islamic sentiment disagrees and both opinions are difficult to substantiate. However, it is hardly a stretch to believe the Grand Mufti would not have argued against the holocaust.

From what I have read, it appears the Nazis were planning to settle the Jewish question and the Grand Mufti encouraged those plans—who did what first is debatable.

If you do a little research you will find various opinions and statements which contribute to the controversy. For example:


“The whole idea of sharing their land with anti-Islamic nation and ending the Muslim control was unacceptable to Husseini from the beginning . . . Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_grand_mufti.php

“In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world . . . In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary.” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/muftihit.html

Please note: these three sources are supposedly pro-neutral, pro-Islamic, and pro-Jewish.

Yes, all was good until the British came to divide the land of than Palestine to contain a sate for the Jews

and a state for the Arabs, whom have refused and declined the partition and started to attack the Jews which led

to the 1948 war where the Arab inhabitants of the land were defeated...

Ah so whats your next comment....it wasnt Hitler who caused the Holocaust but the British ? :rolleyes:

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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

I think most (all?) Jews too would characterize it as a Zionist state. Why is this a problem...is it getting embarrassing to associate with this ideology these days?

Zionism started as ideology and become a realty, Zionism was not base on denying other nations of their

rights to their own land and a state, the narrative of Zionism is to create, invent and prosper and make

something out of nothing which they did, big time, what have the Palestinians ever achieved in all the years

they have existed? Big Nothing...

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Well, just like almost anything else dealing with Jews and Muslims; there are controversies. The fact that the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini was a staunch advocate of anti-zionism is hardly debatable.

Almost all empirical evidence and viable sources reveal that fact. Also, it is well documented the Grand Mufti was allied to fascist Italy and specifically Germany and met with Hitler.

Of course, pro-Jewish sentiment may draw conclusions about the holocaust which pro-Islamic sentiment disagrees and both opinions are difficult to substantiate. However, it is hardly a stretch to believe the Grand Mufti would not have argued against the holocaust.

From what I have read, it appears the Nazis were planning to settle the Jewish question and the Grand Mufti encouraged those plans—who did what first is debatable.

If you do a little research you will find various opinions and statements which contribute to the controversy. For example:


“The whole idea of sharing their land with anti-Islamic nation and ending the Muslim control was unacceptable to Husseini from the beginning . . . Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_grand_mufti.php

“In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world . . . In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary.” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/muftihit.html

Please note: these three sources are supposedly pro-neutral, pro-Islamic, and pro-Jewish.

Yes, all was good until the British came to divide the land of than Palestine to contain a sate for the Jews

and a state for the Arabs, whom have refused and declined the partition and started to attack the Jews which led

to the 1948 war where the Arab inhabitants of the land were defeated...

Ah so whats your next comment....it wasnt Hitler who caused the Holocaust but the British ? rolleyes.gif

Let's put it this way, the British didn't help, they had no business being there other than thier grandiose Empire expansion

schemes, they have left Palestine with the their tail between their legs leaving chaos behind them..

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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

I think most (all?) Jews too would characterize it as a Zionist state. Why is this a problem...is it getting embarrassing to associate with this ideology these days?

Zionism started as ideology and become a realty, Zionism was not base on denying other nations of their

rights to their own land and a state, the narrative of Zionism is to create, invent and prosper and make

something out of nothing which they did, big time, what have the Palestinians ever achieved in all the years

they have existed? Big Nothing...

It's impossible to achieve anything when you are under an apartheid occupation.

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WOW the standing PM of Israel accuses the Palestinians of causing the holocaust by convincing Hitler.....if this is not proof of what the Zionist are up to then i dont know what is ?....how messed up as that..?....hate speech, inflammatory etc etc

the Palestinians caused the holocaust....so this is justification for Israel to kick people off their land, conduct ethnic cleansing, execute people, dehumanise people....unbelievable.

Can wait to see how the Zionist glee club will spin this one

Well, just like almost anything else dealing with Jews and Muslims; there are controversies. The fact that the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini was a staunch advocate of anti-zionism is hardly debatable.

Almost all empirical evidence and viable sources reveal that fact. Also, it is well documented the Grand Mufti was allied to fascist Italy and specifically Germany and met with Hitler.

Of course, pro-Jewish sentiment may draw conclusions about the holocaust which pro-Islamic sentiment disagrees and both opinions are difficult to substantiate. However, it is hardly a stretch to believe the Grand Mufti would not have argued against the holocaust.

From what I have read, it appears the Nazis were planning to settle the Jewish question and the Grand Mufti encouraged those plans—who did what first is debatable.

If you do a little research you will find various opinions and statements which contribute to the controversy. For example:


“The whole idea of sharing their land with anti-Islamic nation and ending the Muslim control was unacceptable to Husseini from the beginning . . . Nazis found in Arab an ally in the form of Husseini who declared him to be the “Fuhrer of the Arabic World”” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_grand_mufti.php

“In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world . . . In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary.” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/muftihit.html

Please note: these three sources are supposedly pro-neutral, pro-Islamic, and pro-Jewish.



yes, and then came along the Zionists, with their stated goal of possession of all the land right over to the Euphrates!

Of course the Mufti was concerned about the Zionists!!!! And, his worries have proven to have been very well founded.

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Its a good job that a photo of Rumsfeld having tea with Hussein or the Bush Family hosting the Bin Laden's does not imply they were complicit with the subsequent war crimes of those individuals then isn't it. My my we really do have some genuine zionists on Thai Visa. What a cosmopolitan forum this is.

Irrelevant. The grand mufti was a war criminal but escaped prosecution. Look up the history. Genocide of European Jews was not his original idea but what I posted above is historically accurate.
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Its a good job that a photo of Rumsfeld having tea with Hussein or the Bush Family hosting the Bin Laden's does not imply they were complicit with the subsequent war crimes of those individuals then isn't it. My my we really do have some genuine zionists on Thai Visa. What a cosmopolitan forum this is.

Irrelevant. The grand mufti was a war criminal but escaped prosecution. Look up the history. Genocide of European Jews was not his original idea but what I posted above is historically accurate.
Irrelevant Bush is a war criminal who has escaped Prosecution. Look up the factual history. Now whats your point? You are so desperate to make your point you will even cut Hitler some slack saying extermination of the Jews was not his original intension. Shame on you. Edited by Andaman Al
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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

I think most (all?) Jews too would characterize it as a Zionist state. Why is this a problem...is it getting embarrassing to associate with this ideology these days?

Zionism started as ideology and become a realty, Zionism was not base on denying other nations of their

rights to their own land and a state, the narrative of Zionism is to create, invent and prosper and make

something out of nothing which they did, big time, what have the Palestinians ever achieved in all the years

they have existed? Big Nothing...

You mean how like National Socialism was an ideology and later a reality to create a Germanic homeland and how Apartheid was the same for the whites who colonized South Africa? I agree, this is what I've been saying all along.

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