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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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Get out of the tourist areas, walk to the place, look as if you have no money, speak a little bit of Thai.

Or have a Thai with you. That's how I found my 2000 baht place in Bangkok.

But it took plenty of "sorry, no farang can rent here" before that.

Post photo of your toilet facilities please! if you want us to be impressed....hahahaha.

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In Thailand many single people can have a secure life with a $300 income. Out of tourist areas, it is very common to find nice small apartments under $70/month. I live in a nice town, and just cross street our home in Phayao, it is a new building with nice furnished studios renting for $50/month, with free WIFI and water. Most rented by young couples and students. Good enough, even for some retired foreigners and teachers.

Using Government hospitals and schools, a Thai working couple can live very well using motorbike for transportation. I know many, and with kids, even saving enough for short vacations, and some "luxuries" sometimes.

This is information that I can't rest without smile.png

Roughly where are we in Phayao?

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What I do mind however is why in so many places within Bangkok no farang is allowed to rent a room or apartment.

Is this happening to the rest of the country?

Have you seen some of the farangs trying to rent apartments? There is no way that I would want to rent a place for them either. Not in Thailand or the USA or wherever I had property for rent.

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Need a proper toilet for the lady? Choose your throne. Perhaps one for each of you.

The US army has rows of thrones and no partitions. Quite something reliving the laxative scene from Dumb and Dumber next to your pals. Thinking about it, it's actually de facto discrimination against gay folk. I mean, you wouldn't want your partner to watch you settle down for "The morning after the curry the night before".

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Well I've not had a single issue...just moved into the gf's place, the landlord wasn't bothered at all.

In the UK, they'd be giving you all the bullshit about 'single occupier only' when it's a room you're bloody well paying for. Usually at 20,000 baht a month or more! Screw UK landlords and the ridiculous cost of housing there. I know the place I'm living in isn't great...but I guarantee if it was in London it'd still get rented out at 30k baht a month with someone stupid and desperate enough to pay it - absolutely ridiculous.

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Well I've not had a single issue...just moved into the gf's place, the landlord wasn't bothered at all.

In the UK, they'd be giving you all the bullshit about 'single occupier only' when it's a room you're bloody well paying for. Usually at 20,000 baht a month or more! Screw UK landlords and the ridiculous cost of housing there. I know the place I'm living in isn't great...but I guarantee if it was in London it'd still get rented out at 30k baht a month with someone stupid and desperate enough to pay it - absolutely ridiculous.

Indeed. My mate paid big money for half a small room and a Gyproc unpainted wall on the flight path in Hounslow. Thailand - ten times better for 1/10th of the price.

What do the bogs look like in the usual multiple occupancy accommodation in British cities? They look as if one of the bedsits is being occupied by a buffalo. A buffalo with the "outlet" around about the middle of its back.

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in many places no farang is allowed to rent a room or apartment.

Have you seen some of the farangs trying to rent apartments? There is no way that I would want to rent a place for them either.

Are you sure this is the actual reason?

I'm talking about places with monthly rent between 1500-3000 thb, 4000 the most.

Over 3000-4000 farangs are acceptable no matter the location.

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I can live on 300 euro month in Europe. No rent. No kids. No health issues. No addictions. No car. And professional bargain hunter when I need something. Haven't bought 1st hand clothes in the last 10 years. I feel great buying discounted food deliberately. Consumerism is a disease anyway. I have all I need. And this guy seems to have it too. For now.

There must be a trick here on housing costs? Europe? Romania/Bulgaria? Distressed part of Spain?

Try Mediterranean countries.

Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, avoiding big cities, about 100 euro a room.

Bulgaria/Romania/Eastern Europe, cheaper in some areas.

Western Europe no way. France, UK, etc unapproachable for low incomers who mostly depend on benefits.

My 2000 bht rent equals to 50 euros now so I guess Thailand is still ok in many aspects if yr willing to live that way, count me in!

Crete's an option, but you can't eat out. But EU, warm and cheap rent.

[sorry, I should pay more attention. If you say "No rent" because you own somewhere you are actually paying rent. You are, as an accountant will tell you, your own landlord and tenant. You are - effectively - giving up the rent you could obtain if you rented the property to someone else.

So people who own a property pay rent, often huge sums.

i live for free in a place owned by someone else. i'm one of those ;-)

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i live for free in a place owned by someone else. i'm one of those ;-)

"I would wish you to consider me to be friendly bacteria. I reject the word parasitic, and would suggest that we settle on symbiotic. All of that dangerous out of date food in the fridge could pose a threat to life if I didn't throw myself in the way and eat it, playing Kevin Costner to your Whitney Houston".

I badly need a sugar mummy.

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If I could afford it I would move to Portugal , nice , friendly people and great climate.

Still very cheap compared with the rest of the EU. And a lot of people speak english there.

thinking of scouting out spain and portugal in the next year or so.

how is the interaction with locals compared to thailand? friendly, or is it louder machismo type stuff?

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

Not one comment-amazing. I thought id wake up to a firestorm!

Im not against both parties contributing. But im sure all Thai girls do except yours,,,,,.............................hahahaha.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

So how are you contributing? It it sounds like she is contributing but your a long way off from doing it. Gambling is a losers job and just for a few dollars a hour, its a mugs game. I had a relative that was a Roulette junkie and it busted him; three houses and a marriage later but he still thinks he has the 'game' sussed.

Your the reason why people like myself that do not work in Thailand, bring in good money (independently wealthy from working hard once) to the country but because I am under 50, will be screwed under by the latest Visa crack down to stop people like you from stuffing it up. It is you, these self professed 'on-line gamblers' that have nothing to offer Thailand, living from day to day that has brought the wrath of these new rules down upon us and have made it harder on my life.

I can, now see why after reading that blog, why the current Government is taking such a stand.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

So how are you contributing? It it sounds like she is contributing but your a long way off from doing it. Gambling is a losers job and just for a few dollars a hour, its a mugs game. I had a relative that was a Roulette junkie and it busted him; three houses and a marriage later but he still thinks he has the 'game' sussed.

Your the reason why people like myself that do not work in Thailand, bring in good money (independently wealthy from working hard once) to the country but because I am under 50, will be screwed under by the latest Visa crack down to stop people like you from stuffing it up. It is you, these self professed 'on-line gamblers' that have nothing to offer Thailand, living from day to day that has brought the wrath of these new rules down upon us and have made it harder on my life.

I can, now see why after reading that blog, why the current Government is taking such a stand.

I contribute my fair share of the rent, bills and day to day living expenses like food and toiletries. By that I mean, I pay half and she pays half. Nothing unfair about that.

Poker is completely different to roulette as roulette is impossible to beat no matter what your 'strategy' is. Your relative is a moron. Poker is more akin to something like day trading, where those with the most knowledge profit in the end, though anyone can have losing days.

Since you're taking the high and mighty stance, I think I'll take this opportunity to point out just how wonderful indeed it is that the Thai government are cracking down on criminals such as yourself. You stay here for years on end on tourist visas when you're not really a tourist - excellent that lawbreaking scum won't be allowed to stay here, isn't it?

Or is that kind of thing OK because it's you doing it? Well in that case, people in glass houses...

Also BTW, 'working hard' in some office in the west isn't anything to be proud about.

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What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

So how are you contributing? It it sounds like she is contributing but your a long way off from doing it. Gambling is a losers job and just for a few dollars a hour, its a mugs game. I had a relative that was a Roulette junkie and it busted him; three houses and a marriage later but he still thinks he has the 'game' sussed.

Your the reason why people like myself that do not work in Thailand, bring in good money (independently wealthy from working hard once) to the country but because I am under 50, will be screwed under by the latest Visa crack down to stop people like you from stuffing it up. It is you, these self professed 'on-line gamblers' that have nothing to offer Thailand, living from day to day that has brought the wrath of these new rules down upon us and have made it harder on my life.

I can, now see why after reading that blog, why the current Government is taking such a stand.

I contribute my fair share of the rent, bills and day to day living expenses like food and toiletries. By that I mean, I pay half and she pays half. Nothing unfair about that.

Poker is completely different to roulette as roulette is impossible to beat no matter what your 'strategy' is. Your relative is a moron. Poker is more akin to something like day trading, where those with the most knowledge profit in the end, though anyone can have losing days.

Since you're taking the high and mighty stance, I think I'll take this opportunity to point out just how wonderful indeed it is that the Thai government are cracking down on criminals such as yourself. You stay here for years on end on tourist visas when you're not really a tourist - excellent that lawbreaking scum won't be allowed to stay here, isn't it?

Or is that kind of thing OK because it's you doing it? Well in that case, people in glass houses...

Also BTW, 'working hard' in some office in the west isn't anything to be proud about.

I am laughing my guts out - you calling my relative a moron when you are just as addicted as what he was to gambling. You say you play 4000 hands a day at a profit of maybe $3.50 a hour. LOL....... your Thai girlfriend is paying your way here and without here, you would be lost. IT is laughable to think you will be on a winning streak all the time as that is impossible and when you have a bad streak (and you will), will it be your GF that covers the food and rent cost that week. I can understand why your GF gets angry when you still are playing when she gets home as if your were successful in a proper job, you would not be looking for pennies every hour.

No, I am a Tourist. My partner and I travel around Asia and it is not limited to Visa runs. Trips back to my country (yearly with my partner twice) have been included during the last 8 years of my tripping around here in South East Asia and I certainly have put in a lot more then a $300 a month out into the community and I am not working. My partner runs a very successful business and if it was not for the fact that trans-gender people cannot have a 'recognized' marriage, I would have been 'legal' here a long time ago. As for working in the West, it is no different to working anywhere; BTW since you bought it up, I worked in the Mines, not in a office but later in my life, it was in a office the higher I became in the field. You know, hard work, not gamblers luck that gets you anywhere ....

No, it is okay for you to live the way you are but your just a gambler (like so many I have met in my life) and that being said, that is the game of cards your just going to have to play but it is people like yourself, skirting the edge of the law here living off the smell of a oily rag, that gives a bad name. I hope you have a paid ticket home next year and that you will not be forced onto 'overstay' as the Embassy's do not pay your way home.

Edited by totally thaied up
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Anyone who think day trading has any viability is beyond reproach! If you think you can compete with Goldman Sachs and the like................oh well.

The problem is the girl...what is she thinking. She can do better! Unless she looks like what i think she looks like..............hahahaha.

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When I was single, 2011 to 2013, at 63, I was living in 300 thb/month. How???

1) Renting a small furnished single new house with a beautiful garden close to Phayao, inside a gated community with clubhouse, 3 pools, and security, paying less than $100 thb/month, including gardener, and rarely using the AC. Free 3BB internet for free online dating, and one time paid PSI cable TV for few English channels.

2) Cooking for myself most of the times buying fresh food at the local street market. I do not smoke, no drink alcohol, not interested in bar life or costly women. Healthy and fit...even if I like to eat a lot. Thai food is yummy....my cooking too.

3) Using a motorbike for transportation around, using bus to visit my girl friends in other cities, staying in their homes or cheap hotels for the weekend, and doing that at least 2 weekends/month. Rarely will eat in expensive restaurants. Out the home, eating most of the times in Big C food courts or on street stands. Using 20 thb songtel for transportation, and walking and bicycling a lot for exercise.

4) Because my pension is a little over that, I even saved some to travel 2 times visiting girl friends out Thailand, in Philippines and Indonesia. Some still my friends in Facebook.....

5) No savings in my bank account, no enough income for retirement, no health insurance. I am an US citizen and my Consulate is "helping me" to keep my annual extension. Very good friends in the local immigration office too.

In 2013, I got married, finally happy with the right one, after dating more than 40 nice women I met online in just 2 1/2 years.

Now, I live in my wife's house, working together. My income improved and I spend more than $300/month, about $700. Our car likes to "drink".....and my wife likes to travel around and shop in malls sometimes.

Broke??? That is what having a very peaceful, interesting, and healthy life in Thailand for the last 5 years is called? Good to know...

I still "broke".


This is complete BS

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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What went so badly wrong in your life you thought it'd be a good idea to chop your penis off?

Because that's like 100x more crazy than working for $3.50 an hour online.

No mate, not me.... I am with a Transgender Thai and we are not sponging off the system on $300 a month

What 'system' would that be then?

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Was wondering the op...imagining a fat unsociable nomad in Nana. Viewing Thailand from that one perspective...thus another idiot left to find, "how to live poor & still be happy".

I dont think Grinder is a happy man. He is leaving LOS to go to work a REAL job. He just might be growing up.

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Was wondering the op...imagining a fat unsociable nomad in Nana. Viewing Thailand from that one perspective...thus another idiot left to find, "how to live poor & still be happy".

I dont think Grinder is a happy man. He is leaving LOS to go to work a REAL job. He just might be growing up.

just about says it all

$300 a month is not an option unless your forced into it

Edited by fey
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What went so badly wrong in your life you thought it'd be a good idea to chop your penis off?

Because that's like 100x more crazy than working for $3.50 an hour online.

No mate, not me.... I am with a Transgender Thai and we are not sponging off the system on $300 a month

What 'system' would that be then?

A system of writing a lifestyle blog for down an out gambler's; "How to sponge off a Thai girl, using her resources an know how in how to live in Thailand for $300 a month" because you sure could not do it without her help! ... you would be up a creek...

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