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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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3 November, 2015 at 10:36 am

Excellent article and replies , I lived in Thailand 15 yrs. going from a 3 bed house with a pool and jacuzzi to my own built house in Korat then into a small room ( $100 a month ) life can be great out there , learning Thai is easier when u live with Thais. This guy has a room has food and constant sex what more do u want in life. I know many people in the uk who don’t have this , especially the sex.

100% agree on these master-Tootwai2.gifthumbsup.gif
I'm also planning some kind of low cost life too. but playing poker is really not a good idea. One mistake and you're gone ..
so im in years I dedicate it to think of some way than to have some income in Thailand...

Live on nothing in the West and squirrel away every penny, investing in income producing assets. If you're investing regularly you "pound cost average" - buying more shares when prices are low - and even doing loads of hours on a minimum wage job means that you can save £500 ($800) a month (if you're single). By reinvesting dividends you'll have (say) £50,000 in seven years (or less) and that'll kick out (say) £2,500 a year. That's 10,000 baht a month, so while the arse might be out of your trousers your belly will always be playing host to a bag of rice and chicken laugh.png

Joking aside, the guys who want to shlepp about doing their own thing really need to think about the benefits of suffering a little bit in order to generate that security blanket. Diminishing marginal utility - the fact that products get better at a reducing rate as you spend more - means that the first bit of dough always matters more than the next bit. £200 a month in the North East is roof, food, gym, basic in-patient cover and half a dozen treats a month. I've been a frugal Dougal for a long time, so I'm not actually up against it, but I think if people who hate being stressed out and frozen stiff in northern Europe thought about it they'd arrange some passive hard-currency income, and it's easier than you'd think.

Edited by Craig krup
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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

nothing easy about being broke. its a tough situation, but one every man should experience once in life.

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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

nothing easy about being broke. its a tough situation, but one every man should experience once in life.

I disagree. Why should every man experience being broke once in his life?

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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

nothing easy about being broke. its a tough situation, but one every man should experience once in life.

I disagree. Why should every man experience being broke once in his life?

To know the feeling and then acting on it.

If I'm reading between his lines, then it reinforces positive action to get into the green and plan accordingly so as to never get in that predicament again.

I had the option to ask for help twice but never did. I'm financially secure now, but knowing the experience of having nothing drove me harder to succeed.

In experiencing hardship, I learnt my decision making impacted my future.

I'm a better person for it.

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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

Being broke and old in LOS is not to be recommended, because it will invariably mean you made poor life choices and are alone.

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I was broke twice in my twenties. I'm early 40's now and yes, I wouldn't want to be old and broke in this country.

It's why many head for the high balconies.

The OP is young and has a job set up for next year.

As long as he plans and makes good financial decisions when he returns to the UK he will undoubted be okay.....much better than many an older gent here.

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Being broke and old in LOS is not to be recommended, because it will invariably mean you made poor life choices and are alone.

Often, maybe, but not invariably. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than being broke and alone is being broke and forced to tolerate somebody I can't be bothered with and who sets my teeth on edge. Bill Bryson is getting old now. He published a book - title escapes me - where he returned to all his old haunts: places In Europe he'd visited in his late teens. There's a brilliant description of the stock figure he saw. Italy and the entire Med region was full of men being dragged around by mad burst-couch women chuntering on about where they left their comb and when they could buy a pair of tights, while the trapped men looked longingly at tawny-skinned goddesses tormenting the local Lotharios on their scooters.

Alone's better than stuck with rotting baggage. thumbsup.gif

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Being broke and old in LOS is not to be recommended, because it will invariably mean you made poor life choices and are alone.

That's me youre talking about though I have no problem accepting reality. Do I have any other choice; methings not.

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I question his choice of a career as an online poker player. The good ones are making well in excess of $300 a month. When I'm next in his vicinity I'd love to sit down a play with him and relieve him of a few months salary

definately dont want to take those poker skills into real life either in thailand or the phillippines. recipe for disaster.

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Being broke in LOS. I can't think of anything worse.

I would high-tail it back to my own country ASAP.

I'd rather be broke in los traveling around than slaving away at a job i farangland for 50 hours a week. A lot of people would envy him. He's got it easy and he's traveling the world.

nothing easy about being broke. its a tough situation, but one every man should experience once in life.

I disagree. Why should every man experience being broke once in his life?

because you havent really lived, unless youve been broke at least once in life

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I question his choice of a career as an online poker player. The good ones are making well in excess of $300 a month. When I'm next in his vicinity I'd love to sit down a play with him and relieve him of a few months salary

he's barely making 2$ an hour

Tons of poker players have taught their thai girlfriend to make more than that. He makes fun of teachers but he works twice as much as them and makes 3x less

He's stated on other forums that his only fun is 1-2hrs he spends "wasting" on forums. He can't afford anything because of money/time(as hes playing all day)

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Being broke and old in LOS is not to be recommended, because it will invariably mean you made poor life choices and are alone.

Often, maybe, but not invariably. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than being broke and alone is being broke and forced to tolerate somebody I can't be bothered with and who sets my teeth on edge. Bill Bryson is getting old now. He published a book - title escapes me - where he returned to all his old haunts: places In Europe he'd visited in his late teens. There's a brilliant description of the stock figure he saw. Italy and the entire Med region was full of men being dragged around by mad burst-couch women chuntering on about where they left their comb and when they could buy a pair of tights, while the trapped men looked longingly at tawny-skinned goddesses tormenting the local Lotharios on their scooters.

Alone's better than stuck with rotting baggage. thumbsup.gif

You don't have to go to Italy to find sad married foreigners just walk around your provincial tesco..

It comes down to making the right choice, here or anywhere..

But your point is valid.

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Being broke and old in LOS is not to be recommended, because it will invariably mean you made poor life choices and are alone.

That's me youre talking about though I have no problem accepting reality. Do I have any other choice; methings not.

As long as you are reasonably content.

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I question his choice of a career as an online poker player. The good ones are making well in excess of $300 a month. When I'm next in his vicinity I'd love to sit down a play with him and relieve him of a few months salary

he's barely making 2$ an hour

Tons of poker players have taught their thai girlfriend to make more than that. He makes fun of teachers but he works twice as much as them and makes 3x less

He's stated on other forums that his only fun is 1-2hrs he spends "wasting" on forums. He can't afford anything because of money/time(as hes playing all day)

Here's the thing - teaching in Thailand absolutely sucks balls. Wearing a shirt and tie in this heat. Having to stand there for flag duty. Having to wake up and go to work at 7.30am. And most importantly, having to actually stand in a room full of 50 kids every day.

Definitely I'd rather earn 3x less and not have to do that.

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Being broke. You can have that on ya own, mate. Not for me.

Heaven forbid being broke ... No one to love you when you have nothing to offer . Isn't that a sad reality ? The problem with many expats and their relationships is they are built on the foundations of a wallet . What will you do if social security or your pensions stop paying out ? No money no honey remember ?
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Being broke. You can have that on ya own, mate. Not for me.

Heaven forbid being broke ... No one to love you when you have nothing to offer . Isn't that a sad reality ? The problem with many expats and their relationships is they are built on the foundations of a wallet . What will you do if social security or your pensions stop paying out ? No money no honey remember ?

No S/S or pension for me.

Wifey & family have promised to support me. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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Being broke. You can have that on ya own, mate. Not for me.

Heaven forbid being broke ... No one to love you when you have nothing to offer . Isn't that a sad reality ? The problem with many expats and their relationships is they are built on the foundations of a wallet . What will you do if social security or your pensions stop paying out ? No money no honey remember ?

Not sure it's possible for a UK pension to stop paying out.

If things were to get that bad, most of us would be dead anyway.

$300 a month isn't exactly broke.

I could live on that if I dumped the baggage.

Cycling doesn't cost all that much.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Wearing a shirt & tie at a desk in a clean , air conditioned room helping to shape young minds as opposed to laying around a sh*t-hole fan room in your underwear playing on a computer.

Sitting at the computer in your underwear is better and it's not even remotely close.

It all going to suck balls unless you have income from abroad. That's why it's cheaper here, it sucks balls.

That's why you need to get your finances in order before you get here.

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I don't see how sitting in a non-ac room with no view beats meating people and being part of society for less hours/more money

You're basically saying that this fits you because you hate yourself, cant communicate with people and only came here to get someone to sleep with you.

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Wearing a shirt & tie at a desk in a clean , air conditioned room helping to shape young minds as opposed to laying around a sh*t-hole fan room in your underwear playing on a computer.

Sitting at the computer in your underwear is better and it's not even remotely close.

It all going to suck balls unless you have income from abroad. That's why it's cheaper here, it sucks balls.

That's why you need to get your finances in order before you get here.

Have to agree with this one.

With no money, what is the sense?

You have to be crazy to think you can have a fulfilling life in Thailand for $300 a month.

It seems down right crazy some one would live live a caveman in this day and age just to have sex once in a while?

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Wearing a shirt & tie at a desk in a clean , air conditioned room helping to shape young minds as opposed to laying around a sh*t-hole fan room in your underwear playing on a computer.

Sitting at the computer in your underwear is better and it's not even remotely close.

It all going to suck balls unless you have income from abroad. That's why it's cheaper here, it sucks balls.

That's why you need to get your finances in order before you get here.

Have to agree with this one.

With no money, what is the sense?

You have to be crazy to think you can have a fulfilling life in Thailand for $300 a month.

It seems down right crazy some one would live live a caveman in this day and age just to have sex once in a while?

The options are no money here or no money back home (plus having to live with family).

I've got a perfectly fulfilling life. For a start I'm free, unlike some ESL hack who has to sign in at the office at 7:30am wearing his shirt and tie. Not having to answer to any higher authority goes a great deal towards improving your quality of life and simply cannot be measured in monetary terms.

Plenty of nice things you can do here that don't cost a lot. Go to the park, rent one of those mats for 20 baht for a day, then sit by the lake with the gf listening to music. On Wednesdays, there's half price tickets at the cinema - so only 100-120 baht each. Saturday nights, you can predrink in your room (you know, just like you'd do back home) then buy one drink at a nightclub.

More money would be great of course, but no way would I ever become a teacher slave to get it. I'd honestly rather go back to the UK than work a Monday-Friday job over here for $1,000 a month.

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