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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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You are right about the air-con, I haven't had it in my house for 3 months now and I am well used to it.

Can I make a suggestion?

Why not become a teacher for one year on a 40,000 baht salary. Save 29,000 x 12 and reinvest it back into the poker? $350 is not the bankroll of a professional full time player, surely you must know that? Something is going to go wrong in your life and you are not going to have a single baht to your name to fix the problem, you could get sick, need to go back home, girlfriend needs to buy something urgently etc.

Anyway if you are happy, good for you and best of luck in the future but why not even work on the weekends at a language school for some extra cash?

I have an alternator that I pedal to run my fan and the lights, it's great. It's like having a gym membership that pays me.

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"but it always amazes me why people choose to live such a life in a third world country"

What REALLY amaze me is why on earth do people from the first world ever step on the third world's soil.

Did YOU ever think about THAT?

It amazes me that anyone is ever amazed by anything.

I've seen it all.

I live in 5-star country and go to 7th world country, and back...

you have no idea...

5-star country vs 7th world country

Which is better?

The star ratings or the th ratings?


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What i find impossible is the part about the Thai gf.

They usually do everything for a reason and always has to be some motivation/benefit from staying with a farang.

that she is hanging around him for absolutely no gain, and also the indignity (from a thai perspective anyway ) of having to pay half the expenses while doing so..

well, to me it is like a big neon sign spelling BullsHlT

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I'm sorry to point this out...but if your 'girlfriend' or 'wife' is only with you for money, you don't have a girlfriend, you have a live-in whore.

Don't see why you find it so impossible to believe a Thai girl (or any girl) could stay with a guy because they like each other, really.

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I'm sorry to point this out...but if your 'girlfriend' or 'wife' is only with you for money, you don't have a girlfriend, you have a live-in whore.

Don't see why you find it so impossible to believe a Thai girl (or any girl) could stay with a guy because they like each other, really.

Hahahah ain't that a fact ! But to be (I live in the USA ) honest the biggest whores I have ever met have been here ! Get into a conversation with an American woman and the first question is what do you do (effectively how much do you earn) ? My wife and I have been married 9 years ,have both worked and shared the bills throughout . That's called a relationship not an employee .

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Most Thais are living on $300 a month and they would not call their life "miserable"..

Of course I "need" more for my life to be comfortable, but each to their own

id like to meet these most thais, they dont sem to be the ones i encounter


You are welcome to meet my MiL and her neighbors any time you like, her income is 3,500bht/month.

Which makes her the wealthiest Thai in her village (near Lomsak).

id have to pass on that, but thanks.

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What i find impossible is the part about the Thai gf.

They usually do everything for a reason and always has to be some motivation/benefit from staying with a farang.

that she is hanging around him for absolutely no gain, and also the indignity (from a thai perspective anyway ) of having to pay half the expenses while doing so..

well, to me it is like a big neon sign spelling BullsHlT

Your attitude just reflects your experience in life.

As time goes on, you might change.

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What i find impossible is the part about the Thai gf.

They usually do everything for a reason and always has to be some motivation/benefit from staying with a farang.

that she is hanging around him for absolutely no gain, and also the indignity (from a thai perspective anyway ) of having to pay half the expenses while doing so..

well, to me it is like a big neon sign spelling BullsHlT

The guy writing the explanation and rundown of expenses isnt the same as the FARANGABROAD dude.

The FArang ABRoad guy is a party animal. He isnt the type who stays @ home. He isnt a homebody!

Edited by Nomyai
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Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

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If a farang's going to live on such a low income, Thailand is the place to do it.


India would stretch your money much further.

Mmmmm. Would it? The things you'd buy might be a little bit cheaper, but what price do you put on personal safety and civil order? Thailand is by far and away the most civilised poor place I've ever seen. I'd be surprised if there's anywhere so safe and so cheap. Once you've created "involvement" - women, business or drinking buddies - then it might be different, but in terms of bimbling about in safety would you honestly say that India compares? India's like Eastern Turkey: s*** happens out of nowhere.

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accommodation is shit but much better than in Africa , monks live like this guy and are happy. less cleaning, ... why you need a big house anyway? to show off or make feel yourself a successful farang businessman? . that don't impress me much. we all know your success come from a mega ponzi scheme and your fat cheque one day will not come so my suggestion is get ready to live like a thai, because maybe one day you won't have even this privileges to have a room for your self.

we have been spoiled.

How many times you been to Africa VIP ? seeing as your such an expert ?....the best "hotel" in world was won 4 years on trot by a bush camp in Africa...and the nightly cost run between USD 2k and 8k a night...;) Edited by Soutpeel
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Soutpeel has such a quaint way with words when he catches the b s, braggets, etc. I think he and I have similar work back grounds (oil field) thus our work gave us both avenue for world wide travel, meeting multibillionairs owners, independent cowboy oileys,, swampers roughneks, engineers, etc as well as a collection of con men/artists and a few outright thieves.

As i an retired i read TV just to see how many repeat stories i hear that i heard in my working life are still being told. I have come to pete and repete quite often and there must be some people 150 old years to have had the experiences, travel, women, etc they profess to have had

I try to avoid argumentive and debatable topics as I like to see a mans face to determine if i believe if he is telling the truth. But i do enjoy seeing the ones stretching the truth caught out and told so.

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Soutpeel has such a quaint way with words when he catches the b s, braggets, etc. I think he and I have similar work back grounds (oil field) thus our work gave us both avenue for world wide travel, meeting multibillionairs owners, independent cowboy oileys,, swampers roughneks, engineers, etc as well as a collection of con men/artists and a few outright thieves.

As i an retired i read TV just to see how many repeat stories i hear that i heard in my working life are still being told. I have come to pete and repete quite often and there must be some people 150 old years to have had the experiences, travel, women, etc they profess to have had

I try to avoid argumentive and debatable topics as I like to see a mans face to determine if i believe if he is telling the truth. But i do enjoy seeing the ones stretching the truth caught out and told so.

I deal with far more capable bs'ers/ braggets in my day job, far better than any on TV who for the most part are rank amateurs at best, who have a tendancy to believe their own BS and are very easy spot indeed.

We do have similar backgrounds in O&G ...;)

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We do have similar backgrounds in O&G ...wink.png

....and as we all know, dropping equipment down a bore and running software pretty much makes a person an expert on everything. clap2.gif

[i love geophysicists. They make geologists look like figures from the renaissancelaugh.png ]

That maybe true, i dont know as i dont drop equipment down a bore and run software....;)

but nice try anyway, obviously a lot of things you dont know :o

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For some apparent reason I would guess master craig fancies himself a wannabe '' top dog'' commonly said to not know ''come here from sic--em'' by those who know and experienced of what they covey to others.

My take he is one of those "teacher" types full of their own impotance, who came to Thailand and found he is not up the dung heap as fair as he thought or expected to be

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For some apparent reason I would guess master craig fancies himself a wannabe '' top dog'' commonly said to not know ''come here from sic--em'' by those who know and experienced of what they covey to others.

My take he is one of those "teacher" types full of their own impotance, who came to Thailand and found he is not up the dung heap as fair as he thought or expected to be

I thought "impoatance" was a joke - "full of his own impotence [sic]", but then I see "...as fair.." rather than "...as far..." so I'm guessing there's just a lack of attention to detail.

And no, I don't want to be top dog, but I do enjoy attacking the pretensions of those who think they already are. smile.png

(Top tip - the top "dog" is usually a complete bitch, boom boom].

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Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

Jspill posts on a poker forum where I've made a thread about my situation - in that thread I explained I have a job lined up for Sep 2016, which is why I'm going home then.

If you mean 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' as in 'leave her living in the same place and doing the same stuff as she previously was before I came to Thailand', then yes. I won't be sending her money back from the UK or anything. I know you might find that absolutely shocking, since the only time you're ever getting any attention from a Thai girl is when you stick 1000 baht in their pocket, but it's not like that for all of us! I've got no plans to break up with her though when I go back to the UK, we'll have to see if we can carry on a long distance relationship. I've been with her for a year, and a lot of that time I haven't been in Thailand, so it certainly is possible.

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Hey all, I'm the guy who was interviewed. Just clearing up a couple of things...



It's true there's not much in reserve for downswings, but at the time of writing I've got $350 online, which is 35 buyins at the stakes I play - this would typically be seen as adequate by most players at $10 buyin games. I'm hoping I can grow this figure over the next few months, naturally.

I think its best you go home to marry the lovely Indian girl your parents have lined up for you............hahahaha!

Jspill writes -He's not doing this long term, just a few months then back home to start a job.

Why does Jspill say you going back home? something not adding up. I call troll.

Are you going to leave the Thai girl up a creek without a paddle?

Jspill posts on a poker forum where I've made a thread about my situation - in that thread I explained I have a job lined up for Sep 2016, which is why I'm going home then.

If you mean 'leave her up a creek without a paddle' as in 'leave her living in the same place and doing the same stuff as she previously was before I came to Thailand',

So your gf was gainfully employed as a beverage worker? And now she plays HOUSEWIFE? The math just doesnt add up.

Its just silly to claim $300 is a fair amount to live in Thailand.

Edited by Nomyai
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Now will op step up or continue to be a little immature person he has been.

Will he tell his bartender gf that he is leaving in less that a year or will he keep it quiet till aug 30. The thing at stake is hes getting it FREE now.................hahahaha.

A lot of lesson to be learned from this guy.

Young immature, bad decision making, little money, mix in many bartender types femails==========another guy who couldnt hack 3rd world country and its backwardation type residents. Thailand isnt for the faint hearted!

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